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; Translated by : Anatoly Svishev (stolik@mail.ru) ; and Alex Mart (alex_mart@mail.ru) ; ; Note for the translators : ; Please keep the original names for the games ! ; And translate only the text after the "=". Thanks ! ; If you have problems with some text, try to ; find out what it stands for in the game, and if you ; cant find a translation, please ask me ! ; You can test your work directly in Kyodai 8.x by ; launching the program. Please make sure the texts' size ; is relatively consistent (no line of 500 characters ;)) ; Thank you for your effort. Bye !!! [Translations] ; We start with the menu... Kyodai.File1.Caption = ═εΓα ... Kyodai.LastPlayedGame1.Caption = ╧εΓ≥ε≡Φ≥ⁿ Φπ≡≤ Kyodai.RandomSolitaireGame1.Caption = Solitaire (╤δ≤≈αΘφ√Θ) Kyodai.NewSpecificGame1.Caption = Solitaire (╬∩≡σΣσδσφφ√Θ) Kyodai.MahJonggSolitaire2PlayerSingleComputer1.Caption = Solitaire (φα 2⌡ Φπ≡εΩεΓ) Kyodai.NewArcadeMahjonggGame1.Caption = Rivers Kyodai.MahJonggRiversNewGameHard1.Caption = Rivers (╥≡≤Σφ√Θ) Kyodai.MahJonggMemoryNewGame1.Caption = Memory Kyodai.MahJonggMemoryNewGameHard1.Caption = Memory (╥≡≤Σφ√Θ) Kyodai.MahJonggClicks1.Caption = Clicks Kyodai.MahJonggClicksNormal1.Caption = Clicks (═ε≡∞αδⁿφ√Θ) Kyodai.MahJonggClicksHard1.Caption = Clicks (╥≡≤Σφ√Θ) Kyodai.MahJonggSlider1.Caption = Lines (Slider) Kyodai.MahJonggSliderHard1.Caption = Lines (╥≡≤Σφ√Θ) Kyodai.MahJonggColumns.Caption = ╓Γσ≥φεΘ ╥σ≥≡Φ± (Hashira) Kyodai.Exit1.Caption = ┬√⌡εΣ Kyodai.Play1.Caption = ╚π≡α Kyodai.Undo1.Caption = ═αταΣ Kyodai.GiveHint.Caption = ╧εΣ±ΩατΩα Kyodai.Pause1.Caption = ╧α≤τα Kyodai.Shuffle1.Caption = ╧σ≡σ∞σ°α≥ⁿ Kyodai.Stoppe.Caption = ╬±≥αφεΓΦ≥ⁿ± Kyodai.Restart1.Caption = ╧σ≡σΦπ≡α≥ⁿ Kyodai.Changeplayername.Caption = ╚∞ Φπ≡εΩα Kyodai.Vertical.Caption = ┬σ≡≥ΦΩαδⁿφα Γα≡Φα÷Φ Kyodai.Options1.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ... Kyodai.Invert.Caption = ╧σ≡σΓσ≡φ≤≥ⁿ Kyodai.CoolMenu1.Caption = ╤≥Φδⁿφεσ ╠σφ■ Kyodai.CoolMouse.Caption = ╙Ωατα≥σδⁿ ∞√°Φ - ≡≤Ωα Kyodai.CoolToolbar.Caption = ╘εφ ╧αφσδΦ Φφ±≥≡≤∞σφ≥εΓ Kyodai.FlatButtons.Caption = ╤≥Φδⁿφ√σ ╩φε∩ΩΦ Kyodai.CoolStatus.Caption = ╙δ≤≈°σφφα ╧αφσδⁿ ±ε±≥ε φΦ Kyodai.ViewAllLayouts.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ Γ±σ ╨α±ΩδαΣΩΦ Kyodai.ShowFave.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ≥εδⁿΩε δ≤≈°Φσ ╨α±ΩδαΣΩΦ Kyodai.ShowTime.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ, ±ΩεδⁿΩε ε±≥αδε±ⁿ Γ≡σ∞σφΦ Kyodai.Moves.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ, ±ΩεδⁿΩε ε±≥αδε±ⁿ ⌡εΣεΓ Kyodai.ShowNext.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ±δσΣ≤■∙Φσ ⌠Φ°ΩΦ Kyodai.ShowHallFame.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ├αδσ≡σ■ ±δαΓ√ Kyodai.ShowTitle.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ╧αφσδⁿ ±≥α≥≤±α Kyodai.ShowGirls.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ─σΓ≤°σΩ Kyodai.Toolbar1.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ╧αφσδⁿ ± Ωφε∩Ωα∞Φ Kyodai.HightlightMode1.Caption = ╧εΣ±Γσ≥Ωα Kyodai.Highlight1.Caption = ═σ≥ Kyodai.Highlight2.Caption = ╩≡α±φ√Θ ∩≡ ∞ε≤πεδⁿφΦΩ Kyodai.Highlight4.Caption = ╟σδσφ√Θ ∩≡ ∞ε≤πεδⁿφΦΩ Kyodai.Highlight5.Caption = ╤ΦφΦΘ ∩≡ ∞ε≤πεδⁿφΦΩ Kyodai.Highlight3.Caption = ╧εΣ÷Γσ≈σφα ⌠Φ°Ωα Kyodai.HighlightSlider.Caption = ╧εΣ±Γσ≈ΦΓα≥ⁿ Lines (Slider) Kyodai.ShowCurrentTile.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ≥σΩ≤∙≤■ ⌠Φ°Ω≤ Kyodai.OnlyPossibleMoves.Caption = ╥εδⁿΩε Γετ∞εµφ√σ ⌡εΣ√ Kyodai.Config.Caption = ╩εφ⌠Φπ≤≡α÷Φ Kyodai.Winnable.Caption = ╨σ°ασ∞√σ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩΦ (ΩαΩ ∞ΦφΦ∞≤∞ εΣφΦ∞ ±∩ε±εßε∞) Kyodai.Shuffable.Caption = ╨σ°ασ∞√σ .. ∩ε±δσ ∩σ≡σ∞σ°ΦΓαφΦ Kyodai.EnableHall.Caption = ╨ατ≡σ°Φ≥ⁿ τα∩Φ±ⁿ Γ≡σ∞σφΦ Γ ├αδσ≡σ■ ╤δαΓ√ Kyodai.Shadows.Caption = ╨ατ≡σ°Φ≥ⁿ 3D ≥σφΦ φα ⌠Φ°Ωα⌡ Kyodai.GoCheckPause.Caption = ╧α≤τα, ∩≡Φ ∩ε≥σ≡σ ⌠εΩ≤±α Kyodai.StartupGame.Caption = ═α≈Φφα≥ⁿ Φπ≡≤ ∩≡ ∞ε ±ε ±≥α≡≥α Kyodai.CoolBackground.Caption = ▌⌠⌠σΩ≥ π≡αΣΦσφ≥α ∩≡Φ εΣφε÷Γσ≥φε∞ ⌠εφσ Kyodai.ShowRomanized.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ╓Φ⌠≡√ Φ ┴≤ΩΓ√ φα ⌠Φ°Ωα⌡ Kyodai.StretchBackground.Caption = ╨α±≥ φ≤≥ⁿ ╘εφ Kyodai.StartMusic.Caption = ╧≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥ⁿ ∞≤τ√Ω≤ ±ε ±≥α≡≥α Kyodai.EnableMOD.Caption = ╨ατ≡σ°Φ≥ⁿ ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥ⁿ MOD'√ Kyodai.PlaySounds.Caption = ╧≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥ⁿ ∞≤τ√Ωαδⁿφ√σ ²⌠⌠σΩ≥√ Kyodai.PlayMusic.Caption = ╚π≡α≥ⁿ ∞≤τ√Ω≤ Kyodai.Animations1.Caption = └φΦ∞α÷Φ Kyodai.AnimatePause.Caption = └φΦ∞Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ²Ω≡αφ√ Kyodai.Animate.Caption = └φΦ∞Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ∩ε±≥≡εσφΦσ ─ε±ΩΦ Kyodai.AnimateTiles.Caption = └φΦ∞Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ╘Φ°ΩΦ Γ Solitaire (2D) Kyodai.AnimateTileRivers.Caption = └φΦ∞Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ "≥σ≈σφΦσ" ╘Φ°σΩ Γ Rivers Kyodai.AnimateClicks.Caption = └φΦ∞Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ε∩αΣσφΦ Γ Clicks Kyodai.AnimateSlider.Caption = └φΦ∞Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ±ΩεδⁿµσφΦ Γ Lines Kyodai.AnimateNext.Caption = └φΦ∞Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ∩ε ΓδσφΦ Γ Lines Kyodai.AnimateChain.Caption = └φΦ∞Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ÷σ∩φ≤■ ≡σαΩ÷Φ■ Γ ╥σ≥≡Φ±σ Kyodai.AnimateCursor.Caption = └φΦ∞Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ Ω≤≡±ε≡, ΩεπΣα φαµΦ∞α■≥ Kyodai.SlowFall.Caption = ═ε≡∞αδⁿφεσ ε∩αΣαφΦσ ≥≡ΦαΣ Γ ╥σ≥≡Φ±σ Kyodai.NormalFall.Caption = ┴√±≥≡εσ ε∩αΣαφΦσ ≥≡ΦαΣ Γ ╥σ≥≡Φ±σ Kyodai.FastFall.Caption = ╬≈σφⁿ ß√±≥≡εσ ε∩αΣαφΦσ ≥≡ΦαΣ Γ ╥σ≥≡Φ±σ Kyodai.Background.Caption = ╘εφ Kyodai.LoadBackground.Caption = ╟απ≡≤τΦ≥ⁿ ± ΣΦ±Ωα Kyodai.None1.Caption = ═σ≥ (εΣφε÷Γσ≥φ√Θ) Kyodai.Tileset.Caption = ╘Φ°ΩΦ Kyodai.Load1.Caption = ╟απ≡≤τΦ≥ⁿ ± ΣΦ±Ωα Kyodai.Layout1.Caption = ╨α±ΩδαΣΩΦ Kyodai.SelectLayout1.Caption = ┬√ß≡α≥ⁿ Kyodai.CreateLayout1.Caption = ╤ετΣα≥ⁿ φεΓ≤■ Kyodai.Editlayout1.Caption = ╨σΣαΩ≥Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ Kyodai.Music.Caption = ╠≤τ√Ωα Kyodai.RandomMusic.Caption = ╤δ≤≈αΘφ√Θ Γ√ßε≡ Kyodai.Help1.Caption = ╧ε∞ε∙ⁿ Kyodai.Contents1.Caption = ╤εΣσ≡µαφΦσ Kyodai.WhatsNew1.Caption = ╫≥ε φεΓεπε Kyodai.French1.Caption = ╧ε∞ε∙ⁿ φα ╘≡αφ÷≤τ±Ωε∞ Kyodai.ViewTiles1.Caption = ╧εΩατα≥ⁿ ╘Φ°ΩΦ Kyodai.Register1.Caption = ╨σπΦ±≥≡α÷Φ Kyodai.Halloffame1.Caption = ├αδσ≡σ ╤δαΓ√ Kyodai.About1.Caption = ╬ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞σ... Kyodai.SliderHard1.Caption = Lines (╥≡≤Σφ√Θ) Kyodai.AnimateBackgroundHashira.Caption = └φΦ∞Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ╘εφ Γ ╥σ≥≡Φ±σ Kyodai.Moveboard2.Caption = ─ΓΦπα≥ⁿ Σε±Ω≤ Γ Solitaire Kyodai.MenuLanguage.Caption = ▀τ√Ω ; -------------------------------------------------- ; Now we have the rest of the graphical elements.... ; -------------------------------------------------- Kyodai.LabelLayout.Caption = ═ατΓαφΦσ : Kyodai.Label30.Hint = ╩εδΦ≈σ±≥Γε ⌠Φ°σΩ Σεδµφε ΣσδΦ≥ⁿ± φα 4 Φ Σεδµφε ß√≥ⁿ φσ ßεδσσ 144 ⌠Φ°σΩ Kyodai.Label30.Caption = ┬±σπε Kyodai.Label3.Hint = ╙ Γα± Σεδµφε ß√≥ⁿ ∩ε Ω≡αΘφσΘ ∞σ≡σ 2 ±ΓεßεΣφ√σ "⌡εΣεΓ√σ" ⌠Φ°ΩΦ, ≈≥εß√ ±ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩ≤ Kyodai.Label3.Caption = ╒εΣεΓ√σ Kyodai.Label4.Hint = ╩εδΦ≈σ±≥Γε ⌠Φ°σΩ, Ωε≥ε≡√σ φ≤µφε σ∙σ ∩ε±≥αΓΦ≥ⁿ, ∩≡σµΣσ ≈σ∞ ±∞εµσ≥σ ±ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩ≤ Kyodai.Label4.Caption = ═≤µφε Kyodai.TilesLeftPanel.Caption = ╘Φ°ΩΦ Kyodai.MovesLeftPanel.Caption = ╒εΣ√ Kyodai.TimePanel.Caption = ┬≡σ∞ Kyodai.StatusPanel.Caption = ╤≥α≥≤± Kyodai.ExplorerButton1.Hint = ═εΓα Φπ≡α Kyodai.ExplorerButton1.Caption = ═εΓα Kyodai.ExplorerButton2.Hint = ┬σ≡φ≤≥ⁿ ⌡εΣ Kyodai.ExplorerButton2.Caption = ═αταΣ Kyodai.SetMusic.Hint = ┬Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ/Γ√Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ ∞≤τ√Ω≤ Kyodai.SetMusic.Caption = ╠≤τ√Ωα Kyodai.ExplorerButton3.Hint = ╧εΩατα≥ⁿ Γετ∞εµφ√σ ⌡εΣ√ Kyodai.ExplorerButton3.Caption = ╒Φφ≥ Kyodai.ShuffleButton.Hint = ╧σ≡σ∞σ°α≥ⁿ ⌠Φ°ΩΦ Kyodai.ShuffleButton.Caption = ╠σ°α≥ⁿ Kyodai.PauseButton.Hint = ╤Σσδα≥ⁿ ╧α≤τ≤ Kyodai.PauseButton.Caption = ╧α≤τα Kyodai.HelpButton.Hint = ╧ε∞ε∙ⁿ :) Kyodai.HelpButton.Caption = Help Kyodai.ExitButton.Hint = ╠εµσ≥, φσ φαΣε ?! :( Kyodai.ExitButton.Caption = ┬√⌡εΣ Kyodai.AboutButton.Hint = Naoki Haga :) Kyodai.AboutButton.Caption = ╚φ⌠ε .. Kyodai.HallFameButton.Hint = ╦≤≈°Φσ Φτ δ≤≈°Φ⌡ :) Kyodai.HallFameButton.Caption = ▌δΦ≥α Kyodai.LayoutButton.Hint = ┬√ß≡α≥ⁿ φεΓ≤■ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩ≤ Kyodai.LayoutButton.Caption = ┬√ß≡α≥ⁿ Kyodai.Label1.Caption = ─εß≡ε ∩εµαδεΓα≥ⁿ Γ Kyodai.Label2.Caption = Kyodai ! Kyodai.SpeedButton1.Hint = ╙ßΦ≡αΘ≥σ ∩α≡√ εΣΦφαΩεΓ√⌡ ±ΓεßεΣφ√⌡ (±ßεΩ≤) ⌠Φ°σΩ ! Kyodai.SpeedButton2.Hint = Rivers - ╤εσΣΦφΦ≥σ εΣΦφαΩεΓ√σ ⌠Φ°ΩΦ δε∞αφεΘ ± φσ ßεδσσ ≈σ∞ 2 ∩σ≡σπΦßα∞Φ! Kyodai.SpeedButton3.Hint = Memory - ╙ßΦ≡αΘ≥σ ∩α≡√ εΣΦφαΩεΓ√⌡ ⌠Φ°σΩ ! Kyodai.SpeedButton4.Hint = Clicks - ╙Σαδ Θ≥σ π≡≤∩∩√ εΣΦφαΩεΓ√⌡ ⌠Φ°σΩ ∙σδ≈Ωε∞ ! Kyodai.SpeedButton5.Hint = Lines(Slider) - ╧ε±≥αΓⁿ≥σ δΦφΦ■ Φτ εΣΦφαΩεΓ√⌡ ⌠Φ°σΩ, ∩σ≡σ∞σ∙α Φ⌡ ! Kyodai.SpeedButton6.Hint = Tetris(Hashira) - ╙ΣαδΦ≥σ Γ±σ δΦφΦΦ Φτ ≥≡σ⌡ Φ ßεδσσ ⌠Φ°σΩ εΣφεπε ÷Γσ≥α! Kyodai.Label7.Caption = ╬∩Φ±αφΦσ Φπ≡√... Kyodai.SameGameButton.Caption = ┼∙σ ≡ατ Γ ≥≤ µσ Φπ≡≤ ... Kyodai.BitBtn3.Caption = Rivers Kyodai.BitBtn4.Caption = ╥≡≤Σφ√Θ Rivers (144) Kyodai.BitBtn5.Caption = Memory Kyodai.BitBtn6.Caption = ╥≡≤Σφ√Θ Memory (60) Kyodai.BitBtn1.Caption = Solitaire Kyodai.BitBtn2.Caption = ═α 2-⌡ Φπ≡εΩεΓ Kyodai.BitBtn7.Caption = Clicks Kyodai.BitBtn10.Caption = ╥≡≤Σφε Kyodai.BitBtn13.Caption = ═ε≡∞α Kyodai.Column.Caption = ╥σ≥≡Φ± Kyodai.Slider.Caption = Slider Kyodai.StartLevel.Caption = ╙≡εΓσφⁿ ... Kyodai.SliderHard.Caption = ╥≡≤Σφ√Θ Kyodai.Label22.Caption = ╤δσΣ≤■∙Φσ Kyodai.Label23.Caption = ╬≈ΩΦ Kyodai.Label24.Caption = ╙ß≡αφε ⌠Φ°σΩ Kyodai.Label25.Caption = ╙≡εΓσφⁿ Kyodai.Editor1.Caption = ┬√⌡εΣ Kyodai.Saveandexit.Caption = ╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ Kyodai.Saveasandexit.Caption = ╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ ΩαΩ ... Kyodai.Cancel1.Caption = ╧ε∩≡εßεΓα≥ⁿ Kyodai.Cancel2.Caption = ┬√⌡εΣ Kyodai.MoveBoard1.Caption = ╤ΣΓΦφ≤≥ⁿ Σε±Ω≤ Kyodai.Movetoleft1.Caption = ╤ΣΓΦφ≤≥ⁿ ΓδσΓε < Kyodai.Movetoright1.Caption = ╤ΣΓΦφ≤≥ⁿ Γ∩≡αΓε > Kyodai.Movetotop1.Caption = ╤ΣΓΦφ≤≥ⁿ ΓΓσ≡⌡ /\ Kyodai.Movetobottom1.Caption = ╤ΣΓΦφ≤≥ⁿ ΓφΦτ \/ Kyodai.Redraw1.Caption = ╧σ≡σ≡Φ±εΓα≥ⁿ Kyodai.Back1.Caption = ═αταΣ Kyodai.Hint3.Caption = ╧εΣ±ΩατΩα Kyodai.Shuffle2.Caption = ╧σ≡σ∞σ°α≥ⁿ Kyodai.Pause2.Caption = ╧α≤τα Kyodai.Layout2.Caption = ╨α±ΩδαΣΩα Kyodai.Restart2.Caption = ╧σ≡σΦπ≡α≥ⁿ Kyodai.Stop1.Caption = ╬±≥αφεΓΦ≥ⁿ± Kyodai.StartatLevel11.Caption = ═α≈α≥ⁿ ± 1 ≤≡εΓφ Kyodai.StartatLevel21.Caption = ═α≈α≥ⁿ ±ε 2 ≤≡εΓφ Kyodai.StartatLevel31.Caption = ═α≈α≥ⁿ ± 3 ≤≡εΓφ Kyodai.StartatLevel41.Caption = ═α≈α≥ⁿ ± 4 ≤≡εΓφ Kyodai.StartatLevel51.Caption = ═α≈α≥ⁿ ± 5 ≤≡εΓφ Kyodai.StartatLevel61.Caption = ═α≈α≥ⁿ ± 6 ≤≡εΓφ Kyodai.StartatLevel71.Caption = ═α≈α≥ⁿ ± 7 ≤≡εΓφ Kyodai.StartatLevel81.Caption = ═α≈α≥ⁿ ± 8 ≤≡εΓφ Kyodai.StartatLevel91.Caption = ═α≈α≥ⁿ ± 9 ≤≡εΓφ Kyodai.StartatLevel101.Caption = ═α≈α≥ⁿ ± 10 ≤≡εΓφ ; ------------------------------------------------------ ; Now, the text within the other Kyodai windows......... ; ------------------------------------------------------ ; Registration Window RegForm.RegLabel1.Caption = ┬ΓσΣΦ≥σ Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ■ ε ±σßσ Φ φαµ∞Φ≥σ φα Ωφε∩Ω≤ "╨σπΦ±≥≡α÷Φ " RegForm.RegLabel2.Caption = ╚∞ ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδ RegForm.RegLabel3.Caption = (φα∩≡., Naoki Haga) RegForm.RegLabel4.Caption = ╧α≡εδⁿ RegForm.RegLabel5.Caption = (φα∩≡., 0123456789) RegForm.RegButton.Caption = ╨σπΦ±≥≡α÷Φ RegForm.Button1.Caption = ╬≥∞σφα RegForm.Label18.Caption = ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, φσ ταß≤Σⁿ≥σ τα≡σπΦ±≥≡Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ± ! RegForm.Label19.Caption = ╥εδⁿΩε ┬α°σ ≤≈α±≥Φσ ∩ε∞εµσ≥ ∞φσ ≡ατΓΦΓα≥ⁿ KYODAI Σδ ┬α± Φ Σαδⁿ°σ! RegForm.Label20.Caption = ╨σπΦ±≥≡α÷Φ ≤ßσ≡σ≥ Γ±σ ταφ≤Σφ√σ φα∩ε∞ΦφαφΦ Φ Σα±≥ ┬α∞ ∩≡αΓε φα ∩εµΦτφσφφ√σ ┴┼╤╧╦└╥═█┼ εßφεΓδσφΦ ... RegForm.Label1.Caption = ╟α≡σπΦ±≥≡Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ±σΘ≈α± φα GetSoftware.com ; Random Seed Window RandomWindow.RandomPanel.Caption = ╤δ≤≈αΘφ√Θ ═ε∞σ≡ RandomWindow.RandLabel1.Caption = ┬√ßσ≡Φ≥σ ε∩≡σΣσδσφφ√Θ φε∞σ≡ Φπ≡√ (ε≥ 1 Σε 999,999,999) RandomWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = ═εΓ√Θ ±δ≤≈αΘφ√Θ ═ε∞σ≡ RandomWindow.BitBtn3.Caption = ═εΓ√Θ ═ε∞σ≡ (0-9999) ; Help Window HelpForm.Help.Caption = ╧ε∞ε∙ⁿ HelpForm.Whatsnew.Caption = ═εΓεσ HelpForm.TabSheet3.Caption = ╤≥α≡εσ HelpForm.TabSheet2.Caption = ╧≡αΓΦδα HelpForm.SeeTiles.Caption = ╘Φ°ΩΦ HelpForm.MenuItems.Caption = ╧≤φΩ≥√ ╠σφ■ HelpForm.TabSheet1.Caption = ╧≡εßδσ∞√ HelpForm.French.Caption = Franτais HelpForm.SpeedButton1.Caption = ╬ß≡α≥φε Γ Kyodai HelpForm.BitBtn1.Caption = ╨α±∩σ≈α≥α≥ⁿ HallWindow.Label45.Caption = ┬√ßσ≡Φ≥σ ╨α±ΩδαΣΩ≤ Φτ ±∩Φ±Ωα. ╧≡Φ φαµα≥ΦΦ "╬≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ" Γ±σ ≡στ≤δⁿ≥α≥√ Σδ ΣαφφεΘ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩΦ ε≈Φ±≥ ≥± . ┼±δΦ Γ√ ±√π≡αδΦ Φ ∩ε∩αδΦ Γ ├αδσ≡σ■ ╤δαΓ√ - ┬√ Γ±σ σ∙σ ╠╬╞┼╥┼ Φτ∞σφΦ≥ⁿ ±Γεσ ╚∞ . HallWindow.BitBtn1.Caption = ─α HallWindow.PlayerPanel.Caption = ╚∞ Φπ≡εΩα HallWindow.ResetButton.Caption = ╬≈Φ±≥Φ≥ⁿ HallWindow.Label21.Caption = ╠σ±≥ε HallWindow.Label22.Caption = ╚∞ Φπ≡εΩα HallWindow.Label23.Caption = ┬≡σ∞ HallWindow.Label24.Caption = ╪≥≡α⌠ HallWindow.Label46.Caption = ─α≥α HallWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = ╟α∩≤±Ω GameOverForm.Label1.Caption = ╧ετΣ≡αΓδ σ∞ ! GameOverForm.Label2.Caption = ┬√ ταΩεφ≈ΦδΦ Φπ≡≤... GameOverForm.EnterFame.Caption = ┬√ ∩ε∩αδΦ Γ ├αδσ≡σ■ ╤δαΓ√ ! GameOverForm.FinalTime.Caption = ┬α°σ Γ≡σ∞ 00:00 GameOverForm.BitBtn1.Caption = ╤∩α±Φßε ┬α∞ ! ExtendedChoose.BitBtn1.Caption = ╬≥∞σφα ExtendedChoose.BitBtn2.Caption = <<╙∞σφⁿ°Φ≥ⁿ ChooseLayout.Label1.Caption = ╨α±ΩδαΣΩα: ChooseLayout.Label2.Caption = << ╦≤≈°Φσ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩΦ ChooseLayout.Label3.Caption = ▌≥ε ±∩Φ±εΩ ≡α±ΩδαΣεΩ, Ωε≥ε≡√σ ∩ε Γ ≥± Γ ±∩Φ±Ωσ Γ ∞σφ■ ╨α±ΩδαΣΩΦ. ┬√ ∞εµσ≥σ ΣεßαΓδ ≥ⁿ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩΦ, ∩≡ε±≥ε ∩σ≡σ≥α∙ΦΓ Φ⌡ Φτ Γσ≡⌡φσπε ±∩Φ±Ωα Γ φΦµφΦΘ. ╙ΣαδσφΦσ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩΦ ε±≤∙σ±≥Γδ σ≥± εß≡α≥φ√∞ ∩σ≡σφε±ε∞ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩΦ ... ChooseLayout.Label4.Caption = ╘Φ°ΩΦ : ChooseLayout.Label5.Caption = ╤ΓεßεΣφ√σ: ChooseLayout.BitBtn1.Caption = ╤√π≡α≥ⁿ ChooseLayout.BitBtn2.Caption = ╬≥∞σφα ChooseLayout.BitBtn3.Caption = ╨σΣαΩ≥ε≡ ChooseLayout.BitBtn4.Caption = ╤ετΣα≥ⁿ ChooseLayout.BitBtn5.Caption = ╨α±°Φ≡Φ≥ⁿ >> ChooseLayout.CheckBox1.Caption = ╧ε±∞ε≥≡σ≥ⁿ φα ≥σΩ≤∙σ∞ ╘εφσ AboutBox.BitBtn1.Caption = ─α AboutBox.Order.Caption = ╟αΩατα≥ⁿ ╧α≡εδⁿ AboutBox.BitBtn2.Caption = ╤≥α≥Φ±≥ΦΩα AboutBox.Copyright.Caption = └Γ≥ε≡ AboutBox.Comments.Caption = ╠≤τ√Ωαφ≥√ AboutBox.Label3.Caption = ┬√ ∞εµσ≥σ φαΘ≥Φ ∩ε±δσΣφ■■ Γσ≡±Φ■ KYODAI Φ ±ε≥φΦ ±≥≡αφΦ≈σΩ ε ∩εφ±ΩεΘ αφΦ∞α÷ΦΦ φα ∞εσ∞ ±αΘ≥σ : AboutBox.Label8.Caption = Rene-Gilles Deberdt (Naoki) AboutBox.Label9.Caption = Tanguy Matioszek (Tamura) AboutBox.Label11.Caption = Copyright ⌐ 1997-2000. All rights reserved. AboutBox.Label16.Caption = Helene the Asegard Muse τα ∞ε≡αδⁿφ≤■ ∩εΣΣσ≡µΩ≤, Γ±σ∞ ∞εΦ∞ ßσ≥α-≥σ±≥σ≡α∞... ╚ Ωεφσ≈φε, Γ±σ∞ ≥σ∞, Ω≥ε ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓασ≥ ΦδΦ ß≤Σσ≥ ∩εΣΣσ≡µΦΓα≥ⁿ Kyodai ! AboutBox.Label17.Caption = ╤∩α±Φßε AboutBox.Label2.Caption = Kyodai Website: AboutBox.Version.Caption = Naoki Haga's MahJongg Solitaire AboutBox.Label4.Caption = Cyber Namida --- AboutBox.Label6.Caption = Miguel Samiez AboutBox.Label27.Caption = Naoki :-) AboutBox.Label7.Caption = ─ΦταΘφσ≡ AboutBox.Label10.Caption = Zahara Medina ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Fourth part : New text... Listed (approximately) in addition order.... ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; addition Kyodai.StretchTileset.Caption = ╨α±≥ φ≤≥ⁿ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩ≤ φα Γσ±ⁿ ²Ω≡αφ Kyodai.LoadGame.Caption = ╟απ≡≤τΦ≥ⁿ Φπ≡≤ Kyodai.SaveGame.Caption = ╤ε⌡≡αφΦ≥ⁿ Φπ≡≤ Kyodai.AutoSave.Caption = ╨ατ≡σ°Φ≥ⁿ αΓ≥ε∞α≥Φ≈σ±Ωεσ ±ε⌡≡αφσφΦσ Kyodai.KeepRatio.Caption = ╙≈Φ≥√Γα≥ⁿ ∩≡ε∩ε≡÷ΦΦ ⌠Φ°σΩ HelpForm.Misc.Caption = ╨ατφεσ ... Kyodai.ChangeBorders.Caption = ╙±≥αφεΓΦ≥ⁿ ÷Γσ≥ ⌠Φ°ΩΦ ±ßεΩ≤ Kyodai.FullScreen.Caption = ╧εδφ√Θ ²Ω≡αφ Kyodai.Problems.Caption = ╧≡εßδσ∞√ ? Kyodai.SetMainFont.Caption = ╙±≥αφεΓΦ≥ⁿ ε±φεΓφεΘ °≡Φ⌠≥ Kyodai.TurtleFall.Caption = ╠σΣδσφφεσ ε∩αΣαφΦσ ≥≡ΦαΣ Γ ╥σ≥≡Φ±σ AboutBox.Tilesets.Caption = ╘Φ°ΩΦ ; v8.52 Kyodai.CoolBackgr.Caption = ╤≥Φδⁿφ√Θ ╘εφ Γ εΩφσ Kyodai.CoolBackground.Caption = ╙δ≤≈°σφφ√Θ ╘εφ Γ Φπ≡σ Kyodai.GradientTiles.Caption = ╩≡α±ΦΓ√Θ ßεΩ ≤ ⌠Φ°σΩ Kyodai.HighQuality.Caption = ┬√±εΩεΩα≈σ±≥Γσφφα ≡α±≥ µΩα ╘εφα (∞σΣδσφφα ) ; v8.75 - ChangeBorders has been modified. Kyodai.ChangeBorders.Caption = ┴εΩα ⌠Φ°σΩ ; v9.0 Kyodai.Highlight3D.Caption = ╧εΣ±Γσ≥Ωα Γ 3D ≡σµΦ∞σ Kyodai.N3DOptions1.Caption = 3D Kyodai.N3D.Caption = ┬Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ 3D !! Kyodai.EnableGL.Caption = ┬Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ OpenGL DLL'Φ Kyodai.Nicest.Caption = ┬Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ Γ±σ ²⌠⌠σΩ≥√ (╩≡α±ΦΓε) Kyodai.Fastest.Caption = ┬√Ωδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ Γ±σ ²⌠⌠σΩ≥√ (┴√±≥≡ε) Kyodai.TexturedTiles.Caption = ╧εδφε±≥ⁿ■ ≥σΩ±≥≤≡Φ≡εΓαφφ√σ 3D ╘Φ°ΩΦ Kyodai.AntiAlias.Caption = ╧δαΓφ√σ ╥σΩ±≥≤≡√ Kyodai.Cube3D.Caption = ╩≤ß (3D) Kyodai.Animations3D.Caption = ╨ατ≡σ°Φ≥ⁿ αφΦ∞α÷Φ■ Kyodai.Lighting.Caption = ╨ατ≡σ°Φ≥ⁿ ∩εΣ±Γσ≥Ω≤ Kyodai.MarbleBorders.Caption = ┴εΩεΓ≤°Ωα ∩εΣ ∞≡α∞ε≡ Kyodai.TopTexture.Caption = ╧εΩ≡√≥ⁿ ⌠Φ°ΩΦ Ωα≡≥ΦφΩεΘ Kyodai.Progressive.Caption = ╧εΣΩ≡α°σφφ√σ ±δεΦ Kyodai.Benchmark3D.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ∩≡εΦτΓεΣΦ≥σδⁿφε±≥ⁿ Kyodai.Contemplation.Caption = ╨σµΦ∞ εßετ≡σφΦ Kyodai.AnimationSpeed.Caption = ╤Ωε≡ε±≥ⁿ αφΦ∞α÷ΦΦ Γ 2D Kyodai.AniSlow.Caption = ╠σΣδσφφα Kyodai.AniNormal.Caption = ═ε≡∞αδⁿφα Kyodai.AniFast.Caption = ┴√±≥≡α Kyodai.AniUltra.Caption = ╬≈σφⁿ ß√±≥≡α Kyodai.AniLight.Caption = ╤Γσ≡⌡±Ωε≡ε±≥ⁿ Kyodai.AnimationType.Caption = ╥Φ∩ αφΦ∞α÷ΦΦ Γ 2D Kyodai.AniNucleus.Caption = ┬ ±≥ε≡εφ√ Kyodai.AniClassic.Caption = ╩δα±±ΦΩα Kyodai.AniFuzzy.Caption = ╤δ≤≈αΘφε Kyodai.AniUnion.Caption = ┬∞σ±≥σ Kyodai.AniGhost.Caption = ╧≡Φτ≡αΩ Kyodai.Small3D.Caption = ╨ατ≡σ°Φ≥ⁿ 3D ßεΩεΓ≤°ΩΦ φα ╠αδσφⁿΩΦ⌡ ╘Φ°Ωα⌡ Kyodai.SetMainColor.Caption = ╙±≥αφεΓΦ≥ⁿ ε±φεΓφεΘ ÷Γσ≥ Kyodai.SetEdgeColor.Caption = ╙±≥αφεΓΦ≥ⁿ ÷Γσ≥ π≡αφΦ÷ Kyodai.EnableTopEdges.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ Γσ≡⌡φ■■ π≡αφΦ÷≤ Kyodai.DeuxEtages.Caption = ─ΓεΘφα Γ√±ε≥α Kyodai.SmallSet.Caption = ╠αδσφⁿΩΦσ ⌠Φ°ΩΦ ; 9.21 Kyodai.Total.Caption = ╧εδφεσ ε≥Ωδ■≈σφΦσ Γ±σπε Kyodai.ShowMenu.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ╠σφ■ ; 9.42 Kyodai.Background1.Caption = ╘εφ Kyodai.NormalBack3D.Caption = ╬ß√≈φ√Θ ╘εφ Kyodai.NoBack3D.Caption = ┴στ ╘εφα Kyodai.Emphasize3D.Caption = ┬√≡ατΦ≥σδⁿφε (3D) ; 9.99 Kyodai.Rotate1.Caption = ╧εΓε≡α≈ΦΓα≥ⁿ (Y-╬±ⁿ) Kyodai.N64x64texture1.Caption = ≥σΩ±≥≤≡α 64x64 Kyodai.N128x128texture1.Caption = ≥σΩ±≥≤≡α 128x128 Kyodai.N256x256texture1.Caption = ≥σΩ±≥≤≡α 256x256 Kyodai.N512x512texture1.Caption = ≥σΩ±≥≤≡α 512x512 Kyodai.Static1.Caption = ═ε≡∞αδⁿφ√Θ Kyodai.FollowMouseSlow.Caption = ╤δσΣεΓα≥ⁿ τα ∞√°ⁿ■ (╠σΣδσφφε) Kyodai.FollowMouseNormal.Caption = ╤δσΣεΓα≥ⁿ τα ∞√°ⁿ■ (═ε≡∞αδⁿφε) Kyodai.FollowMouseFast.Caption = ╤δσΣεΓα≥ⁿ τα ∞√°ⁿ■ (┴√±≥≡ε) ; 10.00 Kyodai.RandomLayouts.Caption = ╧≡εΦτΓεδⁿφ√σ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩΦ Kyodai.Label8.Caption = Midi Kyodai.Label9.Caption = Wave ; 11.21 Kyodai.Set3D.Hint = ╧σ≡σΩδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ ≡σµΦ∞ εßτε≡α (2D/3D) ;Kyodai.RandomLayouts.Caption = ╧≡εΦτΓεδⁿφ√σ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩΦ Kyodai.Widemenus.Caption = ╪Φ≡εΩΦσ ∞σφ■ Kyodai.Voodoo.Caption = ╤εΓ∞σ±≥Φ∞ε±≥ⁿ ± Voodoo 1 Kyodai.Tx128.Caption = ╥σΩ±≥≤≡√ ± Γ√±εΩΦ∞ ≡ατ≡σ°σφΦσ∞ Kyodai.Optimize3D.Caption = ╬∩≥Φ∞ΦτΦ≡εΓα≥ⁿ ╤Ωε≡ε±≥ⁿ Kyodai.MarbleTable.Caption = ╠≡α∞ε≡φ√Θ ╤≥εδ Kyodai.SpecialEffects.Caption = ╤∩σ÷Φαδⁿφ√σ ▌⌠⌠σΩ≥√ Kyodai.DateFormat.Caption = ╘ε≡∞α≥ ─α≥√ Kyodai.DDMMYY.Caption = ──/╠╠/├├ Kyodai.MMDDYY.Caption = ╠╠/──/├├ Kyodai.Stretch.Caption = ╬∩÷ΦΦ ╨α±≥ µΩΦ Kyodai.TilesetOptions.Caption = ╬∩÷ΦΦ ═αßε≡α ⌠Φ°σΩ Kyodai.HashiraSpeed.Caption = ╤Ωε≡ε±≥ⁿ ╥σ≥≡Φ±α (Hashira) Kyodai.NoSFX.Caption = ═σ≥ Kyodai.EnvironmentMap.Caption = ╬≥εß≡αµσφΦσ ╤≡σΣ√ Kyodai.BumpMapping.Caption = ╬≥εß≡αµσφΦσ ┬√∩≤Ωδε±≥σΘ Kyodai.Label13.Caption = (═αµ∞Φ≥σ ESC Σδ Γ√⌡εΣα Φτ Φπ≡√) Kyodai.Label14.Caption = ┬ΦΣσε╨σµΦ∞ Kyodai.Label15.Caption = ┬ΦΣσε─≡αΘΓσ≡ Kyodai.DXUseTotal.Caption = ╧εδφεσ ╬≥Ωδ■≈σφΦσ Γ±σπε Kyodai.AutomaticButton.Caption = └Γ≥ε∞α≥Φ≈σ±ΩΦΘ Kyodai.ManualButton.Caption = ┬≡≤≈φ≤■ Kyodai.DXHardware.Caption = └∩∩α≡α≥φε Kyodai.DXFullScreen.Caption = ╧εδφε²Ω≡αφφ√Θ Kyodai.DXUseZBuffer.Caption = ╚±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ Z-┴≤⌠σ≡ Kyodai.DXOk.Caption = OK Kyodai.DXCancel.Caption = ╬≥∞σφα ; 11.25 ;Kyodai.ExplorerButton1.Caption = New ;Kyodai.ExplorerButton2.Caption = Back ;Kyodai.SetMusic.Caption = Music ;Kyodai.ExplorerButton3.Caption = Hint ;Kyodai.ShuffleButton.Caption = Shuffle ;Kyodai.PauseButton.Caption = Pause ;Kyodai.HelpButton.Caption = Help ;Kyodai.ExitButton.Caption = Exit ;Kyodai.AboutButton.Caption = About ;Kyodai.HallFameButton.Caption = Hall ;Kyodai.LayoutButton.Caption = Layout Kyodai.Set3D.Caption = 2D-3D Kyodai.Ombres.Caption = ╨ατ≡σ°Φ≥ⁿ ╥σφΦ Kyodai.AniGhost.Caption = ╧≡Φτ≡αΩ Kyodai.Shadows3D.Caption = ╨ατ≡σ°Φ≥ⁿ ╥σφΦ Kyodai.ShowMod.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ MOD-²ΩΓαδαΘτσ≡ Kyodai.ShowVolume.Caption = ╧εΩατ√Γα≥ⁿ ≤∩≡αΓδσφΦσ π≡ε∞Ωε±≥ⁿ■ ;- ;- modification (please remove the corresponding entry in the first part) Kyodai.Res800.Caption = ╧σ≡σΩδ■≈α≥ⁿ φα ┬√±εΩεΩα≈σ±≥Γσφφ√Θ ≡σµΦ∞ ∩≡Φ τα∩≤±Ωσ ; ---------------------------------------------------------- ; Fifth and last part : the messages inside Kyodai's code... ; ---------------------------------------------------------- [Messages] External Layout = ┬φσ°φ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩα PLAYER 1 = 1 ╚├╨╬╩ PLAYER 2 = 2 ╚├╨╬╩ GAME OVER -- Final Score : = ╚├╨└ ╟└╩╬═╫┼═└ -- ┬√ φαß≡αδΦ : Game Over ! = ╚π≡α ╟αΩεφ≈σφα! New Layout = ═εΓα ≡α±ΩδαΣΩα Level = ╙≡εΓσφⁿ Score = ╬≈ΩΦ Time = ┬≡σ∞ Malus = ╪≥≡α⌠ Rivers (Easy) = Rivers (╦σπΩΦΘ) Rivers (Hard) = Rivers (╥≡≤Σφ√Θ) Memory (Easy) = Memory (╦σπΩΦΘ) Memory (Hard) = Memory (╥≡≤Σφ√Θ) Clicks (Easy) = Clicks (╦σπΩΦΘ) Clicks (Normal) = Clicks (═ε≡∞α) Clicks (Hard) = Clicks (╥≡≤Σφ√Θ) Slider (Easy) = Lines (╦σπΩΦΘ) Slider (Hard) = Lines (╥≡≤Σφ√Θ) Hashira = ╥σ≥≡Φ± (Hashira) Mahjongg Hashira started. = ╟α∩≤∙σφ Mahjongg ╥σ≥≡Φ±. Mahjongg Memory started. = ╟α∩≤∙σφ Mahjongg Memory. Mahjongg Clicks started. = ╟α∩≤∙σφ Mahjongg Clicks. Mahjongg Slider started. = ╟α∩≤∙σφ Mahjongg Lines. Mahjongg Rivers started. = ╟α∩≤∙σφ Mahjongg Rivers. Two-Player Solitaire started. = ╟α∩≤∙σφ Solitaire φα ΣΓεΦ⌡. Game restarted. = ╚π≡α τα∩≤∙σφα ± φα≈αδα. New game started. = ╟α∩≤∙σφα φεΓα Φπ≡α. ; Captions for the other windows Choose a new layout... = ┬√ßσ≡Φ≥σ φεΓ≤■ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩ≤... Board finished ! = ─ε±Ωα ταΩεφ≈σφα ! Kyodai Help = Kyodai ╧ε∞ε∙ⁿ Hall of Fame = ├αδσ≡σ ╤δαΓ√ Please Register ! = ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, τα≡σπΦ±≥≡Φ≡≤Θ≥σ±ⁿ ! New Specific (Seed) Game = ═εΓα ╬∩≡σΣσδσφφα ╚π≡α Can't find needed external DLL (mppsdk.dll). Please install it in your Kyodai directory and retry. You should find it on the Kyodai website at : = ═σ ∞επ≤ φαΘ≥Φ φσεß⌡εΣΦ∞≤■ Γφσ°φ■■ DLL (mppsdk.dll). ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ∩≡εΦφ±≥αδδΦ≡≤Θ≥σ σσ Γ ΣΦ≡σΩ≥ε≡Φ■ Kyodai Φ ∩ε∩≡εß≤Θ≥σ σ∙σ ≡ατ. ┬√ Σεδµφ√ φαΘ≥Φ ²≥≤ DLL φα ±αΘ≥σ: UNREGISTERED = ═┼╟└╨┼├╚╤╥╨╚╨╬┬└═ Registration reminder = ═α∩ε∞ΦφαφΦσ ε ≡σπΦ±≥≡α÷ΦΦ ; This is the text in the reminder... Please, remember to register ! = ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, φσ ταß≤Σⁿ≥σ τα≡σπΦ±≥≡Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ± ! Only your participation can help me = ╥εδⁿΩε ┬α°σ ≤≈α±≥Φσ ∞εµσ≥ ∩ε∞ε≈ⁿ ∞φσ continue to improve KYODAI for you ! = ∩≡εΣεδµα≥ⁿ ≡ατΓΦΓα≥ⁿ Σδ ┬α± KYODAI ! Registration will remove all these = ╨σπΦ±≥≡α÷Φ ≤ßσ≡σ≥ Γ±σ ²≥Φ ∞σ≡τΩΦσ nasty reminders and give you access = φα∩ε∞ΦφαφΦ Φ Σα±≥ ┬α∞ ∩≡αΓε φα ∩εµΦτφσφφ√σ to perpetual FREE upgrades... Thank you ! = ┴┼╤╧╦└╥═█┼ α∩π≡σΘΣ√ ... ╤∩α±Φßε ┬α∞ ! ; Text under the tiles in the "View Tiles" menu... Craks (4 times each) = ╚σ≡επδΦ⌠√ (4 ≡ατα ΩαµΣα ) Bamboos (4 times each) = ┴α∞ß≤ΩΦ (4 ≡ατα ΩαµΣα ) Dots (4 times each) = ╥ε≈ΩΦ (4 ≡ατα ΩαµΣα ) Flowers (once each) = ╓Γσ≥√ (∩ε ≡ατ≤ ΩαµΣα ) Seasons (once each) = ┬≡σ∞σφα πεΣα (∩ε ≡ατ≤ ΩαµΣα ) Winds (4 times each) = ┬σ≥≡√ (4 ≡ατα ΩαµΣα ) Dragons (4 times each) = ─≡αΩεφ√ (4 ≡ατα ΩαµΣα ) And the winner is... PLAYER 1 ! = └ ∩εßσΣΦ≥σδⁿ ... ╧┼╨┬█╔ ╚├╨╬╩ ! And the winner is... PLAYER 2 ! = └ ∩εßσΣΦ≥σδⁿ ... ┬╥╬╨╬╔ ╚├╨╬╩ ! Same score for both players ! = ═Φ≈ⁿ - εΣΦφαΩεΓ√Θ ≡στ≤δⁿ≥α≥ ! Your final score is = ┬█ φαß≡αδΦ Your final time is = ┬└╪┼ Γ≡σ∞ You reached the top ! Great ! = ┬█ ταφ δΦ ╧┼╨┬╬┼ ╠┼╤╥╬ ! ╧ετΣ≡αΓδ σ∞ ! Registered to = ╟α≡σπΦ±≥≡Φ≡εΓαφ φα Φ∞ Unregistered version - Please Register !!! = ═στα≡σπΦ±≥≡Φ≡εΓαφφα Γσ≡±Φ - ∩εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, τα≡σπΦ±≥≡Φ≡≤Θ≥σ±ⁿ!!! Please choose a name for your layout file = ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, Γ√ßσ≡Φ≥σ Φ∞ ⌠αΘδα Σδ Γα°σΘ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩΦ Please choose a Background bitmap file = ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, Γ√ßσ≡Φ≥σ ⌠αΘδ ± ╘εφε∞ Please choose a Tileset bitmap file = ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, Γ√ßσ≡Φ≥σ ⌠αΘδ ± ╘Φ°Ωα∞Φ LAY Layout files = LAY ⌠αΘδ√ ≡α±ΩδαΣεΩ Background files = ╘αΘδ√ ± ╘εφε∞ Tileset files = ╘αΘδ√ ± ╘Φ°Ωα∞Φ ; These ones are followed by a file name and a question mark. This file already exists. Do you want to erase = ╥αΩεΘ ⌠αΘδ ≤µσ ±≤∙σ±≥Γ≤σ≥. ╒ε≥Φ≥σ σπε ±≥σ≡σ≥ⁿ Are you sure you want to erase = ┬√ ≤Γσ≡σφ√, ≈≥ε ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ σπε ±≥σ≡σ≥ⁿ Please confirm = ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ∩εΣ≥Γσ≡ΣΦ≥σ Layout saved as "Temporary.lay". Click on "Edit layout" to call the layout editor and save it under a definitive name. = ╨α±ΩδαΣΩα τα∩Φ±αφα ΩαΩ "Temporary.lay". ═αµ∞Φ≥σ "╨┼─└╩╥╬╨", ≈≥εß√ Γ√τΓα≥ⁿ ≡σΣαΩ≥ε≡ Φ τα∩Φ±α≥ⁿ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩ≤ ∩εΣ ε∩≡σΣσδσφφ√∞ Φ∞σφσ∞. You haven't finished building the layout yet ! The "Tiles left" indicator must be a multiple of 4... = ┬√ σ∙σ φσ ταΩεφ≈ΦδΦ ∩ε±≥≡εσφΦσ ╨α±ΩδαΣΩΦ ! ╚φΣΦΩα≥ε≡ "┬±σπε" Σεδµσφ ΣσδΦ≥ⁿ± φα 4 ... This layout is not playable ! Please make more free moves... = ┬ ²≥≤ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩ≤ φσδⁿτ Φπ≡α≥ⁿ ! ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ±ΣσδαΘ≥σ ßεδⁿ°σ ±ΓεßεΣφ√⌡ ⌡εΣεΓ ... No more moves. Do you want to give up ? (If you reply Yes and made a good score, you'll enter the hall of fame. If you reply No, the game will go back one move) = ┴εδⁿ°σ ⌡εΣεΓ ═┼╥. ╒ε≥Φ≥σ ε≥Ωατα≥ⁿ± ? (┼±δΦ Γ√ Γ√ßσ≡σ≥σ ─α Φ φαßσ≡σ≥σ ∞φεπε ε≈ΩεΓ, Γ√ ∩ε∩αΣσ≥σ Γ ├αδσ≡σ■ ╤δαΓ√. ┼±δΦ Γ√ßσ≡σ≥σ ═σ≥, ≥ε Φπ≡α Γσ≡φσ≥± φα °απ φαταΣ) If you want to change the game mode, you'll have to restart your game. Do you wish to continue ? = ┼±δΦ Γ√ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ∩ε∞σφ ≥ⁿ ≥Φ∩ Φπ≡√, Γα∞ ∩≡ΦΣσ≥± φα≈α≥ⁿ Φπ≡≤ ± φα≈αδα. ┬√ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ∩≡εΣεδµΦ≥ⁿ ? Vertical Variation = ┬σ≡≥ΦΩαδⁿφα Γα≡Φα÷Φ Specific Board started. Random Seed # = ╟α∩≤∙σφα ╬∩≡σΣσδσφφα Σε±Ωα. ═ε∞σ≡ # ; This one is for showing text like "Layout Traditional selected." Layout = ┬√ß≡αφα ≡α±ΩδαΣΩα selected. = . ;- Kyodai - ⌐ Rene-Gilles Deberdt 1997-2000 = Kyodai - ⌐ Rene-Gilles Deberdt 1997-2000 Kyodai - ⌐ Rene-Gilles Deberdt = Kyodai - ⌐ Rene-Gilles Deberdt ; This one ends with a Kyodai version number ("for use with Kyodai 6.0"...) You are trying to play a layout intended for use with = ┬√ ∩√≥ασ≥σ±ⁿ ±√π≡α≥ⁿ ╨α±ΩδαΣΩ≤, ∩≡σΣφατφα≈σφφ≤■ Σδ ; This one end with a URL Please upgrade Kyodai at = ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, εßφεΓΦ≥σ Kyodai φα ±αΘ≥σ Tiles shuffled. = ╘Φ°ΩΦ ∩σ≡σ∞σ°αφ√. ═αΘΣσφε ; This one starts with a number new moves found. = φεΓ√⌡ Γα≡Φαφ≥εΓ(α). Tiles shuffled. 1 new move found. = ╘Φ°ΩΦ ∩σ≡σ∞σ°αφ√. ═αΘΣσφ 1 φεΓ√Θ ⌡εΣ. No moves found. Try to press Back a few times. = ╒εΣεΓ φσ≥. ╧ε∩≡εß≤Θ≥σ φαµα≥ⁿ φσ±ΩεδⁿΩε ≡ατ ═└╟└─. Tiles shuffled. 40 seconds penalty. = ╘Φ°ΩΦ ∩σ≡σ∞σ°αφ√. 40 ±σΩ≤φΣ °≥≡α⌠α. Please Note ! = ╬ß≡α≥Φ≥σ ΓφΦ∞αφΦσ ! You are running the game in 256-color mode (or even worse). It is strongly recommended to switch to 16-bit or 24-bit color depth modes. Otherwise, you should should select No Background and a tileset with few colors. Thanks for listening ! = ┬√ τα∩≤±≥ΦδΦ ╚├╨╙ Γ 256-÷Γσ≥φε∞ ≡σµΦ∞σ (ΦδΦ ⌡≤µσ). ╬≈σφⁿ ≡σΩε∞σφΣ≤σ∞ ∩σ≡σΩδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ Γ 16- ΦδΦ 24-ßΦ≥φ√Θ ≡σµΦ∞. ╚φα≈σ Γα∞ ∩≡ΦΣσ≥± Γ√ß≡α≥ⁿ ∩≤φΩ≥ ╚π≡α≥ⁿ ┴┼╟ ╘╬═└ Φ Γ√ß≡α≥ⁿ ⌠Φ°ΩΦ ± φσ±ΩεδⁿΩΦ∞Φ ÷Γσ≥α∞Φ. ╤∩α±Φßε, ≈≥ε Γ√±δ≤°αδΦ ! ; This one says "About Kyodai x.x" in the About Box... About = ╬ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞σ ... This will launch your Web browser to the Kyodai registration page. Do you want to continue ? = ╤σΘ≈α± τα∩≤±≥Φ≥± Web-ß≡ε≤τσ≡ ±ε ±≥≡αφΦ÷σΘ ≡σπΦ±≥≡α÷ΦΦ Kyodai. ┬√ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ∩≡εΣεδµΦ≥ⁿ ? You launched Kyodai for the first time ! ;-) = ▌≥ε ∩σ≡Γ√Θ Γα° τα∩≤±Ω Kyodai ! ;-) You launched Kyodai twice ! ;-) = ┬√ τα∩≤±ΩαδΦ Kyodai ΣΓαµΣ√ ! ;-) ; This one says "You launched Kyodai 3 times"... You launched Kyodai = ┬√ τα∩≤±ΩαδΦ Kyodai times ! ;-) = ≡ατ(α) ! ;-) PLEASE WAIT -- LOADING LAYOUTS = ╧╬╞└╦╙╔╤╥└, ╧╬─╬╞─╚╥┼ -- ╟└├╨╙╞└▐╥╤▀ ╨└╤╩╦└─╩╚ SORRY, NO MORE MOVES !! = ╚╟┬╚═╚╥┼, ┴╬╦▄╪┼ ╒╬─╬┬ ═┼╥ !! Do you really want to remove the Hall of Fame entries for this layout ? = ┬√ ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ≥σδⁿφε ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ ≤ΣαδΦ≥ⁿ Γ±σ τα∩Φ±Φ ├αδσ≡σΦ ╤δαΓ√ Σδ ΣαφφεΘ ≡α±ΩδαΣΩΦ ? Thanks again ! You're now registered. = ┼∙σ ≡ατ ±∩α±Φßε ! ╥σ∩σ≡ⁿ ┬√ τα≡σπΦ±≥≡Φ≡εΓαφ√. Sorry, wrong password. Please check out if you entered the user name and password exactly as I gave them to you. = ╚τΓΦφΦ≥σ, φε ∩α≡εδⁿ φσ∩≡αΓΦδⁿφ√Θ. ╧≡εΓσ≡ⁿ≥σ, ∩εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, ±εε≥Γσ≥±≥Γ≤■≥ δΦ ΓΓσΣσφφ√σ ╚∞ Φ ╧α≡εδⁿ ≥σ∞, ≈≥ε Γα∞ Γ√±δαδ. ; This is the registration reminder shown when Kyodai is launched... Welcome to KYODAI MAHJONGG ! = ─εß≡ε ∩εµαδεΓα≥ⁿ Γ KYODAI MAHJONGG ! If you like Mahjongg Solitaire games, I hope = ┼±δΦ ┬α∞ φ≡αΓ ≥± Φπ≡√ Mahjongg Solitaire, ▀ φαΣσ■±ⁿ, you'll love this version. As a true fan, I worked = ┬α∞ ∩εφ≡αΓΦ≥± ²≥α Γσ≡±Φ . ▀ ≡αßε≥αδ φαΣ φσΘ for thousands of hours on it, trying to improve it = ≥√± ≈Φ ≈α±εΓ, ∩√≥α ±ⁿ ≤δ≤≈°Φ≥ⁿ σσ ΩαµΣ√Θ Σσφⁿ. every day. If you like Kyodai, please register. = ┼±δΦ ┬α∞ φ≡αΓΦ≥± Kyodai, ∩εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, τα≡σπΦ±≥≡Φ≡≤Θ≥σ±ⁿ. First, you will get rid you of this message and = ┬ε-∩σ≡Γ√⌡, ²≥ε ≤ßσ≡σ≥ Σαφφεσ ±εεß∙σφΦσ Φ Γ±σ all the reminders during the game, and it will = φα∩ε∞ΦφαφΦ Γ ≥σ≈σφΦσ Φπ≡√, Φ ∩ε∞εµσ≥ ∞φσ Φ Σαδⁿ°σ help me improve it again. And you won't have to = ≤δ≤≈°α≥ⁿ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤. └ ┬√ Σαδⁿ°σ φσ Σεδµφ√ pay anymore for the next versions to come ! = ∩δα≥Φ≥ⁿ τα ±δσΣ≤■∙Φσ Γσ≡±ΦΦ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞√ ! Kyodai is my only income, so I won't be able to = Kyodai - ²≥ε σΣΦφ±≥Γσφφεσ, ≈σ∞ τα≡αßα≥√Γα■, ∩ε²≥ε∞≤ work on it forever if you don't pay the registration = φσ ±∞επ≤ Σαδⁿ°σ ≡ατΓΦΓα≥ⁿ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤, σ±δΦ φΦΩ≥ε φσ ß≤Σσ≥ fee. To find out how to register, just go to the Help = ╧╦└╥╚╥▄. ╫≥εß√ ≤τφα≥ⁿ, ΩαΩ τα≡σπΦ±≥≡Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ± , ταΘΣΦ≥σ menu, click on Contents, then Help, and follow the = Γ ∞σφ■ ╧╬╠╬┘▄, φαµ∞Φ≥σ φα ╤εΣσ≡µαφΦσ, τα≥σ∞ ╧ε∞ε∙ⁿ Φ instructions. Thanks again, and enjoy this game ! = ±δσΣ≤Θ≥σ Φφ±≥≡≤Ω÷Φ ∞. ┼∙σ ≡ατ ±∩α±Φßε, Φ ∩ε≡αΣ≤Θ≥σ±ⁿ Φπ≡σ! If you experience any problems, please read the = ┼±δΦ ≤ Γα± ΓετφΦΩδΦ ΩαΩΦσ-≥ε ∩≡εßδσ∞√, ∩≡ε≈≥Φ≥σ help file extensively before sending a mail ! = ╘αΘδ ╧╬╠╬┘╚, ∩≡σµΣσ ≈σ∞ ∩ε±√δα≥ⁿ ∞φσ e-mail ! And remember : Kyodai is 100% customizable ! = ╧ε∞φΦ≥σ: Kyodai 100%-φε φα±≥≡αΦΓασ≥± ! ╙Σε±≥εΓσ≡ⁿ≥σ±ⁿ, Make sure you read the help files and the menus ! = ≈≥ε ∩≡ε≈Φ≥αδΦ Γ±σ ╘αΘδ√ ╧╬╠╬┘╚ Φ ╠┼═▐ ! ; New Text. Pause = ╧α≤τα Continue = ╧≡εΣεδµΦ≥ⁿ Play = ╚π≡α Please choose a name for your saved game = ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, Γ√ßσ≡Φ≥σ Φ∞ Σδ τα∩Φ±αφφεΘ Φπ≡√ Please select the game to load = ╧εµαδ≤Θ±≥α, Γ√ßσ≡Φ≥σ Φπ≡≤ Σδ ταπ≡≤τΩΦ Kyodai game files = ╘αΘδ√ Φπ≡ Kyodai This saved game is optimised for = ▌≥α τα∩Φ±αφφα Φπ≡α ε∩≥Φ∞ΦτΦ≡εΓαφα Σδ ; This one is the "HALL OF FAME" you see in the purple panel... HALL OF = ├└╦┼╨┼▀ FAME = ╤╦└┬█ ; Now here are the Help files of Kyodai. If you don't translate them, leave the lines ; as they are. If you have the courage to translate them, please change the lines from, ; for example, "misc.rtf = misc.rtf" to "misc.rtf = misc-de.rtf" for the German ; version. You can customize the names for the help files, but it would be in the users' ; interest to keep them simple by taking the original file name and adding a country code. kyodai.rtf = kyodai-ru.rtf misc.rtf = misc-ru.rtf menu.rtf = menu-ru.rtf rules.rtf = rules-ru.rtf trouble.rtf = trouble-ru.rtf whatsnew.rtf = whatsnew.rtf whatsold.rtf = whatsold.rtf ; This selects a new character set for the current language. It is useful ; in case your language does not use the default English characters. To find your ; own charset code, select a new font in Kyodai, select its character set, then ; leave Kyodai, open the "Kyodai.ini" file and note the number in "FontCharset". ;LanguageCharset = 1 MOD music enabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = MOD ∞≤τ√Ωα ∞εµσ≥ ∩≡εΦπ≡√Γα≥ⁿ± . ┬√ Σεδµφ√ ∩σ≡στα∩≤±≥Φ≥ⁿ Φπ≡≤, ≈≥εß√ Γε±∩εδⁿτεΓα≥ⁿ± ²≥Φ∞. MOD music disabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = MOD ∞≤τ√Ωα ε≥Ωδ■≈σφα. ┬α∞ φ≤µφε ∩σ≡στα∩≤±≥Φ≥ⁿ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞≤, ≈≥εß√ Φτ∞σφσφΦ Γ±≥≤∩ΦδΦ Γ ±Φδ≤. OpenGL is not initialized. Do you want to enable it ? = OpenGL φσ ΦφΦ÷ΦαδΦτΦ≡εΓαφ. ┬√ ⌡ε≥Φ≥σ σπε ΓΩδ■≈Φ≥ⁿ ? You need to restart Kyodai before changes are applied. = ┬α∞ φ≤µφε ∩σ≡στα∩≤±≥Φ≥ⁿ Kyodai, ∩≡σµΣσ ≈σ∞ Φτ∞σφσφΦ Γ±≥≤∩ ≥ Γ ±Φδ≤. ; These are used in the box of the screen when you're pointing a game screenshot ; Originally they were in the language files as "SpeedButton*.Hint" Launch Solitaire = Solitaire - ╙ßΦ≡αΘ≥σ ∩α≡√ ±ε ±ΓεßεΣφ√∞ ßεΩε∞! Launch Rivers = Rivers - ╤εσΣΦφ Θ≥σ εΣΦφαΩεΓ√σ ∩α≡√! Launch Memory = Memory - ╙ßΦ≡αΘ≥σ εΣΦφαΩεΓ√σ ∩α≡√! Launch Clicks = Clicks - ╙Σαδ Θ≥σ π≡≤∩∩√ εΣΦφαΩεΓ√⌡ ⌠Φ°σΩ ∙σδ≈Ωε∞! Launch Slider = Slider - ╘ε≡∞Φ≡≤Θ≥σ δΦφΦ■ Φτ εΣΦφαΩεΓ√⌡ ⌠Φ°σΩ! Launch Hashira = Hashira - ╙ΣαδΦ≥σ δΦφΦΦ Φτ 3 Φ ßεδσσ ⌠Φ°σΩ! ; The End ! Thank you !