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- 800 enabletips=1; templ=27914;
- 810 enabletips=1; templ=27914;
- 820 enabletips=1; templ=27914;
- 830 templ=27914;
- 840 enabletips=1; templ=27914;
- 850 enabletips=1; templ=27914;
- 860 enabletips=1;
- 8000 image=btnTBAddCloud.bmp[6]; templ=26000; tip=Add cloud layer;
- 8001 image=btnTBDelCloud.bmp[6]; templ=26000; tip=Delete cloud layer;
- 8002 templ=26000;
- 8003 templ=26001;
- 8010 image=label;
- 8029 strings=None,Very low,Low,Moderate,High,Very high;
- 8100 image=btnTBAddTemp.bmp[6]; templ=26000; tip=Add temperature layer;
- 8101 image=btnTBDelTemp.bmp[6]; templ=26000; tip=Delete temperature layer;
- 8102 templ=26000;
- 8103 templ=26001;
- 8104 image=label;
- 8201 templ=26000;
- 8202 templ=26001;
- 8203 image=label;
- 8213 templ=8619;
- 8400 image=btnTBAddWind.bmp[6]; templ=26000; tip=Add wind layer;
- 8401 image=btnTBDelWind.bmp[6]; templ=26000; tip=Delete wind layer;
- 8402 templ=26000;
- 8403 templ=26001;
- 8405 image=dial.bmp[2];textcolor=#000000,#000000;rect=0,0,62,62;
- 8406 image=label;
- 8450 Surface winds
- 8451 Winds aloft
- 8602 image=dial.bmp[2];textcolor=#000000,#000000;rect=0,0,62,62;
- 8604 //video=uires\globe8codec.avi;
- 8610 usewinsize=1;
- 8617 strings=Clear,Few,Scattered,Broken,Overcast,Thunderstorm;
- 8618 strings=None,Very low,Low,Moderate,High,Very high;
- 8619 strings=1/16mi,1/8mi,1/4mi,1/2mi,3/4mi,1mi,2mi,3mi,5mi,10mi,20mi,30mi,40mi,50mi,Unlimited;
- 8620 strings=None,Light,Moderate,Heavy,Severe;
- 8621 image=zoomin.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=Zoom In;
- 8622 image=zoomout.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=Zoom Out;
- 8623 image=btnTBAutozoom.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=Reset Zoom;
- 8624 image=btnTBDeclutter.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=Declutter;
- 8625 image=btnTBPrint.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=Print;
- 8626 image=btnTBAirport.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=Airports;
- 8627 image=btnTBVOR.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=VORs;
- 8628 image=btnTBNDB.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=NDBs;
- 8629 image=btnTBWypt.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=Intersections;
- 8630 image=btnTBVAwy.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=Victor Airways;
- 8631 image=btnTBJAwy.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=Jet Airways;
- 8632 image=globe.bmp; textonly=0;
- 8650 inches Hg
- 8651 ░F
- 8652 Altitude conflicts with another layer. Please enter a new altitude.
- 8653 Are you sure you want to clear all weather?
- 26000 image=zoomin.bmp[6]; nocaption=1; expandx=0; expandy=0; tip=Zoom in;
- 26001 image=zoomout.bmp[6]; templ=26000; tip=Zoom out;
- 26002 image=lyr_del.bmp[6]; templ=26000; tip=Delete layer;
- 26003 image=lyr_add.bmp[6]; templ=26000; tip=Add layer;