7 Your computer does not have enough memory available for Flight Simulator to run. Flight Simulator will now exit.
8 Your computer is low on available memory. Some features of Flight Simulator may be unavailable or work incorrectly.\nDo you wish to continue loading Flight Simulator?
9 Your computer has run out of available memory. Flight Simulator will now exit.
10 Your video display must be in 16-bit color mode or higher for Flight Simulator to run. Flight Simulator will now exit.
11 The file 'Scenery.cfg' is missing or damaged. Please reinstall Flight Simulator 2000 to restore or repair the file. Flight Simulator will now exit.
12 The file 'Dem4km.bgl' is missing or damaged. Please reinstall Flight Simulator 2000 to restore or repair the file. Flight Simulator will now exit.
13 The file 'Seasons.bgl' is missing or damaged. Please reinstall Flight Simulator 2000 to restore or repair the file. Flight Simulator will now exit.
14 The file 'Lclookup.bgl' is missing or damaged. Please reinstall Flight Simulator 2000 to restore or repair the file. Flight Simulator will now exit.
15 The file 'worldlc.bgl' is missing or damaged. Please reinstall Flight Simulator 2000 to restore or repair the file. Flight Simulator will now exit.
16 Your computer does not have enough disk space available for Flight Simulator to run. Flight Simulator will now exit.
1500 Please insert the Microsoft« Flight Simulator CD
1501 MSFS7
1502 MSFS Insert CD
1503 The video hardware currently selected has been identified as a problematic configuration. Running Flight Simulator 2000 on this hardware may cause your machine to stop responding. Would you like to disable this warning?