PC Gamer 1999 October
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Text File
422 lines
*********** Globale Werte fⁿrs Campaign ***************
************ 1.) Globals fⁿr alle ************
**** MiN- Max sind Startwerte beim zufΣlligen Erzeugen
COMMANDER: "Commander"
GUNNER: "Gunner"
DRIVER: "Driver"
LOADER: "Loader"
RADIOOP: "RadioOp"
ENGINEERING: "Engineering"
SPOTTING: "Spotting"
MORAL: "Morale"
Commander: "Commander"
Gunner: "Gunner"
Loader: "Loader"
RadioOp: "RadioOp"
Driver: "Driver"
[TANK_AMMO] "Current Ammo"
[TANK_SUPPLY] "Ammo in Stock"
[CREW_POOL] "Available Replacements"
[EXTRA_POOL] "Available Options"
[TANK_EXTRA] "Current Options"
[NO_EXTRAS] "No Options available"
[EXCHANGE] "Exchange"
[FUEL] "Tanks Fuel"
[AUTO_REFILL] "Auto- Refill"
[CURRENT_FILL] "Fuel Level"
[AVAIL_FILL] "Fuel in Stock"
Headline: "Overview"
HLCommander: "Commanders"
HLTanks: "Tanks"
HLAmmo: "Ammunition"
Player: "Commander"
USWingmen: "Alpha"
GWingmen: "Falke"
Fuel: "Platoon Fuel"
Out_of: "Out of"
Stats: "HQ"
History: "History"
HQ: "Statistics"
Platoon: "Platoon"
Extras: "Modifiers"
None: "None"
headline_left: "Realism Panel"
commander_options: "Commander"
radioop_options: "RadioOp"
gunner_options: "Gunner"
driver_options: "Driver"
misc: "Misc"
Enemy_exp: "Enemy Experience"
Own_exp: "Own Units Experience"
save_button: "Save"
Headline_right: "Supply Settings"
supply1: "Auto-Refill Ammo"
supply2: "Auto-Refill Fuel"
supply3: "Auto-Refill Tank"
supply4: "Auto-Refill Crew"
other5: "Hear original voices"
other6: "Hear voices in your language"
button: "unlock external views"
button: "always spot units"
button: "immediately spot units"
button: "show no units"
button: "show players pos."
button: "show spotted units"
button: "show all units"
button: "manual gunner only"
button: "unlimited ammo"
button: "realistic gun"
button: "ballistics only"
button: "boresighted"
button: "engine can overheat"
button: "manual gearshift"
button: "unlimited fuel"
button: "Invulnerability"
button: "unlimited supply"
button: "green only"
button: "minus two levels"
button: "minus one level"
button: "default"
button: "add one level"
button: "add two levels"
button: "all elite"
button: "Beginner"
button: "Advanced"
button: "Expert"
headline: "Weather Forecast"
short_rain: "We expect some light rain showers"
short_rain: "We expect some rain showers"
short_rain: "We expect some heavy rain showers"
long_rain: "We expect light rain showers"
long_rain: "We expect rain showers"
long_rain: "We expect heavy rain showers"
short_snow: "We expect some light snow showers"
short_snow: "We expect some snow showers"
short_snow: "We expect some heavy snow showers"
long_snow: "We expect light snow showers"
long_snow: "We expect snow showers"
long_snow: "We expect heavy snow showers"
short_hail: "We expect some light hail showers"
short_hail: "We expect some hail showers"
short_hail: "We expect some heavy hail showers"
long_hail: "We expect light hail showers"
long_hail: "We expect hail showers"
long_hail: "We expect heavy hail showers"
expectwind: "We expect low winds from"
expectwind: "We expect some winds from"
expectwind: "We expect strong winds from"
havewind: "We have low winds from"
havewind: "We have some winds from"
havewind: "We have strong winds from"
dir: "N"
dir: "NE"
dir: "E"
dir: "SE"
dir: "S"
dir: "SW"
dir: "W"
dir: "NW"
clouds: "we have clear skies"
clouds: "we have some clouds"
clouds: "we have slight overcast"
clouds: "we have overcast skies"
clouds: "we have heavy cloud layers"
Loaded_as: "Loaded as"
Saved_as: "Saved as"
SavedGames: "Saved Games"
New_SaveGame: "<New Game>"
New_member: "Special crewmember available"
New_Extra: "New technology available"
New_Tank: "New tank available"
New_historical: "Historical Event"
No_tanks_available: "no Tanks Available"
Available_tanks: "Available Tanks"
score: "score:"
movedistance: "Moved distance:"
anz_shots: "shot count:"
hit_enemy: "hits Infantrie/Soft/Hard:"
hit_own: "hits own Infantrie/Soft/Hard:"
shot_distance_min: "minimal Shotdistance:"
shot_distance_max: "maximal Shotdistance:"
shot_distance_average: "average Shotdistance:"
old_debriefings: "Old Debriefings"
friendly_cgs: "Friendly platoons are here"
enemy_cgs: "Enemy platoons are here"
group: "group:"
br_good_luck: "Destroy all enemies"
missiongoals: "Missiongoals"
taken_by: " is taken by: "
is_dead: "Status: dead"
is_ill: "Days in hospital:"
no_ammo: "No Ammo set"
no_fuel: "No Fuel set"
no_tank: "No Tank set"
no_member: "No Member set"
do_autosupply: "do_autosupply"
do_selfsupply: "do_selfsupply"
do_nosupply: "do_nosupply"
ok: "Ok"
warning: "Warning!!"
fought_battles: "Fought Battles"
name: "Name:"
type: "Type:"
vitesse: "v0:"
range: "Range:"
p30: "Penetration at 30░"
aoe: "Area of Effect (HE)"
current: "Current:"
max: "Maximum:"
tutorial0: "Short tutorial, Click left to continue,Press Esc to Skip!"
tutorial1: "Click on a Tank to enter the tank- menu!"
tutorial2: "Click on a Crewmember to enter the Crew- menu!"
tutorial3: "Click on the helpguy to get faster access to supply!"
tutorial4: "Click here for briefing!"
Supply: "Supply"
current_supplylevel: "Current Supplylevel"
next_supplylevel: "Next Supplylevel"
si_ammo: "Ammo:"
si_fuel: "Fuel:"
si_crew: "Crew:"
refill: "New Stuff"
rf_tank: "New tank:"
rf_crew: "New Crew:"
rf_ammo: "New ammo:"
rf_fuel: "Fuellevel:"
refill_list: "Autorefill-Results"
no_refilling: "Automatic refill is off"
str_briefing: "Briefing"
str_crew: "Crew-Setting of"
illegal_file: "Error: Illegal File Name"
goalsmarker: "Goals"
statsmarker: "Statistics"
mission: "Mission"
primary_goals: "Primary Goals"
secondary_goals: "Secondary Goals"
bonus_goals: "Bonus Goals"
hidden_goals: "Hidden Goals"
medals: "Medals"
skills: "Skills"
Ranks: "Ranks"
global_stats: "Stats for all Units"
dauer: "time needed:"
artilleriestrikes: "artillerie strikes:"
artillerieunused: "artillerie unused:"
db_string: "Debriefing"
info: "Type:"
info: "Availability:"
info: "Playability"
info: "Main Armament:"
info: "Depression/Elevation:"
info: "Secondary Armament:"
info: "Ammunition:"
info: "Smoke:"
info: "Turret Traverse:"
info: "Radio:"
info: "Target Size:"
info: "Height:"
info: "Weight:"
info: "Ground Pressure:"
info: "Maximum Slope:"
info15: "Maximum Vertical:"
info: "Top Speed:"
info: "Redline:"
info: "Armor:"
info19: "Turret:"
info: "Superstruct:"
info: "Hull:"
info22: "Front:"
info: "Sides:"
info: "Rear:"
info: "Top:"
info: "Mantle:"
info27: "Tank"
info: "Player+Wingmen"
info: "Wingmen"
info: "None"
info: "Yes"
info: "No"
info33: "Very Small"
info: "Small"
info: "Normal"
info: "Large"
info: "Larger"
info: "Very Large"
info: "Off-Road"
info40: "Average"
info: "(Maingun)"
info: "(MG)"
info: "(AAMG)"
info: "(BowMG)"
info: "(TurretMG)"
************** 2.) Globals fⁿr jede NationalitΣt ************
*********** British - Globals ***********
Mⁿller Maier Weidemann Rogge
Player_has_Medals: "Command-Unit has Medals"
W1_has_Medals: "w1 has Medals"
W2_has_Medals: "w2 has Medals"
W3_has_Medals: "w3 has Medals"
W4_has_Medals: "w4 has Medals"
W5_has_Medals: "w5 has Medals"
Player_has_Skills: "Command-Unit has increased skills"
W1_has_Skills: "w1 has increased skills"
W2_has_Skills: "w2 has increased skills"
W3_has_Skills: "w3 has increased skills"
W4_has_Skills: "w4 has increased skills"
W5_has_Skills: "w5 has increased skills"
Player_has_ranks: "Command-Unit has increased ranks"
W1_has_ranks: "w1 has increased ranks"
W2_has_ranks: "w2 has increased ranks"
W3_has_ranks: "w3 has increased ranks"
W4_has_ranks: "w4 has increased ranks"
W5_has_ranks: "w5 has increased ranks"
*********** German - Globals ***********
Weidemann Schr÷der Oberrauter Rogge Chocheau Mⁿller Maier Rotburg v.Heiden Wittman Jacobi Schneider Aberot Kloos Siedlaczek
Niedergassel Lentz Brendel Lenzer Winkler Loos
Player_has_Medals: "Falke 1 has Medals"
W1_has_Medals: "Falke 2 has Medals"
W2_has_Medals: "Falke 3 has Medals"
W3_has_Medals: "Falke 4 has Medals"
W4_has_Medals: "Falke 5 has Medals"
W5_has_Medals: "Falke 6 has Medals"
Player_has_Skills: "Your crew increased skills"
W1_has_Skills: "Falke 1 increased skills"
W2_has_Skills: "Falke 2 increased skills"
W3_has_Skills: "Falke 3 increased skills"
W4_has_Skills: "Falke 4 increased skills"
W5_has_Skills: "Falke 5 increased skills"
Player_has_ranks: "Command-Unit has increased ranks"
W1_has_ranks: "w1 has increased ranks"
W2_has_ranks: "w2 has increased ranks"
W3_has_ranks: "w3 has increased ranks"
W4_has_ranks: "w4 has increased ranks"
W5_has_ranks: "w5 has increased ranks"
*********** Ami - Globals ***********
Brown Meegan Wangerin Pantazi Hether Miller Jonson Stevenson Jacobs Levine Griffith Lyons Braben Mondeon Voorhees
Garcia Harris
Player_has_Medals: "You received Medals"
W1_has_Medals: "Alpha 2 reveived Medals"
W2_has_Medals: "Alpha 3 received Medals"
W3_has_Medals: "Alpha 4 received Medals"
W4_has_Medals: "Alpha 5 received Medals"
W5_has_Medals: "Alpha 6 received Medals"
Player_has_Skills: "Your crew increased skills"
W1_has_Skills: "Alpha 2 increased skills"
W2_has_Skills: "Alpha 3 increased skills"
W3_has_Skills: "Alpha 4 increased skills"
W4_has_Skills: "Alpha 5 increased skills"
W5_has_Skills: "Alpha 6 increased skills"
Player_has_ranks: "Command-Unit has increased ranks"
W1_has_ranks: "w1 has increased ranks"
W2_has_ranks: "w2 has increased ranks"
W3_has_ranks: "w3 has increased ranks"
W4_has_ranks: "w4 has increased ranks"
W5_has_ranks: "w5 has increased ranks"