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- The program used to produce these Blake Stone:AOG ** maps is BLAKEMAP by David
- Lummis as modified by myself, Warren Buss.
- Each Mission of Blake Stone contains 11 playable levels, 2 of which are secret.
- The level labeled "Basement" is in fact the 1st secret level. The other one is
- level 10.
- The maps all contain 66 lines and because of the width of the page, must be
- printed at 17 cpi. This is considered "compressed print" for most printers and
- is either set by sending a command to your printer or is available via buttons
- on the printer. Check the manual for your printer to see how to set up
- compressed printing.
- The Map Legend which tells what all the symbols on the maps mean can be
- printed using normal print. From the legend map you can immediately learn
- which objects/guards/aliens will be present depending on the skill level you
- use to play the game.
- Often times items you can use are encased in cargo crates. The maps show what
- is in a crate, not the crate itself.
- After you've played Blake Stone a number of times, you will probably notice
- that Bio-Technicians (the guys walking around in lab smocks) and certain other
- objects will not always be the same each time you run the game. For example,
- you may enter a room with 2 Bio-Techs who turn out to be friendly "informants"
- the first time you go in. If Blake loses a life and you restart the
- level, then reenter the same room with the same 2 Bio-Techs, one or both may
- be unfriendly this time (loyal to Goldfire).
- Because of the above there is no way to indicate in a map what sort of Bio
- Tech you will encounter (friendly or not), only where they are when a level
- is started. Whether an enemy drops an Energy Pack (ammo) or a token when killed
- is determined dynamically and randomly by the Blake Stone engine. (Friendly
- Bio Techs do not drop anything except themselves when killed).
- Many of the enemies and certain objects are capable of movement. The map will
- only show where they start when you begin a level. This means they will often
- be somewhere else by the time Blake gets there.
- The symbols for Access Cards are used in 2 ways. 1) to show where they are to
- be found and 2) to show what doors they open. For example, the code for a Gold
- Access card is 'cg'. 'cg' will appear in a map where the card is to be found
- and will also appear in place of a door symbol to indicate what door it unlocks.
- At the present time there is no way to depict symbolically which barrier switch
- controls which barrier.
- High Energy Plasma Aliens (the "electric creatures") are sometimes found in a
- room with a one or more Plasma Cubes (looks like a large electrical outlet).
- Other times they will be in a room with no Plasma Cubes. In this latter case,
- when you dispose of them, they will not reappear. In the former case, they will
- keep being regenerated by the Plasma cubes (the cubes cannot be destroyed). The
- cubes are denoted by 'ΣΣ' symbols on the map. When you encounter these symbols
- in a room but do not see any 'E' symbols for the aliens themselves, that only
- means that when you enter the room they will start to be generated from the
- Plasma cubes.
- ** Blake Stone: AOG is Copyright (c) 1993 by Jam Productions and Apogee Software
- These maps are not the property of either Apogee Software or Jam Productions,
- nor will they support them. Do NOT contact either company for help with the
- maps. They are a method of cheating, so if you do not wish to be a "cheater",
- then it is suggested you not use these maps.
- Warren Buss [71044,3477]