The point of easy populate is to let someone use an excel file exported to
a tab delimited file to set up their entire store:
categories, products, manufacturers, quantities, and prices.
Modified by Tim Wasson - Wasson65 ( to:
accept category/subcategory names
allow reordering of columns in csv file
accept manufacturer name or id
some minor code simplification
accept and set status of the product if desired
changed all # to // comment markers so KDE's Kate will syntax highlight correctly
added support for default images for products, categories, and categories.
added support for exporting a csv file that can be modified and sent back in.
1.1 Changes
Fixed a stupid bug, I didn't change the references to easypopulate.php from excel.php
Added note in the docs that if the Excel import is already done, don't need to do the alter table
Removed the extra semicolon on the end of the line in the csv download. It prevented you from exporting and importing a file.
1.2 Fixes
More bugs fixed
1.3 Fixes
Added another link to put csv file in temp file for access via tools->files, for some windows machines that refuse to dl right...
1.4 Fixes
Switchted to tabs for delimiters
Strip cr's and tab's from strings before exporting
Added explicit end of row field
Added ability to split a big file into smaller files in the temp dir
Preserve double quotes, single quotes, and apostrophes and commas
Removed references to category_root, it's no longer required
1.5 Fixes
Changed --EOR-- to EOREOR for better excel usability.
Made script accept "EOREOR" or EOREOR without the quotes.
If inserting a new product, delete any product_descriptions with that product_id to avoid an error if old data was still present.
1.6 Fixes
Ooops, manufacturer_id variable misspellings meant that mfg wasn't getting set or updated
Whe I re-arranged the code, I left out the call to actually put the data into the products table. Ooops again...
1.61 Fixes
One more manufacturer id name fix.
Skipped to 2.0 because of the big jump in functionality
Made EP handle magic-quotes
Thanks to Joshua Dechant aka dreamscape, for this fix
Rewrote the categories part to handle any number of categories
Fix split files not splitting.
Change from "file" to "fgets" to read the file to be split to avoid out of memory problems... hopefully
Added multi-language support. - thanks to elari, who wrote all the code around handling all active langs in OSC
Added category names assumed to be in default language - thanks to elari again! who wrote all that code as well
Fixed bug where files wouldn't split because the check for EOREOR was too specific.
Added separate file for functions tep_get_uploaded_file and friends so that older snapshots will have it and work.
Finally updated the docs since they sucked
Moved product_model field to the start of each row because sometimes, if the image name was empty, the parsing would get confused
Thanks to these sponsors - their financial support made this release possible!
Support for more than one output file format with variable numbers of columns
Sponsored by Ted Joffs
Support for Separate Price per Customer mod
Sponsored by Alan Pace
Support for Linda's Header Controller v2.0
Sponsored by Stewart MacKenzie
Removed quotes around all the fields on export.
Added configuration variable so you can turn off the qoutes -> control codes replacement
Merged Elari's changes to not hardcode language id's
Bugfix for single language non-english name/desc not being put into the output file.
The code was still checking for product_name_1 instead of product_name_$langid.
2.32 - never released into the wild
Added config var $zero_qty_inactive, defaulted to true.
This will make zero qty items inactive by default.
Support for Froogle downloads to EP.
Sponsored by Ted Joffs
Changed comments - it's not Multiple Price per Product, it's
Separate Price per Customer.
Fixed bugs with Froogle:
1. Category not getting built right
2. Strip HTML from name/description
3. Handle SearchEngineFriendly URL's
Adding "Delete" capability via EP. -- NOT COMPLETE
Fixed bug - the Model/Category would give SQL errors
Fixed bug - Items with no manufacturer were getting a man of '' (empty string)
Fixed bug - When trying to import, all items gave a "Deleting product" message but no db changes
This was because I'd tried inserting the delete functionality and didn't finish it.
Commented it out for now.
Added Date_added, fixed Date_available
Fixed active/inactive status settings
Fixed bug with misnamed item for Linda's Header Controller support
Fixed bug with SQL syntax error with new products
These following 3 fixes thanks to Yassen Yotov
Fixed bug where the default image name vars weren't declared global in function walk()
Added set_time_limit call, it won't cover all cases, but hopefully many. commented out to avoid
complaints with safe mode servers
Fixed hardcoded catalog/temp/ in output string for splitting files
DJZeon found a bug where product URL was getting lost because I always deleted and inserted the product description info - fixed
Same bug also was causing times viewed to be reset to zero because I always deleted and inserted the product descriiption.
Added the multi-image lines from Debbie and Nickie - Thanks!
Changed the output file name to make more sense, now it looks like EP2003Mar20-09:45.txt
No code changes, bump version because I forgot to update the docs about the high-to-low category order
Bug fixes?
Fix froogle categories in reverse order bug
Comment out mimage lines that were causing problems for people in 2.53
Added separator configuration variable so you can pick the separator character to use.
Made Froogle download look for an applicable specials price
Froogle downloads have "froogle" at the start of the file name
You can now specify a file in the temp directory and it will upload that instead of uploading via the browser
Bug fixes thanks to
Replaced tep_array_merge with array_merge to bring up to MS2 Standards.
Modified by Deborah Carney, inspired by the Think Tank to be included in the CRE Loaded 6
New support will be found at in the forums, as well as at in the Contributions section. This script was/is written by volunteers, please don't email or PM them, more answers are available in the forums if you search. If you want EP to do something, someone else probably already asked....
Known issue: html in the product description gets messed up, not sure how to fix it.
Modified by Karlheinz Meier on 08.August.2003
As some people happen to have something like DIFFERENT_Prefix_TABLES in their databases,
normally there is a file called /admin/includes/database_tables.php
which defines nice varibales for them; you can for example make prefixed_databases, or live backups or so.
As some programmers did use DIRECT table names, this was changed.
And now if you use the "separte price..."-module and have an article where there is NO special price,
the import process won't die
Derived from the Excel Import 1.51 by:
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Tim Wasson
Released under the GNU General Public License
// E N D
// E D I T H I S T O R Y
// C O N F I G U R A T I O N
// V A R I A B L E S
// **** Temp directory ****
// if you changed your directory structure from stock and do not have /catalog/temp/, then you'll need to change this accordingly.
$tempdir = "temp/";
$tempdir2 = "temp/";
//**** File Splitting Configuration ****
// we attempt to set the timeout limit longer for this script to avoid having to split the files
// NOTE: If your server is running in safe mode, this setting cannot override the timeout set in php.ini
// uncomment this if you are not on a safe mode server and you are getting timeouts
// if you are splitting files, this will set the maximum number of records to put in each file.
// if you set your php.ini to a long time, you can make this number bigger
global $maxrecs;
$maxrecs = 300; // default, seems to work for most people. Reduce if you hit timeouts
//$maxrecs = 4; // for testing
//**** Image Defaulting ****
global $default_images, $default_image_manufacturer, $default_image_product, $default_image_category;
// set them to your own default "We don't have any picture" gif
<p><b>Create EP and Froogle Files in Temp Dir (<? echo $tempdir; ?>)</b></p>
<a href="easypopulate.php?download=tempfile&dltype=full">Create Complete tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir</a><br>
<a href="easypopulate.php?download=tempfile&dltype=priceqty"">Create Model/Price/Qty tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir</a><br>
<a href="easypopulate.php?download=tempfile&dltype=category">Create Model/Category tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir</a><br>
<a href="easypopulate.php?download=tempfile&dltype=froogle">Create Froogle tab-delimited .txt file in temp dir</a><br>
<?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'footer.php'); ?>
function ep_get_languages() {
$languages_query = tep_db_query("select languages_id, code from " . TABLE_LANGUAGES . " order by sort_order");
// start array at one, the rest of the code expects it that way
$ll =1;
while ($ep_languages = tep_db_fetch_array($languages_query)) {
//will be used to return language_id en language code to report in product_name_code instead of product_name_id
$ep_languages_array[$ll++] = array(
'id' => $ep_languages['languages_id'],
'code' => $ep_languages['code']
return $ep_languages_array;
function tep_get_tax_class_rate($tax_class_id) {
$tax_multiplier = 0;
$tax_query = tep_db_query("select SUM(tax_rate) as tax_rate from " . TABLE_TAX_RATES . " WHERE tax_class_id = '" . $tax_class_id . "' GROUP BY tax_priority");
if (tep_db_num_rows($tax_query)) {
while ($tax = tep_db_fetch_array($tax_query)) {
$tax_multiplier += $tax['tax_rate'];
return $tax_multiplier;
function tep_get_tax_title_class_id($tax_class_title) {
$classes_query = tep_db_query("select tax_class_id from " . TABLE_TAX_CLASS . " WHERE tax_class_title = '" . $tax_class_title . "'" );