<!-- Framed pages opened "naked" outside their frameset will find the frameset and position themselves in the correct frame. -->
Changes: Added Netscape 7 support<BR><BR>
This extension is used with pages that belong in a frameset.<BR><BR>
FrameJammer is the right choice if you only want to 'jam' pages that might be opened outside their frameset (as when found by a search engine).<BR>
However, FrameJammer will show a temporary flash of the frameset default page when another page is being jammed, so if you want to 'jam' pages for in-site navigation, FrameStuffer is a better choice. Using FrameStuffer requires the extra steps of defining a blank page for the main frame, then applying FrameStuffer to the real default page (see Help file).<BR>
Both function the same way:<BR><BR>
After being FrameJammed/FrameStuffed, any page opened "naked" in a browser or in a frame with the wrong name will find and open its parent frameset, then position itself in the correct frame.<BR>
As an anti-hijacking measure, the frameset page checks to see if it is at the top of the browser window, and if not will break out.<BR>
FrameJammed/FrameStuffed pages use a different anti-hijacking technique, and check the name of the frame they're in. If the frame name is wrong, the page will break out and position itself in its own frameset.<BR><BR>
If you have used FrameJammer on your site and want to use FrameStuffer, only the parent frameset will need to be changed (see the FrameStuffer Help File). FrameJammed pages will work unchanged with FrameStuffer.<BR><BR>
Please read the Help file. And as usual, use at your own risk.<BR><BR>
A download for Dreamweaver 2 and higher users is available on the author's site.
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Access from the 'FrameStuffer' entry in the 'Dabbler' flyout from the Commands menu.<BR>
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