<!-- Framed pages opened "naked" outside their frameset will find the frameset and position themselves in the correct frame. -->
Changes: Added Netscape 7 support<BR><BR>
This extension is used with pages that belong in a frameset.<BR><BR>
After being FrameJammed/FrameStuffed, any page opened "naked" in a browser (as when found by a search engine) or in a frame with the wrong name will find and open its parent frameset, then position itself in the correct frame. <BR>
As an anti-hijacking measure, the frameset page checks to see if it is at the top of the browser window, and if not will break out.<BR>
Please read the Help file. And as usual, use at your own risk.<BR><BR>
A download for Dreamweaver 2 users is available on the author's site.
<!-- Describe where the extension shows in the UI of the product -->
Access from the 'FrameJammer' entry in the 'Dabbler' flyout from the Commands menu.<BR>
<!-- Describe the files that comprise the extension -->