This is the text area of the flash template where you can put in your own content.
You can modify the text, set font size, color and other attributes using HTML tags.
Please see examples below:
<FONT COLOR="#FF7500"><B>What you can do</B></FONT>
1. Change the company name and button labels
2. Change the contents of each section
3. Change <FONT SIZE="12" COLOR="#6666FF">the font <FONT COLOR="#FF3399">color</FONT> and <FONT SIZE="14" >size</FONT></FONT> or the style of the fonts.
e.g.<B>BOLD</B>, <FONT COLOR="#00CCFF">BLUE</FONT> or <U>Underline</U> and <I>Italic</I>
4. Create a hyper link. <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><u>Click here</u></a> will take you to