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- _____________________________________
- Bit Blocks TTF Created by Brian Kent
- Thanks for Downloading Bit Blocks TTF.
- The characters in this font can be used to make images when
- put together. I tested the font in Wordpad and there were 'break-ups'
- at some point sizes. I tested the font sizes from 2pt to 72pt and
- 5,7,8,9,12,14,15,17,20,29,32,43,52,55,57,60,69 and 72pt worked OK.
- I tested them using the example 'image' below. The sizes may be
- different in other programs, just test different point sizes until
- you get the sizes you want without the 'break-ups'.
- When you use this font at 17pt, it is the same size as the Bitmap
- version (bitblock.fon).
- Here's an example of making an image with this font: (Copy & Paste
- the characters below into a program like Wordpad and set the font
- to Bit Blocks TTF (BRK) )
- !" !&&&@" ‡fl !@&&&" !"
- U2&C&TT3KÚÒfl ‰ ‡ÚÒK2TT&C&3U
- K8&1<>'=ö8&1<öö0&10&=<ö<0&=K
- Â)&A%ö%öö)&A%öö%ö%%öö)&A2&1‰
- H:&3?ö?öö:&3:&=2&32&=?ö?>&3H
- U0&@&TT1HÙÛ› ‰ fiÙÛH0TT&@&1U
- #$ #&&&C$ fi› #C&&&$ #$
- All of the characters in this font (224) have an image assigned
- to them. View the image 'bitchart.gif' (included in the zip) for a
- chart of all of the characters. You can also use the Windows
- Character Map to select characters. Press the Windows Key+R to bring
- up the RUN command, then type in CHARMAP to open the Character Map.
- Then (if the font is installed) select 'Bit Blocks TTF -BRK-'.
- Here's all of the characters in the font:
- ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
- @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
- ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
- Ä Å Ç É Ñ Ö Ü á à â ä ã å ç é è ê ë í ì î ï ñ ó ò ô ö õ ú ù û ü
- † ° ¢ £ § • ¶ ß ® © ™ ´ ¨ ≠ Æ Ø ∞ ± ≤ ≥ ¥ µ ∂ ∑ ∏ π ∫ ª º Ω æ ø
- ¿ ¡ ¬ √ ƒ ≈ Δ « » … À Ã Õ Œ œ – — “ ” ‘ ’ ÷ ◊ ÿ Ÿ ⁄ € ‹ › fi fl
- ‡ · ‚ „ ‰ Â Ê Á Ë È Í Î Ï Ì Ó Ô Ò Ú Û Ù ı ˆ ˜ ¯ ˘ ˙ ˚ ¸ ˝ ˛ ˇ
- Here's how to type all of the characters (to type them, Press and Hold
- ALT, than on the Number Pad type in the #s):
- [space] = ALT+032
- ! = ALT+033
- " = ALT+034
- # = ALT+035
- $ = ALT+036
- % = ALT+037
- & = ALT+038
- ' = ALT+039
- ( = ALT+040
- ) = ALT+041
- * = ALT+042
- + = ALT+043
- , = ALT+044
- - = ALT+045
- . = ALT+046
- / = ALT+047
- 0 = ALT+048
- 1 = ALT+049
- 2 = ALT+050
- 3 = ALT+051
- 4 = ALT+052
- 5 = ALT+053
- 6 = ALT+054
- 7 = ALT+055
- 8 = ALT+056
- 9 = ALT+057
- : = ALT+058
- ; = ALT+059
- < = ALT+060
- = = ALT+061
- > = ALT+062
- ? = ALT+063
- @ = ALT+064
- A = ALT+065
- B = ALT+066
- C = ALT+067
- D = ALT+068
- E = ALT+069
- F = ALT+070
- G = ALT+071
- H = ALT+072
- I = ALT+073
- J = ALT+074
- K = ALT+075
- L = ALT+076
- M = ALT+077
- N = ALT+078
- O = ALT+079
- P = ALT+080
- Q = ALT+081
- R = ALT+082
- S = ALT+083
- T = ALT+084
- U = ALT+085
- V = ALT+086
- W = ALT+087
- X = ALT+088
- Y = ALT+089
- Z = ALT+090
- [ = ALT+091
- \ = ALT+092
- ] = ALT+093
- ^ = ALT+094
- _ = ALT+095
- ` = ALT+096
- a = ALT+097
- b = ALT+098
- c = ALT+099
- d = ALT+0100
- e = ALT+0101
- f = ALT+0102
- g = ALT+0103
- h = ALT+0104
- i = ALT+0105
- j = ALT+0106
- k = ALT+0107
- l = ALT+0108
- m = ALT+0109
- n = ALT+0110
- o = ALT+0111
- p = ALT+0112
- q = ALT+0113
- r = ALT+0114
- s = ALT+0115
- t = ALT+0116
- u = ALT+0117
- v = ALT+0118
- w = ALT+0119
- x = ALT+0120
- y = ALT+0121
- z = ALT+0122
- { = ALT+0123
- | = ALT+0124
- } = ALT+0125
- ~ = ALT+0126
- = ALT+0127
- Ä = ALT+0128
- Å = ALT+0129
- Ç = ALT+0130
- É = ALT+0131
- Ñ = ALT+0132
- Ö = ALT+0133
- Ü = ALT+0134
- á = ALT+0135
- à = ALT+0136
- â = ALT+0137
- ä = ALT+0138
- ã = ALT+0139
- å = ALT+0140
- ç = ALT+0141
- é = ALT+0142
- è = ALT+0143
- ê = ALT+0144
- ë = ALT+0145
- í = ALT+0146
- ì = ALT+0147
- î = ALT+0148
- ï = ALT+0149
- ñ = ALT+0150
- ó = ALT+0151
- ò = ALT+0152
- ô = ALT+0153
- ö = ALT+0154
- õ = ALT+0155
- ú = ALT+0156
- ù = ALT+0157
- û = ALT+0158
- ü = ALT+0159
- † = ALT+0160
- ° = ALT+0161
- ¢ = ALT+0162
- £ = ALT+0163
- § = ALT+0164
- • = ALT+0165
- ¶ = ALT+0166
- ß = ALT+0167
- ® = ALT+0168
- © = ALT+0169
- ™ = ALT+0170
- ´ = ALT+0171
- ¨ = ALT+0172
- ≠ = ALT+0173
- Æ = ALT+0174
- Ø = ALT+0175
- ∞ = ALT+0176
- ± = ALT+0177
- ≤ = ALT+0178
- ≥ = ALT+0179
- ¥ = ALT+0180
- µ = ALT+0181
- ∂ = ALT+0182
- ∑ = ALT+0183
- ∏ = ALT+0184
- π = ALT+0185
- ∫ = ALT+0186
- ª = ALT+0187
- º = ALT+0188
- Ω = ALT+0189
- æ = ALT+0190
- ø = ALT+0191
- ¿ = ALT+0192
- ¡ = ALT+0193
- ¬ = ALT+0194
- √ = ALT+0195
- ƒ = ALT+0196
- ≈ = ALT+0197
- Δ = ALT+0198
- « = ALT+0199
- » = ALT+0200
- … = ALT+0201
- = ALT+0202
- À = ALT+0203
- Ã = ALT+0204
- Õ = ALT+0205
- Œ = ALT+0206
- œ = ALT+0207
- – = ALT+0208
- — = ALT+0209
- “ = ALT+0210
- ” = ALT+0211
- ‘ = ALT+0212
- ’ = ALT+0213
- ÷ = ALT+0214
- ◊ = ALT+0215
- ÿ = ALT+0216
- Ÿ = ALT+0217
- ⁄ = ALT+0218
- € = ALT+0219
- ‹ = ALT+0220
- › = ALT+0221
- fi = ALT+0222
- fl = ALT+0223
- ‡ = ALT+0224
- · = ALT+0225
- ‚ = ALT+0226
- „ = ALT+0227
- ‰ = ALT+0228
- Â = ALT+0229
- Ê = ALT+0230
- Á = ALT+0231
- Ë = ALT+0232
- È = ALT+0233
- Í = ALT+0234
- Î = ALT+0235
- Ï = ALT+0236
- Ì = ALT+0237
- Ó = ALT+0238
- Ô = ALT+0239
- = ALT+0240
- Ò = ALT+0241
- Ú = ALT+0242
- Û = ALT+0243
- Ù = ALT+0244
- ı = ALT+0245
- ˆ = ALT+0246
- ˜ = ALT+0247
- ¯ = ALT+0248
- ˘ = ALT+0249
- ˙ = ALT+0250
- ˚ = ALT+0251
- ¸ = ALT+0252
- ˝ = ALT+0253
- ˛ = ALT+0254
- ˇ = ALT+0255
- If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me at
- kentpw@norwich.net
- You can visit my Homepage <ΔNIGMA GAMES & FONTS> at
- http://www.aenigmafonts.com/
- ____________
- !!! NOTE !!!
- This font has been updated! I've edited the (BRK) in the font name
- to just BRK. It seems that Adobe Illustrator and web pages with CSS
- don't like fonts with ( and ) in their name.
- ________________
- There's a couple of ways to install Fonts. The 'easy' way to
- install fonts is to just Unzip/place the font file [.ttf] into your
- Windows\Fonts directory (I always use this method). If you're unable
- to do it the 'easy' way, then try to do it this way (for Windows
- 95/98/NT):
- 1] Unzip the Font(s) to a folder (or somewhere, just remember where
- you unzipped it) on your Computer.
- 2] Next, click on the START button, then select SETTINGS then
- 3] When the Control Panel Window pops up, Double Click on FONTS.
- 4] When the FONTS window pops up, select File then Install New Font...
- 5] A Add Fonts window will pop up, just go to the folder that you
- unzipped the Font(s) to, select the Font(s) and then click on OK.
- Now the Font(s) are installed.
- Now you can use the Font(s) in programs the utilize Fonts. Make
- sure that you install the font(s) first, then open up your apps
- (so the app will recognize the font). Sometimes you'll have to
- wait until you computer 'auto-refreshes' for programs to recognize
- fonts (Windows is sometimes slow to do that). You can refresh your
- computer quicker by going into Windows Explorer -or- My Computer and
- press F5 (or in the menubar select VIEW then REFRESH).
- __________
- -The font(s) in this zip file were created by me (Brian Kent). All
- of my Fonts are Freeware, you can use them any way you want to
- (Personal use, Commercial use, or whatever).
- -If you have a Font related site and would like to offer my fonts on
- your site, go right ahead. All I ask is that you keep this text file
- intact with the Font.
- -You may not Sell or Distribute my Fonts for profit or alter them in
- any way without asking me first. [e-mail - kentpw@norwich.net]