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- _____________________________
- Binary Created by Brian Kent
- Thanks for Downloading Binary.
- >>> This text file is best viewed with Notepad (with Fixedsys) <<<
- ______________________________
- - Binary [binaryt.ttf]
- - Binary X [binaryx.ttf]
- - Binary 01s [bin01st.ttf]
- - Binary X 01s [binx01s.ttf]
- - Binary CHR [binchrt.ttf]
- - Binary X CHR [binxchr.ttf]
- NOTE: 'binaryt.ttf', 'bin01st.ttf' and binchrt.ttf may not work
- properly on older computers, so I included non-hinted 'X' versions
- ('binaryx.ttf' 'binx01s.ttf' and binxchr.ttf) that should work.
- When using the TTF version, try using it with anti-aliasing off.
- ___________________________
- - Binary [binary.fon] [26pt]
- - Binary 01s [bin01s.fon] [7pt]
- - Binary CHR [binchr.fon] [11pt]
- 'binary.fon', 'bin01s.fon' and 'binchr.fon' are Windows Bitmap Fonts.
- These fonts are best used at the point sizes listed above. To use
- them at larger point sizes (for images), try using a graphics program
- like Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, or the Paint program that comes with
- Windows. Type out your text at the recommended point size, then
- resize the image. Set the color mode to 256 or 2 colors so the edges
- don't get blured when resizing, then after you have the text to the
- size that you want, then change back to a higher color mode and edit
- the image.
- For programs that don't show Bitmap Fonts in the Font Selector, you
- may be able to get the fonts to work by typing one of the following
- font names:
- binary -brk-
- binary 01s -brk-
- binary chr -brk-
- _________________________
- ªªª Binary (binaryt.ttf, binaryx.ttf and binary.fon)
- Each character in this font has 3 sections
- 1] TOP - Displays the Character of the font (ABC123, ect...)
- 2] MIDDLE - Displays the Binary Value of the character. In the font,
- Dots are ZEROS '0' and Lines are ONES '1'.
- 3] BOTTOM - Displays the HEX Value of the character.
- ________
- | |
- | Z | <- CHARACTER
- |______|
- 01011010 <- BINARY VALUE
- | 5A | <- HEX VALUE
- |______|
- ªªª Binary 01s (bin01st.ttf, binx01s.ttf and bin01s.fon)
- Each character in this font is the Binary Value of the characters
- (just 0s and 1s). In the font, Dots are ZEROS '0' and Lines are
- ONES '1'.
- 010000100110100101101110011000010111001001111001
- This spells out Binary
- ªªª Binary CHR (binchrt.ttf, binxchr.ttf and binchr.fon)
- This font has all of the characters without the Binary and HEX Values.
- ___________
- >>> KEY <<<
- _______________________________
- 00100000 - [SPACE] - 20 - 0032
- 00100001 - ! - 21 - 0033
- 00100010 - " - 22 - 0034
- 00100011 - # - 23 - 0035
- 00100100 - $ - 24 - 0036
- 00100101 - % - 25 - 0037
- 00100110 - & - 26 - 0038
- 00100111 - ' - 27 - 0039
- 00101000 - ( - 28 - 0040
- 00101001 - ) - 29 - 0041
- 00101010 - * - 2A - 0042
- 00101011 - + - 2B - 0043
- 00101100 - , - 2C - 0044
- 00101101 - - - 2D - 0045
- 00101110 - . - 2E - 0046
- 00101111 - / - 2F - 0047
- 00110000 - 0 - 30 - 0048
- 00110001 - 1 - 31 - 0049
- 00110010 - 2 - 32 - 0050
- 00110011 - 3 - 33 - 0051
- 00110100 - 4 - 34 - 0052
- 00110101 - 5 - 35 - 0053
- 00110110 - 6 - 36 - 0054
- 00110111 - 7 - 37 - 0055
- 00111000 - 8 - 38 - 0056
- 00111001 - 9 - 39 - 0057
- 00111010 - : - 3A - 0058
- 00111011 - ; - 3B - 0059
- 00111100 - < - 3C - 0060
- 00111101 - = - 3D - 0061
- 00111110 - > - 3E - 0062
- 00111111 - ? - 3F - 0063
- 01000000 - @ - 40 - 0064
- 01000001 - A - 41 - 0065
- 01000010 - B - 42 - 0066
- 01000011 - C - 43 - 0067
- 01000100 - D - 44 - 0068
- 01000101 - E - 45 - 0069
- 01000110 - F - 46 - 0070
- 01000111 - G - 47 - 0071
- 01001000 - H - 48 - 0072
- 01001001 - I - 49 - 0073
- 01001010 - J - 4A - 0074
- 01001011 - K - 4B - 0075
- 01001100 - L - 4C - 0076
- 01001101 - M - 4D - 0077
- 01001110 - N - 4E - 0078
- 01001111 - O - 4F - 0079
- 01010000 - P - 50 - 0080
- 01010001 - Q - 51 - 0081
- 01010010 - R - 52 - 0082
- 01010011 - S - 53 - 0083
- 01010100 - T - 54 - 0084
- 01010101 - U - 55 - 0085
- 01010110 - V - 56 - 0086
- 01010111 - W - 57 - 0087
- 01011000 - X - 58 - 0088
- 01011001 - Y - 59 - 0089
- 01011010 - Z - 5A - 0090
- 01011011 - [ - 5B - 0091
- 01011100 - \ - 5C - 0092
- 01011101 - ] - 5D - 0093
- 01011110 - ^ - 5E - 0094
- 01011111 - _ - 5F - 0095
- 01100000 - ` - 60 - 0096
- 01100001 - a - 61 - 0097
- 01100010 - b - 62 - 0098
- 01100011 - c - 63 - 0099
- 01100100 - d - 64 - 0100
- 01100101 - e - 65 - 0101
- 01100110 - f - 66 - 0102
- 01100111 - g - 67 - 0103
- 01101000 - h - 68 - 0104
- 01101001 - i - 69 - 0105
- 01101010 - j - 6A - 0106
- 01101011 - k - 6B - 0107
- 01101100 - l - 6C - 0108
- 01101101 - m - 6D - 0109
- 01101110 - n - 6E - 0110
- 01101111 - o - 6F - 0111
- 01110000 - p - 70 - 0112
- 01110001 - q - 71 - 0113
- 01110010 - r - 72 - 0114
- 01110011 - s - 73 - 0115
- 01110100 - t - 74 - 0116
- 01110101 - u - 75 - 0117
- 01110110 - v - 76 - 0118
- 01110111 - w - 77 - 0119
- 01111000 - x - 78 - 0120
- 01111001 - y - 79 - 0121
- 01111010 - z - 7A - 0122
- 01111011 - { - 7B - 0123
- 01111100 - | - 7C - 0124
- 01111101 - } - 7D - 0125
- 01111110 - ~ - 7E - 0126
- 01111111 - - 7F - 0127
- 10000000 - Ä - 80 - 0128
- 10000001 - Å - 81 - 0129
- 10000010 - Ç - 82 - 0130
- 10000011 - É - 83 - 0131
- 10000100 - Ñ - 84 - 0132
- 10000101 - Ö - 85 - 0133
- 10000110 - Ü - 86 - 0134
- 10000111 - á - 87 - 0135
- 10001000 - à - 88 - 0136
- 10001001 - â - 89 - 0137
- 10001010 - ä - 8A - 0138
- 10001011 - ã - 8B - 0139
- 10001100 - å - 8C - 0140
- 10001101 - ç - 8D - 0141
- 10001110 - é - 8E - 0142
- 10001111 - è - 8F - 0143
- 10010000 - ê - 90 - 0144
- 10010001 - ë - 91 - 0145
- 10010010 - í - 92 - 0146
- 10010011 - ì - 93 - 0147
- 10010100 - î - 94 - 0148
- 10010101 - ï - 95 - 0149
- 10010110 - ñ - 96 - 0150
- 10010111 - ó - 97 - 0151
- 10011000 - ò - 98 - 0152
- 10011001 - ô - 99 - 0153
- 10011010 - ö - 9A - 0154
- 10011011 - õ - 9B - 0155
- 10011100 - ú - 9C - 0156
- 10011101 - ù - 9D - 0157
- 10011110 - û - 9E - 0158
- 10011111 - ü - 9F - 0159
- 10100000 - † - A0 - 0160
- 10100001 - ° - A1 - 0161
- 10100010 - ¢ - A2 - 0162
- 10100011 - £ - A3 - 0163
- 10100100 - § - A4 - 0164
- 10100101 - • - A5 - 0165
- 10100110 - ¶ - A6 - 0166
- 10100111 - ß - A7 - 0167
- 10101000 - ® - A8 - 0168
- 10101001 - © - A9 - 0169
- 10101010 - ™ - AA - 0170
- 10101011 - ´ - AB - 0171
- 10101100 - ¨ - AC - 0172
- 10101101 - ≠ - AD - 0173
- 10101110 - Æ - AE - 0174
- 10101111 - Ø - AF - 0175
- 10110000 - ∞ - B0 - 0176
- 10110001 - ± - B1 - 0177
- 10110010 - ≤ - B2 - 0178
- 10110011 - ≥ - B3 - 0179
- 10110100 - ¥ - B4 - 0180
- 10110101 - µ - B5 - 0181
- 10110110 - ∂ - B6 - 0182
- 10110111 - ∑ - B7 - 0183
- 10111000 - ∏ - B8 - 0184
- 10111001 - π - B9 - 0185
- 10111010 - ∫ - BA - 0186
- 10111011 - ª - BB - 0187
- 10111100 - º - BC - 0188
- 10111101 - Ω - BD - 0189
- 10111110 - æ - BE - 0190
- 10111111 - ø - BF - 0191
- 11000000 - ¿ - C0 - 0192
- 11000001 - ¡ - C1 - 0193
- 11000010 - ¬ - C2 - 0194
- 11000011 - √ - C3 - 0195
- 11000100 - ƒ - C4 - 0196
- 11000101 - ≈ - C5 - 0197
- 11000110 - Δ - C6 - 0198
- 11000111 - « - C7 - 0199
- 11001000 - » - C8 - 0200
- 11001001 - … - C9 - 0201
- 11001010 - - CA - 0202
- 11001011 - À - CB - 0203
- 11001100 - Ã - CC - 0204
- 11001101 - Õ - CD - 0205
- 11001110 - Œ - CE - 0206
- 11001111 - œ - CF - 0207
- 11010000 - – - D0 - 0208
- 11010001 - — - D1 - 0209
- 11010010 - “ - D2 - 0210
- 11010011 - ” - D3 - 0211
- 11010100 - ‘ - D4 - 0212
- 11010101 - ’ - D5 - 0213
- 11010110 - ÷ - D6 - 0214
- 11010111 - ◊ - D7 - 0215
- 11011000 - ÿ - D8 - 0216
- 11011001 - Ÿ - D9 - 0217
- 11011010 - ⁄ - DA - 0218
- 11011011 - € - DB - 0219
- 11011100 - ‹ - DC - 0220
- 11011101 - › - DD - 0221
- 11011110 - fi - DE - 0222
- 11011111 - fl - DF - 0223
- 11100000 - ‡ - E0 - 0224
- 11100001 - · - E1 - 0225
- 11100010 - ‚ - E2 - 0226
- 11100011 - „ - E3 - 0227
- 11100100 - ‰ - E4 - 0228
- 11100101 - Â - E5 - 0229
- 11100110 - Ê - E6 - 0230
- 11100111 - Á - E7 - 0231
- 11101000 - Ë - E8 - 0232
- 11101001 - È - E9 - 0233
- 11101010 - Í - EA - 0234
- 11101011 - Î - EB - 0235
- 11101100 - Ï - EC - 0236
- 11101101 - Ì - ED - 0237
- 11101110 - Ó - EE - 0238
- 11101111 - Ô - EF - 0239
- 11110000 - - F0 - 0240
- 11110001 - Ò - F1 - 0241
- 11110010 - Ú - F2 - 0242
- 11110011 - Û - F3 - 0243
- 11110100 - Ù - F4 - 0244
- 11110101 - ı - F5 - 0245
- 11110110 - ˆ - F6 - 0246
- 11110111 - ˜ - F7 - 0247
- 11111000 - ¯ - F8 - 0248
- 11111001 - ˘ - F9 - 0249
- 11111010 - ˙ - FA - 0250
- 11111011 - ˚ - FB - 0251
- 11111100 - ¸ - FC - 0252
- 11111101 - ˝ - FD - 0253
- 11111110 - ˛ - FE - 0254
- 11111111 - ˇ - FF - 0255
- To use the ALT#, press and hold the ALT key then on the Number Pad
- type in the 4 numbers. When you release the ALT key the character
- will appear.
- If you have any questions or comments, you can e-mail me at
- kentpw@norwich.net
- You can visit my Homepage <ΔNIGMA GAMES & FONTS> at
- http://www.aenigmafonts.com/
- ________________
- There's a couple of ways to install Fonts. The 'easy' way to
- install fonts is to just Unzip/place the font file [.ttf] into your
- Windows\Fonts directory (I always use this method). If you're unable
- to do it the 'easy' way, then try to do it this way (for Windows
- 95/98/NT):
- 1] Unzip the Font(s) to a folder (or somewhere, just remember where
- you unzipped it) on your Computer.
- 2] Next, click on the START button, then select SETTINGS then
- 3] When the Control Panel Window pops up, Double Click on FONTS.
- 4] When the FONTS window pops up, select File then Install New Font...
- 5] A Add Fonts window will pop up, just go to the folder that you
- unzipped the Font(s) to, select the Font(s) and then click on OK.
- Now the Font(s) are installed.
- Now you can use the Font(s) in programs the utilize Fonts. Make
- sure that you install the font(s) first, then open up your apps
- (so the app will recognize the font). Sometimes you'll have to
- wait until you computer 'auto-refreshes' for programs to recognize
- fonts (Windows is sometimes slow to do that). You can refresh your
- computer quicker by going into Windows Explorer -or- My Computer and
- press F5 (or in the menubar select VIEW then REFRESH).
- __________
- -The font(s) in this zip file were created by me (Brian Kent). All
- of my Fonts are Freeware, you can use them any way you want to
- (Personal use, Commercial use, or whatever).
- -If you have a Font related site and would like to offer my fonts on
- your site, go right ahead. All I ask is that you keep this text file
- intact with the Font.
- -You may not Sell or Distribute my Fonts for profit or alter them in
- any way without asking me first. [e-mail - kentpw@norwich.net]