home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* CSS Document */
- /* for font sizes or single character entries */
- .smallNumOrChar {width:35px}
- /* for fields designed to accept tag or cell contents */
- .contentsField {width:400px;height:100px;font-size:10px}
- /* for fields containing long strings or message text */
- .stringOrMsgField {width:250px;height:125px;font-size:10px}
- .xsmallTField {width:50px}
- .smallTField {width:75px}
- .medTField {width:150px}
- .basicTextField {width:200px}
- .largeTField {width:250px}
- .xlargeTField {width:300px}
- .xxlargeTField {width:400px}
- /* for action options like "Go to URL", "Stay on Page", "Open Window". */
- .actionList {width:125px}
- /* for horizontal or vertical alignment options. */
- .alignList {width:150px}
- /* for lists of encodings */
- .charsetList {width:150px}
- /* for graph/chart types, such as pie, area, line, etc. */
- .chartTypeList {width:200px}
- /* for class names */
- .classList {width:200px}
- /* for column names */
- .columnNameList {width:150px}
- /* for multiple-select column name lists */
- .columnNameMultiList {width:200px}
- /* for descriptive column lists (e.g., "'NextGame' does not get a value") */
- .columnDescList {width:365px}
- /* for operators such as =, !=, <, >= or their text equivalents (equals, does not equal, etc.) */
- .comparisonList {width:100px}
- /* for connection names */
- .connNameList {width:200px}
- /* for connection, recordset, or table names. */
- .connRSTableList {width:200px}
- /* for DSNs */
- .dataSourceList {width:200px}
- /* for data types; e.g., "Display As" and "Submit As" fields */
- .dataTypeList {width:150px}
- /* for days of the week*/
- .dayList {width:150px}
- /* for database tree controls */
- .dbTreeList {width:400px;height:110px}
- /* for design note info */
- .designNoteInfoOrValue {width:350px}
- /* for direction and language lists (which appear in most HTML tag dialogs) */
- .dirLangList {width:150px}
- /* for lists of form fields (often labeled "Value:" in SBs */
- .fieldList {width:150px}
- /* for lists of font cascades */
- .fontGroupList {width:250px}
- /* for lists of single font names */
- .fontList {width:150px}
- /* for date formats, etc. */
- .formatList {width:150px}
- /* for frame and window lists (e.g., New Window, frame "frame1", frame "frame2") */
- .frameList {width:250px}
- /* for image formats (e.g, "JPEG - Better Quality", "GIF - WebSnap 256", etc. */
- .imageFormatList {width:150px}
- /* for item lists (e.g., navbar elements, jump menu items, design notes) */
- .itemList {width:250px}
- /* for lists of MIME types. */
- .mimeTypesList {width:200px}
- /* for lists of multi-word options that do not fit into any more specific class. */
- .multiWordOptionList {width:250px}
- /* for lists of named images, movies, etc. in the user's document. */
- .namedObjectsList {width:300px}
- /* for lists of one-word options that do not fit into any more specific class. */
- .oneWordOptionList {width:125px}
- /* for parameter names */
- .paramNameList {width:200px}
- /* for callable parameter names */
- .jspParamNameList {width:515px}
- /* for parameter types */
- .paramTypeList {width:200px}
- /* for contributor personas */
- .personaList {width:200px}
- /* for plugin types */
- .pluginList {width:200px}
- /* for lists of stored procedures */
- .procList {width:200px}
- /* for css style properties, attributes, etc. */
- .propertyList {width:150px}
- /* for lists of internet protocols (such as http://, https://, ftp://, etc.) */
- .protocolList {width:100px}
- /* for lists of introspectors */
- .proxyList {width:200px}
- /* for recordset names */
- .rsNameList {width:200px}
- /* for jrun and cfml selector lists */
- .selectorList {width:150px}
- /* for lists of small numbers or chars, such as point sizes or heading tags */
- .smallNumOrCharList {width:50px}
- /* for SQL types and directions */
- .sqlTypeList {width:200px}
- /* for lists of border styles, etc. */
- .styleList {width:200px}
- /* for lists of tag types (e.g., a tags, form tags, etc. */
- .tagList {width:200px}
- /* for HREF targets. this one is tricky, because user-defined targets (including frame names) could be longer than the standard targets. */
- .targetList {width:125px}
- /* for template types (e.g., in DataList dialog) */
- .templateList {width:200px}
- /* for units such as percent, pixels, points, ems, etc. */
- .unitList {width:75px}