<string id="templates/error/missing end-editable" value='Editable region extends to </HTML> tag (the end-editable-region tag is probably missing)'/>
<string id="templates/error/convert boolean" value='unable to convert "%s" (in parameter "%s") to type boolean'/>
<string id="templates/error/convert number" value='unable to convert "%s" (in parameter "%s") to type number'/>
<string id="templates/error/undefined parameter" value='access to undefined template parameter "%s"'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad number" value='unable to convert new value for parameter "%s" to type number'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad type name" value='Bad type name (should be "boolean", "number", etc.)'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad tag context" value='Bad context for %s'/>
<string id="templates/error/malformed tag" value='Bad syntax (e.g. missing quotes or missing attribute value) in %s tag'/>
<string id="templates/error/missing name" value='Missing name for %s'/>
<string id="templates/error/missing type" value='Missing type for %s'/>
<string id="templates/error/missing value" value='Missing value for %s'/>
<string id="templates/error/missing cond" value='Missing cond for %s'/>
<string id="templates/error/missing expr" value='Missing expr for %s'/>
<string id="templates/error/missing template name" value='Missing template name for %s'/>
<string id="templates/error/missing codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked" value='Missing codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked for %s'/>
<string id="templates/error/missing choices in param" value='Parameter with type=choices must have a "choices" attribute'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad passthrough" value='Bad value for "passthrough" attribute (should be "true" or "false")'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked" value='Bad value for "codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked" attribute (should be "true" or "false")'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad type" value='Bad type for %s (should be "boolean", "number", etc.)'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad boolean value" value='Bad value "%s" for parameter "%s" with type=boolean: should be "true" or "false". The bad value will be discarded.'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad number value" value='Bad value "%s" for parameter "%s" with type=number: should be a numeric value such as "5" or "-3.1". The bad value will be discarded.'/>
<string id="templates/error/duplicate parameters" value='Duplicate parameters of name %s'/>
<string id="templates/error/duplicate editables" value='Duplicate editable regions of name "%s".'/>
<string id="templates/error/repeated editables note" value=' (Note: in a nested template, this can occur when the base template contains an editable region inside a repeated region. In this case, you must give a different name to each editable region in the nested template. See the Dreamweaver manual for details.)'/>
<string id="templates/error/duplicate repeats" value='Duplicate repeated regions of name %s'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad subtag" value='%s tags cannot contain subtags (try ending your tag with "/>" instead of ">")'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad content" value='%s tags cannot contain content (try ending your tag with "/>" instead of ">")'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad instance Repeat subtag" value='<MMTInstance:Repeat> tags can only contain <MMTInstance:RepeatEntry> tags'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad instance Repeat subcomment" value='InstanceBeginRepeat tags can only contain InstanceBeginRepeatEntry tags'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad XML Repeat subtag" value='<repeat> tags can only contain <repeatEntry> tags'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad MultipleIf subtag" value='<MMTemplate:MultipleIf> tags can only contain <MMTemplate:IfClause> tags'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad MultipleIf subcomment" value='TemplateBeginMultipleIf tags can only contain templateBeginIfClause tags'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad PassthroughMultipleIf subtag" value='<MMTemplate:PassthroughMultipleIf> tags can only contain <MMTemplate:PassthroughIfClause> tags'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad PassthroughMultipleIf subcomment" value='TemplateBeginPassthroughMultipleIf tags can only contain templateBeginPassthroughIfClause tags'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad IfClause context" value='<MMTemplate:IfClause> tags can only be used in <MMTemplate:MultipleIf> tags'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad IfClause comment context" value='TemplateBeginIfClause tags can only be used in templateBeginMultipleIf tags'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad PassthroughIfClause context" value='<MMTemplate:PassthroughIfClause> tags can only be used in <MMTemplate:PassthroughMultipleIf> tags'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad PassthroughIfClause comment context" value='TemplateBeginPassthroughIfClause tags can only be used in templateBeginPassthroughMultipleIf tags'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad Param context" value="<MMTemplate:Param> tags can't be used inside any MMTemplate tags except <MMTemplate:Repeat>"/>
<string id="templates/error/bad Param comment context" value="TemplateParam tags can't be used inside any template tags except templateBeginRepeat"/>
<string id="templates/error/bad Param instance context" value="<MMTInstance:Param> tags can't be used inside any MMTemplate tags except <MMTemplate:Repeat>"/>
<string id="templates/error/bad Param instance comment context" value="InstanceParam tags can't be used inside any template tags except templateBeginRepeat or"/>
<string id="templates/error/bad entry context" value="%s not in <repeat>"/>
<string id="templates/error/bad RepeatEntry context" value="<MMTInstance:RepeatEntry> tags can only be used in <MMTInstance:Repeat> tags"/>
<string id="templates/error/bad RepeatEntry comment context" value="InstanceBeginRepeatEntry tags can only be used in instanceBeginRepeat tags"/>
<string id="templates/error/bad XML RepeatEntry context" value="<repeatEntry> tags can only be used in <repeat> tags"/>
<string id="templates/error/tag in editable" value='%s tag inside editable region'/>
<string id="templates/error/param outside template" value="%s can't be used in a non-nested template"/>
<string id="templates/error/@@ in editable" value="@@(...)@@ directives cannot be used inside editable regions"/>
<string id="templates/error/@@ in MMTemplate tag" value="@@(...)@@ directives cannot be used in MMTemplate tags"/>
<string id="templates/error/first tag is editable" value="First tag is inside editable region"/>
<string id="templates/error/BeginTemplate in editable" value="InstanceParamBeginTemplate comment inside editable region"/>
<string id="templates/error/miscapitalized tag" value="<%s> tag is capitalized incorrectly"/>
<string id="templates/error/bad psuedotag comment" value="Bad syntax in a template comment, e.g. unbalanced quotes or missing attribute value"/>
<string id="templates/error/underscore begins name" value='Illegal name "%s" (names can't begin with an underscore)'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad name character" value="Illegal name "%s" (names can't contain quotes, ampersands, '<', or '>' characters)"/>
<string id="templates/error/name is number" value="Illegal name "%s" (parameter and repeated region names can't consist entirely of digits)"/>
<string id="templates/error/no _prevRecord" value='_prevRecord not available from first entry in repeat'/>
<string id="templates/error/no _nextRecord" value='_nextRecord not available from last entry in repeat'/>
<string id="templates/error/no _parent" value='_parent not available from outermost repeat'/>
<string id="templates/error/bad name for XML" value="Can't use editable region names as tag names when exporting this file, because the editable region name "%s" can't be converted into a tag name."/>
<string id="templates/error/bad template name for XML" value="Can't use editable region names as tag names when exporting this file, because the template name "%s" can't be converted into a tag name."/>
<string id="templates/error/codeOutsideHTMLOrphaned" value="The template that you're trying to apply does not allow changes outside the <html> tag. This document contains code outside the <html> tag, which will be lost by applying the template. Proceed?" />
<string id="template editing/delete warning" value="To delete a repeated entry, click in an editable region inside the entry before clicking the Delete button."/>