home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- // WDDX Deserializer for JavaScript
- // File: wddxDes.js
- // Author: Nate Weiss (nweiss@icesinc.com)
- // Last Updated: 10/1/99
- // See www.wddx.org for usage and updates
- // Update history
- // 10/1/99: Added support for <null> and <binary> elements
- // 12.11.01: alei - changed the 'length' to 'LENGTH' because 'length' is reserved as an
- // array element name for the 'length' of elements in the array
- // METHODS AFFECTED: wddxDeserializer_parseArray, _attribution
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- // Parses a simple WDDX value //
- // (string, number, dateTime, boolean) //
- // to appropriate Javascript object type //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- function wddxDeserializer_parseSimpleType (Contents) { //hi
- // What WDDX-defined simple data type is it?
- var DataType = Contents.name;
- // Simple DataType: BOOLEAN
- if (DataType == 'boolean') {
- return (Contents.attributes["value"]=='true');
- } else {
- // Value is the value between <string></string> or <number></number>, etc
- var Value = Contents.contents.length > 0 ? Contents.contents[0].value : '';
- // Simple DataType: STRING
- if (DataType == 'string') {
- if (Contents.contents.length > 1) {
- Value = '';
- for (StrItem = 0; StrItem < Contents.contents.length; StrItem++) {
- if (Contents.contents[StrItem].type == 'chardata')
- Value = Value + Contents.contents[StrItem].value;
- else if (Contents.contents[StrItem].name == 'char') {
- Code = Contents.contents[StrItem].attributes["code"];
- if (Code == '0D') Value = Value + '\r';
- else if (Code == '0C') Value = Value + '\f';
- else if (Code == '0A') Value = Value + '\n';
- else if (Code == '09') Value = Value + '\t';
- }
- }
- }
- return Value;
- }
- // Simple DataType: NUMBER
- else if (DataType == 'number') {
- return parseFloat(Value);
- }
- // Simple DataType: NULL //{nmw 10/1/99}
- else if (DataType == 'null') {
- return null;
- }
- // Simple DataType: DATE
- else if (DataType == 'dateTime') {
- // Split date string into component parts
- var Value = splitAny(Value, 'T');
- var dtDateParts = splitAny(Value[0], '-');
- var NewDate;
- if ( (Value[1].indexOf('-') == -1) & (Value[1].indexOf('+') == -1) ) {
- // create native JS Date object
- var dtTimeParts = splitAny(Value[1], ':');
- NewDate = new Date(dtDateParts[0], dtDateParts[1]-1, dtDateParts[2], dtTimeParts[0], dtTimeParts[1], dtTimeParts[2]);
- } else {
- // There is timezone info for this <dateTime></dateTime> element.
- // Get just the timezone info by getting everything after the "-" or "+"
- if (Value[1].indexOf('-') > -1) dtTimeTZParts = splitAny(Value[1], '-');
- else dtTimeTZParts = splitAny(Value[1], '+');
- var dtTimeParts = splitAny(dtTimeTZParts[0], ':');
- // Create a new JS date object (no timezone offsetting has happened yet)
- NewDate = new Date(dtDateParts[0], dtDateParts[1]-1, dtDateParts[2], dtTimeParts[0], dtTimeParts[1], dtTimeParts[2]);
- // If we are supposed to do timezone offsetting
- if (this.useTimezoneInfo == true) {
- var dtTZParts = splitAny(dtTimeTZParts[1], ':');
- var dtOffsetHours = parseInt(dtTZParts[0]);
- var dtOffsetMins = parseInt(dtTZParts[1]);
- if (Value[1].indexOf('-') > -1) {
- dtOffsetHours = this.timezoneOffsetHours - dtOffsetHours;
- dtOffsetMins = this.timezoneOffsetMinutes - dtOffsetMins;
- } else {
- dtOffsetHours = this.timezoneOffsetHours + dtOffsetHours;
- dtOffsetMins = this.timezoneOffsetMinutes + dtOffsetMins;
- }
- NewDate.setHours(NewDate.getHours() - dtOffsetHours);
- NewDate.setMinutes(NewDate.getMinutes() - dtOffsetMins);
- }
- }
- return NewDate;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- // Desearializes WXXX Array by creating //
- // JS Array object & populating it with //
- // Deserialized simple values //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- function wddxDeserializer_parseArray(ArrayAsWDDX) {
- // JSArray is the new Javascript-style array to return
- // ArrayLength is the length of the WDDX-style array to parse
- var JSArray = new Array();
- // Changed from 'length' to 'LENGTH' because setting 'length' as an array element name throws an
- // error in UD vs IE4/NS4/NS6 simply ignoring the error
- // var ArrayLength = parseInt(ArrayAsWDDX.attributes["length"]);
- var ArrayLength = parseInt(ArrayAsWDDX.attributes["LENGTH"]);
- // For each element in the WDDX array, set the corresponding
- // Element in the JS array to the WDDX element's parsed value
- for (var Count = 0; Count < ArrayLength; Count++) {
- JSArray[Count] = this.parseElement(ArrayAsWDDX.contents[Count]);
- }
- // Return the finished array
- return JSArray;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- // Desearializes a Structure by creating //
- // JS Array object & populating it with //
- // appropriately Deserialized values //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- function wddxDeserializer_parseStruct(StructAsWDDX) {
- // The JavaScript object that we're building right now
- var JSObject;
- // StructLength is the length of the WDDX-style structure to parse
- var StructLength = StructAsWDDX.contents.length;
- // JSObject is the new Javascript-style object to return
- // Call object constructor if a "type" attribute has been provided
- // for this <struct> element; otherwise, call generic Object constructor
- var bCustom = false;
- if (typeof(StructAsWDDX.attributes["type"]) == 'string') {
- if(StructAsWDDX.attributes["type"].toLowerCase() != "coldfusion.util.fasthashtable"){
- var ConstructorTest = 'typeof(' +StructAsWDDX.attributes["type"]+ ')';
- if ( eval(ConstructorTest) == 'function' )
- bCustom = true;
- }
- }
- if (bCustom) JSObject = eval('new '+ StructAsWDDX.attributes["type"]);
- else JSObject = new Object;
- // For each element in the WDDX struct, set the corresponding
- // Element in the JS object to the WDDX element's parsed value.
- // StructIndex is the "name" of the stucture element, ie MyStruct["StuctIndex"]
- for (var Count = 0; Count < StructLength; Count++) {
- var StructIndex = (this.preserveVarCase == true) ? StructAsWDDX.contents[Count].attributes["name"] : (this.varCaseToUpper == true) ? StructAsWDDX.contents[Count].attributes["name"].toUpperCase() : StructAsWDDX.contents[Count].attributes["name"].toLowerCase();
- JSObject[StructIndex] = this.parseElement(StructAsWDDX.contents[Count].contents[0]);
- }
- // Return the finished object
- return JSObject;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- // Desearializes a recordset by creating //
- // JS WDDXRecordset object & populating //
- // its cells with Deser'd simple values //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- function wddxDeserializer_parseRecordset(RSAsWDDX) {
- // RSInfo is the <recordset>...</recordset> part of the WDDX packet
- // RSCols is an array full of column names
- // RSRows is the number of rows in the recordset
- // ThisRS is an actual WddxRecordset object
- var RSInfo = RSAsWDDX;
- var RSColNames = RSInfo.attributes["fieldNames"].toLowerCase();
- var RSCols = splitAny(RSColNames, ',');
- var RSRows = parseInt(RSInfo.attributes["rowCount"]);
- var ThisRS = new WddxRecordset(RSCols, RSRows); // Note dependency on external wddx.js source file
- // For each column in the recordset...
- // ThisCol is the current column name (as a string)
- // ColArray is an array of cells for column (going down in rows)
- for (var ColNo = 0; ColNo < RSCols.length; ColNo++) {
- ThisCol = RSCols[ColNo];
- ColArray = new Array();
- // For each row in the column, get value from WDDX packet
- for (var RowNo = 0; RowNo < RSRows; RowNo++) {
- ColArray[RowNo] = this.parseSimpleType(RSInfo.contents[ColNo].contents[RowNo]);
- }
- // Attach array of this column's values to recordset itself
- ThisRS[ThisCol] = ColArray;
- }
- // Return the recordset object
- return ThisRS;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- // Called by the Deserializer function //
- // Basically decides if this element is //
- // Simple Type or Recordset or Structure //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- function wddxDeserializer_parseElement(Element) {
- // if it's a recordset
- if (Element.name == 'recordset') {
- return this.parseRecordset(Element);
- }
- // if it's an array
- else if (Element.name == 'array') {
- return this.parseArray(Element);
- }
- // if it's a structure
- else if (Element.name == 'struct') {
- return this.parseStruct(Element);
- }
- // if it's a binary //{nmw 10/1/99}
- else if (Element.name == 'binary') {
- var Bin = new WddxBinary;
- Bin.encoding = (typeof(Element.attributes["encoding"]) == 'string') ? Element.attributes["encoding"] : 'base64';
- if (this.preserveBinaryData) {
- Bin.data = (typeof(Element.contents[0].value) == 'string') ? Element.contents[0].value : '';
- };
- return Bin;
- }
- // if it's a simple element (string, number, dateTime, boolean)
- //if ((Element.name == 'boolean' || Element.name == 'null') || (Element.contents.length > 0 && Element.contents[0].type == 'chardata'))
- else {
- return this.parseSimpleType(Element);
- };
- // return nothing if none of supported WDDX types were found
- return '';
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // This function will use the native split()
- // function if available, and joinOld if not
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- function splitAny(String, Sep) {
- if (String.split) SplitArray = String.split(Sep);
- else SplitArray = splitOld(String, Sep);
- return SplitArray;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // This function will use the native join()
- // function if available, and joinOld if not
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- function joinAny(theArray, Sep) {
- if (theArray.join) JoinedString = theArray.join(Sep);
- else JoinedString = joinOld(theArray, Sep);
- return JoinedString;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Main public function to deserialize any object //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function wddxDeserializer_deserialize(WDDXPacket) {
- // What's our default var case for struct elements?
- this.varCaseToUpper = (this.defaultVarCase.toLowerCase() != 'lower');
- // Set topLevelDatatype property to null by defalt
- this.topLevelDatatype = null;
- // Calculate hours/minutes for this deserializer's timezoneOffset property
- this.timezoneOffsetHours = Math.round(this.timezoneOffset/60);
- this.timezoneOffsetMinutes = (this.timezoneOffset % 60);
- // Use external Xparse XML parser to turn WDDX packet into an object structure
- _Xparse_count = 0; // "Resets" the Xparse parser
- var XMLRoot = Xparse(WDDXPacket); // Returns XML object structure
- WDDXPacket = ''; // Discards WDDXPacket variable
- // For each element in the XML-object structure...
- // Examine this "leaf" of the XML-object structure
- // If "leaf" is <data>, then parse its first "child"
- for (var item = 0; item < XMLRoot.index.length; item++) {
- var ThisItem = XMLRoot.index[item];
- if (ThisItem.name == 'data') {
- this.topLevelDatatype = ThisItem.contents[0].name;
- // Return result to function
- if (this.parseActualData == true) {
- return this.parseElement(ThisItem.contents[0]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Return NULL if no data found
- return null;
- }
- function wddxDeserializer_deserializeUrl(url) {
- var i, pipe, result, packet, posStart, posEnd;
- var tokStart = '<wddxPacket';
- var tokEnd = '</wddxPacket>';
- // If URL does not start with "http",
- // Assume a path based on current folder
- if (url.indexOf('http') != 0) {
- var ThisURL = window.location.href;
- var BaseURL = ThisURL.substring(0, ThisURL.lastIndexOf('/'));
- url = BaseURL + '/' + url;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < document.applets.length; i++) {
- if ( (typeof document.applets[i].getClass != 'undefined') && (document.applets[i].getClass() == 'class urlPipe') ) {
- pipe = document.applets[i];
- pipe.catchPage = true;
- // add parameters from urlData object-property
- bAdded = false;
- if (typeof(this.urlData) == 'object') {
- for (prop in this.urlData) {
- pipe.addParam( escape(prop.toString()), escape(this.urlData[prop].toString()) );
- bAdded = true;
- };
- };
- // make sure at least one param has been added, or urlPipe may freeze up
- if (bAdded == false) pipe.addParam('dummyParam', 1);
- pipe.post( url );
- packet = new String(pipe.getPage());
- posStart = packet.indexOf(tokStart);
- posEnd = packet.indexOf(tokEnd, posStart);
- //alert(packet); // uncomment this line to view recieved packet
- if (posEnd > posStart) {
- packet = packet.substring( posStart, (posEnd + tokEnd.length) );
- result = this.deserialize(packet);
- }
- // Reset urlData to emtpy
- this.urlData = new Object;
- break;
- };
- };
- return result;
- };
- function WddxDeserializer() {
- // By default, do not preserve case of "name"
- // attributes in <var> tags
- this.preserveVarCase = false;
- this.defaultVarCase = 'upper';
- // By default, don't get the DATA from <binary> elements
- this.preserveBinaryData = true;
- // By default, ignore timezone info
- this.useTimezoneInfo = false;
- // Use current timezone as default when deserializing
- // (relevant only if useTimezoneInfo gets set to true)
- var TempDate = new Date;
- this.timezoneOffset = TempDate.getTimezoneOffset();
- // Set topLevelDatatype property to null by defalt
- this.topLevelDatatype = null;
- this.parseActualData = true;
- // urlData should be empty at the outset
- this.urlData = new Object;
- // Add the "helper" (private) deserializer functions
- this.parseElement = wddxDeserializer_parseElement;
- this.parseSimpleType = wddxDeserializer_parseSimpleType;
- this.parseArray = wddxDeserializer_parseArray;
- this.parseStruct = wddxDeserializer_parseStruct;
- this.parseRecordset = wddxDeserializer_parseRecordset;
- // Add the main (public) deserializer function
- this.deserialize = wddxDeserializer_deserialize;
- this.deserializeUrl = wddxDeserializer_deserializeUrl;
- // Set implementation flag
- this.implementation = 'JS';
- }
- // Provide "standalone" WDDXDeserialize function for backwards
- // compatibility with previous versions of the deserializer.
- // This function should be considered "depreciated"
- function WDDXDeserialize(Packet) {
- var Deser = new WddxDeserializer;
- return Deser.deserialize(Packet);
- }
- // ***** The code that follows is known as "Xparse". It has
- // ***** been slightly modified by Nate Weiss, and included
- // ***** here with permission from Jeremie. Thanks, Jer! :)
- // Ver .91 Feb 21 1998
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Copyright 1998 Jeremie
- // Free for public non-commercial use and modification
- // as long as this header is kept intact and unmodified.
- // Please see http://www.jeremie.com for more information
- // or email jer@jeremie.com with questions/suggestions.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////// Simple XML Processing Library //////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //// Fully complies to the XML 1.0 spec
- //// as a well-formed processor, with the
- //// exception of full error reporting and
- //// the document type declaration(and it's
- //// related features, internal entities, etc).
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //// ***** This file modified by Nate Weiss 10/98 ****
- /////////////////////////
- //// the object constructors for the hybrid DOM
- function _element()
- {
- this.type = "element";
- this.name = new String();
- this.attributes = new Array();
- this.contents = new Array();
- this.uid = _Xparse_count++;
- _Xparse_index[this.uid]=this;
- }
- function _chardata()
- {
- this.type = "chardata";
- this.value = new String();
- }
- function _pi()
- {
- this.type = "pi";
- this.value = new String();
- }
- function _comment()
- {
- this.type = "comment";
- this.value = new String();
- }
- // an internal fragment that is passed between functions
- function _frag()
- {
- this.str = new String();
- this.ary = new Array();
- this.end = new String();
- }
- /////////////////////////
- // global vars to track element UID's for the index
- var _Xparse_count = 0;
- var _Xparse_index = new Array();
- // Global var which is true if the JS1.1 split() and join() functions are supported by the browser
- var _Xparse_isSplitSupported = ('Testing'.split && _Xparse_index.join);
- var _Xparse_isFromCharCodeSupported = ('Testing'.fromCharCode == 'function');
- //var _Xparse_isSplitSupported = false;
- /////////////////////////
- //// Main public function that is called to
- //// parse the XML string and return a root element object
- function Xparse(src)
- {
- var frag = new _frag();
- // remove bad \r characters and the prolog
- frag.str = _prolog(src);
- // create a root element to contain the document
- var root = new _element();
- root.name="ROOT";
- // main recursive function to process the xml
- frag = _compile(frag);
- // all done, lets return the root element + index + document
- root.contents = frag.ary;
- root.index = _Xparse_index;
- _Xparse_index = new Array();
- return root;
- }
- /////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////
- //// transforms raw text input into a multilevel array
- function _compile(frag)
- {
- // keep circling and eating the str
- while(1)
- {
- // when the str is empty, return the fragment
- if(frag.str.length == 0)
- {
- return frag;
- }
- var TagStart = frag.str.indexOf("<");
- if(TagStart != 0)
- {
- // theres a chunk of characters here, store it and go on
- var thisary = frag.ary.length;
- frag.ary[thisary] = new _chardata();
- if(TagStart == -1)
- {
- frag.ary[thisary].value = _entity(frag.str);
- frag.str = "";
- }
- else
- {
- frag.ary[thisary].value = _entity(frag.str.substring(0,TagStart));
- frag.str = frag.str.substring(TagStart,frag.str.length);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // determine what the next section is, and process it
- if(frag.str.substring(1,2) == "?")
- {
- frag = _tag_pi(frag);
- }
- else
- {
- if(frag.str.substring(1,4) == "!--")
- {
- frag = _tag_comment(frag);
- }
- else
- {
- if(frag.str.substring(1,9) == "![CDATA[")
- {
- frag = _tag_cdata(frag);
- }
- else
- {
- if(frag.str.substring(1,frag.end.length + 3) == "/" + frag.end + ">" || _strip(frag.str.substring(1,frag.end.length + 3)) == "/" + frag.end)
- {
- // found the end of the current tag, end the recursive process and return
- frag.str = frag.str.substring(frag.end.length + 3,frag.str.length);
- frag.end = "";
- return frag;
- }
- else
- {
- frag = _tag_element(frag);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return "";
- }
- ///////////////////////
- ///////////////////////
- //// functions to process different tags
- function _tag_element(frag)
- {
- // initialize some temporary variables for manipulating the tag
- var close = frag.str.indexOf(">");
- var empty = (frag.str.substring(close - 1,close) == "/");
- if(empty)
- {
- close -= 1;
- }
- // splitAny up the name and attributes
- var starttag = _normalize(frag.str.substring(1,close));
- var nextspace = starttag.indexOf(" ");
- var attribs = new String();
- var name = new String();
- if(nextspace != -1)
- {
- name = starttag.substring(0,nextspace);
- attribs = starttag.substring(nextspace + 1,starttag.length);
- }
- else
- {
- name = starttag;
- }
- var thisary = frag.ary.length;
- frag.ary[thisary] = new _element();
- frag.ary[thisary].name = _strip(name);
- if(attribs.length > 0)
- {
- frag.ary[thisary].attributes = _attribution(attribs);
- }
- if(!empty)
- {
- // !!!! important,
- // take the contents of the tag and parse them
- var contents = new _frag();
- contents.str = frag.str.substring(close + 1,frag.str.length);
- contents.end = name;
- contents = _compile(contents);
- frag.ary[thisary].contents = contents.ary;
- frag.str = contents.str;
- }
- else
- {
- frag.str = frag.str.substring(close + 2,frag.str.length);
- }
- return frag;
- }
- function _tag_pi(frag)
- {
- var close = frag.str.indexOf("?>");
- var val = frag.str.substring(2,close);
- var thisary = frag.ary.length;
- frag.ary[thisary] = new _pi();
- frag.ary[thisary].value = val;
- frag.str = frag.str.substring(close + 2,frag.str.length);
- return frag;
- }
- function _tag_comment(frag)
- {
- var close = frag.str.indexOf("-->");
- var val = frag.str.substring(4,close);
- var thisary = frag.ary.length;
- frag.ary[thisary] = new _comment();
- frag.ary[thisary].value = val;
- frag.str = frag.str.substring(close + 3,frag.str.length);
- return frag;
- }
- function _tag_cdata(frag)
- {
- var close = frag.str.indexOf("]]>");
- var val = frag.str.substring(9,close);
- var thisary = frag.ary.length;
- frag.ary[thisary] = new _chardata();
- frag.ary[thisary].value = val;
- frag.str = frag.str.substring(close + 3,frag.str.length);
- return frag;
- }
- /////////////////////////
- //////////////////
- //// util for element attribute parsing
- //// returns an array of all of the keys = values
- function _attribution(str)
- {
- var all = new Array();
- while(1)
- {
- var eq = str.indexOf("=");
- if(str.length == 0 || eq == -1)
- {
- return all;
- }
- var id1 = str.indexOf("\'");
- var id2 = str.indexOf("\"");
- var ids = new Number();
- var id = new String();
- if((id1 < id2 && id1 != -1) || id2 == -1)
- {
- ids = id1;
- id = "\'";
- }
- if((id2 < id1 || id1 == -1) && id2 != -1)
- {
- ids = id2;
- id = "\"";
- }
- var nextid = str.indexOf(id,ids + 1);
- var val = str.substring(ids + 1,nextid);
- var name = _strip(str.substring(0,eq));
- // all[name] = _entity(val);
- // 'length' is a reserved element name for JavaScript Arrays
- if( name.toUpperCase() == "LENGTH" ) {
- all['LENGTH'] = _entity(val);
- } else {
- all[name] = _entity(val);
- }
- str = str.substring(nextid + 1,str.length);
- }
- return "";
- }
- ////////////////////
- //////////////////////
- //// util to remove \r characters from input string
- //// and return xml string without a prolog
- function _prolog(str)
- {
- var A = new Array();
- if (_Xparse_isSplitSupported) {
- A = str.split("\r\n");
- str = A.join("\n");
- A = str.split("\r");
- str = A.join("\n");
- } else {
- A = splitOld(str, "\r\n");
- str = joinOld(A, "\n");
- A = splitOld(str, "\r");
- str = joinOld(A, "\n");
- }
- var start = str.indexOf("<");
- if(str.substring(start,start + 3) == "<?x" || str.substring(start,start + 3) == "<?X" )
- {
- var close = str.indexOf("?>");
- str = str.substring(close + 2,str.length);
- }
- var start = str.indexOf("<!DOCTYPE");
- if(start != -1)
- {
- var close = str.indexOf(">",start) + 1;
- var dp = str.indexOf("[",start);
- if(dp < close && dp != -1)
- {
- close = str.indexOf("]>",start) + 2;
- }
- str = str.substring(close,str.length);
- }
- return str;
- }
- //////////////////
- //////////////////////
- //// util to remove white characters from input string
- function _strip(str)
- {
- var A = new Array();
- if (_Xparse_isSplitSupported) {
- A = str.split("\n");
- str = A.join("");
- A = str.split(" ");
- str = A.join("");
- A = str.split("\t");
- str = A.join("");
- } else {
- A = splitOld(str, "\n");
- str = joinOld(A, "");
- A = splitOld(str, " ");
- str = joinOld(A, "");
- A = splitOld(str, "\t");
- str = joinOld(A, "");
- }
- return str;
- }
- //////////////////
- //////////////////////
- //// util to replace white characters in input string
- function _normalize(str)
- {
- var A = new Array();
- if (_Xparse_isSplitSupported) {
- A = str.split("\n");
- str = A.join(" ");
- A = str.split("\t");
- str = A.join(" ");
- } else {
- A = splitOld(str, "\n");
- str = joinOld(A, " ");
- A = splitOld(str, "\t");
- str = joinOld(A, " ");
- }
- return str;
- }
- //////////////////
- //////////////////////
- //// util to replace internal entities in input string
- function _entity(str)
- {
- var A = new Array();
- if (_Xparse_isSplitSupported) {
- A = str.split("<");
- str = A.join("<");
- A = str.split(">");
- str = A.join(">");
- A = str.split(""");
- str = A.join("\"");
- A = str.split("'");
- str = A.join("\'");
- A = str.split("&");
- str = A.join("&");
- // Handle accented characters, etc
- while (str.indexOf('') > -1) {
- var pos1 = str.indexOf('');
- var pos2 = str.indexOf(';', pos1);
- var ent = str.substring(pos1, pos2+1);
- var charNum = parseInt('0' + ent.substring(2));
- if (charNum.valueOf() > 0) {
- if (_Xparse_isFromCharCodeSupported)
- thisChar = String.fromCharCode(charNum);
- else
- thisChar = ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ÄÅÇÉÑÖÜáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûü†°¢£§•¶ß®©™´¨≠ÆØ∞±≤≥¥µ∂∑∏π∫ªºΩæø¿¡¬√ƒ≈Δ«»… ÀÃÕŒœ–—“”‘’÷◊ÿŸ⁄€‹›fifl‡·‚„‰ÂÊÁËÈÍÎÏÌÓÔÒÚÛÙıˆ˜¯˘˙˚¸˝˛ˇ'.charAt(charNum);
- };
- A = str.split(ent);
- str = A.join(thisChar);
- }
- } else {
- A = splitOld(str, "<");
- str = joinOld(A, "<");
- A = splitOld(str, ">");
- str = joinOld(A, ">");
- A = splitOld(str, """);
- str = joinOld(A, "\"");
- A = splitOld(str, "'");
- str = joinOld(A, "\'");
- A = splitOld(str, "&");
- str = joinOld(A, "&");
- // Handle accented characters, etc
- while (str.indexOf('') > -1) {
- var pos1 = str.indexOf('');
- var pos2 = str.indexOf(';', pos1);
- var ent = str.substring(pos1, pos2+1);
- var charNum = parseInt('0' + ent.substring(2));
- if (charNum.valueOf() > 0) {
- if (_Xparse_isFromCharCodeSupported)
- thisChar = String.fromCharCode(charNum);
- else
- thisChar = ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ÄÅÇÉÑÖÜáàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûü†°¢£§•¶ß®©™´¨≠ÆØ∞±≤≥¥µ∂∑∏π∫ªºΩæø¿¡¬√ƒ≈Δ«»… ÀÃÕŒœ–—“”‘’÷◊ÿŸ⁄€‹›fifl‡·‚„‰ÂÊÁËÈÍÎÏÌÓÔÒÚÛÙıˆ˜¯˘˙˚¸˝˛ˇ'.charAt(charNum);
- };
- A = splitOld(str, ent);
- str = joinOld(str, thisChar);
- }
- }
- return str;
- }
- //////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- // This function emulates the behavior of
- // the Javascript 1.1 string.split() function
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- function splitOld(String, Sep) {
- var NewArray = new Array;
- var Chunk = String;
- Sep = Sep.substring(0, 1);
- while (Chunk.indexOf(Sep) > -1) {
- NextSep = Chunk.indexOf(Sep);
- NewArray[NewArray.length] = Chunk.substring(0, NextSep);
- Chunk = Chunk.substring(NextSep+1);
- }
- NewArray[NewArray.length] = Chunk;
- return NewArray;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // This function emulates the behavior of
- // the Javascript 1.1 array.join() function
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- function joinOld(theArray, Sep) {
- Sep = Sep.substring(0, 1);
- if (theArray.length == 0)
- NewString = '';
- else
- NewString = theArray[0];
- for (var i = 1; i < theArray.length; i++) {
- NewString = NewString + Sep + theArray[i];
- }
- return NewString;
- }