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// // Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved. // ---------------------------------------------------- // // ccTableOptions.js // // reads in the form in ccTableCommands.htm. and make a tablestr to insert into the document. // // Version 1.0 // Added functions... // ---------------------------------------------------- //--------------- GLOBAL VARIABLES --------------- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_objTable; var gDialogShown = false; var targetDom = null; var returnTag=''; var TBL_HDR; //instance of iconSelectorClass, used for selecting table header icons var DEFAULT_TR = '<tr valign="top">'; //by default, set vertical alignment to top //--------------- API FUNCTIONS --------------- function isDOMRequired() { return false; } function commandButtons() { return new Array( "PutButtonsOnBottom", "OkButton", MM.BTN_OK, "if (setTableStr()) window.close()", "PutButtonOnLeft", MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()", "CancelButton", MM.BTN_Cancel, "window.close()"); } function setTableStr(){ // read all the values out of the form. var cmdFile = dreamweaver.getConfigurationPath() + "/Commands/ccTableCommands.htm"; var cmdDOM = dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM(cmdFile); var Columns = cmdDOM.theForm.Cols.value; var Rows = cmdDOM.theForm.Rows.value; var Border = cmdDOM.theForm.Border.value; var Width = cmdDOM.theForm.Width.value; var cellSpacing = cmdDOM.theForm.Cellspace.value; var cellPadding = cmdDOM.theForm.Cellpad.value; // unit choice is either 0 for pixels, or 1 for percent. var unitChoice = cmdDOM.theForm.Units.selectedIndex; var useWidthInColumns = true; // width choice is the radio buttons. Either default, which makes each cell 100. Or specify size, // which allows the user to specify the size of the table. var specifyWidth; var i; var cellWidth; var alertString; //alert when the number of columns are not valid. if ( (!(parseInt(Columns)== Columns)) || (Columns < 1) || (Columns > 50)) { alertString = dw.loadString ("ccTableOptions/numColumns"); alert (alertString); return false; } //alert when the number of rows are not valid. if ((!(parseInt(Rows)== Rows)) || (Rows < 1) || (Rows > 50)) { alertString = dw.loadString ("ccTableOptions/numRows"); alert (alertString); return false; } // alert when cellSpacing is invalid: non-blank & (non-number, or num<0 or num>50) if ((cellSpacing != "") && ((!(parseInt(cellSpacing)== cellSpacing)) || (cellSpacing < 0) || (cellSpacing > 50))) { alertString = dw.loadString ("ccTableOptions/cellSpacing"); alert (alertString); return false; } // alert when cellPadding is invalid: non-blank, non-number, or num<0 or num>50 if ((cellPadding != "") && ((!(parseInt(cellPadding)== cellPadding)) || (cellPadding < 0) || (cellPadding > 50))) { alertString = dw.loadString ("ccTableOptions/cellPadding"); alert (alertString); return false; } // Display an error message if (#78375): // 1. if it's not a number and the border is > 50 or < 0 OR // 2. it's not a number but the border is not an empty string (which we now allow) if ((dwscripts.isNumber(Border) && (Border > 50 || Border < 0)) || (!dwscripts.isNumber(Border) && Border != "")) { alertString = dw.loadString ("ccTableOptions/border"); alert (alertString); return false; } // alert when then width is not valid. if ((!(parseInt(Width) == Width)) || (Width < 0) && specifyWidth!="default") { alertString=dw.loadString ("ccTableOptions/width"); alert (alertString); return false; } // figure out whether the user is specifying a width or just using the default width. for (i=0; i<cmdDOM.theForm.RadioGroup1.length;i++) { if (cmdDOM.theForm.RadioGroup1[i].checked) specifyWidth = cmdDOM.theForm.RadioGroup1[i].value; } if (specifyWidth == 'default') { // cap the width at 1000% or 5000 pixels. cellWidth = 100; Width = cellWidth * Columns; // if width is pixels, then cap at 5000. otherwise, cap at 1000%. if (unitChoice == 0) { if (Width > 5000) Width = 5000; cellWidth = Math.round (Width / Columns); } } // if the width is specified. else { // if the unit choice is %, then we dont want to set a width on the table columns. if (unitChoice != 0) useWidthInColumns = false; else // cellWidth = Math.round (Width / Columns); useWidthInColumns = false; // cap the width at 1000% or 5000 pixels. if (unitChoice == 0) { if (Width > 5000) Width = 5000; cellWidth = Math.round (Width / Columns); } else { if (Width > 1000) Width = 1000; cellWidth = Math.round (Width/Columns); } } // header choice can be "none", "row", "column" or "both" var i = 0; var headerchoice; headerChoice = TBL_HDR.value; //CREATE TABLE // there are 4 types of cells, Header cells with width, Header cells with no width, Regular cells with width, and Regular cells with // no width. var tableHeaderColumnCellsWithWidth='<'+'th width="' + cellWidth + '" scope="row">' + dw.getDocumentDOM("document").getNBSPChar() + '<'+'/th>'; var tableHeaderColumnCellsNoWidth='<th scope="row">' + dw.getDocumentDOM("document").getNBSPChar() + '</th>'; var tableHeaderRowCellsWithWidth='<'+'th width="' + cellWidth + '" scope="col">' + dw.getDocumentDOM("document").getNBSPChar() + '<'+'/th>'; var tableHeaderRowCellsWithNoWidth='<th scope="col">' + dw.getDocumentDOM("document").getNBSPChar() + '</th>'; var tableRegularCellsWithWidth = '<' + 'td width="' + cellWidth + '">' + dw.getDocumentDOM("document").getNBSPChar() + '</td>'; var tableRegularCellsNoWidth ='<'+'td>' + dw.getDocumentDOM("document").getNBSPChar() + '<'+'/td>'; //Calculate the table width, which is -- // width=table width in pixels // n=number of columns // border=table border width // cellborder=(border > 0 ? 1 : 0) // space=cell spacing // x = sum of explicit column widths // width = x + 2*border + (n+1)*space + 2*n*cellborder var tableWidth = -1; var cellBorder; if (Border!= "") cellBorder = 1; else cellBorder = 0; //if the table width was specified in pixels if (useWidthInColumns) { tableWidth = Width + 2*Border + (parseInt(Columns) + 1) * cellSpacing + 2*Columns*cellBorder; } // set the table opening tag. Thats the actual table tag var openTag= '<' + 'table'; // see if we need to add a value to the open tag. If we didnt set width in the columns, that means we are setting a width on the // table tag itself. and then it is always a %. if ((!useWidthInColumns) && Width > 0) { if (unitChoice != 0) openTag += ' width="' + Width + '%"'; else openTag += ' width="' + Width + '"'; } else if (tableWidth > -1) openTag += ' width="' + tableWidth + '"'; // add cellSpacing and Padding if (cellSpacing != "") openTag += ' cellspacing="' + cellSpacing + '"'; if (cellPadding != "") openTag += ' cellpadding="' + cellPadding + '"'; // add the border if there is one. if (Border != "") openTag += ' border="' + Border + '"'; //strip extra space from openTag, if it exists spaceIndex = openTag.length-1; if (escape(openTag.charAt(spaceIndex))=='%20') openTag = openTag.substring(0,spaceIndex); // close off the opening tag. openTag += '>'; // make the first row. This is a special case because we sometimes set the width in the columns. var firstRow = DEFAULT_TR; // if we want row headers of both row and column headers, then we set the first row as headers. if (headerChoice == "row" || headerChoice == "both") { for (i = 0; i < Columns; i++) { if (useWidthInColumns) firstRow += tableHeaderRowCellsWithWidth; else firstRow += tableHeaderRowCellsWithNoWidth; } } // if the header choice is column, we want to set all the cells in the first column to be <th> 's. else if (headerChoice == "col") { for (i = 0; i < Columns; i++) { // first cell in the row. set it to <th>... </th> if (i == 0) { if (useWidthInColumns) firstRow += tableHeaderColumnCellsWithWidth; else firstRow += tableHeaderColumnCellsNoWidth; } // not the first cell, so not part of the column of headers. so just set to <td> else { if (useWidthInColumns) firstRow += tableRegularCellsWithWidth; else firstRow += tableRegularCellsNoWidth; } } } else if (headerChoice == "none") { // no headers, so just put in regular cells. for (i = 0; i < Columns; i++) { if (useWidthInColumns) firstRow += tableRegularCellsWithWidth; else firstRow += tableRegularCellsNoWidth; } } firstRow += "</tr>" // make the rest of the table. var restOfTable = ""; var i,j; if (headerChoice == "col" || headerChoice == "both") { // since the first row is already set, we start at 1 instead of 0. for (i = 1; i < Rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < Columns; j ++) { // if its the first column, we want to put in header cells. if (j == 0) restOfTable += DEFAULT_TR + tableHeaderColumnCellsNoWidth; // otherwise, we're in the rest of the table, so we put in regular table cells. else { restOfTable += tableRegularCellsNoWidth; // last cell in a row, we need to close off the tr tag if (j == Columns - 1) restOfTable += "</tr>"; } } } } // we are not setting any headers, so just put in regular table cells. else { for (i = 1; i < Rows; i++) { for (j = 0; j < Columns; j++) { if (j == 0) restOfTable += DEFAULT_TR; restOfTable += tableRegularCellsNoWidth; if (j == Columns - 1) restOfTable += "</tr>"; } } } returnTag = openTag + firstRow + restOfTable + "</table>"; return true; } function createTableStr() { return returnTag; } //--------------- LOCAL FUNCTIONS --------------- function saveExtension(curDOM) { var curHTML = DWfile.read(curDOM.URL); var tempFilename = dw.getConfigurationPath() + '/Shared/MM/Cache/empty.htm'; if (DWfile.exists(tempFilename)) { var tempDOM = dw.getDocumentDOM(tempFilename); tempDOM.documentElement.outerHTML = curHTML; var atrStr = DWfile.getAttributes(curDOM.URL); if (tempDOM.body.outerHTML != curDOM.body.outerHTML && (atrStr.indexOf('R') == -1)){ tempDOM.body.outerHTML = curDOM.body.outerHTML; DWfile.write(curDOM.URL, tempDOM.documentElement.outerHTML); } } } // this function just sets the default text box to something reasonable when the user switches between units. function onChangeUnits() { var cmdFile = dreamweaver.getConfigurationPath() + "/Commands/ccTableCommands.htm"; var cmdDOM = dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM(cmdFile); var unitChoice = cmdDOM.theForm.Units.selectedIndex; // if it changed to pixels, set the default pixel value to like 500. if (unitChoice == 0) cmdDOM.theForm.Width.value = 500; else cmdDOM.theForm.Width.value = 100; } function toggleWidthControls() { var cmdFile = dreamweaver.getConfigurationPath() + "/Commands/ccTableCommands.htm"; var cmdDOM = dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM(cmdFile); var specifyWidthChoice; for (i=0; i<cmdDOM.theForm.RadioGroup1.length;i++) { if (cmdDOM.theForm.RadioGroup1[i].checked) { specifyWidthChoice = cmdDOM.theForm.RadioGroup1[i].value; } } // disable the text box and the units.dropdown. if (specifyWidthChoice == 'default') { cmdDOM.theForm.Width.disabled = true; cmdDOM.theForm.Units.disabled = true; } // enable the text box and the units dropdown. else { cmdDOM.theForm.Width.disabled = false; cmdDOM.theForm.Units.disabled = false; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initialize UI: // // set default values for radio buttons, visibility for layers // // and values of caption and summary to blank. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function initializeUI() { var cmdFile = dreamweaver.getConfigurationPath() + "/Commands/ccTableCommands.htm"; var cmdDOM = dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM(cmdFile); var headerChoice='both'; cmdDOM.theForm.Units.selectedIndex = 0; //initialize Table Header selector, default value "none" TBL_HDR = new IconSelectorClass(new Array("none","row","col","both"),"none"); cmdDOM.theForm.Width.editText = "default"; cmdDOM.theForm.Width.selectedIndex = 0; cmdDOM.theForm.Rows.focus(); //set focus on textbox cmdDOM.theForm.Rows.select(); //set insertion point into textbox // cmdDOM.theForm.Width.select(); //set insertion point into textbox // cmdDOM.theForm.Rows.focus(); //set focus on textbox // cmdDOM.theForm.Rows.select(); //set insertion point into textbox gDialogShown = true; } //initializeUI ///-------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASS: // IconSelectorClass // // DESCRIPTION: // This class is used to provide radio-button functionality to images. // When clicking images in table cells, their cells will highlight. To // find out which image is selected, get the value property of the object. // // To set it up, place images in table cells, name the table cells uniquely, // and add onMouse handlers to each image that call the update method and // pass the name of their table cells. // // PUBLIC PROPERTIES: // value (read-only) - the name of the table cell currently selected. // // PUBLIC FUNCTIONS: // update(value) - passed by the click handler to select a new cell. // // CONSTRUCTOR: // tableCellNames - an array of all table cell names to be used // initialName (optional) - initial cell to select (otherwise 1st) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- function IconSelectorClass(tableCellNames, initialName) { //Private properties: set these to this.selectedColor = "#716F64"; //background color for selected table cell this.unselectedColor = ""; //background color for unselected table cell (#9D9CA7 on table) this.selectedTextColor = "#FFFFFF"; //color for selected text (white) this.unselectedTextColor = "#000000"; //color for unselected text (black) //Clear out all selections for (var i=0; i<tableCellNames.length; i++) { document[tableCellNames[i]].bgColor = this.unselectedColor; } //determine initial value (use if passed in, otherwise 1st item) this.value = initialName; if (!this.value) this.value = tableCellNames[0]; //if now initial, use item 0 this.update(this.value); //update, to select the default table cell } IconSelectorClass.prototype.update = IconSelectorClass_update; //Update method. Pass in a new value, one of the table cell names. function IconSelectorClass_update(newValue) { document[this.value].bgColor = this.unselectedColor; //unselect the prior table cell document[this.value].innerHTML = document[this.value].innerHTML.replace(RegExp(this.selectedTextColor),this.unselectedTextColor); //unset the prior text color this.value = newValue; //change the value to the new value document[this.value].bgColor = this.selectedColor; //select the new table cell document[this.value].innerHTML = document[this.value].innerHTML.replace(RegExp(this.unselectedTextColor),this.selectedTextColor); //set the new text color } //----------- END IconSelectorClass --------------