home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //form fields:
- //Background - multiple list listing background colors
- //Text - multiple list listing text colors. Contents change when new Background item picked.
- // ******************* GLOBALS **********************
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_templateProperties;
- //This is the data passed into the dialog, and this is used to return data as well. If declared in C, this
- //object would look something like this:
- //struct {
- // values; //Set of all the template parameters that can be changed
- // //in this dialog. This is an object where the attributes
- // //are the names of the params, and the values
- // //are the param values.
- // types; //The types for all the params in the dialog. This is an
- // //object, the attributes are the template attributes, and
- // //the values are either "boolean", "number", "color" , "text", "URL"
- // passthrough; //object containing a boolean for each attribute, whether it is passthrough or not.
- // returnValue; //passed in as -1, set to 1 for success, 0 for cancel.
- // };
- var dialogData = null;
- var isFake = false; //Used for debugging
- var PLATFORM = navigator.platform;
- //I cache the DOM objects for the layers, so I don't have to search for them all the time.
- var boolControlLayer = null;
- var numberControlLayer = null;
- var colorControlLayer = null;
- var textControlLayer = null;
- var linkControlLayer = null;
- var noControlLayer = null;
- var passthroughSpan = null;
- var passthroughSpanHTML = null;
- var targetLayer = null;
- //This is the currently visible control layer.
- var curVisibleLayer = null;
- var errorPending = false;
- // ******************* API **********************
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // commandButtons
- //
- // The list of buttons to display on the right of the dialog,
- // along with the functions to call when they are pressed.
- //
- // none
- //
- // javascript array
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function commandButtons()
- {
- if (dw.appName == "Contribute")
- {
- return new Array( "PutButtonsOnBottom",
- "OkButton", MM.BTN_OK, "cmdOK()",
- "CancelButton", MM.BTN_Cancel, "cmdCancel()",
- "ApplyButton", MM.BTN_Apply, "cmdApply()",
- "PutButtonOnLeft", MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()" );
- }
- else
- {
- return new Array( MM.BTN_OK, "cmdOK()",
- MM.BTN_Cancel, "cmdCancel()",
- MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()" );
- }
- }
- function isDomRequired() {return true;}
- //Just grab the first argument and stuff it into a global.
- function receiveArguments()
- {
- dialogData = dw.getDocumentDOM().getTemplateParameters();
- if (dialogData == null)
- {
- alert(MSG_CantRun);
- return "abort";
- }
- }
- function canAcceptCommand()
- {
- var curDOM = dw.getDocumentDOM();
- if (curDOM == null)
- return false;
- //dialogData = dw.getDocumentDOM().getTemplateParameters();
- //if (dialogData == null)
- // return false;
- return (curDOM.getAttachedTemplate().length > 0);
- } //canAcceptCommand
- function cmdOK()
- {
- if (!isFake)
- {
- var curDOM = dw.getDocumentDOM();
- curDOM.disableLocking();
- if (!curDOM.setTemplateParameters(dialogData))
- return;
- }
- if (errorPending)
- return;
- dialogData.returnValue = 1;
- window.close();
- } //cmdOK
- function cmdApply ()
- {
- if (!isFake)
- {
- var curDOM = dw.getDocumentDOM();
- curDOM.disableLocking();
- if (!curDOM.setTemplateParameters(dialogData))
- return;
- }
- if (errorPending)
- return;
- dialogData.returnValue = 1;
- }
- function cmdCancel()
- {
- dialogData.returnValue = 0;
- window.close();
- } //cmdCancel
- //***************** LOCAL FUNCTIONS ******************
- function initializeUI()
- {
- errorPending = false;
- if (dialogData == null)
- {
- window.close();
- //alert(MSG_CantRun);
- return;
- }
- //Find the layer objects.
- boolControlLayer = findObject("booleanControls", null);
- numberControlLayer = findObject("numberControls", null);
- colorControlLayer = findObject("colorControls", null);
- textControlLayer = findObject("textControls", null);
- linkControlLayer = findObject("linkControls", null);
- noControlLayer = findObject("noControls", null);
- passthroughSpan = findObject("passthroughSpan", null);
- // find the table
- var tableObj = findObject("mainTable");
- if (dw.isOSX()){
- tableObj.setAttribute("height","300");
- }
- if (passthroughSpanHTML == null)
- passthroughSpanHTML = passthroughSpan.innerHTML;
- targetLayer = findObject("visibleSpan", null);
- curVisibleLayer = noControlLayer;
- SetupTree();
- SetupControls();
- window.resizeToContents();
- //FixControlLayers(null);
- } //initializeUI
- function adjustButtons()
- {
- var theStyle;
- if (PLATFORM=="Win32")
- {
- theStyle=document.okLayer.getAttribute("STYLE");
- theStyle=theStyle.replace(/left:\w*;/,LEFT_LAYER).replace(/top:\w*;/,TOP_LAYER);
- document.okLayer.setAttribute("STYLE", theStyle);
- theStyle=document.cancelLayer.getAttribute("STYLE");
- theStyle=theStyle.replace(/left:\w*;/,RIGHT_LAYER).replace(/top:\w*;/,TOP_LAYER);
- document.cancelLayer.setAttribute("STYLE", theStyle);
- }
- }
- //Add the 'categories' tag to the string stream
- function AddCategoriesToTreeStream(theStream)
- {
- theStream.push("<mm:treecolumn name='", LABEL_NameCol, "' value='", LABEL_NameCol, "' width='200'/>");
- theStream.push("<mm:treecolumn name='", LABEL_ValueCol, "' value='", LABEL_ValueCol, "' width='130'/>");
- } //AddCategoriesToTreeString
- //Add the treenode for this category to the innerHTML string for the tree node
- function OpenCatNode(labelString, theStream)
- {
- theStream.push("<mm:treenode selected value = '",labelString,"' id=-1 state='expanded'>");
- } //AddCatNodeToString
- function CloseCatNode(theStream)
- {
- theStream.push("</mm:treenode>");
- }
- function GetVisibleValueString(paramName)
- {
- if (dialogData == null)
- return "";
- if (dw.appName != "Contribute")
- {
- if (dialogData.passthrough[paramName])
- return LABEL_Passthrough;
- }
- if (dialogData.types[paramName] == "boolean")
- {
- var paramValue = dialogData.values[paramName];
- return (paramValue == "true") ? LABEL_TRUE : LABEL_FALSE;
- }
- return dialogData.values[paramName];
- } //GetVisibleValueString
- //Add the string for a single node in the tree. Should look something like:
- //<mm:treenode value = "Conditional 1|<Not Resolved>" paramName="some name" valueType="number" ></mm:treenode>
- function AddParamNode(paramName, theStream, selected)
- {
- //var selectedString = selected ? "selected" : "";
- var selectedString = "";
- theStream.push("<mm:treenode value = '", paramName, "|", GetVisibleValueString(paramName),
- "' paramName='", paramName, "' valueType='", dialogData.types[paramName], "' ", selectedString , " ></mm:treenode>");
- } //AddParamNode
- //Build and insert the inner HTML for the tree control
- function SetupTree()
- {
- var theStream = new Array();
- theStream.push("");
- AddCategoriesToTreeStream(theStream);
- var i;
- var count = 0;
- //Sort the list of params alphabetically.
- var paramNames = new Array();
- for (i in dialogData.values)
- paramNames.push(i);
- paramNames.sort();
- //Add them to the tree
- for (i=0; i<paramNames.length; i++)
- {
- AddParamNode(paramNames[i], theStream, count==0);
- count++;
- }
- if (count == 0)
- theStream.push("<mm:treenode value = '" + LABEL_NoParams + " | ' paramName='bar' valueType='none' ></mm:treenode>");
- //var theTree = findObject("theTreeControl", null);
- var theTree = dwscripts.findDOMObject("theTreeControl", null);
- theTree.innerHTML = theStream.join("");
- if (theTree.treeNodes.length > 0){
- theTree.treeNodes[0].selected = true;
- }
- } //SetupTree
- //Everything is off unless on
- function FixControlLayers(selectedTreeNode)
- {
- if (selectedTreeNode == null || selectedTreeNode.valueType == 'none')
- {
- targetLayer.innerHTML = noControlLayer.innerHTML;
- curVisibleLayer = noControlLayer;
- passthroughSpan.innerHTML = "";
- return;
- }
- // In Ringo, don't show the "pass through" checkbox, because it
- // only makes sense when authoring nested templates.
- if (dw.appName == "Contribute")
- {
- passthroughSpan.innerHTML = "";
- }
- else
- {
- passthroughSpan.innerHTML = passthroughSpanHTML;
- if (dialogData.passthrough[selectedTreeNode.paramName])
- {
- targetLayer.innerHTML = LABEL_Passthrough;
- document.theForm.passthroughCheck.checked = true;
- curVisibleLayer = noControlLayer;
- return;
- }
- document.theForm.passthroughCheck.checked = false;
- }
- var newActiveLayer = noControlLayer;
- switch (selectedTreeNode.valueType)
- {
- case "boolean":
- newActiveLayer = boolControlLayer; break;
- case "number":
- newActiveLayer = numberControlLayer; break;
- case "color":
- newActiveLayer = colorControlLayer; break;
- case "text":
- newActiveLayer = textControlLayer; break;
- case "link":
- case "URL":
- newActiveLayer = linkControlLayer; break;
- }
- if (curVisibleLayer != newActiveLayer)
- {
- targetLayer.innerHTML = newActiveLayer.innerHTML;
- curVisibleLayer = newActiveLayer;
- }
- //Customize the string for the selected value
- var showString = selectedTreeNode.paramName;
- if (selectedTreeNode.valueType == "boolean")
- showString = errMsg(LABEL_Show, selectedTreeNode.paramName);
- var labelSpan = findObject("propLabel", null);
- if (labelSpan != null)
- labelSpan.innerHTML = showString;
- } //FixControlLayers
- //Move the values currently stored in this parameter into the controls for it's type.
- function MoveValuesToControl(selectedNode)
- {
- if (selectedNode == null || selectedNode.valueType == 'none')
- return;
- var attrName = selectedNode.paramName;
- if (dialogData.passthrough[attrName])
- return; //No controls in this case
- var controlName = "";
- var controlObj = null;
- switch (selectedNode.valueType)
- {
- case "boolean": controlName = "booleanCheck"; break;
- case "number": controlName = "numberField"; break;
- case "color": controlName = "colorField"; break;
- case "text": controlName = "textField"; break;
- case "link":
- case "URL":
- controlName = "linkField"; break;
- }
- if (controlName == "")
- return;
- //Select the control...
- var controlObj = findObject(controlName, null);
- if (controlObj != null)
- {
- //If this is a text control, move the focus into it.
- if (controlName == "booleanCheck")
- controlObj.checked = (dialogData.values[attrName] == "true");
- else
- {
- controlObj.value = dialogData.values[attrName];
- if (typeof controlObj["focus"] != "undefined")
- controlObj.focus(); //set focus on textbox
- if (typeof controlObj["select"] != "undefined")
- controlObj.select(); //set insertion point into textbox
- }
- if (selectedNode.valueType == "color")
- {
- controlObj = findObject("colorPicker", null);
- if (controlObj != null)
- controlObj.value = dialogData.values[attrName];
- }
- }
- } //MoveValuesToControl
- // changes the 'resolve' popup to show the possibilities for the current node
- function SetupControls()
- {
- var theTree = findObject("theTreeControl", null);
- var selectedTreeNode = theTree.selectedNodes[0];
- FixControlLayers(selectedTreeNode);
- MoveValuesToControl(selectedTreeNode);
- if (selectedTreeNode)
- selectedTreeNode.selected = true; //some bug in the tree control...
- } //SetupControls
- //Once the user picks an entry from the list, store it back in the dialogData object
- function StoreNodeValue()
- {
- var selectedNode = findObject("theTreeControl", null).selectedNodes[0];
- if (selectedNode == null)
- return false;
- var controlObj = null;
- var attrName = selectedNode.paramName;
- switch (selectedNode.valueType)
- {
- case "boolean":
- {
- controlObj = findObject("booleanCheck", null);
- var isChecked = false;
- if (typeof controlObj.checked == "string")
- isChecked = (controlObj.checked == "true");
- else
- isChecked = controlObj.checked;
- if (controlObj != null)
- dialogData.values[attrName] = isChecked ? "true" : "false";
- break;
- }
- case "number":
- {
- controlObj = findObject("numberField", null);
- if (controlObj != null)
- {
- var controlValue = controlObj.value;
- if (isNaN(controlValue))
- {
- if (errorPending)
- return false;
- alert(MSG_isNAN);
- errorPending = true;
- return false;
- }
- dialogData.values[attrName] = controlObj.value;
- }
- break;
- }
- case "color":
- {
- controlObj = findObject("colorField", null);
- if (controlObj != null)
- dialogData.values[attrName] = controlObj.value;
- break;
- }
- case "text":
- {
- controlObj = findObject("textField", null);
- if (controlObj != null)
- dialogData.values[attrName] = controlObj.value;
- break;
- }
- case "URL":
- case "link":
- {
- controlObj = findObject("linkField", null);
- if (controlObj != null)
- dialogData.values[attrName] = controlObj.value;
- break;
- }
- }
- errorPending = false;
- if (dw.appName == "Contribute")
- dialogData.passthrough[attrName] = false;
- else
- dialogData.passthrough[attrName] = document.theForm.passthroughCheck.checked;
- var newNodeString = attrName + "|" + GetVisibleValueString(attrName);
- selectedNode.value = newNodeString;
- return true;
- } //StoreNodeValue
- //Called when one of the controls changes, this either resets the popup menu to reflect the current
- //selected node, or stores the resolution in the tree and data store
- function updateUI(itemName)
- {
- switch(itemName)
- {
- case "theTreeControl":
- {
- SetupControls();
- break;
- }
- case "colorField":
- case "colorPicker":
- {
- //If the user types into the color field, move the data into the colorPicker field,
- //and then store the value.
- var fieldObj = findObject("colorField", null);
- var pickerObj = findObject("colorPicker", null);
- if (fieldObj != null && pickerObj != null)
- {
- if (itemName == "colorField")
- pickerObj.value = fieldObj.value;
- else
- {
- //alert("setting field to " + pickerObj.value);
- fieldObj.value = pickerObj.value;
- }
- }
- StoreNodeValue();
- break;
- }
- case "boolCheck":
- case "textField":
- case "linkField":
- case "numberField":
- {
- StoreNodeValue();
- break;
- }
- case "passthroughCheck":
- {
- if (dw.appName != "Contribute")
- {
- var selectedNode = findObject("theTreeControl", null).selectedNodes[0];
- if (selectedNode == null)
- return;
- var attrName = selectedNode.paramName;
- var isPassthrough = document.theForm.passthroughCheck.checked;
- dialogData.passthrough[attrName] = isPassthrough;
- var newNodeString = attrName + "|" + GetVisibleValueString(attrName);
- selectedNode.value = newNodeString;
- FixControlLayers(selectedNode);
- //Pull the old values out.
- if (!isPassthrough)
- MoveValuesToControl(selectedNode);
- }
- break;
- }
- } //switch
- } //updateUI