home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved
- //--------------- GLOBAL VARIABLES ---------------
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_objTabularData;
- //--------------- API FUNCTIONS ---------------
- function isDOMRequired() {
- // Return false, indicating that this object is available in code view.
- // This means this object/command is guaranteed to not use the DOM of the current document,
- // except for dw.getDocumentDOM().source...
- return false;
- }
- function commandButtons(){
- return new Array(MM.BTN_OK, "createTableStr()",
- MM.BTN_Cancel, "window.close()",
- MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()" );
- }
- //--------------- LOCAL FUNCTIONS ---------------
- function setTableFileToImport() {
- var fName = dw.browseForFileURL('open','', false, true);
- if (fName) {
- document.forms[0].DataFile.value = fName;
- setDelimiter(fName);
- }
- }
- //function:setDelimiter
- //description: after choosing a file, set delimiter select menu
- //based on file type, e.g.: set it to Comma if a *.csv file is chosen
- function setDelimiter(fileName){
- var selDelimiter = document.forms[0].Delimiter;
- var extension = fileName.substring( fileName.indexOf(".") );
- if (extension==".csv") selDelimiter.selectedIndex = 1; //comma
- if (extension==".xls") alert( ERROR_Unsupported_Format + ERROR_Supported_Formats);
- //if we support more formats in the future
- //such as space-delimited (.csv), more checks may be added here
- }
- //function:getDelimiter
- //description: returns user-chosen delimiter based on form parameters
- function getDelimiter(theForm){
- var retVal;
- var selInd = theForm.Delimiter.selectedIndex;
- switch (selInd){
- case 0:
- retVal = "\t";
- break;
- case 1:
- retVal = ",";
- break;
- case 2:
- retVal = ";";
- break;
- case 3:
- retVal = ":";
- break;
- case 4:
- retVal = theForm.CustomDelimiter.value;
- break;
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- //function: getNewLineChar
- //description: returns newline character
- function getNewLineChar(dataStr){
- var retVal;
- if ( dataStr.search("\r\n")!= -1)
- retVal = "\r\n";
- else if ( dataStr.search("\n")!= -1)
- retVal="\n";
- else
- retVal="\r";
- return retVal;
- }
- //function: getFormatTags
- //description: returns a two-item array representing opening and closing
- //format tags to be used in the first row based on FormatTopRow form parameter
- function getFormatTags(theForm){
- var retVal = new Array("","");
- var selInd = theForm.FormatTopRow.selectedIndex;
- switch (selInd){
- case 1:
- retVal[0] = "<b>";
- retVal[1] = "</b>";
- break;
- case 2:
- retVal[0] = "<i>";
- retVal[1] = "</i>";
- break;
- case 3:
- retVal[0] = "<b><i>";
- retVal[1] = "</i></b>";
- break;
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- //function: createTableStr
- //description: creates the html table based on the form parameters
- function createTableStr(){
- var theForm = document.forms[0];
- var delimiter = getDelimiter(theForm);
- if (!delimiter){
- alert(ERROR_No_Delimiter);
- return;
- }
- if (delimiter.length>1){
- alert(ERROR_Incorrect_Delimiter);
- return;
- }
- var bAutoWidth = theForm.Width[0].checked;
- if (!bAutoWidth){
- var unitChoice = (theForm.WidthUnit.selectedIndex==0)?'%':'';
- var width = theForm.WidthValue.value + unitChoice;
- }
- var cellSpacing = theForm.CellSpacing.value;
- var cellPadding = theForm.CellPadding.value;
- var border = theForm.Border.value;
- var formatFirstRowArr = getFormatTags(theForm);
- var openTag = createOpenTableTag(width,border,cellSpacing,cellPadding);
- var dataFile = theForm.DataFile.value;
- if ( dataFile && dataFile.substring(dataFile.lastIndexOf(".")) == ".xls"){
- alert(ERROR_Unsupported_Format + ERROR_Supported_Formats);
- return;
- }
- var tableFileURL = getFullPath(dataFile);
- if ( !verifyFilePath(tableFileURL) )
- return;
- MM.setBusyCursor();
- var dataStr = DWfile.read(tableFileURL);
- var newline = getNewLineChar(dataStr);
- if (dw.getFocus(true) == "html" || dw.getFocus() == "textView") {
- selArray = dw.getDocumentDOM().source.getSelection();
- dw.getDocumentDOM().source.replaceRange(selArray[0], selArray[1],
- openTag + createTableBody(dataStr,delimiter,newline,formatFirstRowArr) +
- "</TABLE>");
- } else {
- dw.getDocumentDOM().insertHTML( openTag + createTableBody(dataStr,delimiter,newline,formatFirstRowArr) +
- "</TABLE>" );
- }
- MM.clearBusyCursor();
- // save settings for next time
- dwscripts.saveExtension(document,["DataFile"]);
- window.close();
- }
- //function: verifyFilePath
- //description: verify that file path is not null and is correct
- //and alert correct error message in each case
- //returns: true if valid, false if invalid
- function verifyFilePath(fileURL){
- retVal = true;
- //if no file path or incorrect file path, alert error message
- if ( !fileURL ){
- alert(ERROR_No_File)
- retVal=false;
- } else if ( !DWfile.exists( fileURL) ){
- alert(ERROR_Incorrect_File_Path)
- retVal=false;
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- //function: createOpenTableTag
- //description: creates an open table tag based on argument values
- function createOpenTableTag(width,border,cellSpacing,cellPadding){
- var openTag = '<TABLE';
- if (width) openTag +=' width="' + width + '"';
- if (border) openTag +=' border="' + border + '"';
- if (cellSpacing) openTag +=' cellspacing="' + cellSpacing + '"';
- if (cellPadding) openTag +=' cellpadding="' + cellPadding + '"';
- return openTag + '>';
- }
- //function: getTableCells
- //description:returns an array of the table cell data.
- //Parses row data to take into account cases where
- //the delimiter is included in the cell.
- //For example, if the delimiter is a comma
- //ensures we don't divide the data at the comma in "Doe, Jane".
- //Note:Excel places double quotes around data with reserved characters
- //and surrounds double quotes with quotes.
- //Examples:
- //Excel (.xls file) -> Delimited file
- //Doe,Jane -> "Doe,Jane"
- //My name is "Jane" -> "My name is ""Jane"""
- //
- //Arguments:
- //rowData - text string from original file that represents
- //one row of data
- //delimiter - character used to separate entries
- function getTableCells(rowData,delimiter){
- var retArr = new Array();
- var startingOffset = 0;
- var endingOffset = 0;
- var cellData="";
- var qualifier='"'; //qualifer is double quotes
- var dataLen=0;
- var rowDataLen = 0;
- var qualifierCount = 0;
- var i,j;
- var lastInd;
- // Optimization
- //if tab-delimited, just split data at tabs and return.
- if (delimiter == "\t") {
- retArr = rowData.split(delimiter);
- return retArr;
- }
- //When we encounter a delimiter, we want to determine if the
- //the delimiter is separating data: e.g: a,b,c, or
- //if it included in the cell data: "Doe, Jane"
- //To accomplish this goal, we count the number of double quotes
- //between the beginning of the data and the delimiter character
- //that we find.
- //If this number is even, we have completed getting the cell data.
- //If it is odd, the cell data is not complete so we step
- //through until reaching the next delimiter and repeat the
- //double-quote test.
- rowDataLen = rowData.length;
- lastInd = rowDataLen - 1;
- for (i=0;i<rowDataLen;i++){
- if ( rowData.charAt(i)==delimiter || i == lastInd ){
- endingOffset = i;
- if ( i!=lastInd || rowData.charAt(lastInd) == delimiter ){
- cellData = rowData.substring(startingOffset,endingOffset);
- } else {
- cellData = rowData.substring(startingOffset);
- }
- //The way we are dividing the data, the delimiter character
- //is the first character in all but the first data string
- //We want to delete it.
- if ( cellData[0] == delimiter ){
- if ( cellData.charAt(1) )
- cellData = cellData.substring(1);
- else
- cellData = "";
- }
- //Go through the cell data and count the number of double quotes
- //I've assigned the double quotes to a qualifier variable
- //to make it easy to allow custom qualifiers in future versions
- if (cellData){
- dataLen = cellData.length;
- for (j=0;j<dataLen;j++){
- if (cellData.charAt(j) == qualifier)
- qualifierCount++;
- }
- }
- //if this is the complete cell data, add it to the return array
- //and reset start offset to the end of the cell data we have
- //just processed
- if (qualifierCount%2==0){
- retArr[retArr.length] = cellData;
- startingOffset = endingOffset;
- }
- }
- qualifierCount=0;
- }
- //if far right cell is blank, add last cell to return array:
- if ( rowData.charAt( lastInd )==delimiter )
- retArr[retArr.length] = "";
- return retArr; // Note: optimization return at beginning of function.
- }
- //function: createTable
- //description: creates the body of the table based on the contents of the
- //tabular data file. Parses contents of tabular data file.
- function createTableBody(dataStr, colDelim, rowDelim, formatFirstRowArr) {
- var openCellFormat = '<td>' + formatFirstRowArr[0];
- var closeCellFormat = formatFirstRowArr[1] + '</td>';
- var emptyFormat = '<td> </td>';
- var escapeChar = '"';
- var rtnArr = new Array();
- var startLoc = 0, curRow = new Array();
- var curRow = new Array();
- var curChar, escapedStr = '';
- var cellContents = '';
- // Collect rows of data.
- for (var curLoc = 0; curLoc < dataStr.length; curLoc++) {
- curChar = dataStr.charAt(curLoc);
- if (curChar == escapeChar) {
- escapedStr = '';
- // Ignore everything until we get to the ending escape character.
- for (curLoc++; curLoc < dataStr.length; curLoc++) {
- curChar = dataStr.charAt(curLoc);
- // Look for the ending escape character
- if (curChar == escapeChar) { // Possibly ending escape character
- if (dataStr.charAt(curLoc) == dataStr.charAt(curLoc+1)) {
- // Nope, just the escaped escape character.
- escapedStr += dataStr.substring(startLoc+1,curLoc+1);
- // Save the string and keep looking.
- curLoc++; // Throw away the extra escape character.
- startLoc = curLoc;
- } else {
- // Found the terminating escape
- escapedStr += dataStr.substring(startLoc+1,curLoc).replace(/(\r\n)|[\r\n]/g,'<br>');
- startLoc = curLoc+1;
- break; // Break out of inner for loop.
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (curChar == colDelim) {
- cellContents = escapedStr + dataStr.substring(startLoc,curLoc);
- if (cellContents) {
- curRow.push(openCellFormat + cellContents + closeCellFormat);
- } else {
- curRow.push(emptyFormat);
- }
- escapedStr = '';
- startLoc = curLoc+1;
- } else if (curChar == rowDelim.charAt(0)) {
- cellContents = escapedStr + dataStr.substring(startLoc,curLoc);
- if (cellContents) {
- curRow.push(openCellFormat + cellContents + closeCellFormat);
- } else {
- curRow.push(emptyFormat);
- }
- openCellFormat = '<td>';
- closeCellFormat = '</td>';
- escapedStr = '';
- startLoc = curLoc + rowDelim.length;
- rtnArr.push('<tr>' + curRow.join('') + '</tr>');
- curRow = new Array();
- }
- }
- cellContents = escapedStr + dataStr.substring(startLoc,curLoc);
- if (cellContents) {
- curRow.push(openCellFormat + cellContents + closeCellFormat);
- } else if (curRow.length > 0) {
- curRow.push(emptyFormat);
- }
- if (curRow.length > 0) {
- rtnArr.push('<tr>' + curRow.join('') + '</tr>');
- }
- return rtnArr.join('');
- }
- //function: toggleCustomField
- //description: if Other is chosen in the Delimiter Type select list,
- //this function makes a text entry field dynamically appear. Also
- //hides it if Other is not chosen
- function toggleCustomField(optionText){
- // Ignore OptionText because it is localized.
- var theForm = document.forms[0];
- // The "other" option is always last, check if the last option is selected.
- if (theForm.Delimiter.options.length==(theForm.Delimiter.selectedIndex+1)){
- findObject("DelimiterSpan").innerHTML = '<input type="text" maxlength="1" name="CustomDelimiter" size="7">';
- } else {
- findObject("DelimiterSpan").innerHTML = '';
- }
- }
- //function: innitializeUI
- //description: loads the select menus with localized text strings
- //and performs other tasks relating to initializing the UI
- function initializeUI(){
- var theForm = document.forms[0];
- //If "other" is chosen in the delimiter type select widget, a
- //text field is dynamically added allowing the user to enter a
- //custom delimiter.
- //If this happens, the height of the table cell is re-calculated
- //(which is visually jarring) unless we include a text field in the
- //table row when loading the file. the line below hides this field:
- findObject("DelimiterSpan").innerHTML="";
- //put focus in data file name field
- theForm.DataFile.focus();
- //place localized text strings in select widgets
- //variable name note: variable names preceded by sel
- //indicate a select widget object
- var selDelimiter = theForm.Delimiter;
- var selFormatTopRow = theForm.FormatTopRow;
- var selWidthUnit = theForm.WidthUnit;
- loadSelectList(selDelimiter,OPTIONS_Delimiters);
- loadSelectList(selFormatTopRow,OPTIONS_Formatting);
- loadSelectList(selWidthUnit,OPTIONS_Units);
- enableBuddy("true")
- }
- function enableBuddy(OnOff){
- var theForm = document.forms[0];
- var selWidthUnit = theForm.WidthUnit;
- if (OnOff=="true") {
- selWidthUnit.setAttribute("disabled","disabled");
- theForm.WidthValue.setAttribute("disabled","disabled");
- } else {
- selWidthUnit.removeAttribute("disabled");
- theForm.WidthValue.removeAttribute("disabled");
- }
- }