home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //
- // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //--------------- GLOBAL VARIABLES ---------------
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_objTableAccessOptions;
- var targetDom = null;
- var returnTag='';
- var COLS;
- var ROWS;
- var BORDER;
- var WIDTH;
- var CELLPAD;
- var UNITS;
- //--------------- API FUNCTIONS ---------------
- function isDOMRequired() {
- return false;
- }
- function commandButtons(){
- return new Array(MM.BTN_OK, "setTableStr();window.close()",
- MM.BTN_Cancel, "window.close()",
- MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()" );
- }
- function receiveArguments(){
- // gather arguments from table object and
- // use to set global vars
- COLS = arguments[0];
- ROWS = arguments[1];
- BORDER = arguments[2];
- WIDTH = arguments[3];
- CELLSPACE = arguments[4];
- CELLPAD = arguments[5];
- UNITS = arguments[6];
- }
- function setTableStr(){
- var dom = dw.getDocumentDOM();
- var theNBSP = dom.getNBSPChar();
- var summaryStr = document.theForm.Summary.value;
- var captionStr = document.theForm.Caption.value;
- var alignCapChoice = document.theForm.alignCap.selectedIndex;
- var alignCaption = document.theForm.alignCap.options[alignCapChoice].value;
- var headerChoiceIndex = document.theForm.Header.selectedIndex;
- var headerChoice= document.theForm.Header.options[headerChoiceIndex].value;
- var captionTag = '<caption';
- var tableCells='<'+'TD>' + theNBSP + '<'+'/TD>\n';
- var tableScopeRowCells='<'+'TH scope="row">' + theNBSP + '<'+'/TH>\n';
- var tableScopeColCells='<'+'TH scope="col">' + theNBSP + '<'+'/TH>\n';
- var tableRow='',tableContent='', tableRowScopeRow='', tableRowScopeCol='';
- var openTag= '<' + 'table', spaceIndex;
- var widthAttr;
- //change any negative or non-numeric row or column value into 1
- COLS = parseInt(COLS);
- COLS = (COLS>0)?COLS:1;
- ROWS = parseInt(ROWS);
- ROWS = (ROWS>0)?ROWS:1;
- //determine contents of 1 table row according to the number of columns
- //accessibility: first column value is added later; begin with the second column
- for (i=1; i< COLS; i++){
- tableRow+=tableCells;
- tableRowScopeRow+=tableScopeRowCells;
- tableRowScopeCol+=tableScopeColCells;
- }
- // set the value for FirstTableRow and RestTableRow depending on header request.
- if (headerChoice == 'row'){
- FirstTableRow = "<"+"TR>\n" + tableScopeColCells + tableRowScopeCol + "<"+"/TR>\n";
- RestTableRow = "<"+"TR>\n" + tableCells + tableRow + "<"+"/TR>\n";
- }
- else{
- if(headerChoice == 'col'){
- FirstTableRow = "<"+"TR>\n"+ tableScopeRowCells + tableRow + "<"+"/TR>\n";
- RestTableRow = FirstTableRow;
- }
- else{
- if(headerChoice == 'both'){
- FirstTableRow = "<"+"TR>\n" + tableScopeColCells + tableRowScopeCol + "<"+"/TR>\n";
- RestTableRow = "<"+"TR>\n"+ tableScopeRowCells + tableRow + "<"+"/TR>\n";
- }
- else{
- FirstTableRow = "<"+"TR>\n"+ tableCells + tableRow + "<"+"/TR>\n";
- RestTableRow = FirstTableRow;
- }
- }
- }
- tableContent+= FirstTableRow;
- //determine number of table rows & concatanate rows together
- for (i=1; i< ROWS; i++)
- tableContent += RestTableRow;
- //add percent or pixel values to opening tag, if applicable
- if (WIDTH)
- openTag += ' width="'+WIDTH + ((UNITS == 0)? '%" ' : '"');
- //add border value, if applicable
- if (BORDER)
- openTag+=' border="' + BORDER + '"';
- //add cellspacing value, if applicable
- openTag+=' cellspacing="' + CELLSPACE + '"';
- //add cellpadding value, if applicable
- if (CELLPAD)
- openTag+=' cellpadding="' + CELLPAD + '"';
- //add summary to openTag table tag, if applicable
- if(summaryStr != null && summaryStr != "")
- openTag+= ' summary="' + summaryStr + '"';
- //add caption to openTag table tag, if applicable
- if(captionStr != null && captionStr != "")
- {
- (alignCaption == "default" || alignCaption == undefined)?captionTag+= '>':captionTag+= ' align="' + alignCaption + '">';
- openTag+= '>\n' + captionTag + captionStr + '<\/CAPTION>\n' + tableContent;
- }
- else {
- openTag += '>\n' + tableContent;
- }
- //strip extra space from openTag, if it exists
- spaceIndex = openTag.length-1
- if (escape(openTag.charAt(spaceIndex))=='%20')
- openTag = openTag.substring(0,spaceIndex);
- openTag += '<'+'/table'+'>';
- // set global
- returnTag = openTag;
- }
- function createTableStr() {
- return returnTag;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // /////////// Update Radio Button Control functions /////////
- //
- // Header is set to 'none';
- // if user changes it updateHeader resets its icon accordingly
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function updateHeader(){
- var headerChoiceIndex = document.theForm.Header.selectedIndex;
- var headerChoice= document.theForm.Header.options[headerChoiceIndex].value;
- switch(headerChoice) {
- case 'col': document.theForm.tableImage.src= "../Shared/MM/Images/tableHeaderColumn.gif"; break;
- case 'row': document.theForm.tableImage.src= "../Shared/MM/Images/tableHeaderRow.gif"; break;
- case 'none': document.theForm.tableImage.src= "../Shared/MM/Images/tableHeaderNone.gif"; break;
- case 'both': document.theForm.tableImage.src= "../Shared/MM/Images/tableHeaderBoth.gif"; break;
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Initialize UI:
- // set default values for fields, visibility for layers.
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- function initializeUI()
- {
- document.theForm.Caption.value = "";
- document.theForm.Summary.value = "";
- var alignCaption="";
- var headerChoice='none';
- document.theForm.Header.selectedIndex= 0;
- document.theForm.tableImage.src= "../Shared/MM/Images/tableHeaderNone.gif";
- document.theForm.Caption.focus(); //set focus on textbox
- document.theForm.Caption.select(); //set insertion point into textbox
- }