home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //--------------- GLOBAL VARIABLES ---------------
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_objTable;
- var gDialogShown = false;
- var gReturnTag;
- var gRepeatRows = false;
- //--------------- API FUNCTIONS ---------------
- function isDOMRequired() {
- return false;
- }
- function commandButtons(){
- return new Array(MM.BTN_OK, "onOK()",
- MM.BTN_Cancel, "window.close()",
- MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()" );
- }
- function receiveArguments()
- {
- gRepeatRows = (arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] == "repeatRows");
- } //receiveArguments
- function onOK()
- {
- if (gRepeatRows)
- {
- //Make sure the rows make sense.
- var Rows = document.theForm.Rows.value;
- var repeatStart = document.theForm.startingRow.value;
- var repeatEnd = document.theForm.endingRow.value;
- if (repeatStart > Rows || repeatEnd < repeatStart || repeatEnd > Rows)
- {
- alert(MM.RepeatTableRowsWarning);
- return;
- }
- }
- setTableStr();
- window.close();
- }
- //Get a row of a table that has edit regions in each cell.
- function getEditTableRow(columnCount)
- {
- var tableRow = "";
- for (i=0; i< Columns; i++)
- {
- var curCellName = getUniqueRegionName(MM.EditAutonamePreamble, "MMTemplate:Editable", dw.getDocumentDOM("document"));
- var curCell = "<TD>\n<MMTemplate:Editable name=\"" + curCellName + "\">" + dw.getDocumentDOM("document").getNBSPChar() + "</MMTemplate:Editable>\n</TD>";
- tableRow += curCell;
- }
- return tableRow = "<"+"TR>" + tableRow + "<"+"/TR>";
- }
- function setTableStr(){
- var Columns = document.theForm.Cols.value;
- var Rows = document.theForm.Rows.value;
- var Border = document.theForm.Border.value;
- var Width = document.theForm.Width.value;
- var cellSpacing = document.theForm.Cellspace.value;
- var cellPadding = document.theForm.Cellpad.value;
- var unitChoice = document.forms[0].Units.selectedIndex;
- var repeatStart = -1;
- var repeatEnd = -1;
- var repeatStartContent = "";
- var repeatEndContent = "";
- if (gRepeatRows)
- {
- repeatStart = document.theForm.startingRow.value;
- repeatEnd = document.theForm.endingRow.value;
- var regionName = getUniqueRegionName(MM.RepeatAutonamePreamble, "MMTemplate:Repeat", dw.getDocumentDOM("document"));
- repeatStartContent = "<MMTemplate:Repeat name=\"" + regionName + "\">";
- repeatEndContent = "</MMTemplate:Repeat>";
- }
- var tableCells='<'+'TD>' + dw.getDocumentDOM("document").getNBSPChar() + '<'+'/TD>\n';
- var tableRow='',tableContent='';
- var openTag= '<' + 'table', spaceIndex;
- var widthAttr;
- //change any negative or non-numeric row or column value into 1
- Columns = (parseInt(Columns)== Columns && Columns>0)?Columns:1;
- Rows = (parseInt(Rows)== Rows && Rows>0)?Rows:1;
- //determine contents of 1 table row
- for (i=0; i< Columns; i++)
- {
- tableRow += tableCells;
- }
- tableRow = "<"+"TR>\n" + tableRow + "<"+"/TR>\n";
- //determine number of table rows & concatenate rows together
- for (i=0; i< Rows; i++)
- {
- if (gRepeatRows && i == repeatStart-1)
- tableContent += repeatStartContent;
- if (gRepeatRows && i >= repeatStart-1 && i <= repeatEnd -1)
- tableContent += getEditTableRow(Columns);
- else
- {
- //if first row, Contribute, and multi-column, add width percentages to table cells
- if (i == 0 && dw.appName == "Contribute" && Columns > 1)
- {
- var colWidth = Math.max(1,Math.round(100/Columns)); //compute percent, not less than 1
- tableContent += tableRow.replace(/(<TD)/gi,'$1 WIDTH="'+colWidth+'\%"'); //add WIDTH="nn%" to TD tags
- }
- //otherwise just add table row code
- else
- {
- tableContent += tableRow;
- }
- }
- if (gRepeatRows && i == repeatEnd - 1)
- tableContent += repeatEndContent;
- }
- //add percent or pixel values to opening tag, if applicable
- if (Width)
- openTag += ' width="'+Width + ((unitChoice == 0)? '%" ' : '"');
- //add border value, if applicable
- if (Border)
- openTag+=' border="' + Border + '" ';
- //add cellspacing value, if applicable
- if (cellSpacing)
- openTag+=' cellspacing="' + cellSpacing + '"';
- //add cellpadding value, if applicable
- if (cellPadding)
- openTag+=' cellpadding="' + cellPadding + '"';
- //strip extra space from openTag, if it exists
- spaceIndex = openTag.length-1
- if (escape(openTag.charAt(spaceIndex))=='%20')
- openTag = openTag.substring(0,spaceIndex);
- openTag += '>\n' + tableContent;
- if (gDialogShown) {
- saveExtension(document)
- }
- gDialogShown = false; // Reset show dialog global.
- openTag += '<'+'/table'+'>';
- gReturnTag= openTag;
- }
- function createTableStr() {
- return gReturnTag;
- }
- //--------------- LOCAL FUNCTIONS ---------------
- function saveExtension(curDOM) {
- var curHTML = DWfile.read(curDOM.URL);
- var tempFilename = dw.getConfigurationPath() + '/Shared/MM/Cache/empty.htm';
- if (DWfile.exists(tempFilename)) {
- var tempDOM = dw.getDocumentDOM(tempFilename);
- tempDOM.documentElement.outerHTML = curHTML;
- var atrStr = DWfile.getAttributes(curDOM.URL);
- if (tempDOM.body.outerHTML != curDOM.body.outerHTML && (atrStr.indexOf('R') == -1)){
- tempDOM.body.outerHTML = curDOM.body.outerHTML;
- DWfile.write(curDOM.URL, tempDOM.documentElement.outerHTML);
- }
- }
- }
- function initializeUI()
- {
- document.theForm.Rows.focus(); //set focus on textbox
- document.theForm.Rows.select(); //set insertion point into textbox
- gDialogShown = true;
- gReturnTag = '';
- }