home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //**********************GLOBAL VARS********************
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_soASPNetUpdateForm;
- var SB_FILENAME = "ServerObject-UpdRecASPNet.htm";
- // stores separate file dom needed for dynamic UI
- var domUIPieces = dw.getDocumentDOM("ServerObject-FormEditHTML.htm");
- var _ConnectionName = new ConnectionMenu(SB_FILENAME, "ConnectionName");
- var _TableName = new ConnectionTableMenu(SB_FILENAME, "TableName");
- var _RecordsetName = new RecordsetMenu("UpdateRecord.htm", "RecordsetName", "");
- var _ColumnNames = null;
- var _ElemUp = null;
- var _ElemDown = null;
- var _ElemAdd = null;
- var _ElemDel = null;
- var _ElementLabel = null;
- var _DisplayAs = null;
- var _UseWebFormCtrl = new CheckBox(SB_FILENAME, "UseWebFormControl");
- var _SubmitAs = null;
- var _SuccessURL = new TextField(SB_FILENAME, "SuccessURL");
- var _FailureURL = new TextField(SB_FILENAME, "FailureURL");
- var _DebugInfo = new CheckBox(SB_FILENAME, "Debug");
- var _UniqueKeyColumn = null;
- var _UniqueKeySubmitAs = null;
- var ColumnsToAdd = new Array();
- var ColumnTypes = new Array();
- var recordsetName = "";
- var uniqueKeyColumnName = "";
- //********************API FUNCTIONS******************************
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // commandButtons
- //
- // Returns the list of buttons which should appear on the right hand
- // side of the dialog
- //
- // none
- //
- // Array - pairs of button name and function call
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function commandButtons()
- {
- return new Array(MM.BTN_OK, "clickedOK()",
- MM.BTN_Cancel, "clickedCancel()",
- MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // canInsertObject
- //
- // This function is called to determine if this object can be inserted
- // into the current document. It displays the relevant error messages,
- // and then returns a boolean to indicate if insertion is possible.
- //
- // NOTE: this function is called before initializeUI, so it should
- // not rely on internal state.
- //
- // none
- //
- // boolean
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function canInsertObject()
- {
- return true;
- }
- //********************LOCAL FUNCTIONS******************************
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // clickedOK
- //
- // This function is called when the user clicks OK
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function clickedOK()
- {
- var conn = _ConnectionName.getValue();
- var databaseType = MMDB.getDatabaseType(conn);
- var table = _TableName.getValue();
- var successURL = (_SuccessURL.getValue()) ? _SuccessURL.getValue() : "";
- var failureURL = (_FailureURL.getValue()) ? _FailureURL.getValue() : "";
- var debug = _DebugInfo.getCheckedState();
- var uniqueCol = _UniqueKeyColumn.getValue();
- recordsetName = _RecordsetName.getValue();
- var i;
- var currRowInfoObj;
- var fieldInfoObj;
- var sqlObj = new SQLStatement("");
- var columnInfoList = new Array();
- var ElementStrArr = new Array();
- var hiddenFieldNamesArr = new Array();
- var hiddenFieldValuesArr = new Array();
- var rowInfoArr = _ColumnNames.valueList;
- var nRows = rowInfoArr.length;
- // check for error conditions
- var errMsgStr = "";
- if (!conn)
- {
- errMsgStr = MM.MSG_NoDataSource;
- }
- else if (!table)
- {
- errMsgStr = MM.MSG_NoTablesInDS;
- }
- else if (!recordsetName)
- {
- errMsgStr = dwscripts.sprintf(MM.MSG_NoRecordsets, dwscripts.getRecordsetDisplayName());
- }
- else if (!nRows)
- {
- errMsgStr = MM.Msg_NoColumnsInTable;
- }
- if (!errMsgStr)
- {
- // check that the selected column exists in the recordset
- var colList = dwscripts.getFieldNames(recordsetName);
- var found = false;
- for (var j = 0; j < colList.length; j++)
- {
- if (colList[j].toLowerCase() == uniqueCol.toLowerCase())
- {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- {
- errMsgStr = dwscripts.sprintf(MM.MSG_NoColumnInRS, dwscripts.getRecordsetDisplayName());
- }
- }
- // if error condition, alert it and return
- if (errMsgStr)
- {
- alert (errMsgStr);
- return;
- }
- // if no error conditions, build the edits to apply to the document
- MM.setBusyCursor();
- // create parameter object used to provide variables for this edit op
- // server behavior
- var paramObj = new Object();
- paramObj.TableAlign = "center";
- // Get a unique form name...
- var formName = dwscripts.getUniqueNameForTag("FORM", "form");
- paramObj.FormName = formName;
- paramObj.Language = dw.getDocumentDOM().serverModel.getServerLanguage();
- var addedPrimary = false;
- for (i = 0; i < nRows; i++)
- {
- currRowInfoObj = rowInfoArr[i];
- fieldInfoObj = currRowInfoObj.displayAs;
- fieldInfoObj.fieldName = currRowInfoObj.fieldName;
- var columnName = currRowInfoObj.column;
- if (columnName)
- {
- var columnInfoNode = dwscripts.getColumnValueNode();
- columnInfoNode.setColumnName(columnName);
- columnInfoNode.setColumnType(fieldInfoObj.type);
- columnInfoNode.setVariableName(fieldInfoObj.fieldName);
- columnInfoNode.setRuntimeValue((databaseType.toLowerCase() == "oledb") ? "?" : ("@" + columnName));
- // Check if this field is the unique primary key field
- // if so push another node for the primary key...
- if (columnName == uniqueCol)
- {
- addedPrimary = true;
- columnInfoNode.setIsPrimaryKey(true);
- columnInfoNode.setSubmitAs(_UniqueKeySubmitAs.getValue());
- // push the Primary Key column into the hidden field
- // array if it's not already slated for that
- if (fieldInfoObj.type != "hiddenField")
- {
- hiddenFieldNamesArr.push(fieldInfoObj.fieldName);
- hiddenFieldValuesArr.push(fieldInfoObj.text);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- columnInfoNode.setSubmitAs(currRowInfoObj.submitAs);
- }
- columnInfoList.push(columnInfoNode);
- }
- // handle the hidden fields
- if (fieldInfoObj.type == "hiddenField")
- {
- hiddenFieldNamesArr.push(fieldInfoObj.fieldName);
- hiddenFieldValuesArr.push(fieldInfoObj.value);
- }
- }
- // Also push the Update hidden field into the array...
- hiddenFieldNamesArr.push("MM_update");
- hiddenFieldValuesArr.push(formName);
- // Handle the primary key if not already done
- if (!addedPrimary)
- {
- columnInfoNode = dwscripts.getColumnValueNode();
- var uniqueColFieldName = getElementNameFromColumnName(uniqueCol);
- columnInfoNode.setColumnName(uniqueCol);
- columnInfoNode.setColumnType("");
- columnInfoNode.setVariableName(uniqueColFieldName);
- columnInfoNode.setIsPrimaryKey(true);
- columnInfoNode.setSubmitAs(_UniqueKeySubmitAs.getValue());
- columnInfoNode.setRuntimeValue((databaseType.toLowerCase() == "oledb") ? "?" : ("@" + uniqueCol));
- columnInfoList.push(columnInfoNode);
- // push the Primary Key column hidden field into the hidden field array
- hiddenFieldNamesArr.push(uniqueColFieldName);
- hiddenFieldValuesArr.push(createDynamicData(recordsetName, uniqueCol));
- }
- paramObj.HiddenFieldName = hiddenFieldNamesArr;
- paramObj.HiddenFieldValue = hiddenFieldValuesArr;
- // Parameters need to be in the same order as they
- // are referenced in the sql. For an update statement,
- // the primary keys are at the end. So, put them last.
- columnInfoList.sort(sortByPrimaryKeyCB);
- // this will go through all the form elements and returns a string array...
- ElementStrArr = createFormElementStrings(rowInfoArr);
- paramObj.ElementString = ElementStrArr;
- paramObj.ButtonText = MM.BTN_UpdateRecord;
- paramObj.ConnectionPath = dwscripts.getConnectionURL(conn);
- sqlObj.createUpdateStatement(table, columnInfoList);
- paramObj.FormName = formName;
- paramObj.CommandText = dwscripts.escSQLQuotes(sqlObj.getStatement(true));
- paramObj.ConnectionName = conn;
- paramObj.SuccessURL = SBDatabaseCallASPNET.transformURL(successURL, true);
- paramObj.FailureURL = SBDatabaseCallASPNET.transformURL(failureURL, true);
- paramObj.Debug = debug;
- // Parmeters
- var paramNames = new Array();
- var paramRuntimes = new Array();
- var paramTypes = new Array();
- for (var z = 0; z < columnInfoList.length; ++z)
- {
- if (columnInfoList[z].getVariableName())
- {
- var columnName = columnInfoList[z].getColumnName();
- var paramName = ("@" + columnName);
- var defaultValue = (columnInfoList[z].getDefaultValue() != "") ?
- columnInfoList[z].getDefaultValue() : "\"\"";
- var submitAs = columnInfoList[z].getSubmitAs();
- var runtime = dwscripts.getParameterCodeFromType(MM.LABEL_ASPNET_Param_Types[1],
- columnInfoList[z].getVariableName(),
- defaultValue,
- submitAs);
- paramNames.push(paramName);
- paramRuntimes.push(runtime);
- paramTypes.push(submitAs);
- }
- }
- paramObj.SqlVarName = paramNames;
- paramObj.SqlVarRuntime = paramRuntimes;
- paramObj.SqlVarType = paramTypes;
- // correct the selection
- checkThatCursorIsNotInsideOfAForm();
- dwscripts.setCursorOutsideParagraph();
- dwscripts.fixUpSelection(dw.getDocumentDOM(), false, true);
- dwscripts.applyGroup("RecordUpdateForm", paramObj);
- MM.clearBusyCursor();
- window.close();
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // clickedCancel
- //
- // This function is called when CANCEL is clicked
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function clickedCancel()
- {
- MM.commandReturnValue = "";
- window.close();
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // displayHelp
- //
- // Displays the built-in Dreamweaver help.
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function displayHelp()
- {
- dwscripts.displayDWHelp(helpDoc);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // initializeUI
- //
- // This function is called in the onLoad event. It is responsible
- // for initializing the UI.
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function initializeUI()
- {
- // define global form elements
- _DisplayAs = new ListControl("DisplayAs");
- _SubmitAs = new ListControl("SubmitAs");
- _ElementLabel = dwscripts.findDOMObject("ElementLabel");
- _UniqueKeyColumn = new ListControl("UniqueKeyColumn");
- _UniqueKeySubmitAs = new ListControl("UniqueKeySubmitAs");
- _ColumnNames = new TreeControlWithNavControls("ColumnNames");
- _ElemUp = dwscripts.findDOMObject("elemUp");
- _ElemDown = dwscripts.findDOMObject("elemDown");
- _ElemAdd = dwscripts.findDOMObject("elemAdd");
- _ElemDel = dwscripts.findDOMObject("elemDel");
- _SuccessURL.initializeUI();
- _FailureURL.initializeUI();
- _DebugInfo.initializeUI();
- _DebugInfo.setCheckedState(true);
- _UseWebFormCtrl.initializeUI();
- // initialize the form elements
- var setConnectionSuccess = _ConnectionName.initializeUI();
- if (!setConnectionSuccess)
- {
- clickedCancel();
- }
- _RecordsetName.initializeUI();
- _TableName.initializeUI();
- _ColumnNames.setColumnNames(MM.LABEL_ColGrid);
- var displayAsArr = new Array(TEXTFIELD,
- _DisplayAs.setAll(displayAsArr, displayAsArr);
- recordsetName = _RecordsetName.getValue();
- updateUI("Debug");
- elts = document.forms[0].elements;
- if (elts && elts.length)
- {
- elts[0].focus();
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // updateUI
- //
- // This function is called by the UI controls to handle UI updates
- //
- // control - string - the name of the control sending the event
- // event - string - the event which is being sent
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function updateUI(control, event)
- {
- if (control == "ConnectionName")
- {
- var databaseType = MMDB.getDatabaseType(_ConnectionName.getValue());
- var theTypes = SBDatabaseCallASPNET.getParamTypeList(databaseType);
- _UniqueKeySubmitAs.setAll(theTypes, theTypes);
- _SubmitAs.setAll(theTypes, theTypes);
- _TableName.updateUI(_ConnectionName, event); // this will trigger a recursive call to this function
- }
- else if (control == "Define")
- {
- _ConnectionName.launchConnectionDialog();
- }
- else if (control == "TableName")
- {
- // clear additional column list
- // it lists columns that don't get populated in the grid, and needs to be cleared
- updateAdditionalColumnList('clear');
- // populate grid
- populateColumnGrid();
- // clear global field names array (used to check for dupe field names)
- // populate UI according to first grid item
- displayGridFieldValues();
- // populate uniqueKey control
- var colArr = new Array();
- var uniqueKeyCol = null;
- for (i in ColumnTypes)
- {
- colArr.push(i);
- }
- if (colArr.length > 0)
- {
- _UniqueKeyColumn.setAll(colArr, colArr);
- }
- else
- {
- _UniqueKeyColumn.setAll(new Array(MM.LABEL_NoColumns), new Array());
- }
- if (uniqueKeyColumnName)
- {
- _UniqueKeyColumn.pickValue(uniqueKeyColumnName);
- }
- updateUI("UniqueKeyColumn");
- }
- else if (control == "RecordsetName")
- {
- if (event == 'onChange')
- {
- if (recordsetName != "")
- {
- populateColumnGrid();
- checkForUnsupportedColumnTypes(false);
- updateDefaultFormFieldValues(recordsetName, _RecordsetName.getValue());
- displayGridFieldValues();
- recordsetName = _RecordsetName.getValue();
- }
- }
- }
- else if (control == "UniqueKeyColumn")
- {
- var column = _UniqueKeyColumn.get();
- // populate the column grid again after the
- // unique key column is selected
- populateColumnGrid();
- checkForUnsupportedColumnTypes(false);
- // refresh the grid field values
- displayGridFieldValues();
- if (ColumnTypes[column] != null)
- {
- var connectionName = _ConnectionName.getValue();
- var databaseType = MMDB.getDatabaseType(connectionName);
- _UniqueKeySubmitAs.pickValue(dwscripts.getDBColumnTypeAsString(ColumnTypes[column], databaseType));
- }
- }
- else if (control == "AddRow")
- {
- addGridRow();
- }
- else if (control == "DeleteRow")
- {
- deleteGridRow();
- }
- else if (control == "MoveRowUp")
- {
- _ColumnNames.moveRowUp();
- }
- else if (control == "MoveRowDown")
- {
- _ColumnNames.moveRowDown();
- }
- else if (control == "ColumnNames")
- {
- displayGridFieldValues();
- }
- else if (control == "ElementLabel")
- {
- updateGridRow('label');
- }
- else if (control == "SubmitAs")
- {
- updateGridRow('submitAs');
- }
- else if (control == "DisplayAs")
- {
- showDifferentParams(true);
- updateGridRow('displayAs')
- }
- else if (control == "UseWebFormControl")
- {
- updateGridRow('useWebFormControl');
- }
- else if (control == "SuccessURL")
- {
- var theSuccessURL = dw.browseForFileURL("select", MM.LABEL_FileRedirect,0,0);
- if (theSuccessURL.length > 0)
- {
- _SuccessURL.setValue(theSuccessURL);
- }
- }
- else if (control == "FailureURL")
- {
- var theFailureURL = dw.browseForFileURL("select", MM.LABEL_FileRedirect,0,0);
- if (theFailureURL.length > 0)
- {
- _FailureURL.setValue(theFailureURL);
- }
- }
- else if (control == "Debug")
- {
- _FailureURL.setDisabled(_DebugInfo.getCheckedState());
- }
- }