home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- var HELP_DOC = MM.HELP_objMasterDetail;
- var _RecordsetName = new RecordsetMenu("","RecordsetName");
- var _MasterPageFields = new RecordsetFieldsOrderedList("MasterDetail.htm", "MasterPageFields", "");
- var _LinkField = new RecordsetFieldMenu("MasterDetail.htm", "LinkField", "");
- var _UniqueKeyField = new RecordsetFieldMenu("MasterDetail.htm", "UniqueKeyField", "");
- var _NumRecs = new NumRecButtons("MasterDetail.htm", "NumRecs", "");
- var _DetailPageName = new URLTextField("MasterDetail.htm", "DetailPageName", "");
- var _DetailPageFields = new RecordsetFieldsOrderedList("MasterDetail.htm", "DetailPageFields", "");
- var _documentTypeID = "";
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // commandButtons
- //
- // API function for commands. Controls dialog buttons.
- //
- // none
- //
- // an array of button names and function calls
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function commandButtons()
- {
- return new Array(MM.BTN_OK, "clickedOK()",
- MM.BTN_Cancel, "window.close()",
- MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // createMasterDetailSet
- //
- // Inserts the content into the master and detail pages.
- //
- // In this implementation, this function is responsible for all
- // insertion work.
- //
- // paramObj. Contains properties:
- // RecordsetName -- string
- // MasterPageFields -- array
- // DetailPageFields -- array
- // LinkToField -- string
- // UniqueIDField -- string
- // DetailPagePath -- string, relative path from master page
- // DetailPageName -- string, file name only
- // PageSize -- string or number, "all" or positive integer
- //
- // string - empty upon success, or an error message
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function createMasterDetailSet(paramObj)
- {
- var docURL = dw.getDocumentPath('document');
- var siteURL = dw.getSiteRoot();
- var detailPageName = paramObj.DetailPageName;
- var detailPageAbsURL = dwscripts.getAbsoluteURL(detailPageName,docURL,siteURL);
- var uniqueIDField = paramObj.UniqueIDField;
- _documentTypeID = dw.getDocumentDOM().documentType;
- // add recordset parameters. Looks for the recordset paramObj.RecordsetName,
- // and adds its parameters to paramObj
- getRecordsetParameters(paramObj);
- paramObj.AddQueryString = "QueryString";
- // hava: genericize this so that it is not platform-specific...
- //for retrieving the tabelname in order to get the columntype"
- var sqlStatement=paramObj.SQLStatement.toLowerCase();
- var index=sqlStatement.indexOf("from");
- var index=sqlStatement.indexOf(" ",index+3);
- var endIndex=sqlStatement.indexOf(" ",index+1);
- if(endIndex==-1)
- var tableName=sqlStatement.substring(index);
- else
- var tableName=sqlStatement.substring(index,endIndex);
- var colsAndTypes = dwscripts.getColumnValueList(paramObj.ConnectionName,tableName);
- var columnType="";
- for(var i=0;i<colsAndTypes.length;++i) {
- if(colsAndTypes[i].getColumnName() == uniqueIDField) {
- columnType=colsAndTypes[i].getColumnType();
- break;
- }
- }
- var urlVar = (!dwscripts.isStringDBColumnType(columnType))?"$recordID":"'" + "$recordID" + "'";
- var conditionStr = paramObj.UniqueIDField + " = " + urlVar;
- // new SQL statement used in detail page recordset
- paramObj.SQLStatement = editWhereClause(paramObj.SQLStatement,conditionStr);
- // add navigation bar parameters
- paramObj.FirstLinkText = MM.LABEL_NewMoveToFirstLinkLabel;
- paramObj.PrevLinkText = MM.LABEL_NewMoveToPrevLinkLabel;
- paramObj.NextLinkText = MM.LABEL_NewMoveToNextLinkLabel;
- paramObj.LastLinkText = MM.LABEL_NewMoveToLastLinkLabel;
- // add navigation statistic parameters
- paramObj.beforeFirst = MM.LABEL_RSNavBeforeFirst;
- paramObj.beforeLast = MM.LABEL_RSNavBeforeLast;
- paramObj.beforeTotal = MM.LABEL_RSNavBeforeTotal;
- paramObj.afterTotal = MM.LABEL_RSNavAfterTotal;
- paramObj.total = MM.LABEL_RSNavTotal;
- if (!dwscripts.selectionIsInBody())
- {
- dwscripts.setCursorToEndOfBody();
- }
- // insert content into master page, which is the currently open page
- if (paramObj.PageSize)
- extGroup.queueDocEdits("MasterPageNumRecs",paramObj,null);
- else
- extGroup.queueDocEdits("MasterPageAllRecs",paramObj,null);
- dwscripts.applyDocEdits();
- // create new or open existing detail page, and prep for insertion
- createAndPrepDetailPage(detailPageName,detailPageAbsURL);
- // create unique name for the detail page recordset
- // Note: the below line of code *must* be placed at a point
- // in the workflow where the Detail Page already has the focus.
- paramObj.RecordsetName = getUniqueRecordsetName();
- // insert detail page content into detail page, which is currently open
- extGroup.queueDocEdits("DetailPage",paramObj,null);
- dwscripts.applyDocEdits();
- createLiveDataSettings(); // allow detail page to be viewed with Live Data
- // switch focus back to Master Page
- dw.openDocument(docURL);
- return "";
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // createLiveDataSettings
- //
- // sets the recordID variable to 1 so that page can be previewed
- // from within the application
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function createLiveDataSettings(detailPageObj)
- {
- // NOTE: This is currently Cold Fusion specific
- var str = "recordID=1";
- dw.setLiveDataParameters(str);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // clickedOK
- //
- // verifies data and alerts err msg if invalid.
- // if valid, sets value of MM.cmdReturnValue to parameters and
- // closes dialog
- //
- // none
- //
- // an array of button names and function calls
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function clickedOK()
- {
- var errMsg = "";
- var detailPageName = _DetailPageName.getValue();
- var masterPageName = dwscripts.getFileName(dw.getDocumentPath("document"));
- var rsName = _RecordsetName.getValue();
- var numRecs = _NumRecs.getValue();
- // check that all parameter values are valid
- // check detail page name
- if ( !detailPageName || detailPageName.charAt(0) == " "
- || detailPageName.indexOf("/") != -1
- || (detailPageName.indexOf(".") == 0)
- || (detailPageName.indexOf(".") == detailPageName.length - 1)
- )
- {
- errMsg = MM.MSG_invalidDetailPageName;
- }
- if (!errMsg)
- {
- if ( (detailPageName == masterPageName)
- || (masterPageName.indexOf(detailPageName + ".") == 0)
- )
- {
- errMsg = MM.MSG_NeedUniqueDetailPageName;
- }
- }
- if (!errMsg) // check number of records validity
- {
- errMsg = _NumRecs.applyServerBehavior();
- }
- if (!errMsg)
- {
- if (numRecs != "3")
- {
- var sbObj = sbUtils.getRepeatRegionWithPageNav(rsName, true);
- if (sbObj != null)
- {
- errMsg = MM.MSG_RepeatRegionWithPageNavExists;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!errMsg) // check that valid columns exist
- {
- var masterFields = _MasterPageFields.getValue();
- if((masterFields.length == 0) ||
- (masterFields.length == 1 && masterFields[0].indexOf("MM_ERROR")!=-1))
- {
- errMsg = MM.MSG_columnsEmpty;
- }
- }
- if (!errMsg)
- {
- // PHP requires that we modify the recordset code when using
- // PHP repeat region, the following code modifies the recordset
- // so that it contains a new SQL statement that has limit functionality.
- var sbRecordset = dwscripts.getServerBehaviorByParam("Recordset.htm","RecordsetName",_RecordsetName.getValue());
- if (sbRecordset)
- {
- var newRS = sbRecordset.makeEditableCopy() ;
- if (_NumRecs.getValue() != "all")
- {
- newRS.setPageSize(_NumRecs.getValue());
- newRS.queueDocEdits();
- }
- else
- {
- newRS.updatePageSize(sbObj);
- newRS.queueDocEdits();
- }
- }
- }
- if (errMsg)
- {
- alert(errMsg);
- var urlField = dwscripts.findDOMObject('DetailPageName');
- urlField.focus();
- }
- else
- {
- paramObj = new Object();
- paramObj.RecordsetName = _RecordsetName.getValue();
- paramObj.MasterPageFields = _MasterPageFields.getValue();
- paramObj.DetailPageFields = _DetailPageFields.getValue();
- paramObj.LinkToField = _LinkField.getValue();
- paramObj.UniqueIDField = _UniqueKeyField.getValue();
- paramObj.DetailPageName = addExtensionToFileName(detailPageName);
- paramObj.PageSize = (_NumRecs.getValue() =="all") ? "":_NumRecs.getValue();
- //paramObj.Numeric = _Numeric.getCheckedState();
- MM.cmdReturnValue.push(paramObj);
- window.close();
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // initializeUI
- //
- // Prepare the dialog and controls for user input
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function initializeUI()
- {
- var elts;
- _RecordsetName.initializeUI();
- _MasterPageFields.initializeUI();
- _LinkField.initializeUI();
- _UniqueKeyField.initializeUI();
- _NumRecs.initializeUI();
- _DetailPageName.initializeUI();
- _DetailPageFields.initializeUI();
- elts = document.forms[0].elements;
- if (elts && elts.length)
- elts[0].focus();
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // displayHelp
- //
- // displays appropriate help file
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function displayHelp()
- {
- dwscripts.displayDWHelp(HELP_DOC);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // updateUI
- //
- // Called from controls to update the dialog based on user input
- //
- // whatChanged -- string -- key for which UI element has been updated
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function updateUI(whatChanged)
- {
- switch (whatChanged)
- {
- case "masterFieldsLength":
- var masterFieldsArr = _MasterPageFields.getValue();
- var linkFieldsArr = _LinkField.listControl.list;
- if (masterFieldsArr.length != linkFieldsArr.length)
- {
- _LinkField.listControl.setAll(masterFieldsArr,masterFieldsArr);
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // getUniqueRecordsetName
- //
- // Returns a unique recordset name for the current document
- //
- // none
- //
- // unique recordset name
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getUniqueRecordsetName()
- {
- var dsNames = dwscripts.getRecordsetNames();
- var nNames = dsNames.length;
- var num = -1;
- var uniqueName = false;
- var rsName = ""
- while(!uniqueName)
- {
- num++;
- if(num==0)
- rsName = "DetailRS";
- else
- rsName= "DetailRS" + num;
- uniqueName = true;
- for (var i=0;i<nNames;i++)
- {
- if (dsNames.toLowerCase() == rsName.toLowerCase())
- {
- uniqueName = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return rsName;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------
- // addExtensionToFileName
- //
- // Given a file name, check for a file extension, and add a
- // file extension (server-specific) if one does not exist
- //
- // fileName -- string, file name
- //
- // file name
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function addExtensionToFileName(fileName)
- {
- var retVal = fileName;
- var hasExtension = (fileName.search(/\.\w+$/) != -1);
- if (!hasExtension)
- {
- var fileExtension = dwscripts.getFileExtension(dw.getDocumentDOM().URL)
- retVal = fileName +"." + fileExtension;
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- // HE Note: This is modified from the original in Sam's file because I'm passing
- // in the entire filter; this makes it generic and easier to copy for multiple users.
- // function: editWhereClause -- would better be part of the SQL class
- // SQL RELATED FUNCTIONS BELOW, should be moved
- // They belong in the main SQL function
- var CONST_where = "WHERE";
- var CONST_and = "AND";
- var CONST_orderBy = "ORDER BY";
- var CONST_groupBy = "GROUP BY";
- function buildNewSQLSource(sourceStr, index, clause, filter)
- {
- var newSource;
- newSource = sourceStr.substr(0, index - 1) + " " + clause + " " + filter + " " + sourceStr.substr(index, sourceStr.length - index);
- return newSource;
- }
- function editWhereClause(SQLStatement,newFilter)
- {
- //var part = new Participant("recordset_sqlVar");
- var sourceStr = SQLStatement
- var filter = "";
- var newSource = "";
- var paramObj = new Object();
- // paramObj.rsName = rsName;
- // paramObj.varName = varName;
- // filter = part.getInsertString(paramObj);
- // filter = colId + " = " + enclosingToken + filter + enclosingToken;
- filter = newFilter;
- var re = new RegExp("\\bwhere\\b","gi");
- var index = sourceStr.search(re);
- if (index == -1) {
- //The where clause was not found in the sql
- var reOrderBy = new RegExp("\\border\\sby\\b","gi");
- var reGroupBy = new RegExp("\\bgroup\\sby\\b","gi");
- var orderIndex = sourceStr.search(reOrderBy);
- var groupIndex = sourceStr.search(reGroupBy);
- if(groupIndex == orderIndex)
- {
- //This can only mean that the group by and order by clause both don't exist (index returns -1).
- newSource = sourceStr + " " + CONST_where + " " + filter;
- } else {
- var groupBoolean = new Boolean(false);
- // Either group by or order by or both clauses exist in the sql.
- if((groupIndex > -1) && (orderIndex > -1)) {
- // both clause's exist. Check which one has the least index value and insert the filter before it.
- groupBoolean = (groupIndex < orderIndex);
- } else {
- //only one clause exists. Check which one has the greater index value and insert the filter before it.
- groupBoolean = (groupIndex > orderIndex);
- }
- if(groupBoolean)
- newSource = buildNewSQLSource(sourceStr, groupIndex, CONST_where, filter);
- else
- newSource = buildNewSQLSource(sourceStr, orderIndex, CONST_where, filter);
- }
- } else {
- //The sql contains a where clause. We need to find out where it is and insert our filter just after it.
- //The clause generated here will be the only where clause that is used.
- newSource = sourceStr.substr(0, index) + " " + CONST_where + " " + filter;
- }
- return newSource;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // getUniqueRecordsetName
- //
- // Returns a unique recordset name for the current document
- //
- // none
- //
- // unique recordset name
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getUniqueRecordsetName()
- {
- var dsNames = dwscripts.getRecordsetNames();
- var nNames = dsNames.length;
- var num = 0;
- var uniqueName = false;
- var rsName = ""
- while(!uniqueName)
- {
- num++;
- rsName = "DetailRS" + num;
- uniqueName = true;
- for (var i=0;i<nNames;i++)
- {
- if (dsNames[i].toLowerCase() == rsName.toLowerCase())
- {
- uniqueName = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return rsName;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // getSQLStringForURLVariable
- //
- // Returns url variable surrounded by appropriate delimiters
- //
- // connName -- string, name of connection. Note: in CF, this is the data source name
- // tableName -- string, name of table
- // colName -- string, name of column
- // varStr -- string, url variable for sql statement, e.g.: #URL.recordID#
- //
- //
- //
- // unique recordset name
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getSQLStringForURLVariable(connName,tableName,colName,varStr)
- {
- var colAndTypes = MMDB.getColumnAndTypeOfTable(connectionName, tableName);
- var nItems = colAndTypes.length;
- var i;
- var colType = "";
- var retVal = colName;
- // find colName in colAndTypesArr
- // note that colAndTypes is single dimensional array in form of
- // column name, column type, etc.
- for (i=0;i<nItems;i+=2)
- {
- if (colAndTypes[i] == colName)
- {
- colType = colAndTypes[i+1];
- }
- }
- // hava: is colType number or string type? Will next clause work?
- if (colType)
- {
- retVal = dwscripts.getSQLStringForDBColumnType(varStr,colType);
- }
- else
- {
- // this case should not be hit, but if it is, use no delimiters
- retVal = varStr;
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // getRecordsetParameters
- //
- // Finds paramObj.RecordsetName in the current document, and adds all
- // recordset related parameters to paramObj
- // NOTE: Another way to do this would be use an explicit recordset
- // copying method. hava: is one way preferable over another?
- //
- // paramObj -- object to store parameters. Must include a property
- // named "RecordsetName" with a valid recordset name.
- // The recordset properties are added to paramObj. Note: this
- // function will override existing paramObj properties of the same
- // name.
- //
- // nothing. paramObj is passed by reference; return value not needed.
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getRecordsetParameters(paramObj)
- {
- var sbRecs = dw.sbi.getServerBehaviors();
- var nRecs = sbRecs.length;
- var rsName = paramObj.RecordsetName;
- var i;
- var currRec = "";
- for (i=0;i<nRecs;i++)
- {
- currRec = sbRecs[i];
- if (currRec.getName() == "Recordset" && currRec.getParameter("RecordsetName") == rsName)
- {
- rsParamObj = currRec.getParameters();
- break;
- }
- }
- // add recordset parameters to paramObj
- for (var i in rsParamObj)
- {
- if(i=="PageSize")
- continue;
- paramObj[i] = rsParamObj[i];
- }
- }
- // shamelessly copied -- only temporary to focus on major issues first
- // add to common dwscripts file? or at least to server behavior file
- // in any case, move it!
- //Invokes dialog to allow user to select filename. Puts value in text input.
- // The optional flag stripParameters will remove anything after a question
- // mark if it is set to true
- function browseFile(fieldToStoreURL, stripParameters)
- {
- var fileName = "";
- fileName = browseForFileURL(); //returns a local filename
- if (stripParameters) {
- var index = fileName.indexOf("?");
- if (index != -1) {
- fileName = fileName.substring(0,index);
- }
- }
- if (fileName) fieldToStoreURL.value = fileName;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // createAndPrepDetailPage
- //
- // Looks at detail page name to determine if it exists. Creates
- // file for detail page if it does not already exist. Preps file
- // in either case to ensure that future html insertion will not
- // cause invalid html markup.
- //
- //
- // detailPageName -- string
- // detailPageAbsURL -- string -- detail page absolute path
- // dom (optional) -- document object model for current document
- //
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function createAndPrepDetailPage(detailPageName,detailPageAbsURL,theDom)
- {
- var detailPageExists = dwscripts.fileExists(detailPageAbsURL);
- var detailPageIsOpen = detailPageExists && dwscripts.fileIsCurrentlyOpen(detailPageAbsURL);
- var detailPageIsOpen = false;
- var dom = (theDom)?theDom:dw.getDocumentDOM();
- if (detailPageExists)
- {
- dw.openDocument(detailPageAbsURL);
- dom = dw.getDocumentDOM();
- if (detailPageIsOpen)
- {
- // move cursor from head, move outside of block tags
- dwscripts.fixUpSelection(dom,false,false);
- }
- else
- {
- // if it was closed, move cursor to the end of the just-opened document
- dwscripts.setCursorToEndOfBody(dom);
- }
- }
- else // create a new page to use as the detail page
- {
- dw.createDocument(false, _documentTypeID);
- dom = dw.getDocumentDOM();
- dw.saveDocument(dom,detailPageAbsURL);
- }
- }