home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_ssSimpleRecordset
- var gSimpleParamName = "MMColParam"
- var gTypes //This is an array that holds the types of the columns in the column lists.
- var ERROR_MESSAGE = "";
- function clickedAdvanced()
- {
- MM.RecordsetObject = GetDataFromUI()
- MM.IsSimpleRecordset = false
- MM.RecordsetSwitchingUI = true
- MM.RecordsetDone = false
- window.close()
- }
- function clickedOK()
- {
- MM.RecordsetOK = true
- if (MM.RecordsetPriorRec)
- {
- var errMsg = CheckData(FINAL, MM.RecordsetPriorRec)
- }
- else
- {
- var errMsg = CheckData(FINAL, "")
- }
- if (errMsg != "")
- {
- MM.RecordsetOK = false
- alert(errMsg)
- return
- }
- MM.RecordsetObject = GetDataFromUI()
- RememberSimpleRecordset()
- window.close()
- }
- function RememberSimpleRecordset()
- {
- var path = dreamweaver.getConfigurationPath() + '/ServerBehaviors/Shared/RSSeverModelSwitches.js';
- var metaFile;
- metaFile = MMNotes.open(path, true); // Force create the note file.
- if (metaFile) {
- MMNotes.set(metaFile, 'PREF_rsType', '');
- MMNotes.close(metaFile);
- }
- }
- function clickedCancel()
- {
- window.close()
- }
- function commandButtons()
- {
- return new Array(MM.BTN_OK, "clickedOK()", MM.BTN_Cancel, "clickedCancel()", MM.BTN_Test, "PopUpTestDialog()", MM.BTN_Advanced, "clickedAdvanced()", MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()")
- }
- function GetParametersFromUI()
- {
- var outArray = new Array()
- if (IsFilterEnabled())
- {
- outArray[0] = GetParamObject(PARAM_TYPE.getIndex(), PARAM_VAL.value, Trim(RS_NAME_BOX.value))
- if (outArray[0].defaultVal == 0 && MM.SimpleRecordsetDefaultVal)
- {
- outArray[0].defaultVal = MM.SimpleRecordsetDefaultVal
- }
- }
- return outArray
- }
- function GetDataFromUI()
- {
- var uiData = new Object()
- uiData.name = Trim(RS_NAME_BOX.value)
- uiData.connectionName = CONN_LIST.getValue()
- uiData.paramArray = GetParametersFromUI()
- uiData.sql = GetSQLFromUI()
- uiData.isSimple = true
- return uiData
- }
- function inspectTable(sqlObj)
- {
- var ops = TABLE_LIST.object.options
- var foundTable = false
- for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++)
- {
- if (String(ops[i].text).toLowerCase() == String(sqlObj.table).toLowerCase())
- {
- foundTable = true
- ops[i].selected = true
- }
- else
- {
- ops[i].selected = false
- }
- }
- }
- function inspectColumns(sqlObj)
- {
- var ops = COLUMN_LIST.object.options
- if (sqlObj.all)
- {
- COLUMN_RADIO[0].checked = true
- COLUMN_RADIO[1].checked = false
- }
- else
- {
- COLUMN_RADIO[0].checked = false
- COLUMN_RADIO[1].checked = true
- for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++)
- {
- var shouldBeSelected = false
- for (var j = 0; j < sqlObj.columns.length; j++)
- {
- if (String(sqlObj.columns[j]).toLowerCase() == String(ops[i].text).toLowerCase())
- {
- shouldBeSelected = true
- break
- }
- }
- ops[i].selected = shouldBeSelected
- }
- }
- }
- function inspectFilter(sqlObj, rsName)
- {
- if (sqlObj.filterColumn)
- {
- FILTER_COL.pickValue(sqlObj.filterColumn)
- PickValue(OPERATOR, sqlObj.filterOperator)
- // Parse the Runtime value of the parameter to see what type it is
- // and what the name of the param is
- var paramType = 0
- var paramName = "x"
- var paramObj = GetParamTypeAndName(MM.RecordsetObject.paramArray[0], rsName)
- if (paramObj)
- {
- paramType = paramObj.paramType
- paramName = paramObj.paramName
- }
- PARAM_TYPE.setIndex(paramType)
- PARAM_VAL.value = paramName
- if (paramName == sqlObj.filterColumn)
- {
- OLD_FILTER_COL_STRING = paramName // Remember that they used the name of the col
- // as the name of the param for use in
- // FilterColChanged.
- }
- SetFilterControlsEnabled(true)
- }
- else
- {
- //reset to disabled
- FILTER_COL.setIndex(0)
- SetFilterControlsEnabled(false)
- }
- }
- function inspectSort(sqlObj)
- {
- if (sqlObj.sortColumn)
- {
- //Don't use the built-in pickValue method, as it is case sensitive.
- //Do it manually instead. Copy the code from the ListControl class..
- var indx = 0;
- var columnUpperCase = String(sqlObj.sortColumn).toUpperCase();
- for (var i=0; i < SORT_COL.getLen(); i++) {
- if (String(SORT_COL.getValue(i)).toUpperCase() == columnUpperCase) { // TO DO: what if value is an object?
- indx = i;
- }
- }
- SORT_COL.setIndex(indx);
- var ops = SORT_TYPE.options
- for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++)
- {
- if (ops[i].value == sqlObj.sortType)
- {
- ops[i].selected = true
- break
- }
- }
- SetEnabled(SORT_TYPE, true)
- }
- else
- {
- //reset disabled
- SORT_COL.setIndex(0)
- SetEnabled(SORT_TYPE, false)
- }
- }
- function inspectUI()
- {
- if (MM.RecordsetObject.paramArray.length == 1)
- {
- // Remember if there was a default val for use in GetParametersFromUI()
- MM.SimpleRecordsetDefaultVal = MM.RecordsetObject.paramArray[0].defaultVal
- }
- RS_NAME_BOX.value = MM.RecordsetObject.name
- CONN_LIST.pickValue(MM.RecordsetObject.connectionName)
- ConnectionChanged()
- var sqlObj = ParseSimpleSQL(MM.RecordsetObject.sql)
- if (!sqlObj)
- {
- alert(dwscripts.sprintf(MM.MSG_SQLNotSimple, dwscripts.getRecordsetDisplayName()));
- return
- }
- if (sqlObj.empty)
- {
- // nothing to inspect
- return
- }
- if (sqlObj.table != TABLE_LIST.getValue())
- {
- refreshColumns = true
- }
- else
- {
- refreshColumns = false
- }
- inspectTable(sqlObj)
- if (refreshColumns)
- {
- TableChanged()
- }
- inspectColumns(sqlObj)
- inspectFilter(sqlObj, MM.RecordsetObject.name)
- inspectSort(sqlObj)
- RadioChanged()
- }
- function PickValue(list, val)
- {
- var ops = list.options
- for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++)
- {
- if (ops[i].value == val)
- {
- ops[i].selected = true
- break
- }
- }
- }
- function CheckData(reason, priorName)
- {
- /*
- This function checks all of the input variables to see
- if the user has filled out everything okay...if not
- return an error string. If so, return empty string
- */
- var strOut = ""
- if (reason == FINAL)
- {
- // we don't get here if we are just testing the SQL statement
- var theName = Trim(RS_NAME_BOX.value)
- if (theName == "")
- {
- strOut += MM.MSG_NoRecordsetName;
- return strOut
- }
- if (!IsValidVarName(theName))
- {
- strOut = MM.MSG_InvalidRecordsetName
- return strOut
- }
- if (IsDupeObjectName(theName, priorName))
- {
- return MM.MSG_DupeRecordsetName;
- }
- if (IsReservedWord(theName))
- {
- return dwscripts.sprintf(MM.MSG_ReservedWord, theName);
- }
- }
- if (CONN_LIST.getIndex() == 0)
- {
- strOut += MM.MSG_NoConnection;
- return strOut
- }
- var tableName = TABLE_LIST.getValue();
- if(Trim(tableName) == "")
- {
- strOut += MM.MSG_NoTableSelected;
- return strOut;
- }
- if (GetColumns() == "")
- {
- return MM.MSG_SelectColumns
- }
- if (IsFilterEnabled())
- {
- if (Trim(PARAM_VAL.value) == "")
- {
- PARAM_VAL.focus()
- if (!IsLiteralValue(PARAM_TYPE.getIndex()))
- {
- return MM.MSG_MissingParamName + " " + PARAM_TYPE.getValue()
- }
- else
- {
- return MM.MSG_MissingFilterVal;
- }
- }
- if (!isFilterColumnString())
- {
- var operator = OPERATOR.options[OPERATOR.selectedIndex].value
- switch(operator)
- {
- case "begins with":
- case "ends with":
- case "contains":
- return MM.MSG_CanOnlyUseThisOperatorOnAString;
- }
- }
- }
- return strOut
- }
- function GetSQLFromUI()
- {
- var theTable = TABLE_LIST.getValue()
- if (theTable == null || theTable == "")
- {
- return "";
- }
- if (theTable.indexOf(" ") >= 0)
- {
- var aBracketedTable = "";
- var theSplitTable = theTable.split(".");
- var n = theSplitTable.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- if(i > 0)
- {
- aBracketedTable += ".";
- }
- var aSlice = theSplitTable[i];
- if(aSlice.indexOf(" ") >= 0)
- {
- aBracketedTable += "[" + aSlice + "]";
- }
- else
- {
- aBracketedTable += aSlice;
- }
- }
- theTable = aBracketedTable;
- }
- var cols = GetColumns()
- var theSQL = "SELECT " + cols + " FROM " + theTable
- if (IsFilterEnabled())
- {
- theSQL += " WHERE " + FILTER_COL.getValue()
- var theOperator = OPERATOR.options[OPERATOR.selectedIndex].value
- switch(theOperator)
- {
- case "=":
- case ">":
- case "<":
- case ">=":
- case "<=":
- case "<>":
- theSQL += " " + theOperator + " "
- var enclosingToken = getToken()
- theSQL += enclosingToken + gSimpleParamName + enclosingToken
- break;
- case "begins with":
- theSQL += " LIKE '" + gSimpleParamName + "%'"
- break
- case "ends with":
- theSQL += " LIKE '%" + gSimpleParamName + "'"
- break
- case "contains":
- theSQL += " LIKE '%" + gSimpleParamName + "%'"
- break
- }
- }
- if (IsSortEnabled())
- {
- theSQL += " ORDER BY " + SORT_COL.getValue() + " " + SORT_TYPE.options[SORT_TYPE.selectedIndex].value
- }
- return theSQL
- }
- function isFilterColumnString()
- {
- return (getToken() == "'");
- }
- function getToken()
- {
- if (IsFilterEnabled())
- {
- if (IsLiteralValue(PARAM_TYPE.getIndex()))
- {
- var value = PARAM_VAL.value;
- if (value.length)
- {
- if ((value.charAt(0)=="#") &&
- (value.charAt(value.length-1)=="#"))
- {
- return "";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var index = FILTER_COL.object.selectedIndex - 1
- var retVal = "";
- if ( dwscripts.isStringDBColumnType(gTypes[index])
- || dwscripts.isDateDBColumnType(gTypes[index])
- )
- {
- retVal = "'";
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- function GetColumns()
- {
- var cols = "*"
- if (COLUMN_RADIO[1].checked)
- {
- var ops = COLUMN_LIST.object.options
- cols = ""
- for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++)
- {
- if (ops[i].selected)
- {
- if(cols != "")
- {
- cols += ", "
- }
- cols += ops[i].text
- }
- }
- }
- return cols
- }
- function initializeUI()
- {
- //Create global vars for all controls
- MM.SimpleRecordsetDefaultVal = null //Clear the default Val holder. It
- //may be set again in inspectUI
- RS_NAME_BOX = findObject("RecordsetName")
- RS_NAME_BOX.value = CreateNewName()
- CONN_LIST = new ListControl("ConnectionList")
- COLUMN_RADIO = findObject("RadioButton")
- TABLE_LIST = new ListControl("TableList")
- COLUMN_LIST = new ListControl("ColumnList")
- FILTER_COL = new ListControl("ColumnDropDown")
- OPERATOR = findObject("OperatorDropDown")
- PARAM_TYPE = new ListControl("ParameterTypeDropDown")
- PARAM_VAL = findObject("ParameterValue")
- SORT_COL = new ListControl("SortByColumnDropDown")
- SORT_TYPE = findObject("SortByTypeDropDown")
- OLD_FILTER_COL_STRING = "" // Global var to remember the last filter
- // col selected. (This var is used in
- // FilterColChanged and inspectFilter)
- PopulateConnectionList()
- ConnectionChanged()
- PopulateParamTypeList()
- if (MM.RecordsetSwitchingUI || MM.RecordsetPriorRec)
- {
- inspectUI()
- }
- else
- {
- // Make sure these are disabled
- FILTER_COL.setIndex(0)
- SetFilterControlsEnabled(false)
- SORT_COL.setIndex(0)
- SetEnabled(SORT_TYPE, false)
- }
- elts = document.forms[0].elements;
- if (elts && elts.length)
- {
- elts[0].focus();
- elts[0].select();
- }
- }
- function PopulateParamTypeList()
- {
- var paramTypes = GetParamTypeArray()
- PARAM_TYPE.setAll(paramTypes, paramTypes)
- PARAM_TYPE.setIndex(0)
- }
- function IsFilterEnabled()
- {
- return (FILTER_COL.object.selectedIndex > 0)
- }
- function IsSortEnabled()
- {
- return (SORT_COL.object.selectedIndex > 0)
- }
- function PopUpTestDialog()
- {
- var msg = CheckData(FOR_TEST, "")
- if (msg != "")
- {
- alert(msg)
- return
- }
- var statement = GetSQLFromUI()
- if (IsFilterEnabled())
- {
- var isEmpty = Trim(PARAM_VAL.value) == ""
- if (!IsLiteralValue(PARAM_TYPE.getIndex()))
- {
- // Pop up a dialog to get the default value to use in the test
- MM.paramName = PARAM_TYPE.getValue() + ": " + PARAM_VAL.value
- dw.runCommand("GetTestValue")
- if (!MM.clickedOK)
- {
- return
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // The user has chosen to provide the comparison value of the filter
- MM.retVal = PARAM_VAL.value
- }
- }
- var re = new RegExp("\\b" + gSimpleParamName + "\\b", "g")
- statement = statement.replace(re, String(MM.retVal).replace(/'/g, "''"))
- //alert(statement)
- MMDB.showResultset(CONN_LIST.getValue(), statement)
- }
- function RemoveWhereClause(sql)
- {
- var theSQL = String(sql)
- var strOut = theSQL
- var wherePos = theSQL.search(/\s+where\s+/i)
- if (wherePos != -1)
- {
- var orderByPos = theSQL.search(/\s+order\s+by\s+/i)
- if (orderByPos != -1)
- {
- strOut = theSQL.substring(0, wherePos) + theSQL.substring(orderByPos)
- }
- else
- {
- strOut = theSQL.substring(0, wherePos)
- }
- }
- return strOut
- }
- function ConnectionChanged()
- {
- var i, tables
- if (CONN_LIST.getIndex() == 0)
- {
- tables = new Array()
- }
- else
- {
- // Get the tables and views
- // First get the tables
- tables = new Array()
- tableObjects = MMDB.getTables(CONN_LIST.getValue())
- if (tableObjects.length == 0)
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_ConnErrs)
- }
- for (i = 0; i < tableObjects.length; i++)
- {
- var thisTable = tableObjects[i]
- thisSchema = Trim(thisTable.schema)
- if (thisSchema.length == 0)
- {
- thisSchema = Trim(thisTable.catalog)
- }
- if (thisSchema.length > 0)
- {
- thisSchema += "."
- }
- tables.push(String(thisSchema + thisTable.table))
- }
- // Now get the views
- views = new Array()
- tableObjects = MMDB.getViews(CONN_LIST.getValue())
- for (i = 0; i < tableObjects.length; i++)
- {
- thisTable = tableObjects[i]
- thisSchema = Trim(thisTable.schema)
- if (thisSchema.length == 0)
- {
- thisSchema = Trim(thisTable.catalog)
- }
- if (thisSchema.length > 0)
- {
- thisSchema += "."
- }
- views.push(String(thisSchema + thisTable.view))
- }
- if (views.length > 0)
- {
- var isMySQL = false;
- var tableslen = tables.length;
- var viewslen = views.length;
- if (tableslen == viewslen)
- {
- if ((tableslen) && (viewslen))
- {
- //Quick check for mysql...
- if ((tables[0] == views[0]) &&
- (tables[tableslen-1] == views[viewslen-1]) &&
- (tables[tableslen/2] == views[viewslen/2]))
- {
- isMySQL = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!isMySQL)
- {
- tables = tables.concat(views)
- }
- }
- }
- TABLE_LIST.setAll(tables, tables)
- TABLE_LIST.setIndex(0)
- TableChanged()
- RadioChanged()
- }
- function TableChanged()
- {
- var colsAndTypes = MMDB.getColumnAndTypeOfTable(CONN_LIST.getValue(), TABLE_LIST.getValue())
- var cols = new Array()
- gTypes = new Array()
- if (String(colsAndTypes[0]).indexOf("MM_ERROR:") == -1)
- {
- var numCols = 0
- for (var i = 0; i < colsAndTypes.length; i+=2)
- {
- cols[numCols] = colsAndTypes[i]
- gTypes[numCols] = colsAndTypes[i + 1]
- numCols++
- }
- }
- COLUMN_LIST.setAll(cols, cols)
- var ops = COLUMN_LIST.object.options
- if(COLUMN_RADIO[0].checked)
- {
- if(ops.length > 0)
- {
- ops[0].selected = false
- }
- }
- var colsWithNone = new Array(MM.LABEL_None)
- colsWithNone = colsWithNone.concat(cols)
- FILTER_COL.setAll(colsWithNone, colsWithNone)
- SORT_COL.setAll(colsWithNone, colsWithNone)
- //Reset the controls
- PARAM_VAL.value = ""
- // Set the ALL radio to be checked
- COLUMN_RADIO[0].checked = true
- //COLUMN_RADIO[1].checked = false
- RadioChanged()
- FILTER_COL.setIndex(0)
- SORT_COL.setIndex(0)
- FilterColChanged()
- SortColChanged()
- }
- function LaunchConnectionManager()
- {
- var oldList = String(CONN_LIST.valueList).split(",")
- MMDB.showConnectionMgrDialog()
- PopulateConnectionList()
- var newConnectionIndex = getNewConnection(oldList, CONN_LIST.valueList)
- if (newConnectionIndex != -1)
- {
- CONN_LIST.setIndex(newConnectionIndex)
- }
- ConnectionChanged()
- }
- function RadioChanged()
- {
- var ops = COLUMN_LIST.object.options
- if(COLUMN_RADIO[0].checked)
- {
- SetEnabled(COLUMN_LIST.object, false)
- for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++)
- {
- ops[i].selected = false
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SetEnabled(COLUMN_LIST.object, true)
- }
- }
- function FilterColChanged()
- {
- var filCol = FILTER_COL.getValue()
- if (IsFilterEnabled() && (Trim(PARAM_VAL.value) == "" || PARAM_VAL.value == OLD_FILTER_COL_STRING))
- {
- // If the filter is enabled and
- // (the param val is blank or the param val is the name of the old filter col)
- // change the param val.
- // If the user entered their own param val, we will not write over it.
- PARAM_VAL.value = filCol
- OLD_FILTER_COL_STRING = filCol // Remember for next time we are called
- }
- SetFilterControlsEnabled(IsFilterEnabled())
- }
- function SortColChanged()
- {
- SetEnabled(SORT_TYPE, IsSortEnabled())
- }
- function SetFilterControlsEnabled(enable)
- {
- SetEnabled(OPERATOR, enable)
- SetEnabled(PARAM_TYPE.object, enable)
- SetEnabled(PARAM_VAL, enable)
- }
- // As opposed to the Advanced RS, the simple RS does not
- // automatically choose the connection if it is the only
- // one. This is because it takes a while for the
- // UI to populate itself if we do it that way.
- function PopulateConnectionList()
- {
- var oldConn = CONN_LIST.getValue()
- var connList = MMDB.getConnectionList()
- var wholeList = new Array()
- wholeList.push(MM.LABEL_None)
- for (var i = 0; i < connList.length; i++)
- {
- wholeList.push(connList[i])
- }
- CONN_LIST.setAll(wholeList, wholeList)
- CONN_LIST.setValue(MM.LABEL_None, 0)
- var index = CONN_LIST.getIndex(oldConn)
- if (!CONN_LIST.pickValue(oldConn))
- {
- CONN_LIST.setIndex(0)
- }
- }
- function receiveArguments(errorMsg) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE = errorMsg;
- }