home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- // *************** GLOBALS VARS *****************
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_ssAdvancedRecordset
- var SP_Mode = false; //Since we have different formatting behavior based on whether
- //the object is a stored proc or not, we use this as a switch to
- //keep track of what's the current selection.
- //The following constants and vars are used to build up the SQL statement.
- var CONST_FROM = "FROM";
- var CONST_EQUALS = "=";
- var CONST_AND = " AND";
- var var_select = "*";
- var var_from = "";
- var var_where = "";
- var var_orderby = "";
- var gSimpleParamName = "MMColParam"
- var ERROR_MESSAGE = "";
- // ******************* API **********************
- function commandButtons()
- {
- return new Array(MM.BTN_OK, "clickedOK()",
- MM.BTN_Cancel, "clickedCancel()",
- MM.BTN_Test, "PopUpTestDialog()",
- MM.BTN_Simple, "clickedSimple()",
- MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()")
- }
- function clickedOK()
- {
- MM.RecordsetOK = true
- if (MM.RecordsetPriorRec)
- {
- var errMsg = CheckData(FINAL, MM.RecordsetPriorRec)
- }
- else
- {
- var errMsg = CheckData(FINAL, "")
- }
- if (errMsg != "")
- {
- MM.RecordsetOK = false
- alert(errMsg)
- return
- }
- MM.RecordsetObject = GetDataFromUI()
- RememberAdvancedRecordset()
- window.close()
- }
- function clickedCancel()
- {
- window.close()
- }
- function PopUpTestDialog()
- {
- var msg = CheckData(FOR_TEST, "")
- if (msg != "")
- {
- alert(msg)
- return
- }
- var theSQL = SQL_BOX.value
- var noRS = false
- if (theSQL.search(/^\s*insert\s+/i) > -1)
- noRS = true
- if (theSQL.search(/^\s*update\s+/i) > -1)
- noRS = true
- if (theSQL.search(/^\s*delete\s+/i) > -1)
- noRS = true
- if (noRS)
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_CannotTestInsertUpdateDelete)
- return
- }
- var pa = PARAM_LIST.getContents()
- var statement = SQL_BOX.value
- // remove SQL comments
- statement = statement.replace(/\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\//g, " ");
- statement = ReplaceParamsWithVals(statement, pa)
- // Special case for the handling of <cfif> tag.
- // Our solution is to execute the statement up to but not including
- // the first cfif tag if one exists.
- if (dw.getDocumentDOM().serverModel.getServerLanguage() == "CFML")
- {
- statement = stripCFIF(statement)
- }
- MMDB.showResultset(CONN_LIST.getValue(), statement)
- }
- function clickedSimple()
- {
- var showAlert = false
- MM.RecordsetObject = GetDataFromUI()
- var simpleObj = ParseSimpleSQL(MM.RecordsetObject.sql)
- if(simpleObj == false)
- {
- //alert("This SQL statement cannot be viewed in simple mode.")
- showAlert = true
- }
- else if (simpleObj.filterColumn)
- {
- if (MM.RecordsetObject.paramArray.length != 1)
- {
- //alert("There was a where clause and the number of params was not one")
- showAlert = true
- }
- else
- {
- if (MM.RecordsetObject.paramArray[0].name != gSimpleParamName)
- {
- //alert("Close to simple, but the param name is wrong.")
- showAlert = true
- }
- else
- {
- if (GetParamTypeAndName(MM.RecordsetObject.paramArray[0], Trim(RS_NAME_BOX.value)) == false)
- {
- //alert("Could not recognize the runtime parameter code.")
- showAlert = true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (MM.RecordsetObject.paramArray.length != 0)
- {
- //alert("There were parameters and there is no where clause.")
- showAlert = true
- }
- }
- if (showAlert)
- {
- alert(dwscripts.sprintf(MM.MSG_SQLNotSimple, dwscripts.getRecordsetDisplayName()));
- return
- }
- MM.IsSimpleRecordset = true
- MM.RecordsetSwitchingUI = true
- MM.RecordsetDone = false //we are switching ui's
- window.close()
- }
- // ***************** LOCAL FUNCTIONS ******************
- function initializeUI()
- {
- /*
- This function is called in the onLoad event. It is responsible
- for initializing the UI. If we are inserting a recordset, this
- is a matter of populating the connection drop down.
- If we are modifying a recordset, this is a matter of inspecting
- the recordset tag and setting all the form elements.
- */
- //Create global vars for all controls
- CONN_LIST = new ListControl("ConnectionList")
- PARAM_LIST = new GridControl("ParamList")
- SQL_BOX = findObject("theSQL")
- RS_NAME_BOX = findObject("RecordsetName")
- MINUS_BUTTON = findObject("minusButton")
- PLUS_BUTTON = findObject("plusButton")
- TREE = new DBTreeControl("DBTree")
- PopulateConnectionList()
- RS_NAME_BOX.value = CreateNewName()
- SELECT_BUTTON = findObject("SelectButton")
- WHERE_BUTTON = findObject("WhereButton")
- ORDERBY_BUTTON = findObject("OrderByButton")
- if (MM.RecordsetSwitchingUI || MM.RecordsetPriorRec)
- {
- inspectUI()
- }
- elts = document.forms[0].elements;
- if (elts && elts.length)
- {
- elts[0].focus();
- elts[0].select();
- }
- }
- function RememberAdvancedRecordset()
- {
- var path = dreamweaver.getConfigurationPath() + '/ServerBehaviors/Shared/RSSeverModelSwitches.js';
- var metaFile;
- metaFile = MMNotes.open(path, true); // Force create the note file.
- if (metaFile) {
- MMNotes.set(metaFile, 'PREF_rsType', 'ADVANCED');
- MMNotes.close(metaFile);
- }
- }
- function GetDataFromUI()
- {
- var uiData = new Object()
- uiData.name = Trim(RS_NAME_BOX.value)
- uiData.connectionName = CONN_LIST.getValue()
- uiData.paramArray = GetParametersFromUI()
- uiData.sql = SQL_BOX.value
- uiData.isSimple = false
- return uiData
- }
- function inspectUI()
- {
- var ro = MM.RecordsetObject
- //We want to check if this is an exec statement or not. If it's an exec,
- //update, delete, or insert statement,
- //we leave it alone and don't do our fancy formatting.
- var sqlstr = ro.sql
- if (
- (sqlstr.search(/exec\s*/i) > -1) ||
- (sqlstr.search(/call\s*/i) > -1) ||
- (sqlstr.search(/^\s*update\s+/i) > -1) ||
- (sqlstr.search(/^\s*insert\s+/i) > -1) ||
- (sqlstr.search(/^\s*delete\s+/i) > -1)
- )
- {
- //Update the SQL_Box
- SQL_BOX.value = ro.sql
- //Set SP_Mode to true
- SP_Mode = true;
- }
- else
- {
- //Set SP_Mode to false
- SP_Mode = false;
- //Kick in fancy formatting
- if (Trim(ro.sql) == "")
- {
- //do nothing since they may be switching from Simple and we don't
- //want to put the "Select * from" in the SQL box.
- }
- else if( parseSQLString(ro.sql))
- {
- //the parser was able to successfully identify string
- updateSQL_Box();
- }
- else
- {
- //parser failed, so no fancy formatting...
- SQL_BOX.value = ro.sql
- }
- }
- RS_NAME_BOX.value = ro.name
- if (!CONN_LIST.pickValue(ro.connectionName))
- {
- CONN_LIST.setIndex(0)
- }
- TREE.setConnection(ro.connectionName)
- var delim = ","
- if (ro.paramArray)
- {
- var fillArray = new Array()
- for (i = 0;i < ro.paramArray.length; i++)
- {
- fillArray[i] = new Array()
- thisParam = ro.paramArray[i]
- fillArray[i][0] = thisParam.name
- fillArray[i][1] = thisParam.defaultVal
- fillArray[i][2] = thisParam.runtimeVal
- }
- PARAM_LIST.setContents(fillArray)
- PARAM_LIST.setIndex(0)
- }
- }
- function CheckData(reason, priorName)
- {
- /*
- This function checks all of the input variables to see
- if the user has filled out everything okay...if not
- return an error string. If so, return empty string
- */
- var strOut = ""
- if (reason == FINAL)
- {
- // we don't get here if we are just testing the SQL statement
- var theName = Trim(RS_NAME_BOX.value)
- if (theName == "")
- {
- strOut += MM.MSG_NoRecordsetName;
- return strOut
- }
- if (!IsValidVarName(theName))
- {
- strOut = MM.MSG_InvalidRecordsetName
- return strOut
- }
- if (IsDupeObjectName(theName, priorName))
- {
- return MM.MSG_DupeRecordsetName;
- }
- if (IsReservedWord(theName))
- {
- return dwscripts.sprintf(MM.MSG_ReservedWord, theName);
- }
- }
- if (CONN_LIST.getIndex() == 0)
- {
- strOut += MM.MSG_NoConnection;
- return strOut
- }
- var theSQL = SQL_BOX.value
- if (StripChars(" \r\n\t", theSQL) == "")
- {
- strOut += MM.MSG_NoRecordsetSQLStatement;
- return strOut
- }
- switch(dw.getDocumentDOM().serverModel.getServerLanguage())
- {
- case "JavaScript":
- case "VBScript":
- case "Java":
- // we only accept Select statements
- // and calls to sp's
- var validSQL = false
- var callRE = /\s*call\b/i
- if (theSQL.search(callRE) > -1)
- validSQL = true
- var spRE = /^\s*exec\b/i
- if (theSQL.search(spRE) > -1)
- validSQL = true
- var spRE = /^\s*execute\b/i
- if (theSQL.search(spRE) > -1)
- validSQL = true
- var selectRE = /^\s*select\b/i
- if (theSQL.search(selectRE) > -1)
- validSQL = true
- if (!validSQL)
- {
- strOut = MM.MSG_NoRecordsetSQLStatement;
- return strOut
- }
- break
- case "CFML":
- // we only accept Select statements, calls to sp's, and insert/update/delete statements
- var validSQL = false
- var callRE = /\s*call\b/i
- if (theSQL.search(callRE) > -1)
- validSQL = true
- var spRE = /^\s*exec\b/i
- if (theSQL.search(spRE) > -1)
- validSQL = true
- var spRE = /^\s*execute\b/i
- if (theSQL.search(spRE) > -1)
- validSQL = true
- var selectRE = /^\s*select\b/i
- if (theSQL.search(selectRE) > -1)
- validSQL = true
- if (theSQL.search(/\s*insert\s+/i) > -1)
- validSQL = true
- if (theSQL.search(/\s*update\s+/i) > -1)
- validSQL = true
- if (theSQL.search(/\s*delete\s+/i) > -1)
- validSQL = true
- if (!validSQL)
- {
- strOut = MM.MSG_NoRecordsetSQLStatement;
- return strOut
- }
- }
- var pa = PARAM_LIST.getContents()
- //alert("the num of params is: " + pa.length)
- if (pa.length > 0)
- {
- strOut = CheckSQLParams(pa, theSQL, reason)
- }
- return strOut
- }
- function CheckSQLParams(pa, theSQL, reason)
- {
- var strOut = ""
- for (var i = 0; i < pa.length; i++)
- {
- var anOption = pa[i]
- var theName = Trim(anOption[0])
- if (theName == "")
- {
- strOut = strOut = MM.LABEL_ParamRow + (i + 1) + "\n\n" + MM.MSG_MissingParamName
- return strOut
- }
- if (!IsValidVarName(theName))
- {
- strOut = MM.LABEL_ParamRow + (i + 1) + "\n\n" + theName + "\n\n" + MM.MSG_InvalidParamName
- return strOut
- }
- else
- {
- var re = new RegExp("\\b" + theName + "\\b");
- if (theSQL.search(re) == -1)
- {
- strOut = MM.LABEL_ParamRow + (i + 1) + "\n\n" + theName + "\n\n" + MM.MSG_InvalidParamNameNotInSQL
- return strOut
- }
- }
- var theDefaultVal = Trim(anOption[1])
- if (theDefaultVal == "")
- {
- strOut = MM.LABEL_ParamRow + (i + 1) + "\n\n" + MM.MSG_DefaultValMissing + theName
- return strOut
- }
- if (reason == FINAL)
- {
- var theRunTimeVal = Trim(anOption[2])
- if (theRunTimeVal == "")
- {
- strOut = MM.LABEL_ParamRow + (i + 1) + "\n\n" + MM.MSG_RunTimeValMissing + theName
- return strOut
- }
- if (dw.getDocumentDOM().serverModel.getServerLanguage() == "CFML")
- {
- if (theRunTimeVal.search(/^#\S+#$/i) == -1)
- {
- return MM.LABEL_ParamRow + (i + 1) + "\n\n" + MM.MSG_RunTimeValNotCFFormat
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ""
- }
- function GetParametersFromUI()
- {
- var gridContents = PARAM_LIST.getContents()
- var paramArray = new Array()
- for (var i = 0; i < gridContents.length; i++)
- {
- var newParam = new Object()
- var oldParam = gridContents[i]
- newParam.name = oldParam[0]
- newParam.defaultVal = oldParam[1]
- newParam.runtimeVal = oldParam[2]
- paramArray.push(newParam)
- }
- return paramArray
- }
- function DeleteParam()
- {
- /*
- This function is called when the user
- clicks on the minus button above the params list box.
- If there is not a selected index in the list, we do
- nothing.
- */
- PARAM_LIST.del()
- //UpdateMinusButton()
- }
- function AddParam()
- {
- if (dw.isOSX())
- {
- // work around a problem in OSX where the first editable
- // region does not get focus. Add a defaut name
- // so the user can see that something happened
- PARAM_LIST.object.options.push(new Option(MM.LABEL_Unnamed))
- }
- else
- {
- PARAM_LIST.object.options.push(new Option(""))
- }
- //PARAM_LIST.append()
- //UpdateMinusButton()
- }
- function UpdateMinusButton()
- {
- if (PARAM_LIST.getIndex() >= 0)
- {
- MINUS_BUTTON.src = "../../Shared/UltraDev/Images/MinusButtonEnabled.gif"
- }
- else
- {
- MINUS_BUTTON.src = "../../Shared/UltraDev/Images/MinusButtonDisabled.gif"
- }
- }
- function stripCFIF(sql)
- {
- var statement = sql.replace(/\n/g, " ")
- statement = statement.replace(/\r/g, " ")
- var found = statement.search(/^(.*)\s*<cfif/i)
- if (found != -1)
- {
- statement = RegExp.$1
- }
- return statement
- }
- function ConnectionChanged()
- {
- TREE.setConnection(CONN_LIST.getValue())
- }
- function updateSQLWithStoredProcedure()
- {
- //This method builds the SQL statment when a stored procedure is
- //selected in the tree.
- var treeData = TREE.getData()
- //If it's not a stored procedure, don't do anything.
- if (!treeData.IsProcedure())
- {
- return
- }
- var curText = SQL_BOX.value
- var returnValue = ""
- var outParams = ""
- var procName = treeData.procedure
- var paramArray = treeData.paramArray
- var paramBoxContents = new Array()
- //Build the Param array
- for (var i = 0; i < paramArray.length; i++)
- {
- //Remove all '@' chars from the param name.
- var paramName = StripChars("@", paramArray[i].name)
- var stype = dwscripts.getDBColumnTypeAsString(paramArray[i].type)
- bString = dwscripts.isStringDBColumnType(paramArray[i].type);
- bBinary = dwscripts.isBinaryDBColumnType(paramArray[i].type);
- if (paramName != "RETURN_VALUE")
- {
- if (outParams != "")
- outParams += ","
- if (bString)
- outParams = outParams + "'" + paramName + "'"
- else
- {
- if ((stype == "REF CURSOR")||(bBinary))
- {
- outParams += "?";
- }
- else
- {
- outParams += paramName;
- }
- }
- if (stype != "REF CURSOR" && !bBinary)
- {
- // We don't want to list the param if it is REF CURSOR or binary
- var aParam = new Array()
- aParam[0] = paramName
- aParam[1] = ""
- aParam[2] = ""
- paramBoxContents.push(aParam)
- }
- }
- }
- PARAM_LIST.delAll();
- if (outParams == ""){
- SQL_BOX.value = "{call " + procName +"}"
- outParams = ""
- }
- else{
- SQL_BOX.value = "{call " + procName + "(" + outParams + ")}"
- PARAM_LIST.setContents(paramBoxContents)
- }
- }
- //This method is called after the SQL has been 'parsed'. This updates
- //the SQL box with formatted SQL statment.
- function updateSQL_Box()
- {
- var sqlstr = "";
- if (StripChars(" \r\n\t", var_select) == "")
- {
- var_select = "*";
- }
- sqlstr = CONST_SELECT + " " + var_select + "\n" + CONST_FROM;
- if (var_from != "")
- {
- sqlstr += " ";
- sqlstr += var_from;
- }
- if( var_where != "")
- {
- //sqlstr += " ";
- sqlstr += "\n";
- sqlstr += CONST_WHERE;
- sqlstr += " ";
- sqlstr += var_where;
- }
- if( var_orderby != "")
- {
- //sqlstr += " ";
- sqlstr += "\n";
- sqlstr += CONST_ORDERBY;
- sqlstr += " ";
- sqlstr += var_orderby;
- }
- if (sqlstr != "")
- {
- SQL_BOX.value = sqlstr;
- }
- }
- //Update the global vars from the RegularExpression result.
- function updateSQLVars(index)
- {
- switch(index)
- {
- case 1:
- var_select = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$3));
- var_from = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$5));
- var_where = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$7));
- var_orderby = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$9));
- break;
- case 2:
- var_select = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$3));
- var_from = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$5));
- var_where = "";
- var_orderby = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$7));
- break;
- case 3:
- var_select = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$3));
- var_from = "";
- var_where = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$5));
- var_orderby = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$7));
- break;
- case 4:
- var_select = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$3));
- var_from = "";
- var_where = "";
- var_orderby = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$5));
- break;
- case 5:
- var_select = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$1));
- var_from = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$3));
- var_where = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$5));
- var_orderby = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$7));
- break;
- case 6:
- var_select = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$1));
- var_from = "";
- var_where = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$3));
- var_orderby = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$7));
- break;
- case 7:
- var_select = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$1));
- var_from = "";
- var_where = "";
- var_orderby = Trim(StripChars("\r\n\t", RegExp.$3));
- break;
- }
- }
- //Parse the sql statement in the SQL Box.
- function parseSQLString(SQLString)
- {
- var updateStyle = 1
- var standardUpdate = true;
- //Check if it's in "StoredProc" mode. If it is don't do anything.
- if(!SP_Mode)
- {
- SQLString = SQLString.replace(/\n/g,"");
- SQLString = SQLString.replace(/\r/g," ");
- //Why do we need this exec check? If the user has a stored proc in the sql
- //edit, and then clicks on a table/view column, it would mean that he/she
- //wants to change the sql from a stored proc to a select statement.
- //So we first check to see the exec string is found in the sql. If it is,
- //we just set it to empty, as the updateSQLBox function will take care of it.
- //2-15-00 Made a slight modification to the reg exp params below. I removed the
- //\b before the exec/ call statements. This is because the { does not count as
- //as word boundry.
- var re_1 = /(exec)\b/g;
- var re_2 = /(call)\b/g;
- if((SQLString.search(re_1) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re_2) != -1))
- {
- SQLString = "";
- PARAM_LIST.delAll();
- return true
- }
- //type = 1
- var re1 = /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)(order by)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re2 = /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)(order by)\s*$/i;
- var re3 = /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re4 = /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)\s*$/i;
- //type = 2
- var re5 = /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)(\border\sby\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re6 = /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)(\border\sby\b)\s*$/i;
- var re7 = /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re8 = /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)\s*$/i;
- //type = 3
- var re9 = /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)(\border by\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re10= /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)(\border by\b)\s*$/i;
- var re11= /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re12= /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)\s*$/i;
- //type = 4
- var re13= /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\border by\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re14= /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)(\border by\b)\s*$/i;
- var re15= /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re16= /(\s*|.*)(\bselect\b)\s*$/i;
- //type = 5
- var re17= /(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)(\border by\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re18= /(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)(\border by\b)\s*$/i;
- var re19= /(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re20= /(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)\s*$/i;
- var re21= /(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re22= /(\s*|.*)(\bfrom\b)\s*$/i;
- //type = 6
- var re23= /(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)(\border by\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re24= /(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)(\border by\b)\s*$/i;
- var re25= /(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re26= /(\s*|.*)(\bwhere\b)\s*$/i;
- //type = 7
- var re27= /(\s*|.*)(\border by\b)(\s*|.*)$/i;
- var re28= /(\s*|.*)(\border by\b)\s*$/i;
- var re_empty = /\s?/i;
- if(StripChars(" \r\n\t", SQLString) == "")
- {
- SQLString.search(re_empty);
- updateSQLVars(1)
- return true
- }
- if((SQLString.search(re1) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re2) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re3) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re4) != -1))
- {
- updateSQLVars(1)
- return true
- }
- if((SQLString.search(re5) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re6) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re7) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re8) != -1))
- {
- updateSQLVars(2)
- return true
- }
- if((SQLString.search(re9) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re10) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re11) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re12) != -1))
- {
- updateSQLVars(3)
- return true
- }
- if((SQLString.search(re13) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re14) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re15) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re16) != -1))
- {
- updateSQLVars(4)
- return true
- }
- if((SQLString.search(re17) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re18) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re19) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re20) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re21) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re22) != -1))
- {
- updateSQLVars(5)
- return true
- }
- if((SQLString.search(re23) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re24) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re25) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re26) != -1))
- {
- updateSQLVars(6)
- return true
- }
- if((SQLString.search(re27) != -1) || (SQLString.search(re28) != -1))
- {
- updateSQLVars(7)
- return true
- }
- return false
- }
- return true;
- }
- function IsSelectStatement()
- {
- if (Trim(SQL_BOX.value) == "")
- {
- return true
- }
- var sql = String(SQL_BOX.value)
- return (sql.search(/^\s*select\s+/i) != -1)
- }
- //On Click handler for the Add to Select button
- function AddToSelect()
- {
- if (!SP_Mode && !IsSelectStatement())
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_CanOnlyUseButtonsOnSelectStatements)
- return
- }
- var selectstr = "";
- var tablename = "";
- var curText = SQL_BOX.value
- var treeData = TREE.getData();
- var matchLoc;
- var result;
- var exactMatch = 0;
- if(!IsConnectionSelected())
- {
- return;
- }
- //Proceed if selection is not a stored procedure
- if (!treeData.IsProcedure())
- {
- //Check if selection is a column.
- if(treeData.IsColumn())
- {
- SP_Mode = false;
- if (parseSQLString(curText))
- {
- if( (StripChars(" \r\n\t", var_select) == "*") || (StripChars(" \r\n\t", var_select) == ""))
- {
- var_select = treeData.column;
- } else {
- theStr = treeData.column;
- escStr = quoteMeta(theStr);
- var re = new RegExp(escStr, "gi");
- exactMatch = 0;
- while((result = re.exec(var_select)) != null) {
- matchLoc = result.index;
- if (( matchLoc == 0 || var_select[matchLoc-1] == ' ' || var_select[matchLoc-1] == ',' ) && ( var_select[matchLoc + theStr.length] == ',' || var_select[matchLoc + theStr.length] == null ))
- {
- exactMatch = 1;
- }
- }
- if(exactMatch == 0)
- {
- var tempStr = Trim(var_select)
- if(tempStr.lastIndexOf(",") == (tempStr.length -1))
- {
- selectstr = Trim(var_select)
- selectstr += " " + treeData.column
- var_select = selectstr;
- } else {
- selectstr = Trim(var_select) + ", ";
- selectstr += treeData.column
- var_select = selectstr;
- }
- } else {
- alert(errMsg(MM.MSG_DupeColumnWarning, treeData.column));
- var tempStr = Trim(var_select)
- if(tempStr.lastIndexOf(",") == (tempStr.length -1))
- {
- selectstr = Trim(var_select)
- selectstr += " " + treeData.table + "." + treeData.column
- var_select = selectstr;
- } else {
- selectstr = Trim(var_select) + ", ";
- selectstr += treeData.table + "." + treeData.column
- var_select = selectstr;
- }
- }
- }
- tablename = treeData.table;
- if (StripChars(" \r\n\t", var_from) == "")
- {
- var_from = tablename;
- } else {
- theStr = treeData.table;
- escStr = quoteMeta(theStr);
- var re = new RegExp(escStr, "gi");
- exactMatch = 0;
- while((result = re.exec(var_from)) != null) {
- matchLoc = result.index;
- if (( matchLoc == 0 || var_from[matchLoc-1] == ' ' || var_from[matchLoc-1] == ',') && ( var_from[matchLoc + theStr.length] == ',' || var_from[matchLoc + theStr.length] == null ))
- {
- exactMatch = 1;
- }
- }
- if (exactMatch == 0)
- {
- //var_from += ", " + tablename;
- var tempStr = Trim(var_from)
- if(tempStr.lastIndexOf(",") == (tempStr.length -1))
- {
- tablename = Trim(var_from)
- tablename += " " + treeData.table
- var_from = tablename;
- } else {
- tablename = Trim(var_from) + ", ";
- tablename += treeData.table
- var_from = tablename;
- }
- }
- }
- updateSQL_Box();
- } else
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_InvalidSQL);
- }
- } else {
- if((treeData.IsTable()) && (treeData.table != "undefined"))
- {
- //A table is selected.
- SP_Mode = false;
- if(parseSQLString(curText))
- {
- var tablename = treeData.table;
- if(StripChars(" \r\n\t", var_from) == "")
- {
- var_from = tablename;
- updateSQL_Box();
- } else {
- theStr = treeData.table;
- escStr = quoteMeta(theStr);
- var re = new RegExp(escStr, "gi");
- exactMatch = 0;
- while((result = re.exec(var_from)) != null) {
- matchLoc = result.index;
- if (( matchLoc == 0 || var_from[matchLoc-1] == ' ' || var_from[matchLoc-1] == ',') && ( var_from[matchLoc + theStr.length] == ',' || var_from[matchLoc + theStr.length] == null ))
- {
- exactMatch = 1;
- }
- }
- if(exactMatch == 0)
- {
- var tempStr = Trim(var_from)
- if(tempStr.lastIndexOf(",") == (tempStr.length -1))
- {
- tablename = Trim(var_from)
- tablename += " " + treeData.table
- var_from = tablename;
- } else {
- tablename = Trim(var_from) + ", ";
- tablename += treeData.table
- var_from = tablename;
- }
- updateSQL_Box();
- }
- }
- } else
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_InvalidSQL);
- }
- } else {
- alert(MM.MSG_InvalidSelection);
- }
- }
- } else {
- //it's a stored procedure. Update accordingly.
- SP_Mode = true;
- updateSQLWithStoredProcedure();
- }
- }
- //onclick event handler for the "Add to where" button associated with the tree.
- function ColumnAddToWhere()
- {
- if (!IsSelectStatement())
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_CanOnlyUseButtonsOnSelectStatements)
- return
- }
- if(!IsConnectionSelected())
- {
- return;
- }
- var selectstr = "";
- var curText = SQL_BOX.value
- var treeData = TREE.getData();
- //Check if the selection is not a stored procedure
- if (!treeData.IsProcedure())
- {
- //Proceed only if selection is a column
- if(treeData.IsColumn())
- {
- SP_Mode = false;
- if(parseSQLString(curText))
- {
- if(Trim(var_from) == "")
- {
- var_from = treeData.table;
- }
- if(Trim(var_where) == "")
- {
- var_where = treeData.column;
- updateSQL_Box();
- } else {
- //Do a check here to see if " AND" is not the last word.
- var trimWhereStr = Trim(var_where);
- if(addAndIsOkay(trimWhereStr))
- selectstr = Trim(var_where) + " AND ";
- else
- selectstr = Trim(var_where) + " ";
- selectstr += treeData.column;
- var_where = selectstr;
- updateSQL_Box();
- }
- }
- } else {
- alert(MM.MSG_SelectColumn);
- }
- } else {
- SP_Mode = true;
- updateSQLWithStoredProcedure();
- }
- }
- //onclick event handler for the "Add to where" button associated with the param grid.
- function VarAddToWhere()
- {
- if (!IsSelectStatement())
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_CanOnlyUseButtonsOnSelectStatements)
- return
- }
- if(!IsConnectionSelected())
- {
- return;
- }
- var paramlist = PARAM_LIST.getContents();
- if(paramlist.length == 0)
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_EmptyParamList);
- return;
- }
- if(!SP_Mode)
- {
- var selectstr = "";
- var selItem = PARAM_LIST.getIndex();
- var curText = SQL_BOX.value
- //Proceed only if a row in the grid is selected.
- if(selItem != -1)
- {
- if(parseSQLString(curText) > -1)
- {
- var pa = PARAM_LIST.getContents();
- if (pa.length > 0)
- {
- var paramName = pa[selItem][0];
- var_where = Trim(var_where) + " = " + paramName;
- updateSQL_Box();
- }
- } else {
- alert(MM.MSG_InvalidSQL);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //adds the name of the selected param to the SQL statement.
- function VarAddToEnd()
- {
- if (!IsSelectStatement())
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_CanOnlyUseButtonsOnSelectStatements)
- return
- }
- if(!IsConnectionSelected())
- {
- return;
- }
- var paramlist = PARAM_LIST.getContents();
- if(paramlist.length == 0)
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_EmptyParamList);
- return;
- }
- //Check that the code in the SQL box is not an exec statement.
- if (!SP_Mode)
- {
- var selItem = PARAM_LIST.getIndex();
- var curText = SQL_BOX.value
- if(selItem != -1)
- {
- var pa = PARAM_LIST.getContents();
- if (pa.length > 0)
- {
- var paramName = pa[selItem][0];
- curText = curText + " " + paramName;
- SQL_BOX.value = curText;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //onclick event handler for the Add to Order by button.
- function AddToOrderBy()
- {
- if (!IsSelectStatement())
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_CanOnlyUseButtonsOnSelectStatements)
- return
- }
- if(!IsConnectionSelected())
- {
- return;
- }
- var selectstr = "";
- var curText = SQL_BOX.value
- var treeData = TREE.getData();
- //Proceed only if not a Stored procedure.
- if (!treeData.IsProcedure())
- {
- //Check if selection is a column
- if(treeData.IsColumn())
- {
- SP_Mode = false;
- if(parseSQLString(curText))
- {
- if(Trim(var_from) == "")
- {
- var_from = treeData.table;
- }
- if(Trim(var_orderby) == "")
- {
- var_orderby = treeData.column;
- updateSQL_Box();
- } else {
- var re = new RegExp("\\b" + treeData.column + "\\b", "gi");
- if(var_orderby.search(re) == -1)
- {
- var tempStr = Trim(var_orderby)
- if(tempStr.lastIndexOf(",") == (tempStr.length -1))
- {
- selectstr = Trim(var_orderby)
- selectstr += " " + treeData.column
- var_orderby = selectstr;
- } else {
- selectstr = Trim(var_orderby) + ", ";
- selectstr += treeData.column;
- var_orderby = selectstr;
- }
- updateSQL_Box();
- }
- }
- } else {
- alert(MM.MSG_InvalidSQL);
- }
- } else {
- alert(MM.MSG_SelectColumn);
- }
- } else {
- //Update SQL with selected stored procedure syntax
- SP_Mode = true;
- updateSQLWithStoredProcedure();
- }
- }
- function UpdateTreeSelection()
- {
- //TREE_SEL_BOX.value = TREE.selectedItem
- var treeData = TREE.getData();
- if(treeData.IsProcedure())
- {
- //Enable/disable suitable buttons for the stored
- //proc selection
- StoredProcButtons()
- } else {
- //A table/view/column is selected. Do the needful.
- NotStoredProcButtons()
- }
- }
- function LaunchConnectionManager()
- {
- var oldList = String(CONN_LIST.valueList).split(",")
- MMDB.showConnectionMgrDialog()
- PopulateConnectionList()
- var newConnectionIndex = getNewConnection(oldList, CONN_LIST.valueList)
- if (newConnectionIndex != -1)
- {
- CONN_LIST.setIndex(newConnectionIndex)
- ConnectionChanged()
- }
- }
- function IsConnectionSelected()
- {
- var conn = CONN_LIST.getValue();
- if((conn == MM.LABEL_None) || (Trim(conn) == "") || (conn == MM.LABEL_EmptyOption))
- {
- alert(MM.MSG_NoConnection);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function StoredProcButtons()
- {
- disableTheButton(WHERE_BUTTON)
- disableTheButton(ORDERBY_BUTTON)
- }
- function NotStoredProcButtons()
- {
- enableTheButton(WHERE_BUTTON)
- enableTheButton(ORDERBY_BUTTON)
- SELECT_BUTTON.value = MM.LABEL_AddSelect;
- }
- function enableTheButton(obj)
- {
- var re1 = /(\s*|.*)(DISABLED="true" )(\s|.*)/
- var source = obj.outerHTML;
- if(source.search(re1) != -1)
- {
- source = RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$3
- }
- obj.outerHTML = source;
- }
- function disableTheButton(obj)
- {
- var str = "DISABLED=\"true\" "
- var re1 = /(\s*|.*)(DISABLED="true" )(\s|.*)/i
- var re2 = /(\s*|.*)(NAME)(\s|.*)/i
- var source = obj.outerHTML;
- if(source.search(re1) == -1)
- {
- if(source.search(re2) != -1)
- {
- source = RegExp.$1 + str + RegExp.$2 + RegExp.$3
- }
- }
- obj.outerHTML = source;
- }
- function PopulateConnectionList()
- {
- var oldConn = CONN_LIST.getValue()
- var connList = MMDB.getConnectionList()
- var wholeList = new Array()
- wholeList.push(MM.LABEL_None)
- for (var i = 0; i < connList.length; i++)
- {
- wholeList.push(connList[i])
- }
- CONN_LIST.setAll(wholeList, wholeList)
- CONN_LIST.setValue(MM.LABEL_None, 0)
- var index = CONN_LIST.getIndex(oldConn)
- if (!CONN_LIST.pickValue(oldConn))
- {
- if (CONN_LIST.getLen() == 2)
- {
- CONN_LIST.setIndex(1)
- ConnectionChanged()
- }
- else
- {
- CONN_LIST.setIndex(0)
- }
- } else {
- //the database tree ctrl could be populated
- //already... so, it needs to be refreshed. The tree control will not
- //refresh itself if the connection passed in is the same, so set it
- //to a dummy value and then re-set the original connection. This will
- //force it to update the meta-data.
- TREE.setConnection("");
- TREE.setConnection(oldConn);
- }
- }
- function PlusMouseDown()
- {
- PLUS_BUTTON.src = "../Shared/UltraDev/Images/PlusButtonDepressed.gif";
- }
- function PlusMouseUp()
- {
- PLUS_BUTTON.src="../Shared/UltraDev/Images/PlusButton.gif";
- AddParam();
- }
- function MinusMouseDown()
- {
- if(PARAM_LIST.getIndex() >= 0) {
- MINUS_BUTTON.src = "../Shared/UltraDev/Images/MinusButtonDepressed.gif";
- }
- }
- function MinusMouseUp()
- {
- if(PARAM_LIST.getIndex() >= 0) {
- MINUS_BUTTON.src="../Shared/UltraDev/Images/MinusButtonEnabled.gif";
- DeleteParam();
- }
- }
- function receiveArguments(errorMsg) {
- ERROR_MESSAGE = errorMsg;
- }
- function addAndIsOkay(str)
- {
- var tempStr = str.toUpperCase();
- var lt = str.length;
- var reIN = /\bis/gi;
- var reIS = /\bin/gi;
- var reNOT = /\bnot/gi;
- var reLIKE = /\blike/gi;
- if(tempStr.lastIndexOf(CONST_AND) == (tempStr.length - 4))
- return false;
- var substr2 = str.substr(str.length - 2, 2);
- var substr1 = str.substr(str.length - 1, 1);
- //Check for the mathematical operators <=, <> and >=
- if((substr2 == "<=") || (substr2 == ">=") || (substr2 == "<>"))
- return false;
- //Check for the mathematical operators =, <, and >
- if((substr1 == "=") || (substr1 == "<") || (substr1 == ">"))
- return false;
- if((str.search(reIS) == lt-2) || (str.search(reIN) == lt-2) || (str.search(reNOT) == lt-3) || (str.search(reLIKE) == lt-4))
- return false;
- return true;
- }