home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //
- // Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Rollover.js
- //
- // Implementation of Rollover Image object
- //
- //********************* GLOBALS **************************
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_objRolloverImage;
- //********************* API **************************
- function commandButtons()
- {
- return new Array( MM.BTN_OK, "setRolloverTag()"
- , MM.BTN_Cancel, "cancelRolloverTag()"
- , MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()");
- }
- //**************** LOCAL FUNCTIONS *******************
- // initializeUI()
- //
- // Called from rollover body onload
- //
- function initializeUI()
- {
- document.rolloverForm.tbImageName.value = getUniqueImgName();
- document.rolloverForm.tbImageName.focus();
- document.rolloverForm.tbImageName.select();
- }
- function setRolloverTag() {
- with( document.rolloverForm ) {
- // Validate that we at least have an original
- // and a rollover image
- //
- if ( tbRolloverImage.value == "" ||
- tbOriginalImage.value == "" )
- {
- alert( MSG_NoImagesToInsert );
- return;
- }
- // We require a unique image name; the form was initialized
- // with one; if the user has deleted it or has chosen a non
- // unique name, warn and regenerate one
- //
- if ( tbImageName.value == "" )
- {
- alert( MSG_NoImageName );
- tbImageName.value = getUniqueImgName();
- return;
- }
- else
- if ( !validateUniqueImgName( tbImageName.value ) )
- {
- alert( MM_format( MSG_NameNotUnique, tbImageName.value ) );
- tbImageName.value = getUniqueImgName();
- return;
- }
- // Build an image tag with a unique name for the original image
- //
- var imgTagFmt = "<img name=\"%s\" border=\"0\" src=\"%s\"%s>";
- var altText = (tbAltText.value == "")?"":" alt=\"" + tbAltText.value + "\""
- var imgName = tbImageName.value;
- var imgTag = MM_format( imgTagFmt
- , imgName
- , dw.doURLEncoding( tbOriginalImage.value )
- , altText );
- // Quote note: the final behavior string will be applied
- // by swap image applyBehavior(), which will escape URLs
- // and escape-quote references. The string we generate
- // here is passed directly to inspectBehavior(), and our
- // image references must match the image references as it
- // loads them in it's initializeUI. We don't need to escape
- // all quotes here to make this match, but we do on imgName
- // as *unbalanced* single quotes will throw off getTokens()
- // which is used by inspectBehavior() to parse this argument
- // string.
- //
- //For DW3, we simplified calls to MM_swapImage(), just pass simple name
- //var nsImageRef = getFullImgRef( "NS 4.0", imgName );
- //var ieImageRef = getFullImgRef( "IE 4.0", imgName );
- var nsImageRef = imgName;
- var ieImageRef = "";
- // Now build the wrapper anchor tag with the swap image
- // event handlers around this image to return
- //
- var anchorTagFmt = "<a href=\"%s\" onMouseOut=\"%s\" onMouseOver=\"%s\">%s</a>";
- var gotoURL = (tbURL.value == "")? "#" : dw.doURLEncoding( tbURL.value );
- var swapImageFnCall = null;
- // Note that a preload flag of 1
- // tells inspectBehavior() to install the proper
- // preload call in the documents onload handler
- //
- var swapImageFmt = "MM_swapImage('%s','%s','%s',%s)";
- var preloadFlag = ( cbPreloadImages.checked )? "1" : "0";
- swapImageFnCall = MM_format( swapImageFmt
- , nsImageRef
- , ieImageRef
- , dw.doURLEncoding( tbRolloverImage.value )
- , preloadFlag );
- MM.commandReturnValue = MM_format( anchorTagFmt
- , gotoURL
- , "MM_swapImgRestore()"
- , swapImageFnCall
- , imgTag );
- window.close();
- }
- }
- function cancelRolloverTag()
- {
- MM.commandReturnValue = "";
- window.close()
- }
- //
- // --------- Local Rollover functions ---------
- //
- // getFullImgRef()
- //
- // Return a full object name reference for the given
- // image name in the given browser. The object name
- // returned must match the object names for images
- // expected by the swap image behavior
- //
- function getFullImgRef( browser, imgName )
- {
- var framePrefix = "";
- var objectName = "document." + escQuotes( imgName ); // see quote note
- // Always use a frame prefix even when image is in current
- // frame to match swap image behavior naming expectations
- //
- var frameset = dw.getDocumentDOM( "parent" );
- if ( frameset )
- {
- var i;
- var current = dw.getDocumentDOM( "document" );
- var frames = frameset.getElementsByTagName( "frame" );
- for( i = 0; i < frames.length; i++ )
- {
- if ( current == dw.getDocumentDOM( "parent.frames[" + i + "]" ) )
- {
- var frameName = frames[i].getAttribute( "name" );
- if ( !frameName )
- framePrefix = "parent.frames[" + i + "].";
- else
- framePrefix = "parent.frames['" + frameName + "'].";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Netscape considers layers in its hierarchical
- // containment/naming -- build an encompassing
- // layer refs string if any around our insertion
- // point for the image
- //
- if ( browser.indexOf( "NS" ) != -1 )
- {
- var dom = dw.getDocumentDOM();
- var selArr = dom.getSelection();
- var layerRefs = new Array();
- buildNSLayerRefs( dom.layers, selArr[1], layerRefs );
- if ( layerRefs.length > 0 )
- return( framePrefix + layerRefs.join(".") + "." + objectName );
- }
- // else IE reference, or no NS layers
- return( framePrefix + objectName );
- }
- // buildNSLayerRefs()
- //
- // Given a dreamweaver document.layers array
- // and an insertion point offset, recurse
- // encompassing layers, pushing layer references
- // along the way into the given array
- //
- function buildNSLayerRefs( layers, ip, layerRefs )
- {
- var layerOffsets;
- for( var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++ )
- {
- layerOffsets = dw.nodeToOffsets( layers[i] );
- // ips on boundaries are not within scope of tag
- if ( (ip > layerOffsets[0]) && (ip < layerOffsets[1]) )
- {
- // Push this layer reference; prefer ID to NAME to index
- var layerRef;
- var layerName = layers[i].getAttribute( "id" );
- if ( !layerName )
- layerName = layers[i].getAttribute( "name" );
- if ( layerName )
- layerRef = "document.layers['" + layerName + "']";
- else
- layerRef = "document.layers[" + i + "]";
- layerRefs.push( layerRef );
- // Dive into this layer's layers if there are any
- if ( layers[i].document.layers )
- buildNSLayerRefs( layers[i].document.layers, ip, layerRefs );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // getUniqueImgName()
- //
- // This guy returns a unique image name that
- // doesn't exist as yet in the user's document.
- //
- function getUniqueImgName()
- {
- var frameset = dw.getDocumentDOM( "parent" );
- var existingImgs = new Array();
- var i;
- if ( frameset )
- {
- var nFrames = frameset.getElementsByTagName( "frame" ).length;
- for( i = 0; i < nFrames; i++ )
- existingImgs = existingImgs.concat( dw.getDocumentDOM( "parent.frames[" + i + "]" ).getElementsByTagName( "IMG" ) );
- }
- else
- {
- existingImgs = dw.getDocumentDOM( "document" ).getElementsByTagName( "IMG" );
- }
- var namePrefix = "Image";
- var nameIdx = existingImgs.length + 1;
- var imgName = namePrefix + nameIdx++;
- var bExists = false;
- while( true )
- {
- bExists = false;
- for( i = 0; i < existingImgs.length; i++ )
- {
- if ( existingImgs[i].getAttribute( "name" ) == imgName )
- {
- bExists = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( !bExists )
- break;
- imgName = namePrefix + nameIdx++;
- }
- return imgName;
- }
- // validateUniqueImgName()
- //
- // Given an image name, return true if it is unique,
- // false otherwise
- //
- function validateUniqueImgName( imgName )
- {
- var frameset = dw.getDocumentDOM( "parent" );
- var existingImgs = new Array();
- var i;
- if ( frameset )
- {
- var nFrames = frameset.getElementsByTagName( "frame" ).length;
- for( i = 0; i < nFrames; i++ )
- existingImgs = existingImgs.concat( dw.getDocumentDOM( "parent.frames[" + i + "]" ).getElementsByTagName( "IMG" ) );
- }
- else
- {
- existingImgs = dw.getDocumentDOM( "document" ).getElementsByTagName( "IMG" );
- }
- for( i = 0; i < existingImgs.length; i++ )
- if ( existingImgs[i].getAttribute( "name" ) == imgName )
- return( false ); // name is not unique
- return( true );
- }