home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //************************GLOBALS**************************
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_soFormFieldProps;
- var EMPTY_LIST = new Array();
- //********************API FUNCTIONS**************************
- function commandButtons(){
- return new Array(MM.BTN_OK, "okClicked()",
- MM.BTN_Cancel,"cancelClicked()",
- MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()");
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // displayHelp
- //
- // This function is called when the user clicks the HELP button
- //
- // none
- //
- // nothing
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- function displayHelp()
- {
- dwscripts.displayDWHelp(helpDoc);
- }
- //******************LOCAL FUNCTIONS**************************
- function okClicked(){
- var allRows = GRID_RADIO.list, nRows = allRows.length, currRowText, dividerInd;
- var labelArr = new Array(),valArr = new Array();
- for (i=0;i<nRows;i++){
- currRowText = allRows[i];
- dividerInd = currRowText.indexOf("|");
- labelArr.push(currRowText.substring(0,dividerInd));
- valArr.push(currRowText.substring(dividerInd +1));
- }
- MM.commandReturnValue = new eoRadioGroup(labelArr,valArr,TF_DEFAULT_MANUAL.value);
- clearUI();
- window.close();
- }
- function cancelClicked(){
- MM.commandReturnValue = "";
- clearUI();
- window.close();
- }
- function clearUI(){
- GRID_RADIO.setAllRows(new Array(),new Array());
- TF_RADIO_LABEL.value = "";
- TF_RADIO_VALUE.value = "";
- TF_DEFAULT_MANUAL.value = "";
- }
- function initializeUI(){
- GRID_RADIO = new GridWithNavControls("MenuGrid",null,true);
- GRID_RADIO.setColumnNames(MM.LABEL_RadioGrid);
- TF_RADIO_LABEL = findObject("MenuText");
- TF_RADIO_VALUE = findObject("MenuValue");
- TF_DEFAULT_MANUAL = findObject("DefaultValueManual");
- var radioGroupInfoObj = MM.commandArgument;
- if (radioGroupInfoObj.type == "radioGroup"){ // if a static radio group
- if (GRID_RADIO.list.length == 0){
- TF_DEFAULT_MANUAL.value = "";
- addNewRow();
- GRID_RADIO.setRowIndex(0);
- } else {
- if (GRID_RADIO.list.length == 1 && GRID_RADIO.getRow() == "|"){
- GRID_RADIO.setRow(" |");
- GRID_RADIO.setRowIndex(0);
- }
- TF_RADIO_LABEL.focus();
- TF_RADIO_LABEL.select();
- }
- if (radioGroupInfoObj.labelArr != "" || radioGroupInfoObj.defaultChecked != ""){ // if there are prior values
- var nOptions = radioGroupInfoObj.labelArr.length,i;
- var gridDisplayArr = new Array();
- var labelArr = radioGroupInfoObj.labelArr;
- var valArr = radioGroupInfoObj.valArr;
- for (i=0;i<nOptions;i++){
- gridDisplayArr[i] = labelArr[i] + "|";
- if (valArr[i])
- gridDisplayArr[i] += valArr[i];
- }
- if (gridDisplayArr.length && gridDisplayArr.length > 0) {
- GRID_RADIO.setAllRows(gridDisplayArr);
- GRID_RADIO.setRowIndex(0);
- displayGridValues();
- }
- TF_RADIO_LABEL.focus();
- if (TF_RADIO_LABEL.value != "")
- TF_RADIO_LABEL.select();
- TF_DEFAULT_MANUAL.value = radioGroupInfoObj.defaultChecked;
- }
- }
- }
- function addNewRow(){
- GRID_RADIO.addRow(MM.LABEL_radioPropLabelPrefix + "|");
- displayGridValues();
- var newLabel = getUniqueLabel(MM.LABEL_radioPropLabelPrefix);
- TF_RADIO_LABEL.value = newLabel;
- updateGridRow();
- TF_RADIO_LABEL.focus();
- TF_RADIO_LABEL.select();
- }
- function updateGridRow(){
- GRID_RADIO.setRow(TF_RADIO_LABEL.value + "|" + TF_RADIO_VALUE.value);
- }
- function displayGridValues(){
- var currRow = GRID_RADIO.getRow();
- var dividerIndex = currRow.indexOf("|");
- TF_RADIO_LABEL.value = currRow.substring( 0,dividerIndex);
- TF_RADIO_VALUE.value = currRow.substring(dividerIndex+1);
- }
- // function: displayDynamicDataDialog
- // description: pops up the dialog allowing the user to choose dynamic data
- function displayDynamicDataDialog(textFieldObj){
- var serverModel = dw.getDocumentDOM().serverModel.getServerName();
- var expression = dw.showDynamicDataDialog(textFieldObj.value);
- if (expression) {
- if (serverModel == "Cold Fusion") {
- expression = stripCFOutput(expression);
- }
- textFieldObj.value = expression;
- }
- }
- function getUniqueLabel(baseName) {
- var label, i, num=1, isUnique,rowText,menuLabel;
- for (isUnique=false; !isUnique; num++) {
- label = baseName + num;
- isUnique = true;
- for (i=0; i<GRID_RADIO.list.length && isUnique; i++) {
- rowText = GRID_RADIO.list[i];
- menuLabel = rowText.substring(0,rowText.indexOf("|"));
- if (menuLabel == label) isUnique=false;
- }
- }
- return label;
- }