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- //=========================================================================================================
- //
- // Copyright 2002 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //
- // Feature: Paste Fix
- // Author: JDH
- // Module: PasteManager.js
- // Purpose: Main Paste Manager class (and entry points).
- // Updates:
- // 5/17/02 - Started file control
- // 5/31/02 - Added more comments
- //
- //=========================================================================================================
- // The paste manager which handles the entire clipboard conversion process
- function PasteManager()
- {
- // Initialize the phases array
- this.phases = new Array();
- // Put together the initial list of content handlers
- var handlers = new Array();
- handlers.push( new ParseMetaTags );
- handlers.push( new IdentifyMSApplications );
- handlers.push( new FixupMSGarbage );
- handlers.push( new RetainStructure );
- handlers.push( new DecomposeClasses );
- handlers.push( new RemoveUnsupportedAttributes );
- handlers.push( new RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags );
- handlers.push( new RemoveCSSClasses );
- handlers.push( new DemoteToParagraphs );
- handlers.push( new SingleSpaceParagraphs );
- handlers.push( new MergeRedundantFontTags );
- handlers.push( new ChangeToStrongAndEm );
- // Iterate through the content handlers and put organize them by
- // priority number into the phases member.
- for( index in handlers )
- {
- // Get the phase descriptor from the handler
- var phase_desc = handlers[ index ].getPhase();
- // Get the phase priority
- var phase = phase_desc.priority;
- // If the phase is currently empty then create the array to put the
- // handlers into
- if ( this.phases[ phase ] == null )
- {
- this.phases[ phase ] = new Array();
- this.phases[ phase ].name = phase_desc.name;
- this.phases[ phase ].elements = new Array();
- }
- // Push the handler into the handlers list for this phase number
- this.phases[ phase ].elements.push( handlers[ index ] );
- }
- }
- PasteManager.prototype.run = PasteManager_run;
- PasteManager.prototype.getClipHTML = PasteManager_getClipHTML;
- PasteManager.prototype.getDebugText = PasteManager_getDebugText;
- PasteManager.prototype.getDebugHTML = PasteManager_getDebugHTML;
- function PasteManager_run( clipDOM, clipCSS, targetDOM, targetCSS, settings )
- {
- // Put together the new context
- this.pasteContext = new PasteContext( clipDOM, clipCSS, targetDOM, targetCSS, settings );
- // Start the debug trace
- for( var setting in settings )
- this.pasteContext.debugInformation( "PasteManager", "Setting : " + setting );
- this.pasteContext.debugInformation( "PasteManager", "Start run" );
- // Iterate through the phases
- for ( var phase_index = 0; phase_index < PHASE_MAX; phase_index++ )
- {
- // If we have elements in this phase then iterate through them
- if ( this.phases[ phase_index ] )
- {
- // Put out the debugging information
- this.pasteContext.debugInformation( "PasteManager", "Phase: " + this.phases[ phase_index ].name );
- // Get the phase elements and interate through them and run each one
- var phase = this.phases[ phase_index ].elements;
- for( handler_index in phase )
- {
- var handler = phase[ handler_index ];
- handler.run( this.pasteContext );
- }
- }
- }
- // Finish the debug trace
- this.pasteContext.debugInformation( "PasteManager", "End run" );
- this.pasteContext.updateClipDOM();
- if ( this.pasteContext.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER ) )
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- function PasteManager_getDebugText( ) { return this.pasteContext.getDebugText(); }
- function PasteManager_getDebugHTML( ) { return this.pasteContext.getDebugHTML(); }
- function PasteManager_getClipHTML( )
- {
- // JDH: This is pretty brute force. First we turn the whole document into text, then we
- // find the start and end of the fragment, suck it out, and then remove the markers from the
- // finished piece.
- var full_html = this.pasteContext.getClipText();
- full_html = full_html.replace( /[\r\n]/g, " " );
- var out_html = full_html.match( /\<body\>(.*?)\<\/body\>/g );
- out_html = out_html.toString();
- out_html = out_html.replace( /\<body\>/, "" );
- out_html = out_html.replace( /\<\/body\>/, "" );
- out_html = out_html.replace( /\<\!\-\-(\s*)StartFragment(\s*)\-\-\>/, "" );
- out_html = out_html.replace( /\<\!\-\-(\s*)EndFragment(\s*)\-\-\>/, "" );
- return out_html;
- }
- function smartPaste( bSilent, inputDOM, returnValue )
- {
- // Check to make sure we aren't trying to paste in something huge
- // alert( inputDOM.documentElement.outerHTML );
- // alert( "vesion: jdh_021203" );
- // var deb = new DebugScanner();
- // deb.scan( inputDOM.documentElement.outerHTML );
- // return;
- if ( bSilent == false )
- {
- var text = inputDOM.documentElement.outerHTML;
- if ( text.length > MM.od_MaxThreshold)
- {
- alert( MM.MSG_odStop );
- returnValue[ 0 ] = true;
- return;
- }
- if ( text.length > MM.od_WarnThreshold )
- {
- if ( ! confirm( MM.MSG_odWarn ) )
- {
- returnValue[ 0 ] = true;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- try {
- // Put together a new paste manager
- var mgr = new PasteManager();
- // Define the settings for the paste
- var settings = {};
- settings[ SETTINGS_CONTRIBUTE ] = 1;
- // Look for Contribute specific settings
- if ( dreamweaver.appName == "Contribute" )
- {
- if ( dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM().getCCSharedSetting_TextOnlyInNonTemplates() )
- settings[ SETTINGS_ETO ] = 1;
- if ( dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM().getCCSharedSetting_FontsEmitFontOrSpan() == "font" )
- if ( ! dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM().getCCSharedSetting_FontsLetUserChange() )
- settings[ SETTINGS_NO_CSS ] = 1;
- if ( ! dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM().getCCSharedSetting_StyleHTMLHeadings() )
- if ( ! dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM().getCCSharedSetting_StyleCSS() )
- settings[ SETTINGS_NO_CSS ] = 1;
- if ( dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM().getCCSharedSetting_SingleSpaceParagraphsCSS() )
- settings[ SETTINGS_SINGLE_SPACE_P ] = 1;
- }
- if ( dreamweaver.appName.match( /dreamweaver/i ) )
- {
- if ( dw.getPasteSettings().match( /high/ ) )
- {
- settings[ SETTINGS_CREATE_CLASSES ] = 1;
- settings[ SETTINGS_NO_FONT_MAP ] = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- settings[ SETTINGS_NO_CSS ] = 1;
- settings[ SETTINGS_LOW ] = 1;
- }
- }
- if ( dw.getPreferenceString("General Preferences", "Avoid Bold and Italic", 'TRUE') == 'TRUE')
- settings[ SETTINGS_USE_EMPHASIS ] = 1;
- if ( dw.getPreferenceString("General", "Use <strong> and <em> in place of <b> and <i>", "") )
- settings[ SETTINGS_USE_EMPHASIS ] = 1;
- // Get the names of the classes in the target
- var targetCSS = new CSSReferenceClassCollection();
- // Here we add referenced classes to the target CSS representative. All that we
- // use is the class name.
- var styles = dreamweaver.cssStylePalette.getStyles();
- for ( var index in styles )
- targetCSS.add( styles[ index ] );
- // Get the CSS definitions from the clipboard
- var clipCSS = new CSSClassCollection( targetCSS );
- Utils_LoadCSSFromDOM( inputDOM, clipCSS );
- var filtered = mgr.run( inputDOM, clipCSS, null, targetCSS, settings );
- if ( filtered )
- {
- used_styles = clipCSS.create_used();
- out = mgr.getClipHTML();
- var htmlOut = "";
- htmlOut += "<html>\n";
- htmlOut += "<!--StartFragment-->\n";
- htmlOut += "<head>\n";
- if ( used_styles.length > 0 )
- {
- htmlOut += "<style type=\"text/css\"><!--\n" + used_styles + "--></style>\n";
- }
- htmlOut += "</head>\n";
- htmlOut += "<body>\n";
- htmlOut += out;
- htmlOut += "</body>\n";
- htmlOut += "<!--EndFragment-->\n";
- htmlOut += "</html>\n";
- inputDOM.documentElement.outerHTML = htmlOut;
- // alert( inputDOM.documentElement.outerHTML );
- }
- dw.forceGarbageCollection();
- formatSource( inputDOM );
- }
- catch( e )
- {
- alert( MM.MSG_odProblem );
- dw.getDocumentDOM().clipPasteText();
- returnValue[ 0 ] = true;
- }
- return true;
- }