home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //=========================================================================================================
- //
- // Copyright 2002 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //
- // Feature: Paste Fix
- // Author: JDH
- // Module: PMModules.js
- // Purpose: The modules for the Paste Fix pipeline.
- // Updates:
- // 5/17/02 - Started file control
- // 5/30/02 - Added performance upgrade enhancements
- // 5/31/02 - Added extensive comments
- // 6/3/02 - Added support for STRONG and EM, as well as more comments
- //
- //=========================================================================================================
- // The main purpose of the the Paste Fix system is to provide an adaptable filter to take vendor specific
- // HTML and massage it into HTML that is reasonable, readable, effecient, and very importantly, editable in
- // the host MM application. To that end we apply a series of scanners and filter to the HTML in a specific
- // series. The scanners analyze the document, looking for signatures, so that the filters can act more
- // specifically. The filters both remove and alter the HTML to match needs of the application, and the current
- // security settings.
- // Filters come in two main flavors; cleaning filters, and conversion filters. Cleaning filters simply remove
- // tags, attributes, styles, directives, and content that is not editable, or required by, the host application.
- // Conversion filters analyze the tags and attempt to recreate the same effect as the vendor specific tag with
- // standard HTML. For example, if a TD tag references a class, we look at the tag and the class, and create a
- // series of font, bold, italic, etc. tags to recreate the effect of the class. This makes the document more easily
- // editable by standard HTML editors.
- // The key point here is that the whole system is designed to remove what it doesn't understand. So to add new
- // items that the system will understand you will most likely have to add support in several places. For example,
- // to add support for borders around tables you will need to make sure the style filter (if you implement the
- // borders as styles) does not filter out the styles you have just added. To do this you add style specifications
- // to some of the global tables below.
- // If your intent is to add a new security mode then you will most likely have to touch the run method of
- // every filter to either bring it into the stream when your mode is ON, or remove it from the stream when
- // your mode is on. In addition you may have to create new sets of tag, attribute or style filters like those
- // in the globals section. The ETO mode is an example here. In the basic case the 'NORMAL' tag retention
- // settings are used, and in ETO mode teh ETO tag retention set is used.
- //=========================================================================================================
- // Globals
- //=========================================================================================================
- // Listed below are sets of tag, attributes and styles that are either to be remove or retained through
- // the operation of the filter. Each associative array, or nested set of associative array, is used to
- // configure a filter.
- // NOTE: Associative arrays were used here to speed up access in the filters. The value of '1' is used
- // simply as a placeholder and has no semantic value in any case.
- // The list of tags that will be retained in the normal operating mode of the filter
- html: 1, body: 1, table: 1, td: 1, tr: 1, thead: 1,
- span: 1, b: 1, i: 1, p: 1,
- ul: 1, li: 1, ol: 1,
- h1: 1, h2: 1, h3: 1, h4: 1, h5: 1, h6: 1,
- img: 1, a: 1, br: 1
- };
- // The list of tags that will be retained in the low operating mode of the filter
- html: 1, body: 1, table: 1, td: 1, tr: 1, thead: 1,
- b: 1, i: 1, p: 1,
- ul: 1, li: 1, ol: 1,
- h1: 1, h2: 1, h3: 1, h4: 1, h5: 1, h6: 1,
- img: 1, a: 1, br: 1
- };
- // The list of tags that will be retained in the ETO mode of the filter
- html: 1, body: 1, p: 1
- };
- // Some tags will want to be retained through the midsection of the filter, but removed at the end.
- // Those tags are listed here.
- thead: 1
- };
- // These tags are to removed if they have no attributes.
- span: 1, font: 1, 'a': 1
- };
- // Tags listed here are supposed to be removed if they contain no interior.
- p: 1
- };
- // The tags that the Decomposer should not inspect
- var DC_IGNORE_TAGS = { table: 1, img: 1, col: 1, br: 1 };
- // These are the attributes to be retained for each type of tag. The primary key is the tag name
- // (coerced to lower case), then within that entry there should be an associative array where the
- // keys are the attributes to be retained.
- span: { style: 1 },
- font: { style: 1, face: 1, size: 1 },
- ul: { style: 1 },
- ol: { style: 1 },
- td: { 'width': 1, 'bgcolor': 1, 'class': 1, 'align': 1, 'valign': 1, 'colspan': 1 },
- th: { 'width': 1, 'bgcolor': 1, 'class': 1, 'align': 1, 'valign': 1, 'scope': 1 },
- table: { cellspacing: 1, cellpadding: 1 },
- p: { align: 1, 'class': 1, style: 1 },
- img: { src: 1, height: 1, width: 1, alt: 1 },
- a: { href: 1, name: 1 }
- };
- // Within the style attribute of any tag you can specify what values are to be retained through the
- // filter. If your attribute isn't listed here then it will be stripped by the filter, so you will
- // want to add an entry here for the tag and for the specific style attribute.
- font: { "font-family": 1, "font-size": 1, "color": 1 },
- span: { "font-family": 1, "font-size": 1, "color": 1 },
- p: { }
- };
- //=========================================================================================================
- // Filter modules
- //=========================================================================================================
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ParseMetaTags
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The ParseMetaTags module finds all of the meta tags and puts that information
- // into the context.
- function ParseMetaTags() { }
- // The module API
- ParseMetaTags.prototype.run = ParseMetaTags_run;
- ParseMetaTags.prototype.getPhase = ParseMetaTags_getPhase;
- function ParseMetaTags_run( context )
- {
- // Ignore non-HTML content
- if ( context.getContentType() != CONTENT_TYPE_HTML )
- return true;
- context.debugInformation( "ParseMetaTags", ">> run" );
- // Build the meta tag scanner
- var metaParser = new GetMetaTagsScanner();
- var metaTags = metaParser.scan( context.getClipText() );
- // Set the context with the current value of the meta tags
- for( var key in metaTags )
- {
- context.setMeta( key, metaTags[ key ] );
- }
- context.debugInformation( "ParseMetaTags", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function ParseMetaTags_getPhase() { return PHASE_ANALYZE; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FixupMSGarbage
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // FixupMSGarbage fixes various problems with the HTML generated by the MSWordProcessingApplication
- // and the MSSpreadsheetApplication.
- function FixupMSGarbage() { }
- // The module API
- FixupMSGarbage.prototype.run = FixupMSGarbage_run;
- FixupMSGarbage.prototype.getPhase = FixupMSGarbage_getPhase;
- function FixupMSGarbage_run( context )
- {
- // Dump out if we are not filter
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore non-HTML content
- if ( context.getContentType() != CONTENT_TYPE_HTML )
- return true;
- context.debugInformation( "FixupMSGarbage", ">> run" );
- // Get the document
- var html = context.getClipText();
- // Turn MS specific list items into reasonable plain text with paragraph
- // markup
- var listScanner = new ParseSupportListsScanner();
- html = listScanner.scan( html, context );
- // Remove everything from the HTML except the section within the fragment
- var findClippingScanner = new FindClippingScanner();
- html = findClippingScanner.scan( html, context );
- // Remove any conditionals, but retain images within the conditionals
- var conditionalScanner = new RemoveConditionalsScanner( { img: 1 } );
- html = conditionalScanner.scan( html, context );
- if ( context.getOriginApplication() == "word" || context.getOriginApplication() == "excel" )
- {
- var remHiddenSpansScanner = new RemoveHiddenSpansScanner( );
- html = remHiddenSpansScanner.scan( html, context );
- }
- // In the case of an MSSpreadSheetApplication add the table element into the HTML
- var fixTable = false;
- if ( html.match( /\<\!\-\-(\s*)StartFragment(\s*)\-\-\>(\s*)<tr/i ) )
- fixTable = true;
- if ( context.getOriginApplication() == "excel" )
- {
- if ( ! html.match( /\<\!\-\-(\s*)StartFragment(\s*)\-\-\>(\s*)<div/i ) )
- fixTable = true;
- }
- if ( fixTable )
- {
- var startFrag = "<!--StartFragment--><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=\"";
- startFrag += context.getOriginClasses().getTDClassName();
- startFrag += "\">";
- html = html.replace( /\<\!\-\-(\s*)StartFragment(\s*)\-\-\>/, startFrag );
- html = html.replace( /\<\!\-\-(\s*)EndFragment(\s*)\-\-\>/, "</table><!--EndFragment-->" );
- }
- context.setClipText( html );
- context.debugInformation( "FixupMSGarbage", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function FixupMSGarbage_getPhase() { return PHASE_FIXUP; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // IdentifyMSApplications
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // IdentifyMSApplications looks at the meta tag information and parses out where the information
- // came from.
- function IdentifyMSApplications() { }
- // The module API
- IdentifyMSApplications.prototype.run = IdentifyMSApplications_run;
- IdentifyMSApplications.prototype.getPhase = IdentifyMSApplications_getPhase;
- function IdentifyMSApplications_run( context )
- {
- context.debugInformation( "IdentifyMSApplications", ">> run" );
- // Look for the generator meta tag
- var foundMSHTML = false;
- var name = context.getMeta( "generator" );
- if ( name != null )
- {
- // Store the full application name
- context.setOriginApplicationFull( name );
- // Parse MSWordProcessingApplication signatures
- if ( name.match( /microsoft word/i ) )
- {
- context.setOriginApplication( "word" );
- context.setOriginApplicationVersion( name.split( " " )[ 2 ] );
- foundMSHTML = true;
- }
- // Parse MSSpreadSheetApplication signatures
- if ( name.match( /microsoft excel/i ) )
- {
- context.setOriginApplication( "excel" );
- context.setOriginApplicationVersion( name.split( " " )[ 2 ] );
- foundMSHTML = true;
- }
- context.debugInformation( "IDMS", "Origin Application: " + context.getOriginApplication() );
- context.debugInformation( "IDMS", "Origin Application Version: " + context.getOriginApplicationVersion() );
- }
- if( dreamweaver.appName == "Dreamweaver MX" )
- {
- if ( foundMSHTML == false )
- {
- context.setSetting( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER, 1 );
- }
- }
- context.debugInformation( "IdentifyMSApplications", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function IdentifyMSApplications_getPhase() { return PHASE_IDENTIFICATION; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // RetainStructure
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // RetainStructure removes any tags from the HTML stream that are not required by the host
- // application.
- function RetainStructure() { }
- // The module API
- RetainStructure.prototype.run = RetainStructure_run;
- RetainStructure.prototype.getPhase = RetainStructure_getPhase;
- function RetainStructure_run( context )
- {
- // Dump out if we are not filter
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore non-HTML content
- if ( context.getContentType() != CONTENT_TYPE_HTML )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not running in Contribute
- if ( ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CONTRIBUTE ) )
- return true;
- context.debugInformation( "RetainStructure", ">> run" );
- // Store a reference to the appropriate tag set
- var retainSet = RETAIN_TAGS_NORMAL;
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_ETO ) )
- {
- context.debugInformation( "RetainStructure", "Using ETO tag set" );
- retainSet = RETAIN_TAGS_ETO;
- }
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_LOW ) )
- {
- context.debugInformation( "RetainStructure", "Using low tag set" );
- retainSet = RETAIN_TAGS_LOW;
- }
- // Get the clipboard
- var html = context.getClipText();
- // Return the remove tag scanner with our set of tags
- // to retain
- var remTags = new RemoveTagsScanner( retainSet, context );
- html = remTags.scan( html, context );
- // Send the output back to the context
- context.setClipText( html );
- context.debugInformation( "RetainStructure", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function RetainStructure_getPhase() { return PHASE_CONFORM_STRUCTURE; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // RemoveUnsupportedAttributes
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // RemoveUnsupportedAttributes removes unwanted attributes and styles from the HTML
- // stream.
- function RemoveUnsupportedAttributes() { }
- // The module API
- RemoveUnsupportedAttributes.prototype.run = RemoveUnsupportedAttributes_run;
- RemoveUnsupportedAttributes.prototype.getPhase = RemoveUnsupportedAttributes_getPhase;
- function RemoveUnsupportedAttributes_run( context )
- {
- // Dump out if we are not filter
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore the content if it's not HTML
- if ( context.getContentType() != CONTENT_TYPE_HTML )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not running in Contribute
- if ( ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CONTRIBUTE ) )
- return true;
- context.debugInformation( "RemoveUnsupportedAttributes", ">> run" );
- // Get the clipboard text context
- var html = context.getClipText();
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CREATE_CLASSES ) &&
- ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_LOW ) )
- {
- attributes[ 'p' ][ 'class' ] = 1;
- attributes[ 'td' ][ 'class' ] = 1;
- attributes[ 'table' ][ 'class' ] = 1;
- }
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_LOW ) )
- {
- attributes[ 'p' ][ 'class' ] = 0;
- }
- // Run the attribute remove scanner with our set of attributes and styles
- // to retain
- var attributeRemover = new RemoveAttributesScanner( attributes, RUA_TAG_SPECIFIC_STYLES );
- html = attributeRemover.scan( html, context );
- // Send the text back to the clipboard
- context.setClipText( html );
- context.debugInformation( "RemoveUnsupportedAttributes", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function RemoveUnsupportedAttributes_getPhase() { return PHASE_CONFORM_OTHER; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // RemoveCSSClasses
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // RemoveCSSClasses removes class attributes from all tags if we are runing without CSS
- // or running in ETO mode.
- function RemoveCSSClasses() { }
- // The module API
- RemoveCSSClasses.prototype.run = RemoveCSSClasses_run;
- RemoveCSSClasses.prototype.getPhase = RemoveCSSClasses_getPhase;
- function RemoveCSSClasses_run( context )
- {
- // Dump out if we are not filter
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore non-HTML content
- if ( context.getContentType() != CONTENT_TYPE_HTML )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not in Contribute
- if ( ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CONTRIBUTE ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are using CSS
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_ETO ) == false ||
- context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_LOW ) == false )
- return true;
- context.debugInformation( "RemoveCSSClasses", ">> run" );
- // Get the clipboard HTML
- var html = context.getClipText();
- // Run the scanner that removes specific attributes. In this case, remove the
- // class attributes.
- var attributeRemover = new RemoveOnlyTheseAttributesScanner( { 'class': 1 } );
- html = attributeRemover.scan( html, context );
- // Put back the HTML
- context.setClipText( html );
- context.debugInformation( "RemoveCSSClasses", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function RemoveCSSClasses_getPhase() { return PHASE_FIXUP; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags removes any tags from the HTML stream that were required
- // during the parsing (like THEAD) but are not required by the host application.
- function RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags() {}
- RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags.prototype = new StructureScanner();
- // The module API
- RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags.prototype.run = RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags_run;
- RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags.prototype.getPhase = RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags_getPhase;
- // The structure scanner override methods
- RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags.prototype.createTag = RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags_createTag;
- RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags.prototype.finalizeTag = RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags_finalizeTag;
- function RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags_run( context )
- {
- // Dump out if we are not filter
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore non-HTML content
- if ( context.getContentType() != CONTENT_TYPE_HTML )
- return true;
- context.debugInformation( "RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags", ">> run" );
- // Get the clipboard HTML
- var html = context.getClipText();
- // Remove specific tags from the HTML
- var remTags = new RemoveOnlyTheseTagsScanner( PRS_REMOVE_TAGS );
- html = remTags.scan( html, context );
- // Now use ourselves to remove specific tags that have specific problems,
- // like no content or no attributes.
- html = this.scan( html );
- // Set the clipboard HTML
- context.setClipText( html );
- context.debugInformation( "RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags_getPhase() { return PHASE_FINALIZE; }
- function RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags_createTag( tag, attributes, closed )
- {
- // If you look at this method and the method below you will think to yourself,
- // "Why not merge the two?" Well, the requirements are different. In the case
- // of no attributes you just want to remove the tag, not the interior of the tag.
- // For example, this:
- //
- // <p><font>My Text</font></p>
- //
- // Should become:
- //
- // <p>My Text</p>
- //
- // In the case of removing empty tags we are looking to do this:
- //
- // <p>Some text</p><p></p><p>Some more text</p>
- //
- // Should become:
- //
- // <p>Some text</p><p>Some more text</p>
- //
- // But you can only do that if you know what the child HTML is, and you only
- // know that in the finalize phase.
- // If this tag is on the check list then run the check
- if ( PRS_REMOVE_IF_NO_ATTRIBUTES[ tag.toLowerCase() ] > 0 )
- {
- // Create a 0 or 1 count of attributes
- var count = 0;
- for( var key in attributes )
- {
- count = 1;
- break;
- }
- // If the count is zero then return a blank tag text output
- if ( count == 0 )
- return { postfix: "", prefix: "" };
- }
- // Otherwise, let the base class handle it
- return StructureScanner_createTag( tag, attributes, closed );
- }
- function RemoveParsingRequiredStructuralTags_finalizeTag( tag, attributes, closed, childHTML )
- {
- // If this tag is in the check list the check it
- if ( PRS_REMOVE_IF_EMPTY[ tag ] > 0 )
- {
- // If there is no interior, then kill the tag.
- if ( Utils_StripWhitespace( childHTML ).length < 1 )
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // DecomposeClasses
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // DecomposeClasses turns CSS style information into inline HTML formatting. For example, the
- // HTML:
- //
- // <html><head><style><!-- MsoNormal { font-family: Arial } --></style>
- // <body><p class=MsoNormal>Hello</p></body></html>
- //
- // Should become:
- //
- // <html><head><style><!-- MsoNormal { font-family: Arial } --></style>
- // <body><p><font face="Arial">Hello</p></body></html>
- //
- // This allows Contribute users to edit the HTML using Contribute.
- function DecomposeClasses() {}
- DecomposeClasses.prototype = new StructureScanner ();
- // Methods to make use a filter component
- DecomposeClasses.prototype.run = DecomposeClasses_run;
- DecomposeClasses.prototype.getPhase = DecomposeClasses_getPhase;
- // Local methods
- DecomposeClasses.prototype.parseClass = DecomposeClasses_parseClass;
- DecomposeClasses.prototype.buildNewTags = DecomposeClasses_buildNewTags;
- DecomposeClasses.prototype.buildTagSpecifications = DecomposeClasses_buildTagSpecifications;
- DecomposeClasses.prototype.shouldUseTargetClass = DecomposeClasses_shouldUseTargetClass;
- // StructureScanner overrides
- DecomposeClasses.prototype.startTag = DecomposeClasses_startTag;
- DecomposeClasses.prototype.endTag = DecomposeClasses_endTag;
- DecomposeClasses.prototype.createTag = DecomposeClasses_createTag;
- function DecomposeClasses_run( context )
- {
- // Dump out if we are not filter
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER ) )
- return true;
- // Initialize the decomposition class and the other member variables
- this._cache = {};
- this._isHeader = false;
- // Ignore this if the content is not HTML
- if ( context.getContentType() != CONTENT_TYPE_HTML )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not in Contribute
- if ( ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CONTRIBUTE ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not in ETO mode
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_ETO ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not in LOW mode
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_LOW ) )
- return true;
- context.debugInformation( "DecomposeClasses", ">> run" );
- this._context = context;
- // Decide on whether we are building fonts or spans
- this._buildingFonts = false;
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CHANGE_SPAN_TO_FONT ) )
- this._buildingFonts = true;
- // Get the HTML
- var html = context.getClipText();
- // Use ourselves to scan
- html = this.scan( html );
- // Set the HTML
- context.setClipText( html );
- context.debugInformation( "DecomposeClasses", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function DecomposeClasses_getPhase() { return PHASE_CONFORM_OTHER; }
- function DecomposeClasses_parseClass( classDef, tagStruct )
- {
- // Handle the different CSS style elements and stuff them into the
- // right tagStruct item.
- if ( classDef[ "font-size" ] )
- tagStruct.fontSize = classDef[ "font-size" ];
- if ( classDef[ "font-family" ] )
- {
- if ( this._context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FONT_MAP ) )
- tagStruct.fontName = classDef[ "font-family" ];
- else
- tagStruct.fontName = Utils_MapFont( classDef[ "font-family" ] );
- }
- if ( classDef[ "font-style" ] == "italic" )
- tagStruct.isItalic = true;
- if ( classDef[ "font-weight" ] > 400 )
- tagStruct.isBold = true;
- if ( classDef[ "font-weight" ] == "bold" )
- tagStruct.isBold = true;
- if ( classDef[ "text-decoration" ] == "underline" )
- tagStruct.isUnderline = true;
- if ( classDef[ "text-align" ] == "right" || classDef[ "text-align" ] == "center" )
- tagStruct.textAlign = classDef[ "text-align" ];
- // For indents we give one indent for every half inch of margin
- if ( classDef[ "mso-tab-count" ] != null )
- tagStruct.tabCount = classDef[ "mso-tab-count" ];
- if ( classDef[ "margin-left" ] != null )
- {
- var value = classDef[ "margin-left" ];
- // grab numerical portion
- var floatVal = parseFloat (value);
- // test if the format is in pica not inches
- if ( value.match( /pt$/ ) )
- {
- // convert to inches
- floatVal = floatVal * .16;
- }
- // Convert inches to blockquotes, there are two blockquotes per inch.
- tagStruct.indent = Math.floor( floatVal * 2 );
- }
- // Parse the colors, but don't allow vendor specific colors.
- if ( classDef[ "color" ] != null )
- {
- if( classDef[ "color" ].match( /windowtext/ig ) )
- classDef[ "color" ] = "black";
- tagStruct.textColor = classDef[ "color" ];
- }
- if ( classDef[ "background" ] != null )
- {
- if( ! classDef[ "background" ].match( /windowtext/ig ) )
- tagStruct.bgColor = classDef[ "background" ];
- }
- }
- function DecomposeClasses_buildNewTags( tag, attributes, tagStruct )
- {
- // The various attributes of the font/span tag
- var faceAttribute = "";
- var styleAttribute = "";
- var sizeAttribute = "";
- // Initialize the starting and ending tag
- var startTag = "";
- var endTag = "";
- var replaceTag = false;
- // Setup the FACE, STYLE and SIZE attributes of the font/span
- // tag depending on the fontName, fontSize, and textColor attributes
- // in the tagStruct.
- if ( tagStruct.fontName && tagStruct.fontName.length > 1 )
- {
- tagStruct.fontName = tagStruct.fontName.replace( /\"/g, "" );
- if ( this._buildingFonts )
- faceAttribute = tagStruct.fontName;
- else
- styleAttribute += "font-family:" + tagStruct.fontName + ";";
- }
- if ( tagStruct.fontSize != null )
- {
- if ( this._buildingFonts )
- sizeAttribute += Utils_ConvertPointsToFontSizes( tagStruct.fontSize );
- else
- styleAttribute += "font-size:" + tagStruct.fontSize + ";";
- }
- if ( tagStruct.textColor != null )
- styleAttribute += "color:" + tagStruct.textColor + ";";
- if ( tag == "p" && tagStruct.textAlign != null )
- {
- startTag = "<p style=\"text-align:" + tagStruct.textAlign + ";\">";
- endTag = "</p>";
- replaceTag = true;
- }
- // Indent the paragraph
- if ( tagStruct.indent > 0 && tag == "p" )
- {
- for( var indent = 0; indent < tagStruct.indent; indent++ )
- {
- startTag += "<blockquote>"; endTag = "</blockquote>" + endTag;
- }
- replaceTag = true;
- }
- // Build the font/span tag
- if ( faceAttribute.length > 0 || styleAttribute.length > 0 || sizeAttribute.length > 0 )
- {
- var baseTagType = "font";
- if ( !this._buildingFonts )
- baseTagType = "span";
- startTag += "<" + baseTagType;
- if ( faceAttribute.length > 0 )
- startTag += " face=\"" + faceAttribute + "\"";
- if ( sizeAttribute.length > 0 )
- startTag += " size=\"" + sizeAttribute + "\"";
- if ( styleAttribute.length > 0 )
- startTag += " style=\"" + styleAttribute + "\"";
- startTag += ">";
- endTag = "</" + baseTagType + ">" + endTag;
- }
- // Add in italics and bolding
- if ( tagStruct.isItalic ) { startTag += "<i>"; endTag = "</i>" + endTag; }
- if ( tagStruct.isBold ) { startTag += "<b>"; endTag = "</b>" + endTag; }
- if ( tagStruct.isUnderline ) { startTag += "<u>"; endTag = "</u>" + endTag; }
- // Add in any tabs
- if ( tagStruct.tabCount != null )
- for( var tab = 0; tab < parseInt( tagStruct.tabCount ); tab++ )
- startTag += " ";
- // If this is a span tag then we are replacing it because we are
- // creating the font/span tag.
- if ( tag == "span" )
- replaceTag = true;
- // Check for text alignment
- if ( tag == "td" && tagStruct.textAlign != null )
- attributes[ "align" ] = tagStruct.textAlign;
- // Turn TDs into THs if this TD is in the THEAD section
- if ( tag == "td" && this._isHeader )
- {
- // We need to copy the attributes
- var attributeStr = "";
- for ( var key in attributes )
- {
- if ( attributes[ key ] )
- attributeStr += " " + key + "=\"" + attributes[ key ] + "\"";
- }
- // BGCOLOR is special because it doesn't exist yet, so we need to add it
- if ( tagStruct.bgColor != null )
- attributeStr += " bgcolor=\"" + tagStruct.bgColor + "\"";
- // This is hard wired for accesibility. No Word version that I know of allows you
- // to turn columns into headers. So we are assuming that rows are always the header
- // and thus the scope of the header is the column.
- //
- // This assumption should be checked against new versions of Word as they are released.
- attributeStr += ' scope="col"';
- // Put together the new TH tag
- startTag = "<th" + attributeStr + ">" + startTag;
- endTag = "</th>" + endTag;
- replaceTag = true;
- }
- // Return the fixup structure if we are fixing something up
- return { tag: tag, prefix: startTag, postfix: endTag, replace: replaceTag };
- }
- function DecomposeClasses_buildTagSpecifications( tag, attributes, tagStruct )
- {
- // It takes a while to figure out just what font, italic, etc. combination maps to
- // any combination of tag name, class and style attributes. On the assumption that
- // most people use the same combination over and over we cache the result of the
- // combination of tag name, class name and style text.
- // Create the cache names for the class and style. Since it's a lookup we need
- // to actually have a value, so we replace null with an empty string
- var cacheClassName = new String( attributes[ 'class' ] );
- if ( cacheClassName == null )
- cacheClassName = "";
- var cacheStyleName = new String( attributes[ 'style' ] );
- if ( cacheStyleName == null )
- cacheStyleName = "";
- // Make sure that the cache hierachy exists for teh tag and the class name
- if ( this._cache[ tag ] == null )
- this._cache[ tag ] = {};
- if ( this._cache[ tag ][ cacheClassName ] == null )
- this._cache[ tag ][ cacheClassName ] = {}
- // Get value of the cache for this combination of tag, clas name and style
- // name
- var cacheValue = this._cache[ tag ][ cacheClassName ][ cacheStyleName ];
- if ( cacheValue )
- {
- attributes[ 'class' ] = null;
- for( var key in cacheValue )
- tagStruct[ key ] = cacheValue[ key ];
- return;
- }
- // Here we are populating the tagStruct from the CSS stuff. This is really in three sections;
- // first we look at the class for the tag. Then we look at the class specified by the this tag
- // in particular. Then we look at the style data. We do it in that order because that is the
- // order in which CSS cascades. If you change the ordering then you will be altering the
- // cascading behaviour of CSS.
- // First look to see if this tag has an associated class. For example, if this
- // is a TD tag then this looks for a TD class.
- if ( this._context.getOriginClasses().get( tag ) )
- this.parseClass( this._context.getOriginClasses().get( tag ), tagStruct );
- // Now we look for the specific CLASS specified in the attribute, maybe
- var tagClassName = attributes[ 'class' ];
- if ( tagClassName )
- {
- var classDef = null;
- // First look for <tagName>.<className>
- var className = tag.toLowerCase() + "." + tagClassName;
- if ( this._context.getOriginClasses().get( className ) )
- classDef = this._context.getOriginClasses().get( className );
- // Then look for .<className>
- if ( classDef == null )
- {
- className = "." + tagClassName;
- if ( this._context.getOriginClasses().get( className ) )
- classDef = this._context.getOriginClasses().get( className );
- }
- // If we find it then parse it
- if ( classDef )
- this.parseClass( classDef, tagStruct );
- attributes[ 'class' ] = null;
- }
- // Last, bring in the STYLE data
- if ( attributes.style )
- {
- this.parseClass( Utils_ParseStyle( attributes.style ), tagStruct );
- }
- var cacheValue = {};
- for( var key in tagStruct )
- cacheValue[ key ] = tagStruct[ key ];
- this._cache[ tag ][ cacheClassName ][ cacheStyleName ] = cacheValue;
- }
- function DecomposeClasses_shouldUseTargetClass( tag, attributes )
- {
- // If we aren't allowing CSS then don't allow the user to reuse target
- // document classes
- if ( this._context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_CSS ) )
- return false;
- // Check to see if we have a class that is defined by the target document.
- if ( attributes[ 'class' ] )
- {
- var name = this._context.checkClasses( tag, attributes[ 'class' ] );
- if ( name != null )
- {
- attributes[ 'class' ] = name;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function DecomposeClasses_startTag( tag )
- {
- // Mark if we are in a header
- if ( tag.tag == "thead" )
- this._isHeader = true;
- }
- function DecomposeClasses_endTag( tag )
- {
- // Mark when we leave a table header
- if ( tag.tag == "thead" )
- this._isHeader = false;
- }
- function DecomposeClasses_createTag( tag, attributes, closed )
- {
- // Ignore this tag if it is in the ignore list
- if ( DC_IGNORE_TAGS[ tag ] > 0 )
- return null;
- if ( ! this.shouldUseTargetClass( tag, attributes ) )
- {
- // This is the finalized structure that should be populated after the class
- // and style attributes are analyzed.
- var tagStruct = {
- fontName: "",
- isItalic: false,
- isBold: false,
- tabCount: null,
- isUnderline: false,
- textAlign: null,
- fontSize: null,
- indent: null,
- textColor: null,
- bgColor: null
- };
- // Analyze the tag and populate the tag specifications structures
- this.buildTagSpecifications( tag, attributes, tagStruct );
- // Build a set of tags that represent the specification structure
- outStruct = this.buildNewTags( tag, attributes, tagStruct );
- // If we aren't replacing the current tag then look for any alterations
- // to the tag itself.
- var prefix = "";
- var postfix = "";
- // So there are two ways to handle a tag, we either add onto it, or replace it.
- // For example, here is an add to:
- //
- // <p class=MsoNormal>text</p>
- //
- // Becomes:
- //
- // <p><font face="Times New Roman">text</font></p>
- //
- // Or replacing, like:
- //
- // <p style="mso-indent-level:2>text</p>
- //
- // Is replaced by:
- //
- // <blockquote><blockquote>text</blockquote></blockquote>
- //
- // Another case is replacing <span> tags with <font> tags.
- if ( outStruct.replace )
- {
- prefix = outStruct.prefix;
- postfix = outStruct.postfix;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( tagStruct.bgColor != null )
- attributes.bgcolor = tagStruct.bgColor;
- var retVal = StructureScanner_createTag( tag, attributes, closed );
- prefix = retVal.prefix + outStruct.prefix;
- postfix = outStruct.postfix + retVal.postfix;
- }
- return { prefix: prefix, postfix: postfix };
- }
- return null;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // DemoteToParagraphs
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // DemoteToParagraphs turns and <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, etc. tag into a
- // <P> tag if the SETTINGS_DEMOTE_TO_PARAGRAPHS setting is on.
- function DemoteToParagraphs() { }
- // The module API
- DemoteToParagraphs.prototype.run = DemoteToParagraphs_run;
- DemoteToParagraphs.prototype.getPhase = DemoteToParagraphs_getPhase;
- function DemoteToParagraphs_run( context )
- {
- // Dump out if we are not filter
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore non-HTML content
- if ( context.getContentType() != CONTENT_TYPE_HTML )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not in Contribute
- if ( ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CONTRIBUTE ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not in demoting to paragraphs
- if ( ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_DEMOTE_TO_PARAGRAPHS ) )
- return true;
- context.debugInformation( "DemoteToParagraphs", ">> run" );
- // Get the HTML
- var html = context.getClipText();
- // Put together the regular expression of what to find
- var mapRE = /^h[123456]$/i;
- // And then send it in with what we want it replaced with
- var tagNameMapper = new MapTagNamesScanner( mapRE, "p" );
- // Run the scanner
- html = tagNameMapper.scan( html, context );
- // Replace the HTML
- context.setClipText( html );
- context.debugInformation( "DemoteToParagraphs", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function DemoteToParagraphs_getPhase() { return PHASE_FIXUP; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // SingleSpaceParagraphs
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // If the SETTINGS_SINGLE_SPACE_P setting is on then SingleSpaceParagraphs adds
- // the margin-top:0 and margin-bottom:0 style attributes to each paragraph.
- function SingleSpaceParagraphs() { }
- // The module API
- SingleSpaceParagraphs.prototype.run = SingleSpaceParagraphs_run;
- SingleSpaceParagraphs.prototype.getPhase = SingleSpaceParagraphs_getPhase;
- function SingleSpaceParagraphs_run( context )
- {
- // Dump out if we are not filter
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore non-HTML content
- if ( context.getContentType() != CONTENT_TYPE_HTML )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not in Contribute
- if ( ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CONTRIBUTE ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not single spacing paragraphs
- if ( ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_SINGLE_SPACE_P ) )
- return true;
- context.debugInformation( "SingleSpaceParagraphs", ">> run" );
- var html = context.getClipText();
- var styleAdder = new AddStylesScanner( "p", { 'margin-top': 0, 'margin-bottom': 0 } );
- html = styleAdder.scan( html, context );
- context.setClipText( html );
- context.debugInformation( "SingleSpaceParagraphs", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function SingleSpaceParagraphs_getPhase() { return PHASE_FINALIZE; }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MergeRedundantFontTags
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This handler fixes a problem where the system creates font tags within font tags. For
- // example:
- //
- // <font name="Times New Roman" size="7"><b><font size="3">Example</font></b></font>
- //
- // Should become:
- //
- // <font name="Times New Roman" size="3"><b>Example</b></font>
- //
- // What actually happens is that the tags become:
- //
- // <font name="Times New Roman" size="7"><b><font>Example</font></b></font>
- //
- // And the empty font tags are removed in the finalization process.
- function MergeRedundantFontTags() {}
- MergeRedundantFontTags.prototype = new StructureScanner ();
- // The module API
- MergeRedundantFontTags.prototype.run = MergeRedundantFontTags_run;
- MergeRedundantFontTags.prototype.getPhase = MergeRedundantFontTags_getPhase;
- // The structure scanner override methods
- MergeRedundantFontTags.prototype.inspectTag = MergeRedundantFontTags_inspectTag;
- MergeRedundantFontTags.prototype.findFontTag = MergeRedundantFontTags_findFontTag;
- function MergeRedundantFontTags_run( context )
- {
- // Dump out if we are not filter
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore non-HTML content
- if ( context.getContentType() != CONTENT_TYPE_HTML )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not in Contribute
- if ( ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CONTRIBUTE ) )
- return true;
- context.debugInformation( "MergeRedundantFontTags", ">> run" );
- // Get the HTML
- var html = context.getClipText();
- // Use ourselves to scan the HTML
- html = this.scan( html );
- // Replace the HTML
- context.setClipText( html );
- context.debugInformation( "MergeRedundantFontTags", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function MergeRedundantFontTags_getPhase() { return PHASE_OPTIMIZE; }
- function MergeRedundantFontTags_findFontTag( tag )
- {
- // We ignore interior text
- if ( tag.type == "text" )
- return null;
- // We check to see if there are children, there must be only one child
- // at each level
- if ( tag.children.length == 1 )
- {
- // If the child is a font tag, then we have a qualifying tag/subTag
- // combination. Otherwise we delve further.
- if ( tag.children[ 0 ].tag == "font" )
- return tag.children[ 0 ];
- else
- return this.findFontTag( tag.children[ 0 ] );
- }
- return null;
- }
- function MergeRedundantFontTags_inspectTag( tag )
- {
- // In the inspection phase of the StructureScanner process we can actually alter the
- // tag before it's output. In this case we want to take interior font tags and merge
- // them into the parent font tag.
- // Just to make things more clear, in the example above:
- //
- // <font name="Times New Roman" size="7"><b><font size="3">Example</font></b></font>
- //
- // At the point we find them:
- //
- // 'tag' = <font name="Times New Roman" size="7">
- // 'subTag' = <font size="3">
- //
- // Then after we filter it:
- //
- // 'tag' = <font name="Times New Roman" size="3">
- // 'subTag' = <font>
- //
- if ( tag.tag == "font" && tag.children.length > 0 )
- {
- // Find a qualifying interior font tag
- var subTag = this.findFontTag( tag );
- // If we found one then migrate all of the attributes from that tag into the parent
- // tag and mark them as null in the sub tag.
- if ( subTag )
- {
- for ( var key in subTag.attributes )
- {
- tag.attributes[ key ] = subTag.attributes[ key ];
- subTag.attributes[ key ] = null;
- }
- }
- }
- return tag;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ChangeToStrongAndEm
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ChangeToStrongAndEm changes <b> tags to <strong> tags, and <i> tags to <em>
- // tags if the SETTINGS_USE_EMPHASIS setting is on.
- function ChangeToStrongAndEm() { }
- // The module API
- ChangeToStrongAndEm.prototype.run = ChangeToStrongAndEm_run;
- ChangeToStrongAndEm.prototype.getPhase = ChangeToStrongAndEm_getPhase;
- function ChangeToStrongAndEm_run( context )
- {
- // Dump out if we are not filter
- if ( context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_NO_FILTER ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore non-HTML content
- if ( context.getContentType() != CONTENT_TYPE_HTML )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not in Contribute
- if ( ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CONTRIBUTE ) )
- return true;
- // Ignore this filter if we are not changing to <strong> and <em>
- if ( ! context.settingDefined( SETTINGS_USE_EMPHASIS ) )
- return true;
- context.debugInformation( "ChangeToStrongAndEm", ">> run" );
- // Get the HTML
- var html = context.getClipText();
- // Setup regexps for <b> and <i> and turn them into <strong>
- // and <em>.
- var mapB = /^b$/i;
- var tagNameMapperB = new MapTagNamesScanner( mapB, "strong" );
- html = tagNameMapperB.scan( html, context );
- var mapI = /^i$/i;
- var tagNameMapperI = new MapTagNamesScanner( mapI, "em" );
- html = tagNameMapperI.scan( html, context );
- // Replace the HTML
- context.setClipText( html );
- context.debugInformation( "ChangeToStrongAndEm", "<< run" );
- return true;
- }
- function ChangeToStrongAndEm_getPhase() { return PHASE_FINALIZE; }