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- //=========================================================================================================
- //
- // Copyright 2002 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //
- // Feature: Paste Fix
- // Author: JDH
- // Module: PMContext.js
- // Purpose: The context object for the Paste Fix pipeline, as well as wrappers for CSS class access.
- // Updates:
- // 5/17/02 - Started file control
- //
- //=========================================================================================================
- function CSSClassCollection( targetCSS )
- {
- // Allocate an associate array to hold the classes
- this.targetCSS = targetCSS;
- this.classes = new Array();
- this.referenced = new Array();
- this.newToOld = new Array();
- this.oldToNew = new Array();
- this.tdClassName = "";
- }
- CSSClassCollection.prototype.add = CSSClassCollection_add;
- CSSClassCollection.prototype.get = CSSClassCollection_get;
- CSSClassCollection.prototype.has = CSSClassCollection_has;
- CSSClassCollection.prototype.ref = CSSClassCollection_ref;
- CSSClassCollection.prototype.create_used = CSSClassCollection_create_used;
- CSSClassCollection.prototype.remapClasses = CSSClassCollection_remapClasses;
- CSSClassCollection.prototype.newClassName = CSSClassCollection_newClassName;
- CSSClassCollection.prototype.getTDClassName = CSSClassCollection_getTDClassName;
- function CSSClassCollection_getTDClassName()
- {
- return this.tdClassName;
- }
- function CSSClassCollection_newClassName()
- {
- // Iterate through the possible class names to find a new excel
- // name
- for( var index = 1; ; index++ )
- {
- var name = "excel" + index;
- var dotName = ".excel" + index;
- if ( this.targetCSS.has( name ) == false &&
- this.targetCSS.has( dotName ) == false &&
- this.newToOld[ dotName ] == null )
- {
- return dotName;
- }
- }
- }
- function CSSClassCollection_remapClasses()
- {
- // Create maps for the old excel name to the new excel name
- // and vice versa
- for( var key in this.classes )
- {
- if ( key.match( /^[.]xl/ ) || key == "td" )
- {
- var newName = this.newClassName();
- if ( key == "td" )
- {
- this.tdClassName = newName.replace( /^./, "" );
- this.referenced[ newName ] = 1;
- }
- this.newToOld[ newName ] = key;
- this.oldToNew[ key ] = newName;
- }
- }
- // Copy the TD styles into each .xl class
- var tdStyle = this.classes[ 'td' ];
- for( var key in this.classes )
- {
- if ( key.match( /^[.]xl/ ) )
- {
- for( var tdKey in tdStyle )
- {
- if ( this.classes[ key ][ tdKey ] == null )
- this.classes[ key ][ tdKey ] = tdStyle[ tdKey ];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function CSSClassCollection_add( name, data )
- {
- // Coerce the name to lower case and add the data
- this.classes[ name ] = data;
- }
- function CSSClassCollection_get( name )
- {
- // Coerce the name to lower caes and return the class definition
- return this.classes[ name ];
- }
- function CSSClassCollection_has( name )
- {
- // Coerce the name to lower case and return true if there is a
- // class definition
- if ( this.classes[ name ] != null )
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- function CSSClassCollection_ref( tag, name )
- {
- // Check to see if this is a remapped name
- if ( this.oldToNew[ name ] )
- {
- this.referenced[ this.oldToNew[ name ] ] = 1;
- return this.oldToNew[ name ];
- }
- // Check to see if this is a remapped to a dot-name
- if ( this.oldToNew[ "." + name ] )
- {
- this.referenced[ this.oldToNew[ "." + name ] ] = 1;
- var styleName = this.oldToNew[ "." + name ];
- styleName = styleName.replace( /^./, "" );
- return styleName;
- }
- // Check to see if this is an unstyle td that needs a class
- if ( tag == "td" && name == "" )
- {
- this.referenced[ this.oldToNew[ "td" ] ] = 1;
- styleName = this.oldToNew[ "td" ];
- styleName = styleName.replace( /^./, "" );
- return styleName;
- }
- // Ignore if this is already referenced
- if ( this.referenced[ name ] )
- return name;
- /// Check the basic name
- if ( this.classes[ name ] )
- {
- this.referenced[ name ] = 1;
- return name;
- }
- /// Check the dot-name
- var dirName = tag+"."+name;
- if ( this.classes[ dirName ] )
- {
- this.referenced[ dirName ] = 1;
- return name;
- }
- return name;
- }
- function CSSClassCollection_create_used( )
- {
- // Create text for all of the new classes
- var output = "";
- for ( var name in this.referenced )
- {
- var style = this.classes[ name ];
- if( this.newToOld[ name ] )
- style = this.classes[ this.newToOld[ name ] ];
- output += name + " {\n" + Utils_BuildClass( style ) + "}\n";
- }
- return output;
- }
- function CSSReferenceClassCollection()
- {
- // Initialize associate array for the class names
- this.classes = new Array();
- }
- CSSReferenceClassCollection.prototype.add = CSSReferenceClassCollection_add;
- CSSReferenceClassCollection.prototype.get = CSSReferenceClassCollection_get;
- CSSReferenceClassCollection.prototype.has = CSSReferenceClassCollection_has;
- function CSSReferenceClassCollection_add( name )
- {
- // Coerce the name to lower case and add a reference to it to the associative
- // array
- name = name.toLowerCase();
- this.classes[ name ] = 1;
- }
- function CSSReferenceClassCollection_get( name )
- {
- // We shouldn't be trying to get the class definition, since we don't have
- // them for the target document
- alert( "CSSReferenceClassCollection.get( " + name + " ) called" );
- }
- function CSSReferenceClassCollection_has( name )
- {
- // Coerce the name to lower case and check for it's existince in the array
- name = name.toLowerCase();
- if ( this.classes[ name ] != null )
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- function JSStringBuffer() { this._text = ""; }
- JSStringBuffer.prototype.append = JSStringBuffer_append;
- JSStringBuffer.prototype.get = JSStringBuffer_get;
- function JSStringBuffer_get( ) { return this._text; }
- function JSStringBuffer_append( str ) { this._text += str; }
- function JSDWBuffer() { this._id = dw.createStringBuffer(); }
- JSDWBuffer.prototype.append = JSDWBuffer_append;
- JSDWBuffer.prototype.get = JSDWBuffer_get;
- function JSDWBuffer_get( ) { return dw.getStringBuffer( this._id ); }
- function JSDWBuffer_append( str ) { dw.appendToStringBuffer( this._id, str ); }
- function PasteContext( clipDOM, clipCSS, targetDOM, targetCSS, settings )
- {
- // Initialize string buffers
- dw.resetStringBuffers();
- // Initialize the member variables
- // The clipboard and it's current type (assumend to be HTML)
- this.clipDOM = clipDOM;
- this.clipText = this.clipDOM.documentElement.outerHTML;
- this.contentType = CONTENT_TYPE_HTML;
- this.originClasses = clipCSS;
- // The target
- this.targetDOM = targetDOM;
- this.targetClasses = targetCSS;
- this.remapClasses = false;
- // The information about the current application
- this.originApplicationFull = "";
- this.originApplication = null;
- this.originApplicationVersion = null;
- // The global settings for the handlers
- this.settings = settings;
- // The debug data
- this.debugData = new Array();
- // The meta tags
- this.metaTags = {};
- }
- PasteContext.prototype.updateClipDOM = PasteContext_updateClipDOM;
- PasteContext.prototype.getClipDOM = PasteContext_getClipDOM;
- PasteContext.prototype.setClipText = PasteContext_setClipText;
- PasteContext.prototype.getClipText = PasteContext_getClipText;
- PasteContext.prototype.getDebugText = PasteContext_getDebugText;
- PasteContext.prototype.getDebugHTML = PasteContext_getDebugHTML;
- PasteContext.prototype.getContentType = PasteContext_getContentType;
- PasteContext.prototype.getOriginApplicationFull = PasteContext_getOriginApplicationFull;
- PasteContext.prototype.getOriginApplication = PasteContext_getOriginApplication;
- PasteContext.prototype.getOriginApplicationVersion = PasteContext_getOriginApplicationVersion;
- PasteContext.prototype.setOriginApplicationFull = PasteContext_setOriginApplicationFull;
- PasteContext.prototype.setOriginApplication = PasteContext_setOriginApplication;
- PasteContext.prototype.setOriginApplicationVersion = PasteContext_setOriginApplicationVersion;
- PasteContext.prototype.addToDebug = PasteContext_addToDebug;
- PasteContext.prototype.debugWarning = PasteContext_debugWarning;
- PasteContext.prototype.debugInformation = PasteContext_debugInformation;
- PasteContext.prototype.debugCritical = PasteContext_debugCritical;
- PasteContext.prototype.getSetting = PasteContext_getSetting;
- PasteContext.prototype.setSetting = PasteContext_setSetting;
- PasteContext.prototype.settingDefined = PasteContext_settingDefined;
- PasteContext.prototype.getOriginClasses = PasteContext_getOriginClasses;
- PasteContext.prototype.getTargetClasses = PasteContext_getTargetClasses;
- PasteContext.prototype.setMeta = PasteContext_setMeta;
- PasteContext.prototype.getMeta = PasteContext_getMeta;
- PasteContext.prototype.createStringBuffer = PasteContext_createStringBuffer;
- PasteContext.prototype.checkClasses = PasteContext_checkClasses;
- function PasteContext_setMeta( key, value ) { this.metaTags[ key ] = value; }
- function PasteContext_getMeta( key ) { return this.metaTags[ key ]; }
- function PasteContext_updateClipDOM( )
- {
- this.clipDOM.documentElement.outerHTML = this.clipText;
- }
- function PasteContext_getClipDOM( )
- {
- this.updateClipDOM();
- return this.clipDOM;
- }
- function PasteContext_setClipText( html )
- {
- this.clipText = html;
- }
- function PasteContext_getClipText( )
- {
- return this.clipText;
- }
- function PasteContext_getTargetDOM( ) { return this.targetDOM; }
- function PasteContext_getContentType( ) { return this.contentType; }
- function PasteContext_getDebugText( )
- {
- // Build a text string of the debug data generated during the run
- var debugText = "";
- for ( var index in this.debugData )
- {
- var item = this.debugData[ index ];
- debugText += item.module + " : " + item.text + "\n";
- }
- return debugText;
- }
- function PasteContext_getDebugHTML( )
- {
- // Build an HTML table that has the debug data from the current run
- var debugText = "<table>";
- for ( var index in this.debugData )
- {
- var item = this.debugData[ index ];
- debugText += "<tr><td>" + item.module + "</td><td>" + item.level + "</td><td>" + item.text + "</td></tr>\n";
- }
- debugText += "</table>";
- return debugText;
- }
- function PasteContext_addToDebug ( level, module, text )
- {
- this.debugData.push( { level: level, module: module, text: text } );
- }
- function PasteContext_debugWarning ( module, text ) { this.addToDebug( DEBUG_WARNING, module, text ); }
- function PasteContext_debugInformation ( module, text ) { this.addToDebug( DEBUG_INFORMATION, module, text ); }
- function PasteContext_debugCritical ( module, text ) { this.addToDebug( DEBUG_CRITICAL, module, text ); }
- function PasteContext_getOriginApplicationFull() { return this.originApplicationFull; }
- function PasteContext_getOriginApplication() { return this.originApplication; }
- function PasteContext_getOriginApplicationVersion() { return this.originApplicationVersion; }
- function PasteContext_setOriginApplication( name )
- {
- if ( name == "excel" && this.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CREATE_CLASSES ) )
- {
- this.originClasses.remapClasses();
- this.remapClasses = true;
- }
- this.originApplication = name;
- }
- function PasteContext_setOriginApplicationVersion( version ) { this.originApplicationVersion = version; }
- function PasteContext_setOriginApplicationFull( name ) { this.originApplicationFull = name; }
- function PasteContext_getSetting( name ) { return this.settings[ name ]; }
- function PasteContext_settingDefined( name ) { return ( this.settings[ name ] != null ) ? true : false; }
- function PasteContext_setSetting( name, value ) { this.settings[ name ] = value; }
- function PasteContext_getOriginClasses( ) { return this.originClasses; }
- function PasteContext_getTargetClasses( ) { return this.targetClasses; }
- function PasteContext_createStringBuffer()
- {
- // return new JSStringBuffer();
- return new JSDWBuffer();
- }
- function PasteContext_checkClasses( tag, className )
- {
- if ( this.targetClasses.has( className ) )
- return className;
- if ( !this.settingDefined( SETTINGS_CREATE_CLASSES ) )
- return null;
- return this.originClasses.ref( tag, className );
- }