home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //form fields:
- //Background - multiple list listing background colors
- //Text - multiple list listing text colors. Contents change when new Background item picked.
- // ******************* GLOBALS **********************
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_orphanedTemplateContent;
- //WARNING THESE ARE ALSO DEFINED IN DialogOrphanedContent.cpp
- var const_choose = "_MM:choose";
- var const_nowhere = "_MM:nowhere";
- var orphanNames = null;
- //This is the data passed into the dialog, and this is used to return data as well. If declared in C, this
- //object would look something like this:
- //struct {
- // params; //Object representing the orphaned params, filled with destination data.
- // //This is an object where the attribute names are the names of the orphaned
- // //fields, and the values are the destination fields ("" to start)
- // editable; //same for editable regions
- // repeats; //same for repeats;
- //
- // const destParams; //array of field names for destination parameters
- // const destEditable; //same for editable
- // const destRepeats; //same for repeats
- //
- // const repeatScope; //if non-null, this is the name of the repeat in which we are resolving fields
- // //recursively. This is used in the dialog text only. If null, we're at the root of the
- // //template.
- // const docFilePath; //full path of the instance file we are running this dialog for.
- // returnValue; //passed in as -1, set to 1 for success, 0 for cancel.
- // };
- var dialogData = null;
- var PLATFORM = navigator.platform;
- var itemListMgr = null; //ListControlClass controlling the 'resolve' control at the bottom of the dialog.
- //******************* API **********************
- //Just grab the first argument and stuff it into a global.
- function receiveArguments()
- {
- if (false)
- {
- dialogData = new Object();
- dialogData.params = new Object();
- dialogData.params.param1 = "";
- dialogData.params.param2 = "";
- dialogData.params.param3 = "";
- dialogData.editable = new Object();
- dialogData.editable.editable1 = "";
- dialogData.editable.editable2 = "";
- dialogData.editable.editable3 = "";
- dialogData.repeats = new Object();
- dialogData.repeats.repeats1 = "";
- dialogData.repeats.repeats2 = "";
- dialogData.repeats.repeats3 = "";
- dialogData.destParams = ["paramDest1", "paramDest2", "paramDest3"];
- dialogData.destEditable = ["editableDest1", "editableDest2", "editableDest3"];
- dialogData.destRepeats = ["repeatDest1", "repeatDest2", "repeatDest3"];
- dialogData.repeatScope = null;
- docFilePath.docFilePath = "Some Path";
- dialogData.returnValue = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- dialogData = arguments[0];
- dialogData.destParams.sort();
- dialogData.destEditable.sort();
- dialogData.destRepeats.sort();
- }
- }
- function countOrphans()
- {
- if (dialogData == null)
- receiveArguments();
- var myCount = 0;
- for (param in dialogData.params)
- myCount = myCount + 1;
- for (editable in dialogData.editable)
- myCount = myCount + 1;
- for (repeat in dialogData.repeats)
- myCount = myCount + 1;
- return myCount;
- } //countOrphans
- //Called when the 'set all' button is clicked - this places all orphaned content in the currently selected field.
- function setAllForNode(node, category)
- {
- if (category == "" || (typeof node["category"] != 'undefined' && node.category == category) )
- StoreCurValuesInNode(node);
- for (var i=0;i<node.childNodes.length; i++)
- setAllForNode(node.childNodes[i], category);
- } //setAllForNode
- function setAll()
- {
- var selectedTreeNode = findObject("theTreeControl").selectedNodes[0];
- var category = selectedTreeNode.category;
- var curValue = itemListMgr.getValue();
- if (curValue == const_nowhere || curValue == const_choose )
- category = "";
- setAllForNode(findObject("theTreeControl"), category);
- } //setAll
- function cmdOK()
- {
- if (packageFormData())
- {
- dialogData.returnValue = 1;
- window.close();
- }
- } //cmdOK
- function cmdCancel()
- {
- dialogData.returnValue = 0;
- window.close();
- }
- //***************** LOCAL FUNCTIONS ******************
- //Load localizable text into the named span object at boot time.
- function LoadLocalizedText(spanName, contentString)
- {
- var theObj = findObject(spanName);
- if (theObj)
- theObj.innerHTML = contentString;
- } //LoadLocalizedText
- function initializeUI()
- {
- if (dialogData == null)
- {
- alert("missing data!");
- window.close();
- return;
- }
- LoadLocalizedText("popupLabel", LABEL_Popup);
- if (typeof dialogData.repeatScope == 'undefined' || dialogData.repeatScope == null || dialogData.repeatScope == "")
- LoadLocalizedText("dialogMessage", dwscripts.sprintf(LABEL_DialogMessage, dialogData.docFilePath));
- else
- {
- LoadLocalizedText("dialogMessage", dwscripts.sprintf(LABEL_nestingMessage, dialogData.repeatScope));
- }
- if (itemListMgr == null)
- itemListMgr = new ListControl('itemList', null, false);
- itemListMgr.disable();
- SetupTree();
- SetResolveControls();
- } //initializeUI
- function adjustButtons()
- {
- var theStyle;
- if (PLATFORM=="Win32")
- {
- theStyle=document.okLayer.getAttribute("STYLE");
- theStyle=theStyle.replace(/left:\w*;/,LEFT_LAYER).replace(/top:\w*;/,TOP_LAYER);
- document.okLayer.setAttribute("STYLE", theStyle);
- theStyle=document.cancelLayer.getAttribute("STYLE");
- theStyle=theStyle.replace(/left:\w*;/,RIGHT_LAYER).replace(/top:\w*;/,TOP_LAYER);
- document.cancelLayer.setAttribute("STYLE", theStyle);
- }
- }
- //Add the 'categories' tag to the string stream
- function AddCategoriesToTreeStream(theStream)
- {
- theStream.push("<mm:treecolumn name='", LABEL_NameCol, "' value='", LABEL_NameCol, "' width='200'/>");
- theStream.push("<mm:treecolumn name='", LABEL_ResolvedCol, "' value='", LABEL_ResolvedCol, "' width='230' />");
- } //AddCategoriesToTreeString
- //Add the treenode for this category to the innerHTML string for the tree node
- function OpenCatNode(labelString, theStream)
- {
- theStream.push("<mm:treenode selected value = '",labelString,"' id=-1 state='expanded'>");
- } //AddCatNodeToString
- function CloseCatNode(theStream)
- {
- theStream.push("</mm:treenode>");
- }
- //Add the string for a single node in the tree. Should look something like:
- //<mm:treenode value = "Conditional 1|<Not Resolved>" id=0 category="params" ></mm:treenode>
- function AddParamNode(paramString, catString, theStream, labelString)
- {
- var theString = "<mm:treenode value = '" + paramString + "|" + labelString + "' id='" + paramString + "' category='" + catString + "' ></mm:treenode>";
- theStream.push(theString);
- } //AddParamNode
- //Build and insert the inner HTML for the tree control
- function SetupTree()
- {
- var theStream = new Array();
- theStream.push("");
- AddCategoriesToTreeStream(theStream);
- var labelString;
- var i;
- var count = 0;
- var temp = new Array();
- for (i in dialogData.params)
- {
- temp.push(i);
- }
- temp.sort();
- var tempValue;
- for (i in temp)
- {
- if (count == 0)
- OpenCatNode(LABEL_OptionalContent, theStream);
- tempValue = dialogData.params[temp[i]];
- labelString = (tempValue == null || tempValue == "") ? LABEL_NotResolved : tempValue;
- AddParamNode(temp[i], "params", theStream, labelString);
- count++;
- }
- if (count > 0)
- CloseCatNode(theStream);
- count = 0;
- temp = new Array();
- for (i in dialogData.repeats)
- temp.push(i);
- temp.sort();
- for (i in temp)
- {
- if (count == 0)
- OpenCatNode(LABEL_RepeatingContent, theStream);
- tempValue = dialogData.repeats[temp[i]];
- labelString = (tempValue == null || tempValue == "") ? LABEL_NotResolved : tempValue;
- AddParamNode(temp[i], "repeats", theStream, labelString);
- count++;
- }
- if (count > 0)
- CloseCatNode(theStream);
- count = 0;
- count = 0;
- temp = new Array();
- for (i in dialogData.editable)
- temp.push(i);
- temp.sort();
- for (i in temp)
- {
- if (count == 0)
- OpenCatNode(LABEL_EditableRegions, theStream);
- tempValue = dialogData.editable[temp[i]];
- labelString = (tempValue == null || tempValue == "") ? LABEL_NotResolved : tempValue;
- AddParamNode(temp[i], "editable", theStream, labelString);
- count++;
- }
- if (count > 0)
- CloseCatNode(theStream);
- findObject("theTreeControl").innerHTML = theStream.join("");
- } //SetupTree
- function PopulatePopup(destNames)
- {
- var defaultNames = [MSG_choose, MSG_delete];
- var defaultValues = [const_choose, const_nowhere];
- var popupNames = defaultNames.concat(destNames);
- var popupValues = defaultValues.concat(destNames);
- itemListMgr.setAll(popupNames, popupValues);
- } //SetResolveOptionForField
- // changes the 'resolve' popup to show the possibilities for the current node
- function SetResolveControls()
- {
- var selectedNodes = findObject("theTreeControl").selectedNodes;
- var selectedTreeNode = null;
- if (selectedNodes && selectedNodes.length > 0)
- selectedTreeNode = selectedNodes[0];
- if (!selectedTreeNode || selectedTreeNode.id == -1)
- {
- itemListMgr.disable();
- return;
- }
- var destNames = null;
- if (selectedTreeNode.category == "params")
- destNames = dialogData.destParams;
- else if (selectedTreeNode.category == "repeats")
- destNames = dialogData.destRepeats;
- else if (selectedTreeNode.category == "editable")
- destNames = dialogData.destEditable;
- PopulatePopup(destNames);
- itemListMgr.enable();
- //Code here for setting the control to the selected value.
- var theSplit = selectedTreeNode.getAttribute("value").split("|");
- itemListMgr.setIndex(0);
- //Select the item with the same visible value as this tree node.
- var len = itemListMgr.getLen();
- for (var i=0;i<len;i++)
- if (itemListMgr.get(i) == theSplit[1])
- {
- itemListMgr.setIndex(i);
- break;
- }
- } //SetResolveControls
- //Once the user picks an entry from the list, store it back in the dialogData object
- function StoreNodeValue(nodeID, nodeCategory, resolveString)
- {
- dialogData[nodeCategory][nodeID] = resolveString;
- } //StoreNodeValue
- function StoreCurValuesInNode(node)
- {
- if (!node || node.id == -1)
- return;
- if (node.tagName != "MM:TREENODE")
- return;
- //Store the value selected
- StoreNodeValue(node.id, node.category, itemListMgr.getValue());
- //Show the visible value in the tree control.
- var resolvedString = itemListMgr.get(); //Get the visible value here, so it's clear to the user.
- //Update the visible string of this item.
- var splitArray = node.getAttribute("value").split("|");
- var newString = splitArray[0] + "|" + resolvedString;
- node.setAttribute("value",newString);
- }
- // store the current setting of the popup in the selected tree control
- function ResolveCurrentNode()
- {
- var selectedTreeNode = findObject("theTreeControl").selectedNodes[0];
- StoreCurValuesInNode(selectedTreeNode);
- } //ResolveCurrentNode
- //Called when one of the controls changes, this either resets the popup menu to reflect the current
- //selected node, or stores the resolution in the tree and data store
- function updateUI(itemName)
- {
- switch(itemName)
- {
- case "theTreeControl":
- {
- SetResolveControls();
- break;
- }
- case "itemList":
- {
- ResolveCurrentNode();
- break;
- }
- } //switch
- } //updateUI
- //Check to see if any of the attributes of this object contain an empty
- //string, if so, return false (we're not ready to return) otherwise return true.
- function CheckResultObj(theObject)
- {
- var i;
- for (i in theObject)
- {
- if (theObject[i] == null || theObject[i] == "" || theObject[i] == const_choose )
- {
- alert(MSG_mustChoose);
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- } //CheckResultObj
- //Check to see if we can exit.
- function packageFormData()
- {
- return ( CheckResultObj(dialogData.params) &&
- CheckResultObj(dialogData.editable) &&
- CheckResultObj(dialogData.repeats));
- } //packageFormData