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- //=========================================================================================================
- //
- // Copyright 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //
- // Feature: Paste Fix
- // Author: JDH
- // Module: InsertOfficeDoc.js
- // Purpose: Insert Office Document menu item handler.
- // Updates:
- // 8/1/02 - Started file control
- //
- //=========================================================================================================
- // The threshold where we should warn the user they are importing a big file
- MM.od_WarnThreshold = 100000;
- // The threshold where we should not allow the user to import the file.
- MM.od_MaxThreshold = 200000;
- // insertOfficeDoc - Inserts the given file name into the current document.
- function insertOfficeDoc( file, retArray, allowLink )
- {
- // Switch on Excel or Word. Use one of those to open up the file, and
- // to save the contents as HTML and return it.
- var usedWord = false;
- var result;
- if ( file.match( /[.]xls/i ) )
- {
- result = dw.excelSaveAsHTML( file );
- }
- else
- {
- result = dw.wordSaveAsHTML( file );
- usedWord = true;
- }
- // Get the text and the base URL
- var text = result[ 0 ];
- var url = result[ 1 ];
- // Go through a bunch of logic to warn or alert the user to large files,
- // and either insert it or not
- // alert( text.length );
- if ( text != null && text.length > 0 )
- {
- if ( text.length < MM.od_WarnThreshold )
- {
- dw.getDocumentDOM().pasteInHTML( text, url );
- }
- else if ( text.length < MM.od_MaxThreshold )
- {
- if ( allowLink )
- {
- var retVal = confirm( MM.MSG_odWarnWithLink );
- if ( retVal == true )
- dw.getDocumentDOM().pasteInHTML( text, url );
- else
- retArray[ 0 ] = false;
- }
- else
- {
- if ( confirm( MM.MSG_odWarn ) )
- dw.getDocumentDOM().pasteInHTML( text, url );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( allowLink )
- {
- alert( MM.MSG_odStopWithLink );
- retArray[ 0 ] = false;
- }
- else
- {
- alert( MM.MSG_odStop );
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( usedWord )
- {
- alert( MM.MSG_odWordUnableToSaveAs );
- }
- else
- {
- alert( MM.MSG_odExcelUnableToSaveAs );
- }
- }
- }