home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //--------------- GLOBAL VARIABLES ---------------
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_insertOptionalContent;
- var targetDom = null;
- var abortCommand = false; //Set to true if the user cancels out of the 'save as template' dialog
- var selectedOptionalNode = null;
- var currentExpression = "";
- var addEditable = false;
- var T = null; //Tab Control
- var paramController = null;
- //--------------- API FUNCTIONS ---------------
- function commandButtons()
- {
- return new Array(
- MM.BTN_OK,"okClicked()",
- MM.BTN_Cancel,"window.close()",
- MM.BTN_Help,"displayHelp()");
- }
- function isDomRequired() {
- return true;
- }
- function receiveArguments()
- {
- targetDom = arguments[0];
- if (targetDom == null)
- targetDom = dw.getDocumentDOM();
- abortCommand = false;
- if (!CheckWarnNoTemplate(targetDom))
- abortCommand = true;
- var result = new Object();
- if (!canMakeTemplateContent("optional", targetDom, result))
- {
- abortCommand = true;
- if (result.status == "contained in DW4 edit")
- alert(MM.MSG_SaveDW4First);
- else if (result.status == "locked")
- alert(MM.TEMPLATE_UTILS_CantInsertOptionalHere);
- else
- alert(MM.MSG_AlreadyEdit);
- }
- var curSelNode = null;
- if (arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] != null)
- curSelNode = arguments[2];
- else
- curSelNode = getUnlockedSelNode(targetDom, false);
- if (curSelNode != null && curSelNode.tagName == "MMTEMPLATE:IF" && arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] == "useSelectedNode")
- selectedOptionalNode = curSelNode;
- if (arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] == "addEditable")
- addEditable = true;
- else
- addEditable = false;
- } //receiveArguments
- function canAcceptCommand()
- {
- targetDom = arguments[0];
- if (targetDom == null)
- targetDom = dw.getDocumentDOM();
- return (targetDom != null && dw.getFocus() != 'browser' && dw.getDocumentDOM().getParseMode() == 'html');
- } //canAcceptCommand
- function okClicked()
- {
- var curDOM = (targetDom == null) ? dw.getDocumentDOM('document') : targetDom;
- if (T.getCurPageNum() == 1)
- {
- var newCondName = findObject("condName").value;
- var showByDefault = findObject("showByDefault").checked;
- if (stringIsAllDigits(newCondName))
- {
- //parsed as a number - this is not allowed.
- alert(MSG_numberNotAllowed);
- return;
- }
- if (selectedOptionalNode != null)
- {
- curDOM.disableLocking();
- if (!checkLegalTemplateName(newCondName))
- return; //make them enter the name, or cancel the main dialog.
- //selectedOptionalNode.cond = dwscripts.minEntityNameEncode(encodeTemplateParam(newCondName, true));
- selectedOptionalNode.cond = encodeTemplateParam(newCondName, true);
- //Insert or update the param, if this isn't an expression. Don't encode.
- if (!isExpressionString(newCondName, true))
- {
- if (checkInsertTemplateParam(targetDom))
- insertTemplateParam(newCondName, "boolean", showByDefault ? "true" : "false", targetDom);
- }
- curDOM.enableLocking();
- window.close();
- }
- else
- {
- var oldParamNode = getTemplateParamTag(newCondName, targetDom);
- if (oldParamNode != null && !RunDSConfirmDialog_YesNo(dwscripts.sprintf(MM.Optional_MSG_ParamExists, newCondName), "showCreateParamWarning", true))
- return;
- if (!doInsertConditional(newCondName,showByDefault, null, targetDom, true, addEditable))
- return;
- window.close();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- var isExpression = findObject("expressionRadio").checked;
- var exprString = findObject("expression").value;
- //Strip linefeeds from the expression, replace with spaces. For some reason
- //the regexp code only replaces the first instance, so loop until there aren't any more.
- var oldMulti = RegExp.multiline;
- RegExp.multiline = true;
- var pat1 = /\r/g;
- exprString = exprString.replace(pat1, " ");
- var pat2 = /\n/g;
- exprString = exprString.replace(pat2, " ");
- RegExp.multiline = oldMulti;
- var isExistingParam = findObject("existingParamRadio").checked;
- var existingParamToUse = paramController.getValue();
- curDOM.synchronizeDocument();
- curDOM.disableLocking();
- var result = false;
- if (selectedOptionalNode != null)
- {
- if (isExpression && exprString.length > 0)
- {
- //selectedOptionalNode.cond = dwscripts.minEntityNameEncode(exprString);
- selectedOptionalNode.cond = exprString;
- result = true;
- }
- else if (isExistingParam && existingParamToUse != MM.Optional_MSG_None)
- {
- //selectedOptionalNode.cond = dwscripts.minEntityNameEncode(encodeTemplateParam(existingParamToUse, true));
- selectedOptionalNode.cond = encodeTemplateParam(existingParamToUse, true);
- result = true;
- }
- else
- alert(MM.Optional_MSG_MustPick);
- }
- else
- {
- if (isExpression && exprString.length > 0)
- result = doInsertConditional("",true, exprString, targetDom, false, addEditable);
- else if (isExistingParam && existingParamToUse != MM.Optional_MSG_None)
- result = doInsertConditional("",true, encodeTemplateParam(existingParamToUse, true), targetDom, true, addEditable);
- else
- alert(MM.Optional_MSG_MustPick);
- }
- curDOM.enableLocking();
- if (result)
- {
- curDOM.synchronizeDocument();
- window.close();
- }
- }
- } //okClicked
- //--------------- LOCAL FUNCTIONS ---------------
- //Update the selection state on the controls, based on one of them changing.
- function updateControls(whichControl)
- {
- var expressionRadio = findObject("expressionRadio");
- var existingParamRadio = findObject("existingParamRadio");
- switch (whichControl)
- {
- case 'expression':
- {
- expressionRadio.checked = true;
- existingParamRadio.checked = false;
- break;
- }
- case 'existingParams':
- {
- expressionRadio.checked = false;
- existingParamRadio.checked = true;
- break;
- }
- case 'expressionRadio':
- {
- expressionRadio.checked = true;
- existingParamRadio.checked = false;
- break;
- }
- case 'existingParamRadio':
- {
- expressionRadio.checked = false;
- existingParamRadio.checked = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- } //updateControls
- //This is an example of a page class to be used with the TabControl.
- //Uncomment the alert() calls to display the various events as they occur.
- function Pg1(theTabLabel) {
- this.tabLabel = theTabLabel;
- }
- Pg1.prototype.getTabLabel = Pg1_getTabLabel;
- function Pg1_getTabLabel() {
- return this.tabLabel;
- }
- function initializeUI()
- {
- if (abortCommand)
- {
- window.close();
- return;
- }
- var tab0 = findObject("Tab0");
- var tab1 = findObject("Tab1");
- //Use appropriate background & tabs for Mac OS X.
- if (dw.isOSX()) {
- findObject("tabBgWin").src = "../Shared/MM/Images/tabBgOSX335x290.gif";
- var oldMulti = RegExp.multiline;
- RegExp.multiline = true;
- var pat1 = /tabBg\.gif/;
- tab0.innerHTML = tab0.innerHTML.replace(pat1, "tabBgOSX.gif");
- tab1.innerHTML = tab1.innerHTML.replace(pat1, "tabBgOSX.gif");
- var pat2 = /tabBgSel\.gif/;
- tab0.innerHTML = tab0.innerHTML.replace(pat2, "tabBgSelOSX.gif");
- tab1.innerHTML = tab1.innerHTML.replace(pat2, "tabBgSelOSX.gif");
- RegExp.multiline = oldMulti;
- // Use appropriate background & tabs for WinXP with themes
- } else if (dw.isXPThemed()) {
- findObject("tabBgWin").src = "../Shared/MM/Images/tabBgWinXP335x290.gif";
- var oldMulti = RegExp.multiline;
- RegExp.multiline = true;
- var pat1 = /tabBg\.gif/;
- tab0.innerHTML = tab0.innerHTML.replace(pat1, "tabBgXP.gif");
- tab1.innerHTML = tab1.innerHTML.replace(pat1, "tabBgXP.gif");
- var pat2 = /tabBgSel\.gif/;
- tab0.innerHTML = tab0.innerHTML.replace(pat2, "tabBgSelXP.gif");
- tab1.innerHTML = tab1.innerHTML.replace(pat2, "tabBgSelXP.gif");
- RegExp.multiline = oldMulti;
- // Use standard background
- } else {
- findObject("tabBgWin").src = "../Shared/MM/Images/tabBgWin.gif";
- }
- T = new TabControl('Tab');
- T.addPage('basic', new Pg1(MM.Optional_LABEL_Basic));
- T.addPage('advanced', new Pg1(MM.Optional_LABEL_Advanced));
- var startPage = 'basic';
- currentExpression = "";
- if (selectedOptionalNode != null)
- currentExpression = decodeTemplateParam(dwscripts.minEntityNameDecode(selectedOptionalNode.cond));
- else
- {
- //auto-name the optional area.
- //Count the number of optional areas, add one.
- currentExpression = getUniqueRegionName(MM.OptionalAutonamePreamble, "MMTemplate:If", dw.getDocumentDOM('document'));
- }
- var isExpression = (selectedOptionalNode != null && isExpressionString(currentExpression, true));
- if (isExpression)
- startPage = 'advanced';
- T.start(startPage);
- if (currentExpression != "")
- {
- findObject("condName").value = currentExpression;
- findObject("expression").value = currentExpression;
- }
- if (startPage == 'basic')
- {
- findObject("condName").focus(); //set focus on textbox
- findObject("condName").select(); //set insertion point into textbox
- }
- findObject("expressionRadio").checked = isExpression;
- findObject("existingParamRadio").checked = !isExpression;
- //Setup the popup of existing params.
- paramController = new ListControl("existingParams");
- var boolParams = getTemplateParams("boolean", null);
- var paramNames = new Array();
- paramNames.push(MM.Optional_MSG_None);
- for (i=0;i<boolParams.length;i++)
- paramNames.push(boolParams[i].name);
- paramController.setAll(paramNames, paramNames);
- if (!isExpression && selectedOptionalNode != null && currentExpression.length > 0)
- paramController.pickValue(currentExpression);
- if (selectedOptionalNode != null)
- {
- var curDOM = (targetDom == null) ? dw.getDocumentDOM('document') : targetDom;
- var paramTag = getTemplateParamTag(currentExpression, curDOM);
- if (paramTag != null)
- {
- findObject("showByDefault").checked = paramTag.value == "true";
- findObject("existingParamRadio").checked = true;
- findObject("expressionRadio").checked = false;
- paramController.pickValue(paramTag.name);
- }
- }
- } //initializeUI