home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //*************** GLOBALS *****************
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_cmdDesignNotes;
- var KEY_STATUS = "status";
- var KEY_NOTES = "notes";
- var KEY_OPEN = "showOnOpen";
- var PAIR_SEP = " = ";
- var T = ''; //TabControl object
- var DATA;
- var FILE_PTR = 0;
- //*************** Pg1 Class *****************
- function Pg1(theTabLabel) {
- this.tabLabel = theTabLabel;
- this.listObj = new ListControl("statusMenu");
- this.notesObj = findObject("notesField");
- this.openObj = findObject("openChbx");
- }
- //***** methods *****
- Pg1.prototype.getTabLabel = Pg1_getTabLabel; //required
- Pg1.prototype.canLoad = Pg1_canLoad;
- Pg1.prototype.load = Pg1_load;
- Pg1.prototype.update = Pg1_update;
- Pg1.prototype.unload = Pg1_unload;
- function Pg1_getTabLabel() {
- return this.tabLabel;
- }
- //Called to check if a page can be loaded
- //
- function Pg1_canLoad() {
- return true;
- }
- //Called when the layer for this page is displayed.
- // Use this call to initialize controls.
- function Pg1_load() {
- var i;
- with (this) {
- listObj.setAll(STATUS_ITEMS); //load select menu
- //get status
- temp = stripSpaces(DATA.get(KEY_STATUS));
- if (!temp) listObj.setIndex(DEFAULT_STATUS);
- else {
- for (i=0; i<listObj.getLen(); i++) { //look for status in menu
- if (listObj.get(i) == temp) {
- listObj.setIndex(i);
- break;
- } }
- if (i == listObj.getLen()) listObj.append(temp); //if nonexistent, add it
- }
- //get notes
- temp = DATA.get(KEY_NOTES);
- notesObj.value = temp || "";
- //get open flag
- temp = DATA.get(KEY_OPEN);
- if (temp != null) openObj.checked = (temp.toString().toLowerCase() == "true");
- }
- }
- //Called when another page is about to be shown, or finish() is called on
- // the tabControl. Use this call to perform any finishing tasks.
- function Pg1_unload() {
- return true;
- }
- //Called when one of the page controls calls the tabControl update function.
- // Use this call to respond to user input.
- function Pg1_update(theItemName) {
- with (this) {
- if (theItemName == "insertDate") {
- var theDate = getSimpleDate() + ": \n";
- notesObj.value = theDate + notesObj.value;
- DATA.set(KEY_NOTES,notesObj.value || null); //save notes
- } else if (theItemName == "statusMenu") {
- DATA.set(KEY_STATUS,listObj.get() || null); //save status
- } else if (theItemName == "notesField") {
- DATA.set(KEY_NOTES,notesObj.value || null); //save notes
- } else if (theItemName == "openChbx") {
- DATA.set(KEY_OPEN,openObj.checked || null); //save open flag
- }
- }
- }
- //***************** Pg2 Class ******************
- function Pg2(theTabLabel) {
- this.tabLabel = theTabLabel;
- this.listObj = new ListControl("allItems");
- this.nameObj = findObject("itemName");
- this.valueObj = findObject("itemValue");
- this.keys = new Array();
- }
- //***** methods *****
- Pg2.prototype.getTabLabel = Pg2_getTabLabel;
- Pg2.prototype.canLoad = Pg2_canLoad;
- Pg2.prototype.load = Pg2_load;
- Pg2.prototype.update = Pg2_update;
- Pg2.prototype.unload = Pg2_unload;
- Pg2.prototype.drawList = Pg2_drawList;
- Pg2.prototype.drawSelection = Pg2_drawSelection;
- function Pg2_getTabLabel() {
- return this.tabLabel;
- }
- //Called to check if a page can be loaded
- //
- function Pg2_canLoad() {
- return true;
- }
- //Called when the layer for this page is displayed.
- // Use this call to initialize controls.
- //
- function Pg2_load() {
- with (this) {
- drawList();
- listObj.setIndex(0); //select first item
- drawSelection()
- }
- }
- //Called when another page is about to be shown, or finish() is called on
- // the tabControl. Use this call to perform any finishing tasks.
- function Pg2_unload() {
- return true;
- }
- //Called when one of the page controls calls the tabControl update function.
- // Use this call to respond to user input.
- function Pg2_update(theItemName) {
- var i, temp, temp2;
- if (theItemName == "allItems") with (this) {
- drawSelection();
- } else {
- if (theItemName == "addItem") with (this) {
- listObj.append();
- valueObj.value = "";
- nameObj.value = "";
- nameObj.focus();
- nameObj.select();
- } else if (theItemName == "delItem") with (this) {
- DATA.del(listObj.getIndex());
- listObj.del();
- drawSelection();
- } else if (theItemName == "itemName" || theItemName == "itemValue") with (this) {
- temp = nameObj.value;
- if (temp.toLowerCase() == "design notes credits") {
- valueObj.value = unescape("%42%72%6F%75%67%68%74 %74%6F %79%6F%75 %62%79...\n%48%65%69%64%69, %4B%65%6E,"+
- " %53%74%65%70%68%61%6E%69%65, %61%6E%64 %4A%61%6B%65!\n%59%65%65-%68%61%77!");
- }
- temp2 = (valueObj.value);
- if (temp) { //if valid name
- temp = stripSpaces(makeValidKey(temp));
- if (temp) { //if valid name
- if (listObj.get()) { //if selection is not blank (not new item)
- var oldName = DATA.getName(listObj.getIndex()); //get prior name
- if (temp != oldName) DATA.changeName(oldName,temp); //if name changed, update it
- }
- DATA.set(temp,temp2 || null);
- drawList();
- } else {
- alert(MSG_InvalidName);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //Called when the layer for this page is displayed.
- // Use this call to initialize controls.
- //
- function Pg2_drawList() {
- var i, allItems;
- with (this) {
- listObj.setAll(DATA.getAll()); //clear out the old list
- if (listObj.getLen() > 0) {
- drawSelection(); //display stuff in fields
- }
- }
- }
- function Pg2_drawSelection() {
- var name, value;
- with (this) {
- name = DATA.getName(listObj.getIndex()); //get the name for the current selection
- name = name || ""; //make blank if null
- nameObj.value = name;
- value = DATA.get(name);
- value = value || ""; //make blank if null
- valueObj.value = value;
- }
- }
- //***************** End of Pg2 Class ******************
- //******************* API **********************
- function commandButtons(){
- var btns;
- btns = new Array(MM.BTN_OK, "okClicked()", MM.BTN_Cancel, "cancelClicked()", MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()");
- return btns
- }
- //***************** LOCAL FUNCTIONS ******************
- function initializeUI() {
- var result;
- DATA = new NameValuePair();
- var tab0 = findObject("Tab0");
- var tab1 = findObject("Tab1");
- //Use appropriate background & tabs for Mac OS X.
- if (dw.isOSX()) {
- findObject("tabBgWin").src = "../Shared/MM/Images/tabBgOSX435x334.gif";
- var oldMulti = RegExp.multiline;
- RegExp.multiline = true;
- var pat1 = /tabBg\.gif/;
- tab0.innerHTML = tab0.innerHTML.replace(pat1, "tabBgOSX.gif");
- tab1.innerHTML = tab1.innerHTML.replace(pat1, "tabBgOSX.gif");
- var pat2 = /tabBgSel\.gif/;
- tab0.innerHTML = tab0.innerHTML.replace(pat2, "tabBgSelOSX.gif");
- tab1.innerHTML = tab1.innerHTML.replace(pat2, "tabBgSelOSX.gif");
- RegExp.multiline = oldMulti;
- // Use appropriate background & tabs for WinXP with themes
- } else if (dw.isXPThemed()) {
- findObject("tabBgWin").src = "../Shared/MM/Images/tabBgWinXP.gif";
- var oldMulti = RegExp.multiline;
- RegExp.multiline = true;
- var pat1 = /tabBg\.gif/;
- tab0.innerHTML = tab0.innerHTML.replace(pat1, "tabBgXP.gif");
- tab1.innerHTML = tab1.innerHTML.replace(pat1, "tabBgXP.gif");
- var pat2 = /tabBgSel\.gif/;
- tab0.innerHTML = tab0.innerHTML.replace(pat2, "tabBgSelXP.gif");
- tab1.innerHTML = tab1.innerHTML.replace(pat2, "tabBgSelXP.gif");
- RegExp.multiline = oldMulti;
- // Use standard background
- } else {
- findObject("tabBgWin").src = "../Shared/MM/Images/tabBgWin.gif";
- }
- T = new TabControl('Tab');
- //Add tab pages. (Pass the layer name, and the page object)
- T.addPage('mainLayer', new Pg1(LABEL_BasicInfo));
- T.addPage('allLayer', new Pg2(LABEL_AllInfo));
- //Initialize and display the tabs. (Could pass the name of a page to start on)
- T.start();
- }
- function okClicked() {
- T.finish();
- writeMetafiles();
- window.close();
- //update design notes columns in local file list in site window
- if (MMNotes.UpdateSite == true)
- site.refresh("local");
- }
- function cancelClicked() {
- window.close();
- }
- function writeMetafiles() {
- var i, names;
- site.setFocus("local");
- //iterate through each file/folder in the selection
- //and set the access permissions for each
- var localFileList = site.getSelection();
- var numSelected = localFileList.length;
- for (file=0; file<numSelected; file++) {
- //for each file write out new note
- FILE_PTR = MMNotes.open(localFileList[file]);
- names = DATA.getNames();
- for (i=0; i<names.length; i++) { //with each local, non-null key
- MMNotes.set(FILE_PTR,names[i],DATA.get(names[i])); //set it in the file
- }
- MMNotes.close(FILE_PTR);
- }
- }
- function makeValidKey(theStr) {
- theStr = theStr.replace(/(\")/g,""); //disallow "
- theStr = theStr.replace(/(\')/g,""); //disallow '
- return theStr;
- }
- function getSimpleDate() {
- var today = new Date();
- var dateStr = today.toLocaleString();
- dateStr = dateStr.replace(/\S+\s+(\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+)[^\x00]*/,"$1"); //get 2nd-4th words of date
- return dateStr;
- }