home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- /***************** GLOBAL VARIABLES *****************/
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_cmdDesignTimeCSS;
- /******************* API FUNCTIONS ******************/
- function canAcceptCommand()
- {
- // enable the menu item only if the document has been saved
- var filePath = dreamweaver.getDocumentPath("document");
- // also check if to see if the file is saved and there is a dom
- var retVal = ((filePath!=null && filePath.length > 0)
- && (dw.getFocus() == 'document' || dw.getFocus() == 'textView' || dw.getFocus(true) == 'html')
- && dw.getDocumentDOM()!=null);
- return retVal;
- }
- function commandButtons(){
- return new Array(MM.BTN_OK,"doCommand()",MM.BTN_Cancel,"window.close()",MM.BTN_Help,"displayHelp()");
- }
- /****************** LOCAL FUNCTIONS *****************/
- function initUI(){
- // initialize form fields
- LIST_INCLUDED = new ListControl("included");
- LIST_EXCLUDED = new ListControl("excluded");
- // Initialize from the design notes
- var foundNotes = false;
- var filePath = dreamweaver.getDocumentPath("document");
- if (filePath) {
- var metaFile;
- metaFile = MMNotes.open(filePath, false);
- if (metaFile) {
- foundNotes = true;
- var includeString = MMNotes.get(metaFile, 'MM_css_include');
- var includes = (includeString == "")?new Array(0):includeString.split(',');
- for (var i=0; i < includes.length; i++){
- LIST_INCLUDED.append(includes[i],includes[i]);
- LIST_INCLUDED.setIndex(0);
- }
- if (LIST_INCLUDED.getLen() > 0){
- LIST_INCLUDED.setIndex(0);
- }
- var excludeString = MMNotes.get(metaFile, 'MM_css_exclude');
- var excludes = (excludeString == "")?new Array(0):excludeString.split(',');
- for (var i=0; i < excludes.length; i++){
- LIST_EXCLUDED.append(excludes[i],excludes[i]);
- }
- if (LIST_EXCLUDED.getLen() > 0){
- LIST_EXCLUDED.setIndex(0);
- }
- MMNotes.close(metaFile);
- }
- }
- }
- //*********************************************************************************
- // doCommand()
- //
- // Called when user clicks the OK button. Updates the design note with the lists
- // of included and excluded style sheets.
- //
- //*********************************************************************************
- function doCommand(){
- // if we were called from the UI (rather than arguments passed to
- // runCommand), then save includes and excludes text for next call to the command
- var path = dw.getDocumentDOM().URL;
- var metaFile;
- metaFile = MMNotes.open(path, true);
- if (metaFile) {
- if (LIST_INCLUDED.getLen() > 0){
- MMNotes.set(metaFile, 'MM_css_include', LIST_INCLUDED.getValue('all'));
- }else{
- MMNotes.set(metaFile, 'MM_css_include', "");
- }
- if (LIST_EXCLUDED.getLen() > 0){
- MMNotes.set(metaFile, 'MM_css_exclude', LIST_EXCLUDED.getValue('all'));
- }else{
- MMNotes.set(metaFile, 'MM_css_exclude', "");
- }
- MMNotes.close(metaFile);
- }
- // reload the document to fresh styles
- dw.getDocumentDOM().refreshViews();
- window.close();
- }
- //*********************************************************************************
- // addSS()
- //
- // Called when user clicks the + button. Opens a Browse dialog box that lets the
- // user choose a stylesheet; when the OK button in that dialog box is clicked,
- // the selected stylesheet is added to the list.
- //
- // arguments:
- // - theList is the ListControl object that should be updated.
- //
- //*********************************************************************************
- function addSS(theList){
- var newStyleSheet = dw.browseForFileURL();
- if (!theList.pickValue(newStyleSheet)){
- if (newStyleSheet != ""){
- theList.append(newStyleSheet,newStyleSheet);
- }
- }else{
- }
- }
- //*********************************************************************************
- // removeSS()
- //
- // Called when user clicks the + button. Opens a Browse dialog box that lets the
- // user choose a stylesheet; when the OK button in that dialog box is clicked,
- // the selected stylesheet is added to the list.
- //
- // arguments:
- // - theList is the ListControl object that should be updated.
- //
- //*********************************************************************************
- function removeSS(theList){
- theList.del();
- }