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- Warlords tm III: Reign of Heroes (tm) Demo ReadMe
- Windows 95 version 1.0
- 5/19/97
- To help you quickly locate any information you need, here's a list of what is
- included in this ReadMe, so you can scroll down to the appropriate section.
- Table of Contents
- 1. System Requirements
- 2. Performance Recommendations
- 3. Windows 95 Installation and Game Play Instructions
- 4. About the Demo
- 5. Troubleshooting
- 6. How to Contact Technical Support
- 7. Copyright Information
- Windows 95
- Pentium 75MHz or faster
- 16MB RAM
- 33MB of hard disk space
- 4X CD-ROM drive or faster
- 640 x 480 in 256 color mode
- Sound Blaster 16 and 100% compatible sound cards
- Video and Sound compatible with DirectX 3.0a or higher
- *System Configuration: May require minor adjustments to the
- configuration of your operating system and/or updates to the hardware
- component drivers.
- **If you experience problems with the installation or compatibility of
- DirectX on your machine, please consult the hardware manufacturers of
- your video or sound card. You may also want to check MicrosoftÆs web
- page for more information.
- 640 x 480 mode is recommended as an expert mode option because of the
- smaller viewing area. In addition, there is no hero history in this video
- mode making the game even tougher.
- Turn off animated water on Pentium 75 and 90 machines. To do so, at the
- Game Screen (the screen on which you select sides and set game options)
- select Edit Options, then Set Preferences. There is a check box which
- allows you to turn off animated water.
- Warlords III: Reign of Heroes Demo
- Installation Instructions for Windows«
- To Install
- From The Red Orb Entertainment E3 1997 Demo Shell:
- In the Warlords III section of the Red Orb Entertainment (tm) E3 1997
- Demo Shell, click the Demo button. Click the Launch button. This will
- launch the Warlords III Demo installer. It will take you out of the Red Orb
- Entertainment E3 1997 Demo Shell. Follow the on-screen instructions to
- install the Warlords III Demo.
- To Install the Program Manually
- Begin at the Windows 95 desktop, click the Start button on the taskbar and
- choose Run. Type D:\War3Demo\SETUP.EXE in the line labeled
- Open. (If your CD-ROM drive uses a letter other than D, substitute that
- letter for D.) Click the OK button and follow the on-screen instructions
- to install the Warlords III Demo.
- To Play
- Begin at the Windows 95 desktop. Click the Start button, point to
- Programs, and then Red Orb Entertainment. Click the Warlords III Demo
- menu item to start the program.
- To Remove
- If you need to remove the Warlords III Demo, begin at the Windows 95
- desktop. Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then Control Panel.
- Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon. Click the Install/Uninstall
- tab and select Warlords III Demo from the list of programs. Click the
- Add/Remove button and then click the Yes button to remove the program.
- The Warlords III Demo is included in the Red Orb Entertainment Demo
- released at E3.
- You will find two scenarios in this demo. Both are limited to single player
- play. In the full product you will have the opportunity to play up to seven
- human opponents over IPX, TCP/IP over the Internet, and direct serial and
- modem connection.
- The tutorial scenario provides an introduction to the basic elements of game
- play of Warlords III. We recommend that you please take the time to play
- through the tutorial. It is very helpful to introduce the product, interface,
- and game play elements.
- The Elven Guardians scenario is also a great introductory scenario that
- provides just enough challenge for both novice and experienced Warlords.
- The Elves have an edge. So, if you are new to the game, choose that side
- with the beginner option. BorogÆs Tribe in the Psycho mode is at a distinct
- disadvantage and should provide a hearty challenge for even the most
- experienced Warlord.
- Q: My demo doesnÆt install, what should I do? or, My demo installed but it
- doesnÆt work.
- A: We plan to release an updated demo in the first week of July on the
- Warlords III Web page. The URL is WWW.Warlords3.com. This updated
- demo may solve some of your install or demo problems.
- Q: When I try to start Warlords III: Reign of Heroes Demo, I receive the
- message "Error Initializing Direct Draw" what do I do?
- A: It is most likely that you have Windows set to display 16 colors. Reset
- your windows display to 256 color mode. It may also be a DirectX
- incompatibility, please contact the hardware manufacturer of the video card
- you have in your machine. You may also want to check MicrosoftÆs web
- site for information.
- If you have worked through these troubleshooting suggestions and still need
- assistance, you can contact Broderbund Technical Support by using the
- options listed below. It will be very helpful if you can tell us your
- computer make and model, and the brand names of both the video card and
- sound card you are using. If possible, have the computer both positioned
- near your phone and turned on. Please also be prepared to give us a
- detailed description of what happens when you try to run the program.
- You can contact us in any of the following ways:
- Internet - Online support is available through our World Wide Web site at
- http://www.broderbund.com
- Phone - Call us at (415) 382-4700 from Monday through Friday between
- the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time.
- CompuServe - Type GO BB at any prompt to access BroderbundÆs area in
- CompuServe, or send your questions to support@broderbund.com
- America Online - Use the Keyword: BRODERBUND to find our Product
- Support Boards, or address your questions to BBund Tec1 or BBund Tec2
- using AOLÆs electronic mail.
- Mail - Send your questions to Broderbund Technical Correspondence,
- P.O. Box 6125, Novato, CA 94948-6125.
- Copyright, 1997 Strategic Studies Group. All rights reserved. Warlords is
- a trademark of Strategic Studies Group. Reign of Heroes, Red Orb
- Entertainment, and Broderbund are trademarks and/or registered trademarks
- of Broderbund Software, Inc. Red Orb Entertainment is a division of
- Broderbund Software, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft
- Corporation, Inc. All other company and/or product names are trademarks
- and/or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers.
- Thank you for trying out the Warlords III: Reign of Heroes Demo. We
- really hope that you enjoyed our product. Look for it in stores Fall 1997.
- End of ReadMe.