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- =======================================
- = readv106.txt - Quake 1.06 Shareware =
- = October 1, 1996 =
- =======================================
- This is the Quake v1.06 full shareware release. We will also be releasing
- a patch for registered users. If you are a registered user and you are
- reading this, then you've probably already downloaded it, so just copy over
- your existing files to upgrade.
- In addition to new .exe files, progs.dat, located in pak0.pak, has been
- updated as well, so be sure to copy over your \quake\id1\pak0.pak file.
- If this is your first Quake Shareware download, then unzip all files to a
- \temp directory. Then run the file 'install.bat' and it will guide you
- through the installation process.
- ============================================================================
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- The following general problems were fixed:
- 1. Increased the number of edges, so walls don't vanish in E1M8 when viewing
- the walls from certain angles in high resolutions.
- 2. Locking the NULL pointer protection page should no longer prevent Quake
- from running under CWSDPMI r3 and 386MAX.
- 3. Video mode corruption was reported and Quake would exit if
- '_vid_default_mode' in config.cfg was not a valid video mode. Quake now
- defaults to 320x200 if an invalid default video mode is listed. (This was
- usually the result of switching from UniVBE 5.2 to 5.3, which supports
- fewer modes than 5.2).
- 4. 'Working_size' was not being pre-adjusted up by 64K in the memory
- allocation loop. This may provide 64K more memory on some systems.
- 5. The crosshair variable is now saved in config.cfg.
- 6. If you already have cell ammo of 100, you can't pick up more cell ammo.
- 7. If you discharged the thunderbolt in the water your cells are no longer
- dropped with your backpack. (Reason: By discharging in the water, your
- cells should be fully depleted.) Only wussies do this as a paniced, last
- ditch effort anyway, unless they have the Pentagram of Protection, so this
- really shouldn't affect you anyway :)
- 8. Added support for input devices (i.e. Spaceball and Assassin).
- 9. Crosshair is drawn at the correct location if you are underwater in high
- resolution video modes.
- 10. Spaces were being added to key bindings when reading in the config.cfg,
- and where then written back out to the config.cfg. This caused the bindings
- to keep growing until it eventually caused a crash.
- 11. Binding to ";" is now written to config.cfg properly.
- 12. Unbound keys are no longer written to config.cfg.
- 13. Fixed the axe's aiming. It wasn't always correct causing false hits and
- misses.
- 14. Added cycle weapon backwards (impulse 12).
- 15. Picking up a weapon in a backpack uses the same rules as picking up
- a weapon any other time.
- 16. Fixed a lot of the obituaries. Many deaths were getting inappropraite
- messages. There are still a few errors that can occur when reporting
- projectile obituaries.
- 17. The lightning gun is never considered your best weapon when you are
- underwater.
- 18. You can now bind the semicolon from the menu.
- 19. CD audio volume doesn't act oddly with certain drives.
- 20. Timedemo was not showing the timings at the end.
- 21. Made not being able to write a PCX file a warning instead of a
- sys_error.
- 22. Notify what weapon picked up in backpack in addition to ammo.
- 23. New GUS code: supports GUS Classic & fixed playback rate.
- 24. Made the size of the zone a command line parameter. You specify -zone
- followed by a size in KB. The default is 48.
- 25. Corrected a problem where discharging the lightning gun in water
- would sometimes leave you in a 'zombie' state. You would be dead, but
- unable to respawn or restart.
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- Well, just two lonely single player fixes:
- 1. You no longer can kill Shub the wrong way, which would cause Quake to
- crash.
- 2. No longer prints "player exited the level" in single player.
- ============================================================================
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- The following multi-player and server problems were fixed:
- 1. Player-names with spaces were listed as "unconnected" on the server.
- 2. 'Mod_NumForName: <something> not found' when connecting to a server.
- 3. The server was getting stuck on the Start Level when the 'noexit 1' was
- set. The following changes/additions have been made:
- a. Now, 'timelimit' and/or 'fraglimit' must be set, when 'noexit' is
- set to '1', or there is no way to exit the level. The server will run
- through all four episodes (shareware will only play episode 1). The End
- Level is not included, since it's not a very good Deathmatch level.
- b. There is now 'noexit 2'. This WILL allow any player to exit the
- Start level, but no one can exit any other level. You must have
- 'fraglimit' and/or 'timelimit' set to use 'noexit 2' also. Essentially
- this allows the players to choose an episode, but once the first level of
- that episode starts, they can't exit levels until the 'fraglimit' or
- 'timelimit' is reached.
- 4. End Level in Deathmatch will now advance to Start Level, once the
- 'timelimit' or 'fraglimit' is reached.
- 5. If a player is dead during a level change, they no longer keep their
- weapons/ammo, when the next level is started, they start with nothing.
- 6. Having a percent sign in a chat message will no longer page fault
- the server you are connected to.
- 7. Player's cell ammo is not carried over to the Start Level.
- 8. It is no longer possible to 'kill' secret doors. Previously this
- would cause the server to crash with a 'host_error'.
- 9. Added IPX support to Winded (Win32 Dedicated Server).
- 10. Ranking screen is centered in high resolution modes now.
- 11. Game drops to console, instead of crashing, when a net game fails to
- load. These failures are generally due to trying to connect to a server
- running a level you do not have.
- 12. Added teamplay 2. It differs from teamplay 1 in two ways. You can hurt
- teammates (and yourself) and you lose 1 frag for killing a teammate.
- 13. Fixed a hole where a fake client was able to change cvars and execute
- Quake console commands on remote servers.
- 14. 'Showscores' works in total full screen now (no menu bar at all).
- 15. Doing 'restart' or 'edict' when a server isn't running does not crash.
- 16. Fixed a lockup when multiplayer was selected, but there were no
- communications available
- 17. Spawn and respawn telefrags:
- a. When spawning (or respawning) it will now search and find any open
- start spot, not just blindly go to the next one.
- b. You will only telefrag somebody if every single spot is occupied,
- in which case the last person in gets whacked. This keeps you from
- getting right back into the rolling telefrags at the start of a level
- and gives the first players in a chance to get off of the spots.
- C. Teleporter telefrags have not been changed.
- 18. Added 'kick' by number (similar to painting by number, only much more
- fun) so people with "funny" names can be removed from the server easily.
- (Bane inadvertently assisted in testing this one ;-)
- Usage: "kick # <number>", get <number> by using the 'status'command.
- 19. After selecting a game in the 'Search for local games' list, that is
- full, Quake no longer drops back to the console, it remains on the local
- games list screen.
- 20. The modem code as been tweaked, so modem to modem play should work
- better.
- 21. 'Port number' works now, without having to run 'Quake -udpport #'.
- a. 'Port number' box on the multiplayer/join game menu works.
- b. In the multiplayer/join game menu 'connect to' box, you can type
- in the IP address followed by the port, separated by a colon.
- i.e. '' (no quotes)
- c. From the console you can type "connect", WITH THE
- QUOTES (otherwise the parser would pick up the colon as a seperator).
- ============================================================================
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- 1. Classic GUS code not initiating properly; works only after running
- something that does it right (i.e. a Gravis utility), waiting for Gravis
- to help.