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- by Sean Mustakas
- Contents
- ---------
- 1.System Requirements
- 2.Installation
- 3.Suggested Configurations/Boot Disk Info
- 4.Soundcard Setup
- 5.Support/Help
- 1.System Requirements
- ---------------------
- In order to play ABUSE, you should have at least:
- Intel 486/DX2-50 CPU or 100% Compatible
- MS DOS 5.0 or higher or Windows 95
- 8 MB RAM
- 400K Free Conventional Memory
- 13 MB Free Hard Drive Space
- 1 MB 256 Color VGA Video Card
- MS Mouse or 100% Compatible (with MS or 100% Compat. Driver)
- CD-ROM Drive (for installation to HD only)
- Network Play(2-8 Players):
- Intel 486/DX2-66 CPU or 100% Compatible
- Windows 95
- Homogenous IPX Compatible Network / Drivers
- Sound(optional):
- Soundblaster or 100% Compatible Soundboard for Digital SFX
- Roland MPU-401 General MIDI or 100% Compatible Soundboard for MIDI Music
- 2.Installation
- --------------
- To Install ABUSE -
- DOS :
- 1.Place the CD into your CD-ROM drive.
- 2.Switch to the CD's drive letter. (type "D:" or "E:" typically)
- 3.Type "Install"
- 4.Follow the on-screen prompts
- To start playing ABUSE -
- 1.Switch to the ABUSE directory.
- 2.Type "ABUSE"
- ex.
- C:
- Windows 95 :
- 1.Place CD into your disc drive.
- 2.Double Click the "My Computer" Icon.
- 3.Double Click your CD-ROM's drive letter(usually "D" or "E")
- 4.Double Click "INSTALL.EXE".
- 5.Follow the On-Screen instructions.(Must Use Keyboard in DOS Box)
- 6.Return to the "My Computer" window and Double Click the drive letter
- that you installed ABUSE on.("C" by default)
- 7.Double Click the ABUSE folder.
- 8.Double Click "ABUSE.EXE" to start the game.
- Notes -
- For a list of Game Key/Mouse Commands, simply hit the "F1" key at anytime
- during gameplay.
- The installation directory may be changed during the install, and the program
- can create the new directory for you.
- ABUSE can ONLY be played from the Hard Drive. The CD is for Installation
- Create an ABUSE.EXE shortcut on your Windows 95 desktop to start ABUSE
- quickly.
- 3.Suggested Configurations/Boot Disk Info
- -----------------------------------------
- For an 8 MB(or more) Machine -
- (Add your CD device driver here - ex. "DEVICE=C:\SCSI\ASPICD.SYS /D:ASPICD0")
- FILES=40
- (Add your MSCDEX.EXE driver here -ex."C:\DOS\MSCDEX.EXE /D:ASPICD0 /M:12 /L:E")
- C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE 2048 (add this after Install to improve performance!)
- (Add your MOUSE driver here - ex. "C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.EXE")
- C:
- NOTE -
- In the event that you can't get enough Conventional Memory to play the game,
- try loading DOS's memory manager EMM386.EXE as follows. DEVICEHIGH and LH
- statements should be added as well to free up as much memory as possible.
- The UMB statement should also be added to the "DOS=HIGH" line.
- ex.
- (Add your CD device driver here -ex."DEVICEHIGH=C:\SCSI\ASPICD.SYS /D:ASPICD0")
- FILES=40
- (Add your MSCDEX.EXE driver here -ex."LH C:\DOS\MSCDEX.EXE /D:ASPICD0 /M:12 /L:E")
- (Add your MOUSE driver here - ex. "LH C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.EXE")
- C:
- Additional NOTES -
- Your CD-ROM drivers may be removed from your configuration after a successful
- install, if desired. You should only have to do this if Low Memory becomes an
- issue.
- If you have a SCSI CD-ROM, you should also add your SCSI Adapter's driver
- above the CD Driver line.(Soundcard driven CDs should similarly load the
- Soundboard driver before the CD line.)
- ex. "DEVICE=C:\SCSI\ASPI8DOS.SYS /D /p234"
- Some Soundboards may require that you load drivers in order to function
- properly. Add them as they appear in your normal configuration. The easiest
- way to do this is to make a Boot Disk following the directions below, leaving
- in any line that seems sound related.
- If you fail to find a mouse driver in your AUTOEXEC.BAT, look in the
- CONFIG.SYS for a line that has "MOUSE.SYS" in it. This will work just as
- well, and should be loaded in the same manner to play ABUSE.
- Using the disk cache SMARTDRV.EXE can greatly improve game speed, but it can
- sometimes interfere with the installation process. We recommend the game be
- installed without SMARTDRV first, then add the cache after verification of
- a successful install(ie. run the game once first!).
- Since ABUSE uses a DOS Extender for memory management, it should run under
- a variety of different configurations. In the event your's doesn't work, we
- suggest the creation of a Boot Disk. To be safe, create a Boot Disk BEFORE
- you install the game to insure proper configuration! (Windows 95 users will
- generally Not need to make a Boot Disk.)
- To make a BOOT DISK for the game-
- 1.Put a blank floppy disk in your "A" drive.
- 2.From the "C:\" prompt, type in "FORMAT A:/S".( "SYS A:" may be used in
- place of this command if the disk is PRE FORMATTED)
- 3.After the format is complete, type in "COPY C:\CONFIG.SYS A:"
- 4.Type in "COPY C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT A:"
- 5.Type in "EDIT A:\CONFIG.SYS", then edit your file to resemble the above
- configurations as closely as possible. Put "REM" in front of any line
- that doesn't seem necessary - EX. "REM C:\WINDOWS\IFSHLP.SYS".
- 6.Save the modified file by using the editor's "FILE" menu to "SAVE" and
- then "EXIT" - use your mouse if present.
- 7.Type in "EDIT A:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" and modify this file in the same manner as
- 8.Save and exit the AUTOEXEC.BAT.
- 9.REBOOT your system, then start the game!
- If you want your Boot Disk to automatically start ABUSE for you, add these
- lines to the bottom of your AUTOEXEC.BAT:
- C:
- Of course, change these lines appropriately if you specified a different
- DRIVE and/or DIRECTORY during the install process.
- 4.Soundcard Setup
- -----------------
- The first time that ABUSE.EXE is run, the sound utility SETUP.EXE should
- run automatically as well. If you wish to change your settings or the
- sound setup screen doesn't appear, simply type "SETUP" within the ABUSE
- directory to manually start the process. Once in the setup screen, use the
- ARROW keys to highlight your selections and the ENTER key to choose them.
- Setup options for both a DIGITAL and a MIDI soundboard are present, and the
- DIGITAL(only!) card may be AUTO-DETECTED by the program. Unless you are
- certain of your particular card's settings, AUTODETECT is the way to go.
- If for any reason the detection fails, simply try the utility again (a
- different detection method will be used), and if your system locks up at
- any time during the process, reboot the system and try again. It is a good
- practice to use "TEST" to insure all devices are functioning properly.
- Once your device is set up properly, make sure to select "OK" to save
- your configuration. You may also select "CANCEL" at any time in order to
- ABORT the setup process without saving the current configuration.
- You must have a dedicated MPU-401 General MIDI sound device in order to
- hear MUSIC in the game - a Sound Blaster by itself will only play back
- Digital Sound Effects(except for the SB/AWE32 which will function properly
- as BOTH a Digital and Music source). MPU-401 compatible Daughtercards should
- work as well for MUSIC.
- Do not try to AUTODETECT a soundcard if you don't have one!
- 5.Support/Help
- --------------
- If you find yourself in need of assistance with ABUSE, please have the info
- requested below handy and use the support method of your choice. FYI, we do
- not charge for Tech Support, but long distance charges will apply normally.
- Please Have -
- our product with.
- 2.The Brand and Type of CPU that you are using.
- 3.Your Brand and Version of DOS.
- 4.Your Brand and Type of Video Board(and Driver Version # if applicable).
- 5.Your Brand and Type of Sound Board(s).
- 6.Your Brand and Type of CD-ROM (and Driver Version #s).
- 7.A list of any Error Codes encountered.
- 8.A list of any other hardware devices present on your system (any device
- settings that you can find will certainly help as well!).
- 9.A list of Network Drivers and Hardware(if applicable).
- Support -
- Origin Product Support - (512)434-HELP or (512)434-4357
- Origin FAX - (512)795-8014
- Origin BBS - (512)346-2BBS or (512)346-2227
- Internet FTP - support@origin.ea.com