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- ;; Copyright 1995 Crack dot Com, All Rights reserved
- ;; See licensing information for more details on usage rights
- (setq ant_tints (make-array 11 :initial-contents (list
- (def_tint "art/tints/ant/green.spe")
- (def_tint "art/tints/ant/blue.spe")
- (def_tint "art/tints/ant/brown.spe")
- (def_tint "art/tints/ant/egg.spe")
- (def_tint "art/tints/ant/yellow.spe")
- (def_tint "art/tints/ant/mustard.spe")
- (def_tint "art/tints/ant/orange.spe")
- (def_tint "art/tints/ant/gray.spe")
- normal_tint
- normal_tint
- normal_tint
- )))
- /*
- ------ this code has been compiled --------
- (defun no_fall_move (xm ym but)
- (move xm ym but))
- (if (not (eq (gravity) 0)) ;; if we are in the air don't check for no fall
- (move xm ym but)
- (let ((oldx (x))
- (oldy (y))
- (ret (move xm ym but)))
- (if (try_move 0 5)
- (progn
- (set_x oldx)
- (set_y oldy)
- (set_xacel 0)
- (set_state stopped)
- (set_xv 0)
- (set_gravity 0)
- 0)
- ret))))
- (defun will_fall_if_jump ()
- nil)
- (let ((dist (* (abs (get_ability jump_yvel)) (get_ability jump_xvel)))
- (oldx (x))
- (oldy (y))
- )
- (if (> (direction) 0)
- (set_x (+ (x) dist))
- (set_x (- (x) dist)))
- (if (try_move 0 5)
- (progn
- (set_x oldx)
- (set_y oldy)
- T)
- (progn
- (set_x oldx)
- (set_y oldy)
- nil))))
- ^^^^^^ this code has been compiled ^^^^^^^^
- */
- (defun strait_rocket_ai ()
- (set_course (aistate)
- (select difficulty
- ('easy 12)
- ('medium 15)
- ('hard 17)
- ('extreme 22) ))
- (set_frame_angle 0 359 (aistate))
- (let ((stat (bmove nil)))
- (if (eq stat T)
- T
- (progn
- (if (not (eq stat nil))
- (progn
- (add_object EXPLODE3 (+ (x) (random 5)) (+ (y) (random 5)) 0)
- (add_object EXPLODE2 (+ (x) (random 5)) (+ (y) (random 5)) 2)
- (add_object EXPLODE3 (- (x) (random 5)) (- (y) (random 5)) 1)
- (add_object EXPLODE3 (- (x) (random 5)) (- (y) (random 5)) 2)
- (hurt_radius (x) (+ (y) 20) 25 15 nil 10)
- )
- (let ((myself (me)))
- (with_object (add_object EG_EXPLO (x) (y)) (user_fun myself (car stat)))))
- nil))))
- (def_char STRAIT_ROCKET
- (funs (ai_fun strait_rocket_ai))
- (range 10000 10000)
- (flags (unlistable T))
- (states "art/missle.spe" (stopped (seq "b32r" 1 32))))
- (defun animate_ai () (next_picture))
- (defun eg_explo_ufun (creator block_flags)
- (set_direction (with_object creator (direction)))
- (if block_flags
- (if (or (blocked_left block_flags) (blocked_right block_flags))
- (set_state blocking))))
- (def_char EG_EXPLO
- (funs (ai_fun animate_ai)
- (user_fun eg_explo_ufun))
- (range 10000 10000)
- (flags (unlistable T))
- (states "art/missle.spe"
- (stopped (seq "bifl" 1 4))
- (blocking (seq "bilw" 1 4))))
- /*
- ------ this code has been compiled --------
- (defun alien_wait_time ()
- (select difficulty
- ('easy 6)
- ('medium 4)
- ('hard 2)
- ('extreme 1)))
- (defun can_hit_player ()
- (let ((firex (+ (x) (* (direction) 15)) )
- (firey (- (y) 15))
- (playerx (with_object (bg) (x)))
- (playery (- (with_object (bg) (y)) 15)))
- (can_see firex firey playerx playery nil)))
- (defun not_ant_congestion ()
- (if (> (direction) 0)
- (if (find_object_in_area (+ (x) 23) (- (y) 20) (+ (x) 30) (+ (y) 20) (list ANT_ROOF))
- nil
- T)
- (if (find_object_in_area (- (x) 30) (- (y) 20) (- (x) 23) (+ (y) 20) (list ANT_ROOF))
- nil
- T)))
- (defun roof_above () (not (can_see (x) (y) (x) (- (y) 120) nil)))
- (defun fire_at_player ()
- (let ((firex (+ (x) (* (direction) 15)) )
- (firey (- (y) 15))
- (playerx (+ (with_object (bg) (x)) (with_object (bg) (* (xvel) 8))))
- (playery (+ (- (with_object (bg) (y)) 15) (with_object (bg) (* (yvel) 2)))))
- (if (and (can_see (x) (y) firex firey nil) (can_see firex firey playerx playery nil))
- (progn
- (let ((angle (atan2 (- firey playery)
- (- playerx firex))))
- (fire_object (me) (aitype) firex firey angle (bg))
- (set_state weapon_fire))
- ))))
- (defun ant_dodge ()
- (if (eq need_to_dodge 1)
- (progn
- (setq need_to_dodge 0)
- (if (eq (random 2) 1)
- (progn
- (set_state stopped)
- (go_state 6)) ;; jump at player
- (if (roof_above)
- (progn
- (set_yvel -17) ;; jump up
- (set_xvel 0)
- (go_state 12))
- (progn
- (set_yvel -12) ;; long jump
- (set_xvel (* (direction) 20))
- (set_aistate 6))))
- T
- nil)))
- (defun scream_check ()
- (if (can_see (x) (y) (with_object (bg) (x)) (with_object (bg) (y)) nil)
- (progn
- (if (or (eq no_see_time 0) (> no_see_time 20))
- (play_sound ASCREAM_SND 127 (x) (y)))
- (setq no_see_time 1))
- (setq no_see_time (+ no_see_time 1))))
- (defun ant_ai ()
- (push_char 30 20)
- (if (or (eq (state) flinch_up) (eq (state) flinch_down))
- (progn (next_picture) T)
- (progn
- (select (aistate)
- (0 (set_state hanging)
- (if (eq hide_flag 0)
- (set_aistate 15)
- (set_aistate 16)))
- (15 ;; hanging on the roof waiting for the main character
- (if (next_picture) T (set_state hanging))
- (if (if (eq (total_objects) 0);; no sensor, wait for guy
- (and (< (distx) 130) (< (y) (with_object (bg) (y))))
- (not (eq (with_object (get_object 0) (aistate)) 0)))
- (progn
- (set_state fall_start) (set_direction (toward))
- (set_aistate 1))))
- (16 ;; hiding
- (set_state hiding)
- (if (if (eq (total_objects) 0);; no sensor, wait for guy
- (and (< (distx) 130) (< (y) (with_object (bg) (y))))
- (not (eq (with_object (get_object 0) (aistate)) 0)))
- (progn
- (set_state fall_start) (set_direction (toward))
- (set_aistate 1))))
- (1 ;; falling down
- (set_state falling)
- (scream_check)
- (if (blocked_down (move 0 0 0))
- (progn
- (set_state landing)
- (play_sound ALAND_SND 127 (x) (y))
- (set_aistate 9))))
- (9 ;; landing / turn around (gerneal finish animation state)
- (if (next_picture) T
- (if (try_move 0 2)
- (progn
- (set_gravity 1)
- (set_aistate 1))
- (progn (set_state stopped)
- (go_state 2))))) ;; running
- (2 ;; running
- (scream_check)
- (if (eq (random 20) 0) (setq need_to_dodge 1))
- (if (not (ant_dodge))
- (if (eq (facing) (toward))
- (progn
- (next_picture)
- (if (and (eq (random 5) 0) (< (distx) 180) (< (disty) 100) (can_hit_player))
- (progn
- (set_state weapon_fire)
- (set_aistate 8)) ;; fire at player
- (if (and (< (distx) 100) (> (distx) 10) (eq (random 5) 0))
- (set_aistate 4) ;; wait for pounce
- (if (and (> (distx) 140)
- (not_ant_congestion)
- (not (will_fall_if_jump)))
- (set_aistate 6)
- (if (> (direction) 0)
- (if (and (not_ant_congestion) (blocked_right (no_fall_move 1 0 0)))
- (set_direction -1))
- (if (and (not_ant_congestion) (blocked_left (no_fall_move -1 0 0)))
- (set_direction 1)))))))
- (progn
- (set_direction (toward))
- (set_state turn_around)
- (set_aistate 9)))))
- (4 ;; wait for pounce
- (if (ant_dodge) T
- (progn
- (set_state pounce_wait)
- (move 0 0 0)
- (if (> (state_time) (alien_wait_time))
- (progn
- (play_sound ASLASH_SND 127 (x) (y))
- (set_state stopped)
- (go_state 6))))))
- (6 ;; jump
- (setq need_to_dodge 0)
- (if (blocked_down (move (direction) -1 0))
- (progn
- (set_aistate 2))))
- (8 ;; fire at player
- (if (ant_dodge) T
- (if (eq (state) fire_wait)
- (if (next_picture)
- T
- (progn
- (fire_at_player)
- (set_state stopped)
- (set_aistate 2)))
- (set_state fire_wait))))
- (12 ;; jump to roof
- (setq need_to_dodge 0)
- (set_state jump_up)
- (set_yvel (+ (yvel) 1))
- (set_xacel 0)
- (let ((top (- (y) 31))
- (old_yvel (yvel))
- (new_top (+ (- (y) 31) (yvel))))
- (let ((y2 (car (cdr (see_dist (x) top (x) new_top)))))
- (try_move 0 (- y2 top) nil)
- (if (not (eq y2 new_top))
- (if (> old_yvel 0)
- (progn
- (set_state stopped)
- (set_aistate 2))
- (progn
- (set_state top_walk)
- (set_aistate 13)))))))
- (13 ;; roof walking
- (scream_check)
- (if (or (and (< (y) (with_object (bg) (y)))
- (< (distx) 10) (eq (random 8) 0))
- (eq need_to_dodge 1)) ;; shooting at us, fall down
- (progn
- (set_gravity 1)
- (set_state run_jump)
- (go_state 6))
- (progn
- (if (not (eq (facing) (toward))) ;; run toward player
- (set_direction (- 0 (direction))))
- (if (and (< (distx) 120) (eq (random 5) 0))
- (progn
- (set_state ceil_fire)
- (go_state 14))
- (let ((xspeed (if (> (direction) 0) (get_ability run_top_speed)
- (- 0 (get_ability run_top_speed)))))
- (if (and (can_see (x) (- (y) 31) (+ (x) xspeed) (- (y) 31) nil)
- (not (can_see (+ (x) xspeed) (- (y) 31)
- (+ (x) xspeed) (- (y) 32) nil)))
- (progn
- (set_x (+ (x) xspeed))
- (if (not (next_picture))
- (set_state top_walk)))
- (set_aistate 1)))))))
- (14 ;; cieling shoot
- (if (next_picture)
- T
- (progn
- (fire_at_player)
- (set_state top_walk)
- (set_aistate 13))))
- )))
- T)
- */
- (defun create_dead_parts (array part_num type)
- (let ((dir (direction))
- (rand (rand_on)))
- (with_object (add_object (aref array part_num) (x) (y))
- (progn (set_aitype type)
- (set_xvel (* dir (random 10)))
- (set_yvel (- 0 (random 25)))))
- (with_object (add_object (aref array (+ part_num 1)) (x) (y))
- (progn (set_aitype type)
- (set_xvel (* dir (random 10)))
- (set_yvel (- 0 (random 25)))))
- (with_object (add_object (aref array (+ part_num 2)) (x) (y))
- (progn (set_aitype type)
- (next_picture) ;; unsync the animations
- (set_xvel (* dir (random 10)))
- (set_yvel (- 0 (random 25)))))
- (with_object (add_object (aref array (+ part_num 2)) (x) (y))
- (progn (set_aitype type)
- (next_picture)
- (next_picture)
- (set_xvel (* dir (random 10)))
- (set_yvel (- 0 (random 25)))))
- (with_object (add_object (aref array (+ part_num 2)) (x) (y))
- (progn (set_aitype type)
- (next_picture)
- (next_picture)
- (next_picture)
- (set_xvel (* dir (random 10)))
- (set_yvel (- 0 (random 25)))))
- (set_rand_on rand))) ;; restore random table, in case this didn't get called because of frame panic
- (enum 'decay_part
- 'flaming_part
- 'electric_part
- 'normal_part)
- (defun get_dead_part (from)
- (if from
- (let ((type (with_object from (otype))))
- (if (or (eq type GRENADE) (eq type ROCKET) (eq type FIREBOMB))
- flaming_part
- (if (or (eq type PLASMAGUN_BULLET) (eq type LSABER_BULLET))
- electric_part
- normal_part)))
- normal_part)
- )
- (defun ant_damage (amount from hitx hity push_xvel push_yvel) ; transfer damage to lower half
- (if (and (not (eq (state) dead))
- (or (not from)
- (with_object from (if (eq (total_objects) 0)
- (not (eq (otype) ANT_ROOF))
- (with_object (get_object 0) (not (eq (otype) ANT_ROOF)))))))
- (if (not (eq (aistate) 15))
- (progn
- (if (eq (random 2) 0)
- (set_state flinch_up)
- (set_state flinch_down))
- (damage_fun amount from hitx hity push_xvel push_yvel)
- (play_sound APAIN_SND 127 (x) (y))
- (setq need_to_dodge 1)
- (if (<= (hp) 0)
- (progn
- (if (eq (aitype) 0)
- (play_sound (aref ASML_DEATH (random 2)) 127 (x) (y))
- (play_sound (aref ALRG_DEATH (random 3)) 127 (x) (y)))
- (set_state dead)
- (if (eq (random (select difficulty
- ('easy 2)
- ('medium 5)
- ('hard 8)
- ('extreme 20))) 0)
- (if (eq (random 4) 0)
- (add_object (aitype_to_ammo (+ (aitype) 1)) (x) (y)))
- (add_object (aitype_to_ammo (aitype)) (x) (y)))
- (create_dead_parts ant_dead_parts (* (get_dead_part from) 3) (aitype)))
- )))))
- (defun ant_cons ()
- (set_state hanging)
- (setq no_see_time 300))
- (defun ant_ct ()
- (select (aitype)
- (0 (set_hp 15))
- (1 (set_hp 50))
- (2 (set_hp 25))
- (3 (set_hp 35))
- (4 (set_hp 35))
- (5 (set_hp 20))
- ))
- (defun ant_draw ()
- (if (eq 0 (aitype))
- (draw)
- (draw_tint (aref ant_tints (aitype)))))
- (def_char ANT_ROOF
- (vars need_to_dodge
- no_see_time
- hide_flag)
- (fields
- ("hide_flag" ant_hide)
- ("fade_count" ai_fade)
- ("aitype" ai_type)
- ("hp" ai_health)
- ("aistate" ai_state))
- (range 250 20)
- (draw_range 40 40)
- (funs (ai_fun ant_ai)
- (draw_fun ant_draw)
- (constructor ant_cons)
- (type_change_fun ant_ct)
- (get_cache_list_fun ant_cache)
- (damage_fun ant_damage))
- (abilities (run_top_speed 7)
- (start_hp 20)
- (stop_acel 20)
- (start_acel 20)
- (jump_yvel -4)
- (jump_xvel 20)
- (push_xrange 1)
- (jump_top_speed 20))
- (flags (hurtable T)
- (force_health T))
- (states "art/ant.spe"
- (hanging (rep "ant" 2))
- (fall_start "affc0001.pcx")
- (falling "affc0002.pcx")
- (stopped "awlk0001.pcx")
- (running (seq "awlk" 1 10))
- (landing (seq "acff" 1 4))
- (pounce_wait "acff0001.pcx")
- (turn_around (seq "atrn" 1 5))
- (run_jump "dive")
- (run_jump_fall "dive")
- (start_run_jump "dive")
- (fire_wait (seq "wait" 1 3))
- (ceil_fire (seq "cfire" 1 3))
- (top_walk (seq "awkc" 1 10))
- (flinch_up (rep "afh10001.pcx" 2))
- (flinch_down (rep "afh20001.pcx" 2))
- (blown_back_dead "adib0009.pcx")
- (jump_up "ajmp.pcx")
- (hiding "hidden")
- (dead "hidden")
- (weapon_fire (seq "asht" 2 5))))
- (def_char HIDDEN_ANT
- (funs (ai_fun ant_ai)
- (draw_fun dev_draw))
- (flags (unlistable T))
- (vars need_to_dodge
- no_see_time
- hide_flag)
- (states "art/ant.spe" (stopped "hidden")))
- (defun crack_ai ()
- (if (eq (aistate) 0)
- (if (if (eq (total_objects) 0)
- (and (< (distx) 50) (< (disty) 70))
- (with_object (get_object 0) (not (eq (aistate) 0))))
- (set_aistate 1))
- (select (current_frame)
- (4 nil)
- (3
- (let ((d (direction))
- (type (aitype)))
- (if (or (eq create_total 0) (eq create_total 1))
- (set_current_frame 4)
- (progn
- (setq create_total (- create_total 1))
- (set_current_frame 0)))
- (with_object (add_object_after ANT_ROOF (+ (x) (* (direction) 20)) (y))
- (progn
- (set_aitype type)
- (set_direction d)
- (set_xvel (* d 20))
- (set_state run_jump)
- (set_aistate 6)))
- ))
- (0 (next_picture))
- (1 (next_picture))
- (2 (next_picture))))
- T)
- (defun crack_cons ()
- (setq create_total 1)
- (set_aitype 1))
- (def_char ANT_CRACK
- (funs (ai_fun crack_ai)
- (draw_fun ant_draw)
- (get_cache_list_fun ant_cache)
- (constructor crack_cons))
- (range 250 0)
- (vars create_total)
- (fields ("create_total" ant_total)
- ("aitype" ant_type))
- (states "art/ant.spe"
- (stopped (seq "aisw" 2 6))))
- (defun head_ai ()
- (select (aistate)
- (0 ;; falling
- (next_picture)
- (set_yvel (+ (yvel) 3))
- (bounce_move T T T '(progn (set_state dieing) (set_aistate 1)) T)
- (or (< (state_time) 15)
- (not (frame_panic))))
- (1 ;; hit the ground
- nil)
- ))
- (setq ant_dead_parts (make-array (* 3 4) :initial-contents
- '((AD_1 "adbn") (AD_2 "adha") (AD_3 "adla") ; disapear
- (AD_4 "adaf") (AD_5 "adah") (AD_6 "adlf") ; flaming
- (AD_7 "adbe") (AD_8 "adhe") (AD_9 "adle") ; electrical
- (AD_10 "adan") (AD_11 "adhn") (AD_12 "adln")))) ; normal
- (defun ant_cache (type) ;; cache in the ant (from crack) and the dead body parts and the ant tints
- (list
- (list ANT_ROOF AD_1 AD_2 AD_3 AD_4 AD_5 AD_6 AD_7 AD_8 AD_9 AD_10 AD_11 AD_12)
- (list (aref ant_tints 0) (aref ant_tints 1) (aref ant_tints 2) (aref ant_tints 3)
- (aref ant_tints 4) (aref ant_tints 5) (aref ant_tints 6) (aref ant_tints 7))))
- (defun make_dead_part (sym base frames filename draw)
- (eval `(def_char ,sym
- (range 100 100)
- (funs (ai_fun head_ai)
- (draw_fun ,draw))
- (flags (unlistable T)
- (add_front T))
- (states filename
- (stopped (seq base 1 ,frames))))))
- (do ((i 0 (setq i (+ i 1))))
- ((>= i 12) nil)
- (setq (aref ant_dead_parts i)
- (make_dead_part (car (aref ant_dead_parts i))
- (car (cdr (aref ant_dead_parts i))) 4 "art/ant.spe" 'ant_draw)))
- (setq load_warn nil)
- (if (not (load "register/ant.lsp"))
- (setq load_warn T)