2 This program is required for GLQuake versions 0.92 (GLQ3_11.ZIP) and 0.93 (GLQ3_28.ZIP). It patches the GLQUAKE.EXE file so the status bar is displayed correctly on PowerVR cards. Newer versions of GLQuake do not require this patch.\n\nContinue?
3 ERROR: Can't open the file GLQUAKE.EXE. Make sure you are running this program from your Quake directory and that you have installed the GLQUAKE.EXE file from the GLQuake distribution archive.
4 GLQuake has already had the status bar patch applied to it.
5 Can't find the code to patch. It appears that this is not version 0.92 or 0.93 of GLQuake.
6 Patch completed. The status bar should now display correctly.