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- rem ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- rem ║ Macro Definition File For:Joint Strike Fighter_______________________ ║
- rem ║ ║
- rem ║ Created By:Innerloop Technologies _____________Date:11.08.97___ ║
- rem ║ ║
- rem ║ Load this file when creating a macro definition file for your flight ║
- rem ║ simulator. Remember, there is a 400 line limit to M50 files! ║
- rem ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- ~╔═════════════════╗
- ~╚═════════════════╝
- EngineStart = |
- ThrottleUp = -
- ThrottleDown = =
- MinThrottle = 1
- MaxThrottle = 0
- CruiseThrottle = 9
- AfterburnerOff = 0
- AfterburnerOn = LCTL 0
- TrimLeft = (LCTL RCTL LAROW)
- TrimRight = (RCTL RCTL RAROW)
- TrimDowm = (LCTL RCTL DAROW)
- IncTarget = TAB
- Chaff = c
- Flares = z
- RadarOnOff = r
- Autopilot = a
- AutoThrottle = m
- Flaps = f
- LookLeft = KP7
- LookRight = KP9
- LookBack = KP8
- LookFront = F2
- Brake = b
- MatchTarget = m
- RudderLeft = ,
- RudderRight = .
- RadarZoomOut = x
- RadarZoomIn = LCTL x
- ToggleATA = ENT
- ToggleATG = BSP
- FireWeapon = SPC
- FireCannon = LCTL SPC
- HMDSLS = s
- HMDNAV = n
- Hatch = h
- MFDControl = KP1
- MFDStatus = KP2
- MFDInfo = KP3
- MFDAttack = KP4
- MFDStrategic = KP5
- MFDOffensive = KP6
- ~╔═════════════════╗
- ~╚═════════════════╝
- GearUpDown = g
- FlapsUpDown = f
- WheelBrakesOnOff = b
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~╔══════════════╗
- ~╚══════════════╝
- SwitchViews =
- CockpitView =
- LookFront =
- LookFront&Left =
- LookFront&Right =
- LookFront&Up =
- LookUp =
- LookBack =
- LookBack&Left =
- LookBack&Right =
- LookBack&Up =
- LookLeft =
- LookLeft&Up =
- LookRight =
- LookRight&Up =
- LookDown =
- OutsideView =
- View Front =
- ViewBack =
- ViewLeftSide =
- ViewRightSide =
- ViewBottom =
- ViewTop =
- ChaseView =
- TrackView =
- SatelliteView =
- GroundView =
- TargetView =
- WeaponsView =
- PadlockView =
- FreeFloatingView =
- RotateViewLeft =
- RotateViewRight =
- RotateViewUp =
- RotateViewDown =
- ZoomViewIn =
- ZoomViewOut =
- HighDetailView =
- MedDetailView =
- LowDetailView =
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~╔═══════════════╗
- ~╚═══════════════╝
- AutoPilot =
- AirBrakeOnOff =
- DiveBreakOnOff =
- LeftRudder =
- RightRudder =
- YawLeft =
- YawRight =
- PitchUp =
- PitchDown =
- StickTrimUp =
- StickTrimDown =
- AutoTrim =
- JettisonFuel =
- JettisonStores =
- JettisonAll =
- ~
- ~╔════════════╗
- ~╚════════════╝
- HUDOnOff =
- HUDModeCycle =
- HUDAirToAir =
- HUDAirToGround =
- HUDColor =
- HUDContrast =
- ~
- ~
- ~╔══════════════╗
- ~╚══════════════╝
- RadarOnOff =
- RadarModeCycle =
- AirRadar =
- GroundRadar =
- SelectNextTarget =
- LockTarget =
- BreakLock =
- IFFCheck =
- IncreaseRange =
- DecreaseRange =
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~╔════════════════╗
- ~╚════════════════╝
- FireGuns =
- UnjamGuns =
- AirToAirWeapons =
- CycleAAWeapons =
- ArmAAWeapon =
- DisarmAAWeapon =
- AirToGroundWeapons =
- CycleAGWeapons =
- ArmAGWeapon =
- DisarmAGWeapon =
- PickleWeapon =
- DropBomb =
- FireWeapon =
- GunCameraOnOff =
- ~╔═══════════════╗
- ~╚═══════════════╝
- Chaff =
- Flares =
- ChaffAndFlares =
- ECMOnOff =
- ~╔══════════╗
- ~╚══════════╝
- NAVModeOnOff =
- DisplayWaypoints =
- CycleWaypoints =
- NextWaypoint =
- PrevWaypoint =
- ILSOnOff =
- MapDisplay =
- ~
- ~
- ~╔══════════════╗
- ~╚══════════════╝
- rem NOTE: You must use either analog throttle or digital throttle, but not
- rem both. Some flight sims support both methods of throttle control. The
- rem following information should help you to decide which method to choose.
- rem
- rem In order to use analog throttle with the FLCS, simply delete any
- rem reference to 'THR' in your B50 file. Digital throttle is specified as
- rem follows:
- rem
- @DigitalThrottle = THR a b c d [e f g h i]
- rem
- rem The '@DigitalThrottle' macroname should be used with flight simulators
- rem which use characters generated from the keyboard to control throttle
- rem response. Flight sims which use digital throttle fall into one of two
- rem categories - they either use a certain character (usually '=' or '+') to
- rem increase throttle and another character (usually '-') to decrease
- rem throttle, or they use a set of sequential characters (usually '1' thru
- rem '9') to increase and decrease throttle. Which type of flight sim you
- rem have dictates whether you specify a '1' or '2' after the 'THR' parameter
- rem shown above. Flight sims which use continuous keypresses of a single
- rem character to increase or decrease throttle should be specified as
- rem 'THR 1' and sims which use sequential characters require 'THR 2'.
- rem The remaining parameters (b thru i) are used as follows:
- rem
- rem b = number of throttle steps to reach full throttle
- rem c = number of afterburner steps (use '0' if none)
- rem d = throttle increase character (THR 1) or sequence of characters
- rem from min-max throttle if THR 2
- rem e = throttle decrease character, if THR 1, or sequence of
- rem characters used in afterburner, if THR 2
- rem
- rem The remaining arguments [f g h i] only apply to THR 1 simulations:
- rem
- rem f = character that enters afterburner
- rem g = character that exits afterburner
- rem h = character that increases afterburner
- rem i = character that decreases afterburner
- rem
- rem
- @StandardViews1 = BTN H1U a BTN H1R b BTN H1D c BTN H1L d BTN H1M e
- rem
- rem The @StandardViews1 macroname can be used to assign keys for the
- rem different positions of the hat 1 switch on your FLCS. In order to use
- rem the @StandardViews1 macro in your .B50 file, you must replace the
- rem letters a,b,c,d, and e above with the proper keypress designations from
- rem your flight simulation. Similar macros can also be created for hat
- rem switches 2 thru 4.
- ~╔═════════════╗
- ~╚═════════════╝
- Eject =
- PullRipCord =