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- ANTAGONY - by Triniti Software
- ------------------------------
- What you have here is a demo of a game called ANTAGONY, developped by Triniti
- Software. It is now possible to order the game directly by Triniti Software,
- by filling the order form in the file ORDER.FRM.
- Requirements
- ────────────
- This game runs on a 386 33mHz with 4 megabytes RAM or better. On a 386 33mHz
- system, you will need a good VGA graphic card (a good one means not OAK!).
- Sound Blaster cards or compatible are supported. a minimum of 580k (594000
- bytes) of conventionnal memory are required. Since the game runs in protected
- mode, you must remove the EMM386 driver (or QEMM, or any low-level driver in
- protected mode) from your CONFIG.SYS file.
- A better alternative is to make a boot disk. Each time you'll want to play,
- reboot your computer with the boot disk inserted in your drive A:. After that,
- go in your game directory (ex.: C:\ANTAGONY) and start the game normally.
- To do a boot disk, insert a non-formatted disk in your A: drive, and type at
- the dos prompt "FORMAT A: /S [Enter]". For more information on boot disk,
- refer to your DOS manual.
- Sound
- ─────
- If you own a Sound Blaster or compatible sound card, it will be possible for
- you to hear musik and sound effects during the game. But first, you have to
- specify that to the game. At the dos prompt (ex.: C:\ANTAGONY>) type
- "SETUP [Enter]". Choose then between "Sound Blaster and Compatible" and
- "No sound" by pressing ENTER. Choosing "Sound Blaster and Compatible" will
- offer new choices. First, choose "Autodetect". This option may crash on some
- system. If it occurs, reset or reboot your computer and read the paragraph
- below. If the option works, you will see your SB settings automatically
- detected. Then choose "Save settings and Exit".
- In the (really bad) case the autodetect operation don't work on your system,
- you'll have to enter by yourself the three settings (port, irq, dma). Choose
- each of them by pressing enter, and choose the correct setting (ex.: for port,
- you can choose 220,230,240,250 or 260). When all is done, choose "Save set-
- tings and Exit".
- Speed
- ─────
- During a combat, you can change the speed of the game by pressing the keys "-"
- or "+" on the regular keyboard (not on the keypad). The range is from exage-
- rately slow to exagerately fast (fast only on good system!!!)
- The controls
- ────────────
- To control the fighters, you will have the choice between Keyboard 1,
- keyboard 2, joystick 1 and joystick 2. Here the keys for both keyboards:
- Keyboard 1 Keyboard 2
- ────────── ──────────
- 8 Y
- \ │ / \ │ /
- 4 ──┼── 6 G ──┼── J
- / │ \ / │ \
- 2 N
- Now, here the buttons for each control:
- Control │ Punch Kick
- ───────────┼──────────────────────
- Keyboard 1 │ Enter Right shift
- Keyboard 2 │ Z X
- Joystick 1 │ Button 1 Button 2
- Joystick 2 │ Button 1 Button 2
- What you get in this demo version
- ─────────────────────────────────
- In the demo, only two warriors are present: Kouo and Mondai. Both mode --
- "Tournament" and Human VS Computer -- are available. It means that you can
- play with up to 7 of your friend in a tournament, but each of them will only
- have the choice between Kouo and Mondai. Only one background is present.
- What you will have in the commercial version
- ────────────────────────────────────────────
- In the commercial version, All seven warriors are there and, in addition, two
- extra warriors to fight with, if you can beat all 6 other warriors! 9 back-
- grounds are also included. All that for only 20$CAN !...
- The menu
- ────────
- The menu is the first part you see of the game, and is composed of 4 sub-
- parts:
- -Main menu
- Choose which of the 3 other sub-parts (Human VS computer,
- tournament or options) you want to access or quit to dos
- -Options
- Here, you can choose the control of both players (keyboard 1,
- keyboard 2, joystick 1, joystick 2, none). You can choose too how
- much time a combat will last (no time, 33,66 or 99 seconds) and
- finally which kind of force bar will be used in tournament
- (independant or dependant)
- -Human VS computer
- In this mode, one player will fight against 6 other warriors fol-
- lowed, if necessary, by 2 extra guys. First choose if you want to
- be the player 1 or 2 (which control you want) by going up or down
- press enter to confirm your choice (you will see the animations).
- by going right or left, you can choose your fighter. Unfortu-
- nately, you can't play in "Human VS computer" mode in the demo
- version.
- -Tournament
- In this mode, up to 8 players fight in a tournament. If you
- choose an odd number of fighter, the computer will enter the tour-
- nament as a warrior. To choose a warrior, go right or left.
- Press ENTER to confirm the choice. Do that for all of your
- player. Finally go down on "Fight" and press ENTER to begin the
- tournament. When you'll se the tournament board, the upper
- fighter will be controlled by control 1 and the other one by the
- control 2.
- Note: If only 2 warriors has been chosen, a question (fight
- again?) will be asked at the end of each combat. So that it will
- be possible to fight head to head as long as you want.
- The fights
- ──────────
- The combat screen is a bit classical. In upper center, there's the number of
- remaining seconds to combat. If you chose "No time", then the counter will
- always be at 00. The force bar (dragon tongues) represent the remaining power
- of each fighter. The energy will be independant (each player has his own
- energy) if the tongues are distinct. However, if they are dependant (there's
- a knot between two tongues), each time a warrior lose a certain amount of
- energy, this energy will be transfered to the other's one. The advantage of
- this type of force bar is that a combat can last a lot more time. This kind
- of force bar is only available in tournament mode, and not in Human VS
- Computer mode. The left warrior is controlled by control 1 and the right one,
- by the control 2.
- During the fights, each fighter can execute some movements and special moves.
- Below are listed those moves, for each warrior:
- Kouo
- ────
- Backward jump Up+backward
- Backward walk Backward
- Bend Down
- Down block Down+punch
- Forward jump Up+forward
- Forward walk Forward
- Kick in abdomen Kick
- Kick in knee Forward+down+kick
- Jump Up
- Leg sweep Backward+down+kick
- Punch Punch
- Upper block Backward+punch
- Uppercut Forward+down+punch
- Knee/elbow combination Backward,forward,backward
- Plait knock Forward+punch
- Mondai
- ──────
- Backward jump Up+backward
- Backward walk Backward
- Bend Down
- Blade transformation Up,down,backward,forward,forward
- Cut hand Punch
- Down block Down+punch
- Down punch Down+forward+punch
- Forward jump Up+forward
- Forward walk Forward
- Kick in abdomen Kick
- Kick in knee Forward+down+punch
- Jump Up
- Leg sweep Backward+down+kick
- Prayer Down+backward,down+backward,up+forward,up+forward
- Upper block Backward+punch
- Turned kick Backward+kick