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- GLQuake Drivers for Voodoo Graphics Based 3D Accelerators
- Preliminary Release 2
- Copyright ( 1997 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. )
- All Rights Reserved
- 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.
- www: www.3dfx.com
- news: news.3dfx.com
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOTE: GLQuake requires DirectX 2.0 or DirectX 3.0
- (Needed for DirectSound support)
- DirectX 2.0 or DirectX 3.0 can be installed from the media provided
- with your Voodoo Based 3D Accelerator.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Release Notes for GLQuake Preliminary Release 2 (Quake Version 1.07)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- What's in the distribution?
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This distribution contains GLQuake Drivers for Voodoo Graphics Based 3D
- Accelerators. These drivers were tested on the following boards:
- - Diamond Monster 3D
- - Orchid Righteous 3D
- - 3Dfx Interactive reference boards
- NOTE: The enclosed drivers are not meant to replace any Direct3D or
- Glide drivers provided by your Voodoo Graphics card manufacturer.
- Please obtain supported drivers from:
- - Diamond supported drivers can be obtained from www.diamondmm.com
- - Orchid supported drivers can be obtained from www.orchid.com
- Included Files
- --------------
- OPENGL32.DLL - QuakeGL Interface to Voodoo Graphics
- FXMEMMAP.VXD - Voodoo Graphics VXD
- GLQUAKE.EXE - ID Software provided GLQUAKE.EXE
- README.TXT - ID Software provided README.TXT
- READ3DFX.TXT - This File
- All enclosed files MUST reside in your Quake directory and not in the
- Windows\SYSTEM directory.
- OEMSR2 users: Do NOT replace OPENGL32.DLL located in your
- Windows\SYSTEM directory.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Installation
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Requirements
- ------------
- - Voodoo Graphics Based 3D Accelerator
- - Windows 95
- - A PC with a Pentium 90 or higher CPU
- - 16MB of RAM
- - 2D Video card set at 16 bit or higher color
- Installation
- ------------
- Adding GLQuake Driver Support
- -----------------------------
- 1) Install the FULL Version (Not the Shareware version!) of Quake.
- 2) Copy the GLQUAKE.EXE and other associated files from the GLQuake
- ZIP file to your Quake Directory. (Use Windows Explorer)
- 3) Copy the enclosed OPENGL32.DLL file to your Quake Directory.
- (Use Windows Explorer) NOTE: DO NOT COPY OPENGL32.DLL to your
- Windows\SYSTEM directory
- 4) Create a Desktop Shortcut for GLQuake: Using the right mouse button
- drag the GLQUAKE.EXE file from Windows Explorer to the Desktop.
- When prompted choose "Create Shortcut"
- 5) Create an autoexec.cfg file in the ID1\ directory of your quake
- installation if you do not already have one. Add the line
- gl_playermip "2"
- to the file.
- 6) Start GLQuake by running the shortcut.
- Troubleshooting and Frequently Asked Questions
- ----------------------------------------------
- 1. Will GLQuake work with shareware Quake?
- No, the full registered version of Quake is required.
- 2. Do I need any other drivers to run GLQuake on Voodoo Graphics?
- Just make sure that the FXMEMMAP.VXD file is in your Windows\SYSTEM
- directory and that DirectX 2.0, DirectX 3.0 or DirectX 3.0a are
- installed as GLQuake uses DirectSound. The latest version of DirectX
- can be obtained from:
- http://www.microsoft.com/mediadev/download/isdk.htm
- 3. I installed GLQuake and try to run the GLQUAKE.EXE file but I get a
- "no RGB fullscreen modes available" How do I get GLQuake to run?
- Make sure that your 2D video card is set to 16bit color (65K colors,
- not 16 colors). In addition, do not start GLQuake from a full screen
- MS-DOS prompt.
- 4. GLQuake comes up for a little while then drops me back to the
- Windows 95 desktop, what's wrong?
- Your Virtual Memory settings on your system should be increased. Open
- Control Panel, System - click on the Performance tab and then click on
- Virtual Memory. Adjust the settings so that the minimum swap file size
- is 80MB. You may also want to delete all the mesh files - do this by
- deleting the quake\ID1\glquake directory.
- 5. Why does GLQuake try to connect to my Internet connection whenever
- it starts?
- GLQuake uses Windows networking. Auto-Dial is likely enabled in your
- Internet Control Panel or in Internet Explorer Options. Single
- Player users: To disable Network use in GLQuake and prevent the
- network connection screen from coming up, add "-nolan" to the
- GLQUAKE.EXE command line, example:
- GLQUAKE.EXE -nolan
- 6. I have a three button mouse, but I can't use or set the middle
- button in GLQuake, what's wrong?
- To use a three button mouse with GLQuake, your Windows mouse driver
- must support three buttons. Use the Logitech PS/2, Serial or Bus
- driver instead of the Microsoft or Standard PS/2, Serial or Bus driver.
- Also, make certain that your Mouse control panel sets the middle button
- to "middle" and not "double click".
- 7. Mouse input seems jumpy, how do I fix that?
- From the console (hit the ~ tilde key), enter m_filter 1 <enter>
- This option can be added to the AUTOEXEC.CFG file (in the \ID1
- directory). You may also add this option to the GLQUAKE.EXE command
- line, example:
- GLQUAKE.EXE +m_filter 1
- 8. While playing GLQuake the sound stutters, how do I fix it?
- If your sound card does not support DirectSound, you may encounter
- stuttering sound during game play. Try adding the following value to
- the CONFIG.CFG file (in the quake\ID1 directory):
- _snd_mixahead ".14"
- 9. When I hit ALT-TAB or the Windows start button to switch to another
- application why do I return to a 640x480 display?
- GLQuake by default needs to keep the 2D display at 640x480 while it is
- running. To return the display to your normal setting you must exit
- GLQuake. To prevent this, add the following to the GLQUAKE.EXE command
- line options "+_windowed_mouse 1" and "-window" example:
- GLQUAKE.EXE +_windowed_mouse 1 -window
- 10. GLQuake multiplayer can't find other games or won't connect.
- GLQuake uses Windows 95 Networking. Verify that the correct networking
- components are installed and that you can connect to the other machine
- using File and print sharing or TCP/IP ping. If you are using IPX also
- make certain that the frame type is the same on all the systems.
- 11. GLQuake multiplayer slows down alot, how do I fix it?
- Add gl_playermip 2 to the AUTOEXEC.CFG file (in the \ID1 directory)
- You may however add "+gl_playermip 2" to the GLQUAKE.EXE command line,
- example:
- GLQUAKE.EXE +gl_playermip 2
- 12. Does the Activision(r) Scourge of Armagon add-on (Mission Pack 1)
- work with GLQuake?
- Yes, start GLQUAKE.EXE with a "-hipnotic" switch. Example:
- GLQUAKE.EXE -hipnotic
- 13. Do other 3rd party quake levels work with GLQuake?
- Not all 3rd party levels have been tested, some may not work properly
- or optimally.
- 14. Will GLQuake use a Voodoo Graphics accelerator under Windows NT?
- The 3Dfx GLQuake drivers currently only work under Windows 95.
- 15. After installing GLQuake the OpenGL screen savers in Windows 95
- (OEMSR2) don't work. What's wrong?
- The OpenGL Windows 95 screen savers in OEMSR2 will fail if you copied
- the OPENGL32.DLL file that comes with GLQuake to your Windows\SYSTEM
- directory. The 3Dfx OPENGL32.DLL file only works with Quake. It will
- not run with other OpenGL applications. If you copied the 3Dfx
- OPENGL32.DLL to your Windows\SYSTEM directory and need to restore the
- Microsoft provided OPENGL32.DLL, follow these steps:
- OEMSR2 Users
- ------------
- 1) Insert your Windows 95 CD into your CD-ROM drive
- 2) Open a MS-DOS prompt, (Click Start, Programs, MS-DOS Prompt)
- 3) Switch to the Windows\SYSTEM directory, ie:
- C: <enter>
- CD\Windows\system <enter>
- 4) At the command prompt, enter:
- EXTRACT /A E:\WIN95 opengl32.dll <enter>
- (Substitute E:\ for your CD-ROM drive letter)
- Standard Windows 95 Users
- -------------------------
- 1) Download and reinstall OpenGL for Windows 95 from the source
- you previously used.
- 16. How do I get support for GLQuake
- GLQuake is currently unsupported. You may however find answers to
- questions on various Quake dedicated websites. 3Dfx provides a GLQuake
- newsgroup on news.3dfx.com (Newsgroup name is 3dfx.games.glquake ) to
- discuss GLQuake with other users. 3Dfx also provides a regularly
- updated GLQuake FAQ at: http://www.3dfx.com/game_dev/quake_faq.html
- 16. How do I send a bug report?
- If your problem is not resolved in this document or our updated FAQ
- (please see #15) and your bug is related to visual quality, performance
- or stability send an email to quake_bugs@3dfx.com - Describe your
- system configuration (CPU Type, CPU Speed, 2D Video Card type, Amount
- of Memory, Virtual Memory Size..etc.) and how to recreate the bug.
- Voodoo Graphics is a trademark of 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. All other
- trademarks are the property of their respective owners.