PC/CD Gamer UK 45
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' Windows Script Host Sample Script
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Copyright (C) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
' You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute
' the Sample Application Files (and/or any modified version) in any way
' you find useful, provided that you agree that Microsoft has no warranty,
' obligations or liability for any Sample Application Files.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------
'This script adds and deletes users from the Windows NT DS
'via OLE DS. The script reads an EXCEL workbook that contains a page
'of users to add and a page of users to delete.
'The sample uses the directory root "LDAP://C=US/O=ArcadiaBay"
'Change the dirctory path in the EXCEL spreadsheet to match your DS
'before running this sample.
'We have provided a VB SCript (makeod.ds) that creates an OU.
'To bootstrap the demo, use makeou.vbs to create an ou.
'To add users, run ADD-USERS.VBS with %windir%\system32\wsamples\AddUsers.XLS.
'To Delete users, run ADD-USERS.VBS with %windir%\system32\wsamples\DelUsers.XLS.
Dim oXL
Dim u
Dim c
Dim root
Dim ou
Dim TextXL
dim oArgs
'Get the command line args
set oArgs=wscript.arguments
CRLF = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
'If no command line arguments provided, prompt for file containing users to add/delete
If oArgs.Count = 0 Then
TextXL = InputBox("This scripts reads an Excel spread sheet and adds/deletes " & _
"users from the Windows NT DS via OLE DS." & CRLF & CRLF & _
"Before starting, change the DS root in the EXCEL spreadsheet to match " & _
"your DS and run the MAKEOU.VBS script to create an OU." & CRLF & CRLF & _
"Type in the path of a file containing users to add or delete" & CRLF & CRLF & _
"Sample Add User file: ADDUSERS.XLS" & CRLF & _
"Sample Delete User file: DELUSERS.XLS" & CRLF)
'Else file containing users is the first argument
TextXL = oArgs.item(0)
End If
If TextXL = "" Then
WScript.Echo "No input file provided. stopping script now."
End If
'We will use ou to control loop, so set initial value to null
ou = ""
'Start EXCEL and display it to the user
Set oXL = WScript.CreateObject("EXCEL.application")
oXL.Visible = True
'Open the workbook passed in the command line
oXL.workbooks.open TextXL
'Activate the Add page
'Put the cursor in the starting cell and read the DS root
oXL.ActiveSheet.range("A2").Activate ' this cell has the DS root in it
'Show it to the user
'WScript.Echo oXL.activecell.Value
'This is the starting point in the ds
root = oXL.activecell.Value
'Step to the next row
oXL.activecell.offset(1, 0).Activate
'Until we run out of rows
Do While oXL.activecell.Value <> ""
'if the requested OU is a new one...
If oXL.activecell.Value <> ou Then
'Pick up the OU name...
ou = oXL.activecell.Value
'Compose the OLE DS path...
s = "LDAP://" + root + "/" + ou
'Show it to the user...
WScript.Echo s
'And get the object
Set c = WScript.GetObject(s)
End If
'Compose the user common name name from first and last names...
uname = "CN=" + oXL.activecell.offset(0, 1).Value + " " + oXL.activecell.offset(0, 2).Value
'Create the new user object...
Set u = c.Create("user", uname)
'Set the properties of the new user
u.Put "givenName", oXL.activecell.offset(0, 1).Value 'givenName
u.Put "sn", oXL.activecell.offset(0, 2).Value 'sn
u.Put "mail", oXL.activecell.offset(0, 3).Value 'Email
u.Put "sAMAccountName", oXL.activecell.offset(0, 4).Value 'Sam Acct
u.Put "telephoneNumber", oXL.activecell.offset(0, 5).Value 'Phone
'Enable the account, must change pw @ logon
u.Put "User-Account-Control",16
'...and update the DS
'Done with this object, discard it
Set u = Nothing
'Step to the next user...
oXL.activecell.offset(1, 0).Activate 'Next row
'Now do deletes
'Activate the Delete page
'Set the cell cursor to the DS root
oXL.ActiveSheet.range("A2").Activate ' this cell has the DS root in it
'Show it to the user
'WScript.Echo oXL.activecell.Value
root = oXL.activecell.Value
oXL.activecell.offset(1, 0).Activate
'Until we run out of rows...
Do While oXL.activecell.Value <> ""
'If the requested OU is different
If oXL.activecell.Value <> ou Then
ou = oXL.activecell.Value
'Compose the new ou path...
s = "LDAP://" + root + "/" + ou
'Show it to the user
'WScript.Echo s
'Get the new container
Set c = WScript.GetObject(s)
End If
'Compose the user name
uname = "CN=" + oXL.activecell.offset(0, 1).Value + " " + oXL.activecell.offset(0, 2).Value
'Delete the user
Call c.Delete("user", uname)
oXL.activecell.offset(1, 0).Activate ' next row
'Done. close excel spreadsheet