PC/CD Gamer UK 45
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Text File
427 lines
<HTML id=dlgFind STYLE="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt';
width: '32.7em'; height: '11em'">
<TITLE id=dialogTitle>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" defer>
// This section contains code to be moved into a GLOBAL MODULE outside
// of this particular dialog.
// This section contains variables that need to be LOCALIZED
// This section contains code LOCAL to this particular dilaog.
// Synopsis: Opens the help file with the appropriate helpid
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function callHelp()
var L_NoHelp_Text = "No help topic available.";
var elm = window.event.srcElement;
if (null != elm.helpid)
if ("btnCancel" != elm.id)
window.showHelp("iexplore.hlp", parseInt(elm.helpid));
// BUGBUG (19759) Once we get help for cancel, this
// function will have to change.
} // callHelp
// Synopsis: Closes the dialog doing nothing.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function btnCancelClick()
} // btnCancelClick
// Synopsis: Checks the status of the appropriate checkboxes and
// sets the flags for the rangeFromText method.
// Arguments: none
// returns: a number representing the flags for the rangeFromText
// method. (See OM spec for more info.)
function findFlags()
var htmlMatchWord = 2;
var htmlMatchCase = 4;
return (htmlMatchWord * document.all.chkWholeWord.checked)
| (htmlMatchCase * document.all.chkMatchCase.checked)
} // findFlags
// Synopsis: Three steps:
// 1. Make sure there's something to find.
// 2. Determine the direction and how far to search.
// 3. Find and select the text.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function btnFindClick()
var L_FinishedDocument_Text = "Finished searching the document.";
var docSearch = window.dialogArgs.document; // The document we're
// searching
var intDirection; // What direction to search and
// how far to search
var rngCurrent = docSearch.selection.createRange(); // The current
// selection in
// the document
var rngWorking = docSearch.body.createTextRange(); // The range we're
// going to search
var rngFoundText; // The found text
var fFoundText = false; // If the text has already been found
// If the current selection == the text in txtFindText,
// we've found the text at least once. (At least we can
// act as if we have.)
if ((docSearch.selection.type == "Text") ||
(docSearch.selection.type == "None"))
fFoundText = (rngCurrent.text.toLowerCase()
== txtFindText.value.toLowerCase());
// rngWorking starts as the entire body, and is then narrowed
// down by the 'set direction' code.
// Set direction
if (radDirection[0].checked) // Search backwards
// set range to search
if (!fFoundText)
// Search from the end of the current selection
// to the beginning of document
rngWorking.end = rngCurrent.end;
// Search from the end of the current selection
// minus 1 so we don't find the text we just found
rngWorking.end = rngCurrent.end - 1;
intDirection = rngWorking.start - rngWorking.end // Should
// be negative or 0
else // Search forwards
// set range to search
if (!fFoundText)
// Search from start of the current selection to the end
// of document
rngWorking.start = rngCurrent.start;
// Search from the start of the current selection plus
// one so we don't find the text we just found
rngWorking.start = rngCurrent.start + 1;
intDirection = rngWorking.end - rngWorking.start // Should
// be positive or 0
// Here's where we do the dirty work (step 3) ...
rngFoundText = docSearch.rangeFromText(txtFindText.value,
intDirection, findFlags(), rngWorking);
if (null == rngFoundText) // Text was not found
else // Text was found
} // btnFindClick
// Synopsis: Looks for the ENTER and ESC keypresses and runs the
// appropriate action.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function defaultActions()
var htmlKeyReturn = 13;
var htmlKeyEscape = 27;
if ((event.keyCode) == htmlKeyReturn) // Enter
if (!btnFind.disabled)
else if ((event.keyCode) == htmlKeyEscape) // Esc
} // defaultActions
// Synopsis: Disables or enables the find button depending in
// whether there is text in txtFindText.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function setFindState()
if ("" == txtFindText.value)
btnFind.disabled = true;
btnFind.disabled = false;
} // setFindState
// Synopsis: Sets the focus to the find button. Also determines
// whether something is selected in the document.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function loadBdy()
var docSearch = window.dialogArgs.document;
var rng = docSearch.selection.createRange();
// EXPANDO PROPERTIES. This will save hours debugging
// accidentally created expando properties.
document.expando = false;
// Bind events to controls
btnFind.onclick = new Function("btnFindClick()");
btnCancel.onclick = new Function("btnCancelClick()");
document.onhelp = new Function("callHelp()");
document.onkeypress = new Function("defaultActions()");
txtFindText.onkeyup = new Function("setFindState()");
txtFindText.onfocus = new Function("txtFindText.select()");
// If the selection is less than 16 characters, populate
// txtFind with the selection
if ("Text" == docSearch.selection.type)
if (16 > rng.text.length)
txtFindText.value = rng.text;
} // loadBdy
<BODY ID=bdy onLoad="loadBdy()" style="font-family: 'ms sans serif';
font-size: '8pt'; background: buttonface;" topmargin=0>
<BUTTON id=btnFind ACCESSKEY=f DISABLED=1 tabIndex=55
style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; position: absolute;
LEFT: '24.4em'; TOP: '1em';
WIDTH: '6.8em'; HEIGHT: '2.1em'">
<U>F</U>ind Next
<INPUT type=text id=txtFindText ACCESSKEY=n tabIndex=15 helpid="0x3068"
style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; position: absolute;
LEFT: '6.1em'; TOP: '1em';
WIDTH: '17.5em'; HEIGHT: '2.1em'">
<DIV align=absMiddle
style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; position: absolute;
LEFT: '1em'; TOP: '1.3em';
WIDTH: '8em'; HEIGHT: '1.1em'">
<LABEL FOR=txtFindText ID=lblFindText tabIndex=-1 helpid="0x3068">
Fi<U>n</U>d what:
BUGBUG (#19759) waiting for helpid for the cancel button
<BUTTON id=btnCancel tabIndex=60 helpid="0x0000"
style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; position: absolute;
LEFT: '24.4em'; TOP: '3.5em';
WIDTH: '6.8em'; HEIGHT: '2.1em'">
<INPUT id=chkWholeWord ACCESSKEY=w type=checkbox tabIndex=25 helpid="0x3063"
style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; position: absolute;
LEFT: '1em'; TOP: '4.5em';
WIDTH: '1em'; HEIGHT: '1em'">
<INPUT ACCESSKEY=c type=checkbox tabIndex=35 helpid="0x3064"
id=chkMatchCase style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt';
position: absolute;LEFT: '1em';
TOP: '6.3em'; WIDTH: '1em'; HEIGHT: '1em'">
style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; position: absolute;
LEFT: '2.9em'; TOP: '4.5em';
WIDTH: '12em'; HEIGHT: '1em'">
<LABEL FOR=chkWholeWord ID=lblWholeWord tabIndex=-1 helpid="0x3063">
Match <U>w</U>hole word only
<DIV style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; position: absolute;
LEFT: '2.9em'; TOP: '6.3em';
WIDTH: '6em'; HEIGHT: '1.1em'">
<LABEL FOR=chkMatchCase ID=lblMatchCase tabIndex=-1 helpid="0x3064">
Match <U>c</U>ase
<TABLE cellspacing cellPadding=7 borderColorDark=buttonhighlight
borderColorLight=buttonshadow noshade="yes" border=1
style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; position: absolute;
LEFT: '14em'; TOP: '4.5em';
WIDTH:'9.5em'; HEIGHT: '3em'">
<TD style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; width: '6.4em';
height: '2em';">
<DIV style="color: buttonface">a</DIV>
<INPUT id=radDirectionUp type=radio name=radDirection ACCESSKEY=u
tabIndex=42 helpid="0x3065"
style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; position: absolute;
top: '5.7em'; left: '15em'; width: '1em'; height: '1em';">
<DIV style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt';
position: absolute;top: '5.7em'; left: '16.5em'; width: '2em';
height: '2em';">
<LABEL style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'"
FOR=radDirectionUp ID=lblDirectionUp
tabIndex=45 helpid="0x3065"> <U>U</U>p </LABEL>
<INPUT id=radDirectionDown type=radio CHECKED name=radDirection
ACCESSKEY=d tabIndex=47 helpid="0x3066"
style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; position: absolute;
top: '5.7em'; left: '18.5em'; width: '1em'; height: '1em';">
<DIV style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt';
position: absolute;top: '5.7em'; left: '20em'; width: '3em';
height: '2em';">
<LABEL style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'"
FOR=radDirectionDown helpid="0x3066"
ID=lblDirectionDown tabIndex=50> <U>D</U>own </LABEL>
<DIV style="font-family: 'ms sans serif'; font-size: '8pt'; position: absolute;
background: buttonface;
HEIGHT: '1em'; LEFT: '14.7em'; TOP: '4.1em'; WIDTH: '4.1em'">
<LABEL id=lblDirection> Direction </LABEL>