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- Z.A.R.
- Playable Demo Version
- ! 3D-Action, DOS/WINDOWS 95 !
- README, March 10'1997
- ____________________________________________________________________
- Copyright (R) 1997 Maddox Games Ltd., Auric Vision Ltd.
- All rights reserved.
- ____________________________________________________________________
- This document contains important information specific
- to the Z.A.R. Playable Demo Version
- ____________________________________________________________________
- !!!!! IMPORTANT NOTES !!!!!
- The game Z.A.R. is based on HiRend(TM) technology.
- HiRend(TM) technology is owned by Maddox Games Ltd.
- All Rights Reserved.
- !!!!! IMPORTANT NOTES !!!!!
- ____________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________
- License Agreement
- System Requirements
- About The Game
- Sound Setup
- SimulEyes(tm) VR device support
- Video Modes
- Start The Game
- News
- Contacting Info
- ____________________________________________________________________
- License Agreement
- ____________________________________________________________________
- By copying or using this Z.A.R. Playable Demo Version, you indicate
- your agreement to the terms of this license agreement. If you do not
- agree to the terms herein, you are not authorized to copy or use the
- Playable Demo Version.
- The Z.A.R. Playable Demo Version, including any images, animations,
- audio and text incorporated in the Playable Demo Version, is owned
- by Maddox Games Ltd. or its suppliers and is protected by copyright
- laws and international treaty provisions. Except to the extent
- expressly licensed herein, all rights are reserved to Maddox Games
- Ltd. and its suppliers. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or
- disassemble the Playable Demo Version.
- Limited Warranty and Limitation of remedies:
- NO WARRANTIES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,
- Maddox Games Ltd. expressly disclaims any warranty for the Z.A.R.
- Playable Demo Version. The Playable Demo Version and any related
- documentation is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
- either express or implied, including, without limitation, the
- implied warranties of the merchant or fitness for a particular
- purpose. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the
- Playable Demo Version remains with you.
- To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall
- Maddox Games Ltd. be liable for any damages whatsoever (including,
- without limitation, damages for loss of business profit, business
- interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary
- loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this Maddox Games
- Ltd. product, even if Maddox Games Ltd. has been advised of the
- possibility of such damages. Because some states/jurisdictions do
- not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential
- or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
- ____________________________________________________________________
- System Requirements
- ____________________________________________________________________
- To play Z.A.R. Playable Demo Version, you'll need at least:
- * 486DX100 or better CPU.
- * Local bus VGA video, 256-color display
- * 8 megabytes of RAM.
- * 40 megabytes of free space on Hard Drive
- * Microsoft Windows 95 operating system
- OR MS-DOS operating system version 5.0 or later
- Z.A.R. Playable Demo Version also supports:
- * Pentium(R) processor with MMX(TM) techology.
- * Various sound cards.
- * Mouse.
- * SimulEyes(TM) VR device.
- Recommended configuration:
- * Pentium-120 or faster computer
- * 16 MB of RAM (more is better)
- * Sound Blaster or 100% compatible sound card
- * Mouse and keyboard controls
- Best configuration:
- * Pentium(R) processor with MMX(TM) techology
- * 32 MB of RAM
- * Sound Blaster 16 / AWE32
- * Mouse and keyboard controls
- ____________________________________________________________________
- About The Game
- ____________________________________________________________________
- Z.A.R. is Zone of Artificial Resources. It is used by humans as a
- base for mastering distant space - production factories which
- manufacture space rockets, robots, artificial satellites and other
- "iron" for expansion to other galaxies, controlled by computer
- network. As you've probably already guessed, where there is the
- network, there is the failure of the computer system. If you had
- thought so, you are completely right. The computer's ability to
- error has made Z.A.R. like a death producing factory. Humans have
- decided to return Z.A.R. and have transmitted the spaceship with the
- Hermit (player) onboard with a limited supply of arms.
- In the full version of Z.A.R You can:
- - fight on ground and under water.
- - fight at day and night.
- - fight alone or with army of robots.
- - blow up everything around, even terrain.
- - rip over 40 types of enemies.
- - jump up to 30 m.
- - shoot with 10 unimaginable weapons,
- - win in 33 missions,
- - play with through serial, modem and network (up to 16 players).
- - hear incredible sound effects and music.
- - see state of the art pre-rendered 3D world with movies.
- - be involved in dangerous conspiracy.
- You have a chance to have incredible quality 3D real time rendering
- graphics if your computer is powered by Pentium(R) processor with
- MMX(TM) technology.
- The full version supports several VR devices, such as SimulEyes VR,
- VFX1, I-Glasses!, 3D-MAX.
- ____________________________________________________________________
- Sound Setup
- ____________________________________________________________________
- We use Miles Sound System for playing sound effects in Z.A.R..
- (Miles Sound System (c) 1991-1996 by RAD Game Tools, Inc.)
- Don't forget to set sound when playing Z.A.R. first time.
- To set sound you must:
- 1. Switch to the drive where the game is installed
- 2. Switch to the subdirectory where the game is installed
- 3. Type SETSOUND.
- 4. Use menu structure to select and configure your sound card.
- Note: if you have a sound card, but you still can't hear sound,
- locate following line in file ZAR.CFG (placed in subdirectory
- where the game is installed):
- Sound Disable 1
- and replace it with following line:
- Sound Disable 0
- ____________________________________________________________________
- SimulEyes(TM) VR device support
- ____________________________________________________________________
- To enable stereo mode when using SimulEyes(TM) VR device, you must
- locate following line in file ZAR.CFG (placed in subdirectory where
- the game is installed):
- VR System NONE
- and replace it with following line:
- VR System SimulEyes
- Note: Pentium-133 or better strongly requested when playing in stereo
- mode.
- ____________________________________________________________________
- Video Modes
- ____________________________________________________________________
- Z.A.R. Playable Demo Version supports 11 video modes (from 320x200
- to 360x480).
- In addition, VESA 2.0 256-color linear framebuffer modes are
- supported (up to 800x600).
- Note: some video cards require a vesa driver to be loaded to play
- the game. We recommend the Display Doctor drivers available from
- SciTech Software at http://www.scitechsoft.com.
- ____________________________________________________________________
- Start The Game
- ____________________________________________________________________
- To play Z.A.R.:
- 1. Switch to the drive where the game is installed
- 2. Switch to the subdirectory where the game is installed
- 3. Type GO and press <Enter>
- or, if you have Pentium(R) processor with MMX(TM) technology:
- Type GOMMX and press <Enter>
- 4. Enjoy!
- ____________________________________________________________________
- Contacting Info
- ____________________________________________________________________
- Visit our web site:
- http://www.auricvision.com
- OR
- http://www.auricnet.com
- Internet Mail:
- maddox@auricvision.com
- zar@auricvision.com
- ____________________________________________________________________
- Copyright (c) 1997 Maddox Games Ltd., Auric Vision Ltd.
- All rights reserved.
- All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
- ____________________________________________________________________
- Thank You For Playing Z.A.R.