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- Sam & Max Hit the Road
- Just type "samdemo". A menu of nifty-keen options will pop up
- on your screen. If you haven't played Sam and Max Hit the Road
- before, you should choose the "Configure Sound Boards" option from
- the menu. Once you're done, select the "Play Sam n Max Demo" option,
- and you're on your way.
- This demo requires about 1 Megabytes of RAM to run smoothly. While your
- machine may have RAM, many programs, such as RAM drives or hard disk caches,
- will use part of memory. It is also possible that other programs that are
- pre-loaded into your memory will conflict with our software. If you are
- having difficulty running the demo, you might try solving the problem by
- making a "Boot Disk." BOOTMKR is a program included that will create a
- Boot Disk for you.
- A Boot Disk is essentially a floppy disk that, when inserted in your "A"
- drive before startup, will load only the software necessary to play the
- Sam & Max demo. BOOTMKR requires a clean floppy disk that it may re-
- format and erase, so be sure to acquire a clean disk before making your
- boot disk. To run BOOTMKR, switch to your CD drive and, at the DOS
- prompt, type BOOTMKR. Simply follow the instructions and voila! Your
- new boot disk ready for use.
- If you are having problems with BOOTMKR, you may create your
- boot disk by following these instructions:
- How to make a basic BOOT Disk to run a CD-based game
- Note: In all of the following sections, read an underscore
- ( _ ) as a space.
- First, you will need to format a floppy disk and make it
- bootable.
- 1) Insert a new, unformatted floppy disk into your A:
- drive.
- 2) At your "C:\" prompt, type:
- format_A:_/s <enter>
- This will format the floppy disk and tell the operating
- system that this disk can be booted from.
- 3) At your C:\ prompt, type:
- dir_A: <enter>
- A list of files on the newly formatted floppy disk will
- appear. Look for a file called COMMAND.COM. If you do not
- find one, you will need to copy it to the floppy from your
- hard drive by typing at the C: prompt:
- copy_command.com_A: <enter>
- If you get an error message that the copy command
- cannot find COMMAND.COM, it might be because the file has
- been moved to your DOS directory. Copy it from there by
- typing:
- copy_dos\command.com_A: <enter>
- , Now you need to tell the boot floppy how to talk to your CD
- drive.
- The system gets this information from two files:
- CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. You will need to create these
- two files on your boot floppy, using the two versions on
- your hard drive as reference.
- 4) At your C:\ prompt, type:
- copy_config.sys_a: <enter>
- copy_autoexec.bat_a: <enter>
- This will copy the two files from your hard drive to
- the floppy disk.
- 5) At your C:\ prompt, type:
- a: <enter>
- This changes your current drive from your C: drive to
- your A: drive. Your C:\ prompt should change to A:\.
- IMPORTANT! Verify that your prompt has changed to A:\. We
- will be modifying your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files on
- the floppy disk. If you fail to change drives first, you
- will change the files on your hard disk instead and may make
- your hard disk unbootable.
- 6) At your A:\ prompt, type:
- edit_config.sys <enter>
- You will now find the DOS text editor, which you may
- use to modify the CONFIG.SYS file. Move your cursor around
- the file with the arrow keys. You can insert text at the
- cursor location by simply typing it, or delete the character
- currently over the cursor by pressing the <delete> key.
- 7) On your floppy disk, delete non-essential lines from
- the CONFIG.SYS file by moving the cursor to the beginning of
- the line and pressing delete several times. Keep any lines
- relating you your CD drive and sound card. Unfortunately,
- exactly what lines you will need to keep will vary slightly
- depending on what hardware you have installed in your
- machine. When you are done, your file should look something
- like this:
- BUFFERS = 20
- FILES = 20
- The above example is for a computer set up for an NEC
- CD-ROM drive with a Sound Blaster Pro sound card. For your
- setup, the lines in italics may be completely different, and
- there may be more or fewer lines. Look for and keep lines
- that list your CD-drive's name, sound card's name, or "CD"
- in them somewhere.
- 8) Hold down the <alt> key and press F. then press the X
- key. This will allow you to save your changes and exit the
- text editor.
- 9) At your A:\ prompt, type:
- edit_autoexec.bat<enter>
- You will be entered into the DOS text editor, where you
- can modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- 10) On your floppy disk, delete non-essential lines from
- the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Keep any lines referring to your
- sound card, CD drive or mouse. Again, exactly what lines you will
- need to keep will vary slightly depending on what hardware
- you have installed in your machine. When you are done, your
- file should look something like this:
- Again, the lines in italics may vary greatly from those
- shown, depending on your particular hardware and how it is
- configured. Other lines may vary slightly.
- 11) Save your changes and exit the text editor as before.
- 12) Try out your boot disk.
- You can now cold boot your computer with this disk in your
- A: drive. To cold boot, take all disks out of disk drives.
- Manually turn off the computer using the main switch. Wait
- for the machine to stop running. Put the boot disk into the
- A: drive. Switch on the machine.
- If your boot disk does not work you may have deleted lines
- necessary for your particular system. Remove the boot
- floppy, boot from your hard disk and repeat the process. If
- you have questions, refer to your sound card and CD-ROM
- manuals or contact their technical support departments.
- Note: A boot disk does not affect your hard drive in any permanent way.
- To get your hard drive back to its normal state, simply restart your
- computer without inserting the boot disk.
- The CD-ROM demo of Sam & Max Hit the Road will not run under Windows.
- Turn it off. Don't use it.
- This demonstration of Sam & Max Hit the Road is not designed
- to save games. While playing the demo, please DO NOT
- attempt to save your game.
- The volume controls are as follows:
- [ or ] -- Lowers or raises the volume of the music.
- { or } -- Lowers or raises the volume of the sound effects.
- ; or ' -- Lowers or raises the volume of the voices.
- In order to hear sound and music during the game, you'll have to tell
- the game about your sound card. You can do this by typing "playdemo"
- and choosing "Configure Sound Boards" from the main menu.
- If your game starts and no sound or music is heard, either you don't
- have a sound card we currently support, or you have not configured the
- game properly. If everything seems to be configured properly, check
- your volume level and your speaker connections.
- A majority of all sound problems encountered in a game have to do
- with hardware communications. This means that either 1) your game
- thinks your hardware is configured in some way other than it really
- is, or 2) your sound card itself is depending on either a PORT, an
- IRQ number, or a DMA channel which is being used by something else
- in your system. Unfortunately, hardware configuration problems are
- not always obvious. Your game may appear to play music and sound
- effects just fine, and then, at some unexpected moment, the sound
- may stop, or the game may "lock up." This is often not the fault
- of the game, but a hardware conflict that didn't occur until the
- game used the hardware in a particular way. Finally -- and this is
- extremely important -- just because Game A works with your
- configuration and Game B doesn't, does not necessarily mean the
- problem is in Game B. It may be that Game B uses capabilites of the
- hardware that Game A doesn't, and is therefore more likely to run
- into problems with the hardware configuration.
- If you don't know how to resolve a sound card problem, first consult
- the documentation provided with your sound card. Often sound card
- manufacturers provide diagnostic programs with their cards.
- If you are still encountering difficulties, see the Technical Support
- section below.
- Technical Support
- If you are having any technical difficulties with this product,
- please phone the technical support department. If you have a
- technical problem, we recommend that you are sitting in front of
- your computer when you call so that we will be able to assist you
- more quickly. It is also helpful to have a list of your machine's
- current hardware and software configurations.
- Phone - (415) 721-3333 - M-Th:30am - 6:00pm, F:8:30am - 5:00pm, Pacific Time
- Fax - (415) 721-3482 - 24 hours
- BBS - (415) 257-3070 - 24 hours - NOT a message base. For file download ONLY.
- Mail - LucasArts Entertainment Co.
- P.O. Box 10307
- San Rafael, CA 94912
- Hints
- If you require hints for our games, please call our hintline at
- 1-900-740-JEDI. Callers must be over the age of 18 or have
- parents permission when they call. Each call costs $.75 per minute.
- On Line
- LucasArts Entertainment BBS
- (415) 257-3070t8N1, ANSI 016 lines, 24 hours, 7 days a week
- Demos, Patches, On-line technical support
- Compuserve
- Send mail to 75300, 454
- Game Publisher's Forum A
- GEnie
- Sen mail to "LucasArts"
- Games RoundTable Category 27
- (M805)
- America Online
- Keyword "Lucas"
- Internet E-Mail
- send mail to "75300.454@COMPUSERVE.COM"
- If you would like information about our other games or would
- like a catalog of our products, please call us at 1-800-STARWARS.