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- GP2JAM - Grand Prix 2 JAM to BMP Converter
- Copyright (c) 1996 Trevor Kellaway (100331.2330@compuserve.com)
- V2.0 28th Sep 1996
- Please read this file as it contains lots of useful tips. Make sure you read
- it before sending me any E-mail questions!
- If you have a web browser why not have a look at the GP2JAM.HTM contained in
- this distribution rather than this dull ASCII file!
- Introduction
- ------------
- Grand Prix 2 (GP2) from Microprose stores its image files in a unique format,
- these files have the extension '.JAM' (referred to as 'JAM' files).
- GP2JAM is a DOS program which converts GP2 JAM files to .BMP files and back
- again. You will find these images in the X:\GP2\GAMEJAMS\ directory and sub-
- directories on your hard disk (or CD-ROM drive), where X: is the drive letter
- where you installed the game or your CD-ROM drive letter.
- GP2JAM supports virtually all the JAM files (~200!). For example you can
- convert from a WILLIAMS.JAM file to a WILLIAMS.BMP. You can now use your
- favourite bitmap editor to modify the image and save it. Next you would
- convert the WILLIAMS.BMP back to WILLIAMS.JAM.
- Note: You must have installed GP2 in either Medium or Full install mode for
- the modified JAM files to appear in the game. Minimum install mode will not
- work (even though it does actually copy the JAM files to your hard disk it
- doesn't seem to read them!).
- Installation
- ------------
- This distribution should include the following files:
- GP2JAM.TXT A text version of the help file.
- GP2JAM.HTM An HTML version of the help file.
- GP2JAM.EXE The converter program.
- 32RTM.EXE 32-bit DOS extender (not reqd. for WFW/W95/NT), only DOS.
- DPMI32VM.OVL 32-bit DOS extender (not reqd. for WFW/W95/NT), only DOS.
- Copy GP2JAM.EXE to any directory on your hard disk, I recommend that you
- create a new directory (say 'C:\JAM'), you can then keep all your updated JAMs
- and BMPs there without cluttering up the game directories (this also allows
- you to reinstall the game without losing your images). If you are running
- under straight DOS (not WFW/W95/NT) then you will need to copy 32RTM.EXE and
- DPMI32VM.OVL to the same directory as GP2JAM.EXE.
- Quick Start
- -----------
- Here is a quick tutorial on how to start painting the Williams.
- Change directory to where you put GP2JAM.EXE ('C:\JAM'). Convert the Williams
- JAM file to a bitmap by typing the following at a DOS command prompt:
- This should create a WILLIAMS.BMP in the current directory (Note: If the game
- is stored on a different drive then add the appropriate drive letter at the
- front of the filename).
- Now startup your favourite bitmap editor (Paint Shop Pro is a good one, much
- better than Windows/W95 Paintbrush) and load the WILLIAMS.BMP. You should see
- a picture of the different panels of the car. Paint the car and then save
- the WILLIAMS.BMP again.
- Now back at the DOS prompt convert the file back to a JAM:
- That should be it. Startup GP2 and admire your work!
- Important
- ---------
- All of the JAM files have a unique identity (ID) encoded in them so you can't
- copy a WILLIAMS.JAM over the top of say a BENETTON.JAM, you will get a
- transparent (invisible) car! GP2JAM will always display the actual JAM ID when
- converting to help you identify which file you are manipulating, this only
- becomes useful if you start renaming the JAM files in your directory (don't
- rename the games JAM files!).
- Usage
- -----
- GP2JAM [-h?v] [-y] [-bFILENAME.BMP] [-jFILENAME.JAM]
- -h|-? Display this usage message.
- -v Display the version number & contact information.
- -i Display information about conversion process.
- -jFNAME.JAM Set the JAM filename to be 'FNAME.JAM'.
- -bFNAME.BMP Set the BMP filename to be 'FNAME.BMP'.
- -y Automatically answer all questions with 'Yes'.
- When converting from a JAM to BMP you need only specify the JAM filename:
- This will automatically create a WILLIAMS.BMP (based on the JAM ID), if the
- WILLIAMS.BMP file already exists you will be asked if you wish to overwrite
- it. You can turn off these prompts by using the '-y' option which will
- automatically respond 'Yes' to all prompts.
- If you wanted to use a different bitmap filename specify it after the JAM
- filename:
- To convert back from a BMP to a JAM file you must specify both filenames and
- the BMP filename must be first:
- This will update the existing WILLIAMS.JAM file (Note: the '-y' option was
- present to automatically respond to the overwrite prompt).
- Note: The destination JAM file *must* already exist, GP2JAM only updates the
- original JAM file from BMP, it never actually creates the JAM file.
- You can display the usage message by starting GP2JAM either with no command
- line options, or use either '-?', or '-h'.
- To find out which version of GP2JAM you have use the '-v' option, this also
- displays the author's E-mail address and web site URL.
- You can obtain a list of the all the JAM files supported by GP2JAM by using
- the '-f' option.
- Bitmaps and Palettes
- --------------------
- When you first convert an original game JAM file GP2JAM may display the
- following warning:
- 'Warning: The image contains unique colours which can't be mapped to GP2JAM's
- standard palette, these will be mapped to the nearest colour available.'
- Don't worry about this, GP2JAM uses a different fixed palette to that of the
- images in the game and maps the game colours to the nearest available ones in
- its palette. When you perform a later update of an image you've edited
- previously you won't get this warning.
- When saving the BMP image don't change the colour depth (256) or change the
- image size.
- You can use any of the colours from the fixed palette but *don't* change the
- palette as this is fixed by the game and the BMP just contains a copy
- (changing the palette won't have any effect in the game). Make sure you save
- the bitmap RGB encoded (not RLE or OS/2 encoded).
- Don't over paint the background (dull green) colour or move any of the image
- parts. A good way to paint large areas is to use the selective colour eraser
- tool which is available in most good painting packages.
- Car Images
- ----------
- For the cars the BMP has several small rectangles which are all one colour,
- these are the suspension arms. The car images also have a graduated set of
- rectangles in the top left hand side of the images, don't modify these as they
- are used to shade the car tyres when the car is viewed from a far distance.
- In the game some cars have high noses and some low noses, this information is
- hard coded within GP2.EXE and not in the JAM files so you can't modify this
- (I'll write a utility for this later). The internal cockpit colours (when viewed
- from the driving position) are also hard coded in GP2.EXE. A utility for
- modifying the cockpit colours is meant to be available on the Web but I
- haven't checked it out.
- The car numbers displayed in the game text screens (rather than the ones on
- the cars) also are hard coded within GP2.EXE, again a utility to modify these
- is available on the Web.
- Note: When painting the car numbers you will notice there are two copies for
- both the front and rear wings. You must ensure that you place a copy of the
- lower number actually on the car as well as GP2 when it is running sometimes
- will use the image painted on the car rather than over paint it with the copy.
- Helmets
- -------
- The helmets are all stored in one file called HELMETS1.JAM. You will need to
- use the zoom option of you paint program as each helmet image is fairly small.
- Note: Don't paint over the graduated colours on the far left of the image,
- these are used to colour the helmet when it is viewed from a far distance.
- Adverts / Billboards
- --------------------
- There are two main files which contain the adverts, ADVERTS1.JAM and
- ADVERTS2.JAM. Each of these files contains a number of sub-images for
- different adverts. The game uses a fixed method of displaying these adverts at
- each track. The two files above are used at all the tracks, in addition to
- these though each track sub-directory (of \GP2\GAMEJAMS, e.g., PORJAMS for
- Portugal) has a file like POR_AD1.JAM (look for the _AD1 in the name) and
- these contain track specific images.
- Special Images - E.g., Pit Crew
- -------------------------------
- There are a number of special images which appear to be painted in strange
- colours, the pit crew for instance.
- A good example is the flag marshall images (FLAGS1.JAM, FLAGCHEQ.JAM), these
- all appear to have a blue flag. When the game runs it knows about this range
- of blue palette entries and maps these to the desired colour, normally this
- will be yellow or green for use when a crash occurs. You *must* not change
- these special colours, you can paint other parts of the image though you
- shouldn't use the special colour (blue in this case) anywhere on the image as
- this will also change colour!
- The pit crew are another special case. These are almost all totally updated by
- the game when it runs from fixed colours hard coded in GP2.EXE. I'm sure a
- utility to update these colours in GP2.EXE will be released at some stage.
- Circuit Specific Images
- -----------------------
- Within the \GP2\GAMEJAMS directory there are is a sub-directory for each
- track, within these directories are circuit specific images which include
- adverts, buildings and scenery. Be careful not to mix these files up with
- those in the main directory or another track sub-directory as many of these
- have duplicate names.
- Known Problems
- --------------
- GP2JAM has been tested with the European GP2 V1.0b and works fine in VGA and
- There are a few JAM image filenames which GP2JAM can't uniquely identify, it
- will display these as "????????".
- GP2JAM doesn't support the RCR*.JAM files, these are only images of cars and
- wouldn't be suitable for modifying anyway.
- Pre-painted Car Sets / Images
- -----------------------------
- Please *don't* send me the results of your painting, I'll get swamped with
- file E-mails otherwise! I won't be producing any car sets (I just write the
- converter, I never actually use it!), but some good ones are available on the
- web.
- Checkout Dave Gymer's web site:
- http://www.gamesdomain.co.uk/dgymer/f1gp/
- ftp://www.gamesdomain.co.uk/pub/users/dgymer/f1gp/
- Another good site is Pieter's Grand Prix 2 Home Page:
- http://cervino.vol.it/GP2/
- Note: The JAM files don't compress at all, so if possible when creating a car
- set include the BMP files as they do compress (I recommend you create a
- JAMS.ZIP and a BMP.ZIP then the downloader can choose which one to download,
- the BMP.ZIP will be much smaller than the JAMS.ZIP).
- History
- -------
- V1.0 18th Aug 1996 Initial version.
- Only supports car JAM files.
- V2.0 28th Sep 1996 All JAM files now supported.
- E-mail / Further Info
- ---------------------
- Please send any suggestions, comments, or bug reports (include the version of
- GP2JAM you are using and your Operating System details [DOS,WFW,W95,O/S2,NT])
- to the author Trevor Kellaway at:
- CompuServe: [100331,2330]
- Internet: 100331.2330@compuserve.com
- The current version of GP2JAM will always be available on my web page along
- with the current version of this help file.
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/tkellaway/
- It should also be available on CompuServe in GO SPRTSIMS, Lib #14 (Racing
- Circuits) as GP2JAM.ZIP.
- This program may be freely copied and distributed, as long as it is not
- modified in any way, no fee is charged and this file is always included. This
- program is provided "as is" with no warranties expressed or implied. The
- author will not be held responsible for any losses incurred, either directly
- or indirectly by the use of this program.
- This is *not* an Microprose product. If you have problems with the game then
- try it without using this program.
- The author has no connection with Geoff Crammond or Microprose.
- <<End of document>>