430 {Spirit} This woman SPIRIT can do nothing to stop the ceremony. Proceed.
480 {Spirit} How dare you interfere baking woman!
10005 {Your inventory is full}
10006 That name is already registered. Please type in a unique game name.
10007 Harvest Of Souls was unable to launch your internet web browser. You will have to do it manually. The URL for our web site is:\n\nhttp: //www.sierra.com/games/shivers2/\n\nCopy this URL into your browser and enjoy.
10009 There are too many names in the guest register. You need to delete a name before you can create a new game.
10010 Your game
10011 has not yet been saved. Would you like to save this game before exiting?
10012 Please insert Harvest Of Souls CD#1 into your CD-ROM drive
10013 \n\nClick OK after your busy light has stopped.
10014 Please insert Harvest Of Souls CD#2 into your CD-ROM drive
10015 \n\nClick OK after your busy light has stopped.
10016 You have altered the Sound Performance variable. This option is for those who are experiencing stuttering or skipping sounds. By modifying it you will experience side effects such as sound latency.
10017 To have this change take affect, you will need to quit the game and restart. Are you sure you want to modify this varaible?
10018 Please insert Harvest Of Souls CD#2 into your CD-ROM drive
10019 \n\nClick OK after your busy light has stopped.
10020 Harvest of Souls
11000 Was I Even There
11001 Faucet's running...Lights all on...You don't notice...That I'm gone.
11002 Gone the footsteps...And gone the sighs...Gone the smiles...Gone the lies.
11003 Don't you care...That you're alone...When you awaken...Safe at home?
11004 Don't you see...If no one cares...They won't know...When you're not there.
11005 Was I even there?...Did I take up space?...Will you remember who I was...When another takes my place?
11006 Family photos...Gather dust...Favorite trinkets...Start to rust.
11007 Faces fade...Into the past...These memories were...Suppose to last.
11008 Pictures of...A happier time...Before the hate...Before the crime.
11009 Pictures prove...That I was there...So tell me why...Nobody cares?
11010 Warm Place To Hide
11011 Silent bird...Guilded cage.
11012 Scared to voice...Fear and rage.
11013 Feathers clipped...Hands are tied.
11014 Need a warm place to hide...Need a warm place to hide.
11015 Searing words, the pen of flame...Torch the truth, torch the shame.
11016 Who's to help or who's to blame...Turn it on, burn the pain.
11017 Spell It Out
11018 Had a dream ONE night...And I didn't look TWICE. Mother Goose stole the canes from the THREE blind mice.
11019 Well, the FOUR corners lie...In a FIVE alarm fire...And SIX feet under is my heart's desire. The SEVEN deadly sins ATE a hole in them all...And a cat may have NINE lives.
11020 But I watched TEN little Indians fall...TEN little Indians fall...TEN little Indians fall.
11021 You'll get OVER me, baby...When you're UNDER the gun...Whatever's LEFT over...You'll know I'm RIGHT for once.
11022 Instead of giving UP...Don't let it get you DOWN...You and two is FORWARD...I'll be BACK on the ground.
11023 I'm HERE when you need me...and THERE when you want it...and I may be wearing OUT.
11024 But I watched...Ten little INdians fall...Ten little INdians fall...Ten little INdians fall.
11025 Set 'em up...Just to knock them down...You may think you're too cool for words.
11026 But let me spell it out...Let me spell it out...Let me spell it.
11027 Move Without Thought
11028 People enter...Don't come out...Never a scream...Never a shout...Just disappear...Into the night...No wonder then...We're full of fright.
11029 But something keeps...Me coming back...In spite of fear...Of sudden attack...I feel the draw...Of the canyon dark...Where shadows dance...And lightning sparks.
11030 My feet move without thought...To the cliffs so sharp and steep.
11031 My will has no defense...Against these urgings dark and deep...Against these urgings dark and deep.
11032 And I need to know...What secrets this hell mouth keeps.
11033 If I descend, will I ever see...Will I see the light of day?...Will I see the light again?
11034 Know Your Enemy
11035 Every moment that you might steal...Lonely places can reveal.
11036 The only way to win at this little game now...Is to know your enemy and to trust who you can.
11037 There's evil, there's madness behind those baby blues...He's pulling all the strings, he knows just what to do.
11038 There's no time to worry and no place to hide...If you don't watch out, you'll end up taking your last caddy ride.
11039 I know, I say, I know.
11040 Ianyi
11041 From the dark of a furnished room...You surface like a missing person.
11042 Cover your eyes...Block out the sun...To live in the shadow...For so long.
11043 Breath of life, Ianyi...Read like a myth.
11044 You run and hide...Won't save your life...Run and hide.
11045 From the heat of the desert sun...She rises like a mirage.
11046 Cannot trust your eyes...Look away...A book on a shelf...A book on a shelf...'Til she's gone...A book on a shelf.
11047 The breath of life, Iyani...Read like a myth.
11048 Turn it on and burn the pain!
11049 Candycane Dragon
11050 Momma said, Don't run with scissors.
11051 Momma said, Don't play with razors.
11052 Talk to the Candycane Dragon...
11053 If you're looking for the answers.
11054 Get a Grip
11055 If you look out your window...You can see a real good deal.
11056 But it even gets better babe...When you're under the window sill.
11057 No you don't need a crowbar now...Just some real strong fingertips.
11058 You'll get a pleasant surprise...If you can only, GET A GRIP.
11059 My momma told me, momma, momma...My momma told me...To get a grip.
11060 My momma said to pick the very best one and YOU ARE IT!
11061 Alone Inside
11062 There is a place she guards she feels she's all alone inside.
11063 One day she lost her soul, now this place she calls her home.
11064 It's quiet, it's haunting, there's a howl from the wind...Although no one likes it here, they're dying trying to get in.
11065 Offer her a flower and place it just right...One by one there are ten to touch so touch them left to right.
11066 Watch out, she says. Watch out, she says.
11067 I'm watching out for you.
11068 I know, I say. I know.
11069 Spell It Out (hypnosis)
11070 Had a dream ONE night...And I didn't look TWICE...Mother Goose stole the canes from the THREE blind mice...Well, the FOUR corners lie...
11071 Get a Grip (hypnosis)
11072 {Chant}
11073 Alone Inside (hypnosis)
11074 There is a place she guards she feels she's all alone inside...
11075 Bad Band Video
11076 {Garbled words drowned out by music}
11077 TV Commentator & Video
11078 What a strange trip it's been for Trip Cyclone.
11079 In addition to supernatural chart success, while shooting the video for their hit, Was I Even There, the members of the band claim to have been entangled in a plot involving ancient Indian mysticism.
11080 While the facts behind their story remain a mystery, their success certainly isn't. Number three on this week's charts, we leave you with Trip Cyclone.
11081 Safe at home?...Don't you see...If no one cares...They won't know...When you're not there.
11082 Was I even there?...Did I take up space?
20003 {Dial tone}
20009 {Phone rings}
20015 {Phone rings}
20019 {Playback of chant}
41001 Better keep those air-conditioners turned up. It's going to be hot. Tomorrow should reach a high of 112. That's hot. Nights will be hot with temperatures in the mid 90's. The long-term forecast shows more heat with no relief in sight. And those unusual clouds you see in the sky? They'll just hold the heat in. Next week...{static} It's going to be hot. {static}
41002 ...planning a little trip to the desert southwest? Although at 112 degrees, you'd be crazy to do it. Here's a little side note. In the four corners area, several hikers have lost their way in the mazes in one Arizona canyon and were either found dead or are still missing. Authorities are warning hikers to carry extra water and never travel alone. On a lighter note...{static}
41003 This is Mack Farley and this is Talk Radio 106.6. Our topic today is bad vacations and we have a Bob on the line now. Bob, what's your story? [Bob] Well, Mack, after seeing the Grand Canyon, I wanted to see some more canyons. A ranger told me about this town that's in a canyon. Uh, Cyclone, I think. Well, after driving on gravel roads for 40 miles, the road dead-ended at a landslide. And then I ran out of gas while driving around. It was over 100 degrees and I thought I was going to die until someone gave me a lift. When I got back to my car with the gas, my tire was flat. Then... [Mack] We got the picture Bob. Next time take the bus. Right, next caller? [Woman caller] I know the exact place that Bob was talking about. I heard about this canyon, too. And when I tried to drive there, I ran into the same landslide. I just know there's some kind testing going on and the government has dynamited the hillside to keep us people out. {static}
41004 {Radio static}
41101 How'd you get here? You ride that dirt bike up over the rock slide? That thing's got nobody coming in or out for days. You have a name? Yeah, there's a reservation under your name. I'm half surprised you decided to show up. Cyclone has turned into quite a dangerous town... people disappearing right and left. Someone has left a message for you.
41109 Do I know about some band? There's no band around here. If you mean that part-time help Pearl has working at the cafe, they took off yesterday. Yeah, stole her truck and left it at the mouth of the canyon before they took off. If you're a friend of theirs, I don't want you around here. You can just turn around and go back where you came from. Well, I can't say that I trust you, but I'm not cruel. You can have room five. And that will be $37.50... up front.
41114 Cash, no credit.
41115 You certainly didn't think I would give you a room for free, did you?
41116 Here's your change.
41122 I want you gone first thing in the morning. I don't want any trouble.
41123 So, we had a drink.
41124 Yeah, it was a long meeting. What's wrong with that? So...?
41125 I never would have bet my own money if I wasn't in total control that night.
41126 Mmmmm.
41127 That may be, but you are a sinner. The Lord ordained that money to go to the church.
41128 {muttering}
41129 At least we don't have to worry about the police.
41130 Yeah, money took care of that.
41131 Hey, are you going to play or not? Sinner, sinner, sinner.
41150 Welcome to Cyclone. Your friends have been expecting you, but they are going to need more than another rock musician to help them out. They'll need a warrior. The Ancients call this prayer stick a Bahos. This one is a gift, but you'll need them all before you can free your friends. {laughter}
41201 {Charles} He stole my dad's silver! And I wouldn't put it past him to go as far as killing him for it!
41202 {George} Ivan was a sinner, Charles. The silver was his offering to the Lord for admittance into...
41203 {Charles} You see! He's admitting it! George, you thief!
41204 {Tad} We have more important things to talk about. Does anyone know who Darkcloud is?
41205 I saw those kids with him. They started working at the cafe about the same time that folks started vanishing. I think he might be responsible for what's happening and one of you might know who he is.
41206 {Phil, George & Charles argue incoherently}
41209 {Tad} Whoa! I didn't accuse anyone. It could be Andy, Burt, Max... someone we don't even know.
41210 {Phil} Max, what about Max? I hate Max.
41211 {Tad} Max just wants to drive us crazy. I offered him 25 percent for the mining rights to Devil's Mouth and he still won't sign.
41212 {Charles} 25 percent! Tad are you crazy?
41213 {Tad} If Max had died in that accident instead of Norah, we wouldn't be broke today.
41214 {Phil} I hate Max.
41215 {George} 'Tis better for one man to perish than a whole town to dwindle in disbelief.
41216 {Charles} Oh, so now he's suggesting killing Max in the name of the Lord. What do you propose, George? Dress up like this Darkcloud and sneak up behind him with a big rock?
41217 {Tad} Settle down Charles. If he were dead, the town could take possession of his assets. We could make it look like an accident.
41550 The regular game has been canceled, as all the players are... indisposed. But I have a different game for you, one that will prove your warrior's skills.
41551 Place the card on the table.
41552 Giving up won't save your friends.
41750 Before things get too hot, you must make five piles of two each. Here's the trick, your only move is to jump over two donuts at a time.
41951 Hello, warrior. Are you afraid of Gogyeng, the spider? While the bite of the black widow spider can be fatal, you have nothing to worry about. Gogyeng is afraid of water.
41952 Now that you have completed the trial of the spider, you have earned another Bahos. Question is: Are you warrior enough to take it into Devil's Mouth?
42630 You have failed! The ceremony requires that it be placed correctly. You must now go and bring the Bahos back to this altar.
42631 Only the warrior can save the musicians.
42632 Beware of baking woman, she knows not where her devotions lie.
42633 I perceive the warrior is a friend of the music.
42634 When the great warrior gathers the prayer sticks and unites Ianyi, Darkcloud will be as the dust.
42635 I am forbidden to all but the warrior.
42636 Summon me warrior, I need to hear the sacred words.
42637 You have done well, your quest is near completion. Ianyi must now be made whole and brought to it's place on the altar. Find it warrior, it is closer than you think.
42638 Look for the woman in white.
42639 The eyes of the drums have seen it.
42640 He knows not that he possesses both halves.
42641 No! The creation of the sand ceremony means nothing without the stone of Ianyi.
42642 The power cannot be summoned until the creation of the sand painting is complete.
42643 You have returned with the sacred items. When the sand painting is complete, the ceremony can begin.
42644 {Spirit} This being is nothing to the ceremony. Depart baking woman!!
42645 {Spirit} The altar awaits Ianyi, your friends await their warrior.
42646 {Spirit} Close your mind to all but your goal.
42647 {Spirit} You have done well. Now complete your task.
42648 {Spirit} You fool. Now you are a petroglyph and Darkcloud has the power of Ianyi.
42650 {Spirit} Fool!! Quick, Darkcloud! Grab it from her and put it in the altar.
42651 {Spirit} Your Max is an imbecile. His village desecrated my warrior's sacred burial grounds. Their sacrifice means nothing! Unless you give me Ianyi, you will wander forever! Nowhere to rest baking woman. Nowhere! {Norah} Nowhere?... {Norah} Forgive me Max...
42652 No! You have let this woman-spirit send Ianyi to the third world. It's power will be lost forever in the darkness of the underworld.
42653 You are not the warrior, Darkcloud.
42654 At last, Ianyi is again whole and mine. The power is good, isn't it Darkcloud? Now that you have partaken of it, turned your village into petroglyphs, you can't live without it. I see it on your face.
42655 Your village deserved to die. They defiled my warriors' sacred burial grounds. And you, warrior, you tread on their sacred resting place as well. You too must be destroyed!
42656 So, the warrior now has the Ianyi stone.
42657 SHUT UP! Ianyi will be mine!
42658 You fail... you die.
42659 Warrior, you pale next to my Sipapu warriors.
42660 You will be sacrificed to the power.
42661 You deserve to die with the rest of them, you too disturbed the bodies of my warriors.
42662 You'll die, along with this unholy village.
42663 Your death is approaching!
42664 When Ianyi is again mine, I will devour it's power.
42665 Your failure will bring my triumph.
42666 You are lost!
42667 The power of Ianyi destroys! Look what it's done to Darkcloud. I will take it where it will be safe from those who covet it's power.
42668 Ianyi was created to keep the passage open between this world and the world below. Its power is too much for you!
42669 You have solved the puzzle of Ianyi, but you are still an idiot! Give it to me!
51101 You have the Bahos. When you have it, he won't try to turn you into a... at least not right away. He needs you. Oh, you must hurry to the canyon. Your life essence is already disappearing.
51102 But the Bahos is the only thing that can protect you in the canyon. It longs to be at its place in the altar.
51650 Warrior, there's nowhere you can hide from me. Nowhere. Your friends... they thought they could fool me. They found the other half of Ianyi and they refused to tell me where it was.
51651 Now look where they are. I know they told you where it is but you're smarter than they are.
51652 In the end, when the twelve tasks are completed, you'll return it. Won't you?
52001 Are you all right? Who would have guessed those bookshelves would topple over so easily. Oh, but I assume you were looking for this.
52031 Oh! I know Burt cared, but... Do you think I still look like that? You know, Burt was there when the ruin was found. He knows its secrets...
52501 I see you found the other half of Ianyi. It was here all along and he never noticed it. It must be joined with its other half and returned to the world below.
52601 {Norah} Wait... you mustn't place it in the altar. Haven't I always guided you to the truth? OK, so there was that time with the music box. Oh...Max... If only you could see me... {Max} Who are you?
52603 {Norah} It's me... Norah. {DarkCloud} Get out of here. Leave me alone. {Spirit} This woman SPIRIT can do nothing to stop the ceremony. Proceed.
52604 {Norah} You see me, why don't you know me? {DarkCloud} I'm busy, I have no time for useless spirits. I await the power. {Spirit} This being is nothing to the ceremony. Depart baking woman!!
52605 {Norah} You can give it to me. I know what to do with the stone.
52606 {Norah} The only way to get Max's half of Ianyi away from him is to fake him out. But he's probably too smart for that.
52607 {Norah} Tell Max that you can see me. He needs to know it's me.
52608 {Norah} MAX... keep your promise. Release them. {Max} You! Get out of my head! You've been an admirable warrior, but you must now be sacrificed to the power of Ianyi. Prepare to join your friends.
52609 {Norah} Cyclone is a ghost town, Max. What more can you do to it? You found this in the desert, Max. You gave it to me on my birthday. And even though it was broken, I put it in a nice little shadow box... {Max} Argh!! No!! Why didn't I see it? I could have had it years ago! {Norah} I want the other half. Max, complete the gift so we can be together again.
52610 {Norah} I want the other half. Max, complete the gift so we can be together again.
52611 {Norah} Stormy... {Max} Wait. That's not what I...
52612 {Norah} Max was never meant to have Ianyi's power, was he? Power that is evil! Like you! {Spirit} Your Max is an imbecile. His village desecrated my warrior's sacred burial grounds. Their sacrifice means nothing! Unless you give me Ianyi, you will wander forever! Nowhere to rest baking woman. Nowhere! {Norah} Nowhere?... {Norah} Forgive me Max...
52613 {Norah} Nowhere?... Forgive me Max...
52614 {Norah} Forgive me Max...
52615 {Norah} Max, don't...
52616 {Norah} It's not real, but it might prove useful.
52617 {Norah} You got this from Burt, it's not real.
52618 {Spirit} No!
52619 This is something you have to do yourself.
52620 {Norah} No! Max's stone must remain in the altar.
52621 Hurry, if you don't solve the puzzle, the Spirit will win.
52622 Ianyi belongs to the Underworld. No being in this world can possess it without becoming corrupted.
52623 OK, I know you're mad at me. How was I supposed to know he would get mad when you left my message? There is a way you can still save your friends -- a back way into the Kiva.
52624 {Norah} It must be returned to the world it came from, it cannot stay in this world or it will corrupt all who taste of it -- even my Max.
52625 I can't help you now. This is something you must do yourself.
52626 He has this code. Let's see. Today's code is star - spider - breath - raincloud... or is it raincloud - breath? Oh well, you'll figure it out.
52630 {Spirit} The ceremony has begun. The warrior's friends await while the broken stone is placed on the altar. {DarkCloud} I knew it! Your friends told you didn't they? Well, you don't know what to do with it. And while you're trying to figure it out, it will steal the very life from you. The only way to save your friends is to hand it over... now.
52650 What have you done? This was supposed to be MY ceremony. Burt was supposed to give that sand to me!
52651 {DarkCloud} I knew it! Your friends told you didn't they? Well, you don't know what to do with it. And while you're trying to figure it out, it will steal the very life from you. The only way to save your friends is to hand it over... now.
52652 {Max} Who are you?
52653 {DarkCloud} Spirit, who is this?
52654 {DarkCloud} Get out of here. Leave me alone. {Spirit} This woman SPIRIT can do nothing to stop the ceremony. Proceed.
52655 {DarkCloud} I'm busy, I have no time for useless spirits. I await the power. {Spirit} This being is nothing to the ceremony. Depart baking woman!!
52656 {Max} Come on, let's finish it. I know you have the other half of Ianyi. Hand it over.
52657 {DarkCloud} You've gone to all that trouble to place all those prayer sticks. Now give me the other half of Ianyi.
52658 {Max} You better not have any tricks up your sleeve. You know I'm the only one that can free your friends.
52659 {Max} You! Get out of my head! You've been an admirable warrior, but you must now be sacrificed to the power of Ianyi. Prepare to join your friends.{Spirit} You fool. Now you are a petroglyph and Darkcloud has the power of Ianyi.
52661 {Spirit} How dare you interfere baking woman! {Max} Baking woman? Norah? NORAH? I need to avenge your death. Give me the stone! {Norah} Cyclone is a ghost town, Max. What more can you do to it? You found this in the desert, Max. You gave it to me on my birthday. And even though it was broken, I put it in a nice little shadow box... {Max} Argh!! No!! Why didn't I see it? I could have had it years ago! {Norah} I want the other half. Max, complete the gift so we can be together again. {Spirit} Fool!! Quick, Darkcloud! Grab it from her and put it in the altar.
52662 {Max} Argh!! No!! Why didn't I see it? I could have had it years ago! {Norah} I want the other half. Max, complete the gift so we can be together again.
52663 {Max} Wait. Maybe that's not what I...
52664 {Max} No! No! Wait! I'll get it back! {Norah} Max, don't...
52665 What a strange trip it's been for Trip Cyclone. In addition to supernatural chart success, while shooting the video for their hit, 'Was I Even There,' the members of the band claim to have been entangled in a plot involving ancient Indian mysticism. While the facts behind their story remain a mystery, their success certainly isn't. Number 3 on this week's charts -- we leave you with Trip Cyclone.
52666 {Max} Some kind of warrior you are. You don't even know if it's real.
52667 {Max} Where's the real one?
52668 {Max} This is fake! I thought you had the real one!
52669 {Max} Do you think that I'm stupid? Give me the real one NOW!
52670 Wait!
52671 Gasp!
52672 {Max} Wait... It's not supposed to be like this.
52673 Reports of Ancient Indian curses and supernatural disappearances in the desert Southwest have Hollywood producers salivating.
52674 {Max} I await the power.
52675 {Max} Oh, Spirit, Ianyi is complete. Grant me the power you promised.
52676 {Max} Stay in the sand painting!
52677 {Max} Spirit, where are you?
52678 {Max} Spirit? What do I have to do before you give me the power you promised?
52680 {Max} I've done everything you told me to do. I turned the whole town into petroglyphs!
52681 {Max} Spirit, I demand you arise!
52682 {Max} How dare you ignore me!
52683 {Max} Spirit, what more do you want me to do?
52684 SPIRIT!
52685 {Max} I demand you come up out of that hole right now!
52686 {Max} What? This is a fake!
52687 {Max} How dare you try and fool me!
52688 You thought I was stupid, didn't you. You will NEVER fool me again! {Chant} Why isn't it working? You should be a petroglyph. Why...? It's protecting you. You have the real Ianyi. I should have gotten rid of you long ago.
52689 Word has it there's even a computer game in the works.
52690 Why isn't it working? You should be a petroglyph. Why...? It's protecting you. You have the real Ianyi. I should have gotten rid of you long ago.
52691 It's protecting you. You have the real Ianyi. I should have gotten rid of you long ago.
52692 {Max} Why you thief! You were trying to take both of them, weren't you? Put it back now! My patience is gone. Put it back now!
52693 My patience is gone. Put it back now!
52694 {Max} This is fake! You'll not do that again warrior. Put the real Ianyi in the altar now or never see your friends again!
52695 You'll not do that again warrior. Put the real Ianyi in the altar now or never see your friends again!
52696 NO! It's mine. You don't know what to do with it.
52697 That Spirit's crazy. I see it now. Give it to me and I'll send him back to the third world.
52698 Please... If you give it to me, I promise to save your friends. Then you can leave this place.
52699 It's mine. I need it!
52700 Meanwhile, the only clues seem to be strange graffiti-like markings on buildings.
52701 FBI refuses to discuss why hundreds of small towns are suddenly becoming ghost towns.
52702 The phenomena has even stretched as far west as our own state.
52703 What's going on here!?!
55017 Go back! Its better to die as a warrior than to die slowly. The bahos will steal your life essence until you awaken its' power. Find the petroglyph, the one with the symbol.
55018 The music box -- it plays my song. But I don't know why Max left it there. My father hated that song.
55019 {scream} {laughter} Sorry... sorry. Darkcloud would be so proud of me. I don't think even HE could scare you this much! {laughter}
55020 They all come here you know. But only he knows my true resting place...
55022 You mustn't be here! This is sacred to them. Quick, you must leave now!
55028 The canyon. You must take the Bahos to Devil's Mouth Canyon.
55029 The Kiva -- it's in the canyon. But watch out. Before you go there, you must find the petroglyph that will awaken the power of the Bahos. Find the petroglyph, the one with the symbol.
55050 Your friends take a trip to Cyclone to become immortalized in a video. Ironic isn't it? Unless you do as I say, the only way Trip Cyclone will be immortalized is in stone.
55051 You were expecting one of Trip Cyclone's music videos, weren't you? They thought I liked their music. {snort} They were such pawns.
55052 Your friends thought they were being sneaky putting clues in their videos. Look what good it did them. Look what good it does YOU.
59001 PLEASE! Don't be like the others. Devil's Mouth will kill you. That place is cursed. The TV is cursed. Go back to the motel. Get the Bahos.
59002 That cursed TV! Don't let it drag you into Devil's Mouth. You must go there of your own free will.
59003 I told you, if you enter the mouth without the Bahos, you'll die. Why don't you listen to me? Nobody ever listens to me... They watch that TV with that light blinking...
59004 Wake up! If you are going to save your friends, you must enter the mouth intentionally. Not because of a blinking light...
59005 Your friends in the Kiva... I'm sorry for them... But I have to warn you. Before you can become the warrior and save them, you must know your enemy.
59006 You are well on your way to becoming the warrior. But you must know your true enemy before you face him. You must soon choose.
59007 {sigh} Choose now the man behind the mask. Then I can reveal to you the true enemy.
59008 I thought you were different. I thought you knew.
59009 No, he's now a petroglyph. But if he weren't, he'd probably be your enemy.
59010 No, I can't just tell you...
59011 Burt? What made you think it was Burt? No, there is another behind the mask.
59012 What's wrong with you? Why can't you get it right?
59013 I NEED you to choose. This isn't a game, you know.
59014 No.
59015 What do I have to do -- show you a picture?
59016 You have chosen... If you could only see how cute he is behind the mask... But other forces are at work... Would you please do me a favor? Get the music box and put it in his cave. He can't see me you know... I can now tell you who your real enemy... Oh, he hides his key in the rock. If you hurry, he won't know that it's missing... This knowledge will help you free your friends. Oh, and leave him this message: Dear Stormy, I still love you...
59017 Go back. You must battle his petroglyphs. It is better to die as a warrior than to die slowly -- the Bahos draining your life away. No, that's no way to die.
59021 You will soon be a warrior. But the amulet -- you must find Ianyi! Oh, he's in my mausoleum. I sense it. Maybe there he can see me.
59023 The mask... I wish he wouldn't wear it. It makes him think he's something else. The ancients... they don't like it you know. It's not for white men to wear.
59024 They didn't see me. You're the only one who can see me. Burt saw them too -- in their secret councilroom planning something awful.
59025 I have to warn you. Hum-m-m, maybe I shouldn't. Well, OK. Every trial of the Bahos becomes harder -- your life more precious. Watch it closely.
59026 Hurry to the canyon! Can't you see that you are dying?
59027 Who do you think you are? He put the Bahos right by the bell so you'd find it! You can't be a warrior without a Bahos.
61001 Hi, it's me. If you're listening to this, that means you didn't get my other message. Call me at 555-6331. We're at Mike's Aunt Pearl's house -- 1-9-18-8-3.
61002 He's got Olivia. We're gonna try to save her. Don't be the warrior -- that's what he wants. Just get out of here before its too late and we'll meet you back home somehow. 1-9-18-8-3
61050 That was very clever of you to find the Bahos in the drawer. I should have made your tasks more difficult.
61100 This is the Cyclone Motel. We are currently out of the office, but there are vacancies at the moment. If you would like to make a reservation, please leave your name and number.
61101 Hey Son, you'll never believe who I just heard from. Max. He just called to tell me that he had a barber chair. Did you ever mention to him that my barber chair was broken? By the way, what do you know about those two ladies that are staying at your motel? Think you can introduce me?
61102 Um... this is Andy at the police station. Look, Charles, as usual, the outside authorities won't even consider looking into your dad's disappearance. This time, I don't blame them. And those footprints? They could have been yours. Ivan is a healthy 68 year old man, and could have run off with anyone. Maybe he left town with those two senior ladies from Phoenix. {chuckles} I saw him peaking over his menu at them the other day at the cafe. {laughter} By the way, you're late with your payment this month.
61103 Charles? This is George. Babs is missing. You know I can't write Sunday's sermon without her. Have you seen her with that sinner in room six? I've seen him lusting after the females. He'll feel the Lord's wrath if I find out he even touched her!
61301 Hi! You've reached Gusty Gas. We fix it all. If you want to talk to Mr. Dunlop, he's probably over at the store. If you want to talk to me... uh, Richard...I'll probably be there, uh...here, any minute. If it's an emergency...uh... call 911. We don't have a tow truck.
61302 This is Stewart Warensky. How dare you cheat me? You charged me $600 to fix my car! That kid from the band, Dave. I've seen him there. He told me the only thing wrong was a dirty air filter. That's a felony Richard! You tell that boss of yours that I'm reporting him to the police! He thinks his hands are clean, hiding out in his market all the time, but I know he's behind it. You better tell the truth, or you'll go to jail too!
61303 Richard! I know you're there! You're just avoiding me! It was you wasn't it Richard? First my son, and then my daughter. Why... you might even be responsible for my wife's disappearance! And now that Jason Dunlop is gone, you get to run the gas station. Who would have suspected that you, a kid from Cyclone, would be responsible for a town's death? You know where sinners go? Well, it's not good enough for you!
61304 Hey Richard. It's me, Dave. Thanks for the tools, but somebody screwed up our van -- cut all the wires and punctured the hoses. We're getting out of here tonight, even if we have to climb over the landslide. Have you seen Olivia? We can't leave till we find her. If I were you, I'd hurry up and get that black car of yours fixed before it's too late for you, too...
61305 Hi, Richard? I really want to go with you to the canyon. You know, see where you and my brother William camped the night he disappeared. But I can't. I have to scrape gum out from under the pews. Since he left, my dad sticks me with twice the work... ha, ha, gum, stick -- get it? He'd never let me go up there anyway cause he says it's cursed. I don't blame William for leaving. I hate it here too. Gotta go...
61306 Hi, Richard. Theresa. Your parents just left you? Like you have no parents? Cool. My dad will never leave Cyclone... never. I can't come over though, same old thing.
61350 Checkmate! Do you feel like a pawn warrior? Well, just like Trip Cyclone, we're all pawns at one time or another...
61401 Hello Phil. It just so happens I know something about what happened to your son. But information isn't cheap Phil, especially when you're payment is already late. If you want to know what's happening to this town, meet me at my trailer -- and bring money.
61402 You've reached Phil's Market. No, we don't have any fresh eggs. Leave a message after the tone.
61403 Phil, this is Pearl. Thanks for giving Dave and Wendy a ride to the cafe when their van broke down the other day. I know that was really going out of your way. You'd think Dave and Mike would take better care of their van, considering they know so much about cars and all. {empty laugh} They said someone from Cyclone cut all the wires. As if someone from here would actually do something like that. Besides, with the landslide they're stuck here with the rest of us... aren't they? {laughs nervously} Thanks again Phil.
61404 Phil? As mayor, I'm calling an emergency town council meeting. Something has to be done. First your son disappears in Devil's Mouth, and now everyone is jumping ship as if... The question is, what can we do to stop it? Two o'clock in the library.
61501 Hey Andy, it's Phil. What's the story on that landslide blocking the road out of town? Richard Talbot just came back from Flag. He had to climb over to get back into Cyclone. My truck full of supplies for the store are still on the other side, too. Dynamite... that's what it looks like. Dynamite. If the state doesn't get in here and clean the road, we'll starve. You're the law in this town, you had better do something and get this solved!
61502 This is Stewart Warensky. I want to file charges against Mr. Dunlop, owner of the gas station. That cheat is ordering his hired help to do bogus repairs on vehicles and then charging people outrageous prices. I have proof that he did it to my car, and if you subpoenaed his records, I'm sure you'll find he's done it to others. I know this is a clique-y little town, but if you don't do something about this man, I'll have to go to outside authorities. I'm surprised you've kept your badge this long, officer Washington!
61503 Hi, this is Andy Washington, representing the law in Cyclone. I must be out investigating a crime, or I'd be here. Leave a message after the tone.
61601 This is Burt, George. It's a good thing we have such a good working relationship, because I have some information you just might be interested in. And George, this is CASH information. Your last check bounced.
61602 Hi, Theresa? This is Richard. I'm sorry about William disappearing. I shouldn't have left him in the canyon. But if you'll go out with me tomorrow, I can show you where we camped. Dave can cover for me at the gas station. I know you have to work all the time, but... Oh, the weirdest thing happened. My parents just up and disappeared. Mid-life crises or something. Well, call me back.
61603 Praise the Lord, sinner. All mankind are sinners, and only the Lord can forgive. But in the meantime, leave a message and I'll see what I can do.
61604 I'm not donating another dime to your church, you two-faced, gossip spreading, slime ball! My nephew, Lyle, has nothing to do with your daughter Theresa running off. If you'd open your eyes, you'd see she was desperate to get away from you. It would serve you right if she ran off with that guy that's been staying at the motel all summer! Oh, and you can forget my coming to bingo night, too. Everyone knows you cheat. They just haven't said anything cause they were afraid you'd curse them with the wrath of God! Well no more!
61605 How dare you brainwash my father into giving his silver to the church! I warn you George, I'll get you for this.
61606 George, Tad here. How dare you threaten me. I've done a little soul searching myself, and low and behold, I found ...irregularities in the books. You were right, people will do anything for money. Meet me in my office.
61701 Cyclone Bakery. Have you tried Norah's coffee cake? Try some the next time you are in. Until then, at the sound of the beep, please leave a message.
61702 Hey, Keith? Have you seen my nephews and their friends? They left my truck up the canyon and disappeared -- just like that. They've been hanging out with that out-of-towner that's staying in room six at the motel. I thought you might have seen something since you're so close. Well, call me if you know anything. Maybe I should call the motel and see if Charles knows anything. Bye.
61703 Keith? Are you sick? Where are you? I know things haven't been the same since your wife and Norah died, but... You'd never desert Cyclone would you? What am I going to do without bread? I can't just serve tuna...
61750 Hello, this is Max. I know we haven't been too civil since Norah's funeral, but I have a little momento of hers that you might like. I found it while rummaging around. The next time I'm in town, I'll drop it off.
61801 Pearl, Phil here. What in the heck were those two kids doing up in Devil's Mouth? I picked them up this morning coming back to town. Now you know, Pearl, no good ever comes from that canyon. There's evil up there. My own son... But that's not why I called. I'm kind of in a rough spot. I wondered if one of your nephews -- not the kids I picked up, but one of your own blood relatives -- could watch the store for a couple of hours. Tad's called an emergency town council meeting and I can't afford to close. I'll leave a few quarters...there's still a couple cans of soda left in the machine. But you better warn them: if one item in my store is missing, they'll be spending time with Burt -- in jail.
61802 Pearl? Where's that nephew of yours? I can't find my daughter Theresa anywhere. I know Lyle's responsible; I've seen it in his eyes. If he doesn't have some pretty darn good answers, I'll have him thrown in jail. That'll put the fear of the Lord in him!
61803 Cyclone Cafe, open from dawn to dusk. Come on in and watch our new satellite TV while you eat. Leave a message if it can't wait till morning.
61804 Pearl, you tell your nephews that they had better quit the practical jokes. They came into my office and tried to tell me I was in danger from {pause} Darkcloud. Now I don't want to hear anymore Darkcloud stuff. And, as mayor, if they're up to something, I need to know.
61901 You've reached Ivan's Barbershop. Barbershop hours are 10:00-4:00. And, if you're having a bad hair day, you can catch me first thing every morning at the cafe.
61902 Ivan, this is Phil. Just calling to see if you can fit me in. Where are you? It's one o'clock...
61903 Hey, Ivan? My mom's bugging me. She says, Richard, you have to get a haircut. I'm 19, you'd think she'd leave me alone. She says my hair looks too much like Mike and Dave's. You know, those guys in the band. Hey, you're not there. Cool!
61904 OK. Mr. Spencer, sir? I'm calling for Pearl from the cafe. She says to tell you that your breakfast is waiting and getting cold. If you're sick, I'll deliver it...uh... OK. Good-bye.
61905 Dad, where are you? You know better than to be out all night. Call me as soon as you get in.
61906 Just calling to wish you a happy birthday, dad. Come on over after you close shop. Keith is bringing a cake from the bakery. He's so pathetic with both his wife and Norah dead. Hope you don't mind, but I sort of suggested he join us. Later.
61950 Hello, Ivan? This is Max... Max Wharton. I'm not calling about a haircut, even though you probably think I need one, but I found something you might be interested in. I was in Flag last week and found an electric barber chair. It's black. Some ritzy place was just throwing it out. I thought of you and wondered if you wanted it. If so, call me and let me know if there's a good time to drop it off.
61951 Ivan is just the beginning. Soon you'll all just be pictures on the wall!
61955 Hello, this is Max. I know we haven't been too civil since Norah's funeral, but I have a little memento of hers that you might like. I found it while rummaging around. The next time I'm in town, I'll drop it off.
62101 Tad, this is Pearl. Jim tried to go into Flagstaff this morning. The road was blocked by a landslide. He almost got killed trying to drive up and over in his truck. What are you going to do about it? We can't call out of town, we can't drive out of town without endangering out lives... what next? It's as if we're being held prisoners in our own town. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm scared Tad. I'm just hoping you can do something.
62102 Sir, I represent Desert Satellite and I'd like to remind you that the free satellite and TV offer is still good. By now, you've seen your neighbors enjoying their TVs. Let me repeat to you the offer. For six months you can try out satellite service and a new color TV at absolutely no charge to you. If, at the end of the six months you decide not to sign up permanently, you can return the television and satellite with no questions asked. Call 555-6000 and you can have your TV tomorrow.
62103 This is Cyclone mayor Tad Matthews at Safari Savings and Loan. I'm unable to take your call or your money at this time, so please leave a message after the beep. I will get back to you.
62350 I was wondering how you planned to get past the bees? But now comes the real challenge -- a mental trial to earn the Bahos.
62450 They all deserved it, you know. Every one of them, like birds, pecking at one another... Watch what you do.
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65024 Hello, you've reached Desert Satellite. If you would like to sign up for our free satellite service, please leave your name and number after the beep.
65050 Look for the Bahos under the griffin.
65051 I told you! It's under the griffin. Don't you listen?
65052 Where is it?
65053 Warrior, your life is a road. When you get to the end of the road, you die.
65054 Your friends told you where it is, didn't they? You'll have to tell me eventually or you'll be joining them.
65055 Don't ever mention the name of the dead. They come back to haunt you.
65056 Warrior, I see the end of your road.
65057 What did you think you were doing? Don't you know that it is because of her that I have done all this? They killed her and lied. And you're no better.
65058 You don't know what she meant to me. You should NEVER have done that. Never.
65059 What? You think you're the only warrior I can find? You're wrong. I can get anybody. You were just convenient, but now you're history.
65060 Bring Ianyi to me, warrior. Without it, your friends are mine forever.
65061 Your friends foolishly refused to tell me where Ianyi was. Don't be so unwise.
65062 Don't try to pick up more than one Bahos at a time, warrior. The survival of your friends depends on the ritual of the twelve.
65063 How dare you defile the memory of my wife. They killed her and left me with nothing. Now you dare make fun of my pain? After all I've done for you? No more. You are no longer my warrior. Your friends are mine. You will NEVER see them again!
65064 You know, warrior. I don't care if you like my puzzles. You just have to solve them to become the warrior.
65065 If you're feeling sorry for this town... don't. They deserved everything that happened to them.
65066 In Cyclone, there's nowhere you can hide from Darkcloud.
65067 The only way to save your friends is to take each and every Bahos up to its place in the kiva.
65068 The power. Soon, global power will be mine. I won't be stuck in this dead-end town. There's nothing you can do about it either, warrior. All you can do is save your friends.