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/ PC/CD Gamer UK 41 / PCGAMER41.bin / net / compusrv / cis25 / setup.ins (.txt) < prev    next >
InstallShield Script  |  1996-10-04  |  69KB  |  957 lines

  1. Stirling Technologies, Inc.  (c) 1990-1994
  15. SHARED
  16. UNINST
  17. ISRES
  18. ISUSER
  29. _sdRECT
  30. right
  31. bottom
  32. _sdSIZE
  33. ciddlg
  34. CMBShowCustomMessageBox
  35. ciddlg
  36. CMBWinsockIsLoaded
  37. ciddlg
  38. CMBDeleteNL1Files
  39. ciddlg
  40. CMBShowWinsockTargetBox
  41. kernel
  42. GetWinFlags
  43. DllRegisterServer
  44. SelectObject
  45. GetTextExtentPoint
  46. EnableWindow
  47. GetClassName
  48. GetDC
  49. GetDlgItem
  50. GetFocus
  51. GetWindowLong
  52. GetWindowRect
  53. GetWindowWord
  54. IsIconic
  55. IsWindow
  56. IsWindowEnabled
  57. MoveWindow
  58. USER    
  59. ReleaseDC
  60. SetFocus
  61. SetWindowText
  62. ShowWindow
  63. LoadString
  64. KERNEL
  65. GetModuleHandle
  66. GetClientRect
  67. SetWindowPos
  68. PostMessage
  69. ShowCursor
  70. SystemParametersInfo
  71. CompuServea
  72. CompuServe 2.5a
  73. da16.dll;
  74. CompuServe
  75. Times New Roman
  76. CompuServe Information Manager(
  77. cserve.ini
  78. Generala
  79. CserveR
  80. CSERVE
  81. C:\CSERVE
  85. intro.txt
  87. readme.txt
  88. license.txt
  89. pickwsk.txt
  90. WinCIM(
  91. wcimdir.txt
  92. cserve.ini
  93. wincim
  94. mosaic
  95. cache
  96. english
  97. support
  98. winsign
  99. scripts
  100. images
  101. wincim.ini
  102. General Preferencesa
  103. Support-DirectoryRG
  104. General Preferencesa
  105. Scripts-DirectoryRH
  106. custom.dat
  107. Services Menua
  108. Services Menua
  109. WEBBrowserR
  110. Services Menua
  111. WEBBrowsera
  112. &CompuServe Mosaic...
  113. cserve.ini
  114. cid.exe
  115. 1995\04\04(
  116. scripts.lib
  117. scripts.lib(
  118. almanac.hl_
  119. almanac.hl_(
  120. wincim\wincim.exe 
  121. wincim\wincim.ini
  122. WIN.INI%
  123. Executableb
  124. WINDOWR
  125. WINDOWa
  126. CS3_WINDOWb
  127. wincim\wincim.ini
  128. General Preferencesa
  129. Send-Window-Sizea
  130. General Preferencesa
  131. Recv-Window-Sizea
  132. General Preferencesa
  133. Show-Connect-At-StartupR
  134. General Preferencesa
  135. Show-Connect-At-Startupa
  136. Window-Sizesa
  137. Fontsa
  138. Fontsb
  139. Old Fontsb
  140. Fontsa
  141. Window-Sizesa
  142. FileCabineta
  143. Custom-Ribbona
  144. Active Sessiona
  145. ActiveR+
  146. cis.ini
  147. Connectionsb+
  148. ConnectorR,
  149. CommTypeR
  150. CommTypea
  151. WINSOCK#
  152. WINSOCK!
  153. WinsockCommTypeb
  154. WinsockCommTypea
  155. Local
  156. IPConnectTimeouta
  157. HostIPNameR
  158. compuserve.com!
  159. HostIPNamea
  160. gateway.compuserve.com
  161. UserR
  162. HMITimeout2
  163. HMITimeoutb)
  164. Active Sessiona
  165. Activea
  166. CIS Connection
  167. Active Sessiona
  168. Activea
  169. CIS Connection
  170. WinCIM%
  171. download
  172. WinCIM%
  173. cid.lib
  174. cid.lib(
  175. wcimhlp.txt
  176. wincim.hl_
  177. wincim.hlp!
  178. WinCIM!
  179. gtb230.dlla
  180. gtb230.dll
  181. wincim2.lib
  182. wcimexe.txt
  183. wincim2.lib
  184. WinCIM!
  185. imagevw.lib
  186. mos.lib
  187. nsole.lib
  188. ie21.sem
  189. Air Mosaic 2.0
  190. Air Mosaic 2.0
  191. Air Mosaic 2.0
  192. netscape
  193. plugins
  194. cache
  195. security
  198. airmos.inia
  199. airmos.old
  200. cid.txt
  201. cid.lib
  202. cid.ini
  203. cid.inia
  204. cid.ini
  205. readme.wria
  206. readme.wri
  207. license.wria
  208. license.wri
  209. cct240c.dl_
  210. cct240c.dll!
  211. Signup!
  212. cct240c.dl_
  213. cct240c.dll!
  214. awcomdlg.dll
  215. lib1.lib
  216. mos.txt
  217. mos.lib
  218. Air Mosaic 2.0!
  219. moslang.lib
  220. Air Mosaic 2.0!
  221. gtb230.dlla
  222. gtb230.dll
  223. airmos.ini
  224. airmos.inia
  225. airmos.ini
  226. favorite.hot
  227. favorite.ho_
  228. favorite.hot!
  229. Air Mosaic 2.0!
  230. imagevw.lib
  231. ImageView!
  232. nsole.lib
  233. netscape.ini
  234. netscape.inia
  235. netscape.ini
  236. netscape.lib
  237. netscape.lib(
  238. nsole2.lib
  239. nsole2.lib
  240. netscape.lib
  241. nsplug.lib
  242. rpa.lib
  243. cis.ini
  244. airmos.exe$
  245.  /SDDE
  246. External Applicationsa
  247. httpb
  248. External Applicationsa
  249. External Applicationsa
  250. newsb
  251. External Applicationsa
  252. gopherb
  253. cis.ini
  254. netscape.exe$
  255.  /Service=NETSCAPE /SDDE
  256. External Applicationsa
  257. httpb
  258. External Applicationsa
  259. External Applicationsa
  260. newsb
  261. External Applicationsa
  262. gopherb
  263. netscape.exe
  264. rpatse16.exe
  265. winsock.dl_
  266. winsock.dll!
  267. Winsock!
  268. winsock.dll
  269. winsock.dll
  270. winsock.dll
  271. winsock.dl_
  272. winsock.dll!
  273. Winsock!
  274. winsock.dll
  275. winsock.dl_
  276. winsock.dll!
  277. Winsock!
  278. winsock.dll
  279. winsock.dl_
  280. winsock.dll!
  281. Winsock!
  282. csnav%
  283. csnav.exe
  284. csnav
  285. winsock.dll
  286. winsock.dl_
  287. winsock.dll!
  288. Winsock!
  289. hpwiz
  290. hpwiz
  291. winsock.dll
  292. winsock.dl_
  293. winsock.dll!
  294. Winsock!
  295. winsock.dll
  296. winsock.dll
  297. winsock.dll
  298. winsock.dll
  299. winsock.dll
  300. mosaic
  301. winsock.dll
  302. winsock.dll
  303. winsock.dll
  304. csnav%
  305. winsock.dll
  306. csnav
  307. winsock.dll
  308. hpwiz%
  309. winsock.dll
  310. hpwiz
  311. winsock.dll
  312. winsock.dl_
  313. winsock.dll!
  314. Winsock!
  315. iew31_1.cab
  316. iew31_1.cab(
  317. ierpa.lib
  318. ierpa.lib(
  319. ierpa.lib
  320. ieole.lib
  321. iexplore.ex_
  322. iexplore.exe!
  323. favorite.ht_
  324. favorite.htm!
  325. iexplore.ini
  326. SecurityProtocols
  327. DistAuth
  328. DA_Load,secda16.dll%
  329. winsock.dll
  330. winsock.dlla
  331. winsock.dll
  332. winsock.dll
  333. cis.ini
  334. iexplore.exe$
  336. External Applicationsa
  337. httpb
  338. External Applicationsa
  339. External Applicationsa
  340. newsb
  341. External Applicationsa
  342. gopherb
  343. iexplore.ini
  344. Home Page
  345. http://www.compuserve.co.uk/%
  346. Search Page
  347. http://www.yahoo.co.uk/%
  348. TypedURLs
  349. http://www.yahoo.co.uk/%
  350. TypedURLs
  351. http://www.compuserve.co.uk/%
  352. Viewers
  353. TYPE%dB
  354. application/x-gocserve(
  355. application/x-gocserve%
  356. application/x-gocserve
  357. gocserve.exe %s%
  358. MIME Descriptions
  359. application/x-gocserve
  360. Go Cserve%
  361. Encodings
  362. application/x-gocserve
  363. binary%
  364. iexplore.exe
  365. ole2.reg
  366. regedit.exeb
  367. da16.dll
  368. Error using DA16.DLL!A
  369. Error registering DA16.DLL!A
  370. cid.ini
  371. MAINa
  372. TransportFilesb-
  373. Active Sessiona
  374. defaulta
  375. GoPageR
  377. defaulta
  378. GoPagea
  379. cserve.ini
  380. Generala
  381. Cserveb
  382. wincim.ini
  383. csnav%
  384. csnav.ini
  385. Active Sessiona
  386. ActiveR
  387. cis.ini
  388. Connectionsb
  389. User a
  390. UserIDR1
  391. airmos.ini
  392. @compuserve.com
  393. Maina
  394. E-mailb
  395. Document Cachinga
  396. Disk Cache Directoryb/
  397. Servicesa
  398. SMTP_Servera
  399. mail.compuserve.com%
  400. Servicesa
  401. NNTP_Servera
  402. news.compuserve.com%
  403. Customizea
  404. Titlea
  405. CompuServe Mosaic
  406. Viewersa
  407. application/x-gocserveR
  408. Maina    
  409. Home PageR
  410. homepage.htm$
  411. file:///b
  412. Maina    
  413. Home Pageb
  414. Maina
  415. Autoload Home Pagea
  416. Maina
  417. Search PageR
  418. http://www.spry.com/wizard/index.html%
  419. Maina
  420. Search Pageb
  421. Maina
  422. CIM Palettea
  423. Settingsa
  424. Anchor ColorR
  425. 0,0,0!
  426. Settingsa
  427. Anchor Colora
  428. 0,0,255
  429. Settingsa
  430. Visited Anchor ColorR
  431. 0,0,0!
  432. Settingsa
  433. Visited Anchor Colora    
  434. 128,0,128
  435. netscape.ini
  436. Viewersa
  437. application/x-gocserveR
  438. TEMPR
  439. Maina
  440. Temp Directoryb
  441. Newsa
  442. News DirectorybL
  443. Cachea    
  444. Cache DirbN
  445. netscape.hst
  446. Historya
  447. History Fileb
  448. bookmark.htm
  449. Bookmark Lista
  450. File Locationb
  451. naplayer.exe
  452. Viewersa
  453. audio/basicb
  454. Viewersa
  455. audio/x-aiffb
  456. Maina
  457. Install DirectorybJ
  458. address.htm
  459. Address Booka
  460. File Locationb
  461. Maila
  462. Default Fccb
  463. Maila
  464. Mail DirectorybK
  465. win.ini
  466. Netscapea
  467. ole2.reg
  468. regedit.exeb
  469. da16.dll
  470. Error using DA16.DLL!A
  471. Error registering DA16.DLL!A
  472. almanac.hlp
  473. WINHELP b
  474. wincim.exe
  475. CompuServe 2.5b
  476. signup.exe
  477. airmos.exe
  478. Spry Mosaica
  479. CompuServe Mosaicb
  480. imagevw.exe
  481. ImageViewb
  482. glossry.hlp
  483. WINHELP b
  484. cid.exe
  485. CompuServe Internet Dialera
  486. CompuServe Dialerb
  487. netscape.exe
  488. Netscape Navigatora
  489. Netscape Navigatorb
  490. rpatse16.exe
  491. RPA Sitesb
  492. rpate16e.HLP
  493. WINHELP.EXE b
  494. RPA Sites Helpb
  495. rpa_en16.HLP
  496. WINHELP.EXE b
  497. RPA Helpb
  499. NOTEPAD.EXE b
  500. RPA Infob
  501. iexplore.exe
  502. Internet Explorer 2.1b
  503. rpatse16.exe
  504. RPA Sitesb
  505. rpate16e.HLP
  506. WINHELP.EXE b
  507. RPA Sites Helpb
  508. rpa_en16.HLP
  509. WINHELP.EXE b
  510. RPA Helpb
  512. NOTEPAD.EXE b
  513. RPA Infob
  514. readme.wri$
  515. write b
  516. signup.txt
  517. signup.exe
  518. mos.txt
  519. win.inia
  520. winini.cim
  521. tx.dll
  522. ic.dll
  523. fm.dll
  524. wincim
  525. WinCIM
  526. wcimexe.txt
  527. custom.lib|
  528. custom.lib
  529. WinCIM!
  530. ctl3d.dll|
  531. ctl3d.dlla    
  532. ctl3d.dll
  533. gocserve.ex_
  534. gocserve.exe!
  535. WinCIM!
  536. images.lib
  537. WinCIM
  538. images.lib
  539. WinCIM!
  540. wcimexe.txt
  541. rtcsound.lib
  542. Viewer Sound!
  543. fcabinet
  544. WinCIM%
  545. fcabinet%
  546. basket.in
  547. WinCIM%
  548. fcabinet%
  549. basket.out
  550. WinCIM%
  551. fcabinet%
  552. cabinet
  553. WinCIM%
  554. fcabinet%
  555. cabinet%
  556. general
  557. WinCIM%
  558. fcabinet%
  559. cabinet%
  560. cabinet.dat
  561. fcabinet%
  562. cabinet
  563. fcabinet.lib
  564. WinCIM!
  565. glossry.hl_
  566. glossry.hl_
  567. glossry.hlp!
  568. WinCIM!
  569. sound2.lib
  570. sound2.lib
  571. Support!
  572. wcimhlp.txt
  573. wincim
  574. go.exe
  575. wgtbx.dll
  576. fcfilman.dll
  577. fcutilty.dll(
  578. almanac.hlp
  579. almanac.hlp
  580. almanac.hl_
  581. almanac.hlp!
  582. WinCIM!
  583. wcimexe.txt
  584. wincim
  585. wincim.lib
  586. WinCIM!
  587. explore.lib
  588. explore.lib
  589. WinCIM!
  590. WinCIM
  591. explore.lib
  592. WinCIM!
  593. Signup
  594. winsign.lib
  595. Signup!
  596. sound1.lib
  597. Support!
  598. WinCIM
  599. support.lib
  600. *.*BL
  601. support.libb
  602. WinCIM!
  603. scripts.lib
  604. *.*BL
  605. scripts.txt
  606. scripts.lib
  607. WinCIM!
  608. *.*BL
  609. winsock.dlla
  610. winsock.dll(
  612. win.ini
  613. WinCIM Terminate HMI
  614. WinCIM ENS Notice
  615. WinCIM Forum Notice
  616. WinCIM Host Disconnect
  617. WinCIM Enter CB
  618. WinCIM Enter ENS
  619. WinCIM Enter Forum
  620. WinCIM Leave CB
  621. WinCIM Leave ENS
  622. WinCIM Leave Forum
  623. WinCIM Wait Message
  624. WinCIM Forum Messages
  625. wcformes.wav
  626. wcformes.wav
  627. WinCIM Get New Mail
  628. wcgetmai.wav
  629. wcgetmai.wav
  630. WinCIM Exit
  631. wcexit.wav
  632. wcexit.wav
  633. WinCIM Start
  634. wcstart.wav
  635. wcstart.wav
  636. WinCIM Inactive Talk
  637. wcinact.wav
  638. wcinact.wav
  639. WinCIM Invitation
  640. wcinvite.wav
  641. wcinvite.wav
  642. WinCIM Async Message
  643. wcasyn.wav
  644. wcasyn.wav
  645. WinCIM What's New
  646. wcwhtnew.wav
  647. wcwhtnew.wav
  648. WinCIM Forum Conf
  649. wcforcon.wav
  650. wcforcon.wav,
  651. WinCIM Forum Messages
  652. WinCIM Get New Mail
  653. WinCIM Exit
  654. WinCIM Start
  655. WinCIM Inactive Talk
  656. WinCIM Invitation
  657. WinCIM Async Message
  658. WinCIM What's New
  659. WinCIM Forum Conf
  660. wincim!
  661. almanac.hlp|
  662. almanac.hlp|
  663. WINSOCK.b8
  665. rename.wri
  666. sound1.lib
  667. wincim\wincim.ini
  668. General Preferencesa
  669. Play-SoundsR
  670. cis.ini
  671. wincim%
  672. wincim.ini
  673. Custom-Ribbona
  675. rtcsound.lib
  676. images.lib
  677. images.liba
  678. *.*Bo
  679. images.liba
  680. *.*Bo
  681. PATHR5
  682. winsock.dll
  685. rename.txt
  686. winsock.dll
  688. wincim\tx210.dll
  689. wincim\tx.dll
  690. wincim\wincim.exe
  691. %s.%3.3db
  692. 1996\05\06!
  693. 1995\11\28!
  694. 1995\10\03!
  695. 1995\04\04!
  696. 1995\08\16!
  697. 1995\08\02!
  698. 1995\09\05!
  699. 1995\09\08!
  700. 1995\09\11!
  701. 1995\09\15!
  702. 1995\11\10!
  703. winsock.dll
  704. winsock.dll
  705. winsock.dll
  706. csnav%
  707. winsock.dll
  708. winsock.dll
  709. wskours.txt
  710. wskactiv.txt
  711. Soundsb&
  712. Soundsb&
  713. airmos.ini
  714. Hotlistsa
  715. hotlists.lib
  716. Is Menu 0
  717. Hotlist 0%
  718. favorite.hot
  719. Hotlistsb
  720. Hotlistsb
  721. hotlists.libb
  722. Is Menu %dBo
  723. Hotlist %dBo
  724. Hotlistsb
  725. Hotlistsb
  726. filechg.txt
  727. filechg.txt,
  728. filechg.txt
  729. %s, %s, %sbd
  730. ===============================================
  731. csnav%
  732. fc210.dll
  733. wincim%
  734. fc210.dll
  735. csnav
  736. fc210.dlla    
  737. fc210.old
  738. fc210.dlla    
  739. fc210.dll
  740. application/x-gocserve%
  741. Viewersb
  742. gocserve.exe%
  743. Suffixesb
  744. TYPE%dB
  745. Viewersb
  746. Viewersb
  747. custom.dat
  748. 1995\07\20!
  749. custom.dat
  750. cserve.ini
  751. Loadera
  752. Activeb
  754. Custom-Ribbon
  755. BUTTON-ICON-10&
  757. BUTTON-ICON-10b
  759. iexplore.ini
  760. iexplore.ini%
  761. Viewersa
  762. application/x-internet-signupa
  763. iexplore.ini%
  764. Viewersa
  765. audio/x-pn-realaudioa
  766. iesetup.exe
  767. Setupa#
  768. Internet Explorer License Agreement!
  769. Setupa#
  770. Internet Explorer License Agreement!
  771. Setupa#
  772. Internet Explorer License Agreement!
  773. Stuff-Shella%
  774. Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.1 Setup!
  775. Setup had problems installing Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.1.A
  776. Stuff-Shella%
  777. Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.1 Setup!
  778. Setup will now continue the installation of CompuServe 2.5A
  779. Setup will now continue the installation of CompuServe 2.5A
  780. iexplore.ini&
  781. Viewersa
  782. application/x-internet-signupR
  783. isignup.exe %s!
  784. Severe
  785. Warning
  786. Please insure that both the source path and disk are correct.
  787. Drive Open
  788. Please close disk drive door.
  789. Please enter the correct disk.
  790. Pause
  791. Pausing installation, press OK to continue.
  792. Do you really want to quit?
  793. Cancel
  794. Installing CompuServe 2.5 
  795. Information
  796. CompuServe 2.5 Installation
  797. WINSOCK.DLL Already Loaded
  798. Associate events with sounds
  799. Install CompuServe Viewer sound support
  800. Install Signup
  801. Install downloaded menu grahics
  802. Setup has run out of memory
  803. Copying hotlists
  804. Use default ribbon bar
  805. Copying WINSOCK.DLL
  806. Upgrading CSNav Filing Cabinet DLL
  807. CompuServe 2.5 will be installed in the destination directory automatically.  
  808. If you want to use a different directory, click the Browse button.
  809. If you are already a CompuServe member you do not need to 
  810. copy the Signup files to your disk drive.  If you 
  811. would like to become a member, these files are required.
  812. WinCIM's sound support should only be used if you 
  813. are using a sound card.  Adding sound support is not recommended 
  814. if you are using the PC speaker.
  815. The target location must be different than the source.  Please specify a different location.
  816. Press OK to continue
  817. Copying GTB230.DLL
  818. Please insert CompuServe 2.5 Disk #1.
  819. Please insert CompuServe 2.5 Disk #2.
  820. Please insert CompuServe 2.5 Disk #3.
  821. Please insert CompuServe 2.5 Disk #4.
  822. Please insert CompuServe 2.5 Disk #%d.
  823. Please insert the CompuServe NetLauncher Install Disk 2.
  824. Unable to create 
  825. Please insert the CompuServe NetLauncher Install Disk 1.
  826. Help Files
  827. Could not create temporary file (WINSOCK.###).
  828. Copying Uninstall files
  829.  renamed to 
  830. Backing up win.ini
  831. Creating Program Group and Icons
  832. Signup
  833. Signup Information
  834. Do you want to sign up a new membership?
  835. Installation complete...
  836. Customer Support
  837. Backing up script files
  838. Decompressing 
  839. Logging files written from %s
  840. Are you sure you want to CANCEL installation ?
  841. Unable to copy or decompress file: 
  842. Unable to create specified path 
  843.  renamed to 
  844. Renaming %s to %s
  845. Unable to rename %s to %s
  846. Cancel request acknowledged...please wait.
  847. NetLauncher 2.0 Installation
  848. CompuServe Directory
  849. Membership Sign Up
  850. Read Me First
  851. WinCIM 2.0 Readme
  852. CompuServe 2.5 Readme
  853. Internet Glossary
  854. NetLauncher 2.0 Readme
  855. &Next >
  856. Cancel
  857. View Readme
  858. View License
  859. &Back <
  860. &Rename
  861. <&Back
  862. &More Info
  863. ,WinCIM Terminate HMI
  864. ,WinCIM ENS Notice
  865. ,WinCIM Forum Notice
  866. ,WinCIM Host Disconnect
  867. ,WinCIM Enter CB
  868. ,WinCIM Enter ENS
  869. ,WinCIM Enter Forum
  870. ,WinCIM Leave CB
  871. ,WinCIM Leave ENS
  872. ,WinCIM Leave Forum
  873. ,WinCIM Wait Message
  874. ,WinCIM Get New Mail
  875. ,WinCIM Exit
  876. ,WinCIM Start
  877. ,WinCIM Bulk Retrieve Completed
  878. ,WinCIM Inactive Talk
  879. ,WinCIM Group Invitation
  880. ,WinCIM Async Message
  881. ,WinCIM What's New
  882. ,WinCIM Conference in Progress
  883. ,WinCIM Forum Messages
  884. CompuServe 2.5 does not support Windows 3.0.
  885. Please try re-installing under Windows 3.1 or later.
  886. A previously installed version of WinCIM is currently active.
  887. Please close WinCIM and try again.
  888. Setup is unable to load CIDDLG.DLL component.  Check available memory and try again.
  889. This software is provided by CompuServe Incorporated 
  890. according to the terms and conditions provided in the 
  891. accompanying electronic documentation.
  892. The installation process will install CompuServe 2.5.
  893. If you would like more details, please select 
  894. 'View Readme' below.
  895. Setup cannot proceed because 
  896.  is currently loaded.  Please exit and restart Windows.  Be sure that your
  897.  WIN.INI file is not setup to load a WINSOCK.DLL file at startup.
  898. Not enough space on 
  899. .  Please press OK to try another target disk.
  900. Setup has found a previously installed version of WinCIM 2.0.1 in %s.  If 
  901. you proceed, Setup will uninstall this version.
  902. Press 'Back' to return to the directory selection dialog.
  903. Press 'OK' to proceed with the installation.
  904. Press 'Cancel' to abort the installation.
  905. A previously installed WINSOCK.DLL file has been 
  906. found.
  907. Press 'Rename' to rename the file
  908.         from 
  909.         to  
  910. Press 'Cancel' to stop the installation program 
  911. and manually rename the file.  Then restart the WinCIM 
  912. setup program to install WinCIM 2.0.1.
  913. Press 
  914. 'Back' to return to the previous dialog.
  915. Press 
  916. More Info' to get more information.
  917. Windows NT does not allow the CompuServe Dialer to 
  918. be used in place of its native Winsock support.
  919. CompuServe 2.5
  920. Setup will now install Internet Explorer 2.1
  921. edit(
  922. SETUPSTR862R
  923. Disk Space0
  924. temp.txt
  925. temp.txt
  926. In function '%s':
  927. Unable to create dialog.
  928. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
  929. Errorb
  930. _sdSIZEa
  931. %s-%ldb
  932. SdShowMsg!
  933. SdShowMsg/
  934. _sdRECTa
  935. _sdRECTa
  936. bottom2
  937. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  938. ResultA
  939. ComponentA
  940. szDirA
  941. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  942. szDirA
  943. ComponentA
  944. ResultA
  945. %ldBo
  946. wincim%
  947. wincim.exe
  948. Disk Space0
  949. temp.txt
  950. temp.txt
  951. SdLicense!
  952. ResultA
  953. ResultA
  954. _EWQ_
  955. _MRQ<
  956. 3.00.074