PC/CD Gamer UK 40
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201 lines
Bad Mojo Quick Walk-Thru
WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! - Do not use unless you are really
stuck, or if you don't care about how much you enjoy the game. Using this cheat sheet will
allow you to quickly solve all puzzles and complete the game, but you will miss out on the
major content of the story. Although some movie sequences are triggered automatically, most
are not. You must find these sequences if you want to view them. At the end of this
walk-thru, I have included a list of the video sequences you may miss, and their approximate
location. I suggest you find these to make your game more enjoyable. Read the on-line
boards for questions if you are stuck in just one place. On AOL, go "PC Games", chose
message boards, list categories, general, "Bad Mojo" (as of 3/30/96) or try the usenet
group comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure. Or, try reading some of the additional general
game hints I have included here first. Remember, I warned you!
More General Game hints
1. Just because it appears the roach can't climb an object, don't give up. Sometimes you
are not aligning him correctly.
2. Don't be afraid of things that should make you die. Sometimes they will. Sometimes they
won't. Save first and find out.
3. There are lots of hidden videos. Explore all areas thoroughly. Look especially for
flaming eye icons and step on them for special video clues.
4. Remember, however; most game clues are extremely inexact, including the instruction
clues. The map is the only truly useful item.
5. Don't waste time trying to challenge the water boundaries. There is only one time you
can actually cross, and you'll realize how when you get there.
6. Nearly all of the written data will not help you solve puzzles. It's only there to
dramatize the story. As for the data that is important, think of a bad thing to use for
a password.
7. Don't waste time unneccesarily, but if you think an object should be moveable, try from
several angles.
8. Play the game in a room with low light. Many objects and paths are difficult to perceive
if there is to much bright light in the background.
9. Don't buy the hint book. Why waste the money when others will help for free? Just post
a question and be patient, if you need only a little boost.
The Walk-thru starts here. Hide your eyes.
The Beginning - To the Basement, part 1
- Follow the pipe into the basement apartment.
- Find the stove leg in the northwest corner and go up.
- If you step on the flaming eye icon, you will view your first movie sequence. Pay
attention to the look of the icon. They appear throughout the game, and represent some of the many movie sequences where they do.
- Follow the path to the right, under the burner, and down the next stove leg
- Avoiding traps and the mouses mouth, go n -n -e to the spider
- You must kill the spider to get by. Run behind the ciggarette butt so it blocks the
spider and you. Then turn the cigarette so it faces the spider, being careful to
avoid the flame yourself. He will attack and be destroyed.
- Cross the decaying rat body, and enter the cockroach corral at the next screen
- Inside, cross the dead roaches to the safe green areas.
- For the last strip, you need to push the debris up to the last dead roach to form a
- Once outside, climb the table leg and take the first left juncture.
- Go all the way across, and then go up on the next table leg. You will be by the hammer.
- Crawl to the east along the top-most cord, being careful to stay on it. (important)
- When the vacuum starts, follow along the cord to the wall.
- Take a left off the cord and along the wall until you are caught by the vacuum draft.
- You will be thrown to the second part of the basement
The Basement - Part Two
- Find the fusebox at the top of the mop in the SW corner.
- The fuses spark when touched. Each spark produces 1 click on their respective Kw Hr
dials above. The pattern is simple, from right to left, xyz fuses-> (7)xyz.
- Enter the date (7)-6-58 to blow the fuse.
- Return to the floor and go west, to the one leg table by the newspapers.
- Climb the table, to the back of the radio
- Climb the silver capacitor to the top to activate a neccesary movie sequence.
- Once completed, climb to the top of the radio to the sleeping pills.
- From the back, push on the bottle to pop out a tablet.
- push the tablet of the corner of the radio and into the beer can.
- Return to the floor, and go south to the electric socket.
- Enter the socket by climbing on the cigar box to the corner by the socket
The Restroom
- Enter the hole atop the paper towel dispenser.
- Push the locking lever on the cog to release the paper towels.
- Travel down paper towels, and go to the west wall, then south.
- Find the live rat hole, but be careful.
- Climb the wall by the hole along the water shutoff valve.
- When you reach the sink, go up again(N) to the mirror.
- Find an open hole in the mirror, and enter.
- Once inside, find the razor disposal hole, and go in there.
- Climb down the plaster board to the beam below. Push the nut off the beam.
- Return to the rathole, and enter. The rat is now dead.
- Go to the back of the hole, and watch a new hole magically appear. Then enter.
- On the pipes, take the 1st W path, then 2nd E path, Then the South path.
- Exit the ventilator into the kitchen.
The Kitchen
- Go down the refrigerator. Then go W followed by SW to the SW corner.
- Find the clear area by the sponge mop head, and climb the mop.
- Once on the counter, make your way west to the stove, crossing the knife bridge.
- Go behind the pots to the middle, and then move towards the front of the stove.
- Push the bottle cap to make a bridge over your blocked path in front.
- Enter the open hole on the front of the stove.
- Find the pilot light cover inside the stove, and close it.
- Come back out of the hole, and immediately go down 1 screen, W 1 screen.
- Cross the oven handle.
- Go south, past the baby roach, around the bend of the syrup and then north.
- At the thinnest point between you and the baby roach, step into the syrup. The baby
roach will climb on your back.
- Return to the top of the stove, go across the cap, and immediately right.
- Circle around the far side of the stove and around back, and recross the knife bridge.
- Go West to find the sink with the fork, knife and spoon.
- Walk from the spoon handle to the knife handle end on the next screen.
- The spoon will fall into the disposal, and you may now enter the sink drain. Do so.
The Bar
- Go south to the alcohol permit, then east along the bar shelf.
- Using the candle bottle as a starting point but not counting it, climb to the top of
the following bottles in order: 1st bottle(Grenadine), 4th(Blue Caraco),7th(Brandy),
The Living Room
- Climb up(N) to the second tier of the desk.
- Find the fan to the east and step on the broken wire ends. You won't die.
- When the paper flies away, go to the desk's first tier, to the fax machine.
- Step on the start button, then the copy button.
- Crawl down the new copies to the suitcase on the floor.
- Find the TV remote and the cigarrette butt.
- Align the ciggarrette butt perpindicular to the front of the remote.
- Press the power button, see video, and then go south.
- Walk along pencil and mount the butterfly.
The Den
- Go west along the desk to the terrarium sitting on the pink towell.
- Crawl down the light cord of the terrarium to the switch.
- Go back to desktop, then go east. Find the dying, impaled roach on the bulletin board.
- Step on the flaming eye icon and watch the video clip.
- Go north and east until you find a poster with the title "Roach Reproduction".
- SAVE GAME TWICE using different names. If you screw up, the program marks your last
saved game so you can't win with it.
- Go North into grate to pipe junction. The timer is now running.
The Ending Sequence
- Go back to the bathroom. Use your cd jewelcase insert if not sure where.
- Go North and climb the Urinal.
- Find lit cigarette, and push off the side.
- Go back to the floor to where the cigarette fell and spin until the paper towels catch
- Go back to the drain and to the pipe junction.
- Return to the den via the pipe, and go to the end of the desk where the terrarium sat.
- In roughly the spot where the cord was, go down to the floor.
- Follow open path to roach locket.
- Step on the locket, and watch the closing scenes.
Missed Video Sequences - FI=Flaming Eye Icon Video
The Basement
- The Cigar Case Video
- The Newspaper Story Video
- FI - By the Rat trap
- FI - By the Window
The Bathroom
- FI - By the urinal on coin
- FI - Under stall, on handkerchief, by commode
The Kitchen
- FI - By the dying fish.
The Bar
- FI - Inside the Swordfish
- FI - On bar found across the bat.
- Brief video activations of most wall photos
The Living Room
- FI - On far point side of second tier shelf by the butterefly.
- Several videos inside suitcase on floor.
The Den
- Strange bulletin board animations
Finally, There are four ways to end, each one unique. You can discover those yourself.
P. S. There are some more videos, I just can't remember them now.