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Wireplay Quick Start Guide.
Beware, If you already have Wireplay installed on your PC, running this
software will overwrite your existing Wireplay software and any saved
You may wish to print this file before starting Wireplay.
All operations should now be carried out running under DOS. If you are in
Windows please shut down and restart in DOS mode. When running Wireplay
it is best to run in DOS mode and not a DOS box within Windows. (Most
games run under DOS).
If you have downloaded this software from the internet, you need to run
certain files to setup the Wireplay software correctly.
Alternatively if you received this software on a magazine cover disk, you
need to copy all the files to your hard disk first before continuing.
Now all you have to do is move these files to the area on your hard disk
where you want the Wireplay directory to be created. (e.g. at root level
C:\ or under another directory such as GAMES). Then type 'wp15h4.exe' in
the area in which you placed the files. This is a self-extracting utility
which will set up a Wireplay directory and create all the files needed
within it.
Starting & Setting Up Wireplay
Change directory to the WIREPLAY directory.
Type "WIREPLAY" from the WIREPLAY directory.
After a short animation you will be greeted with the "Who Are You?"
screen. Press the SETUP button.
At the top of the "Setup" screen there is a list of games. Select the
games that you have on your system by clicking on the game name and then
pressing the "ADD" button.
Check that the paths of the games you have selected are correct. If not,
alter the path but do not change the file and its parameters.
Select your modem from the modem type box. If your modem does not
appear, select the nearest type by the same manufacturer or use the
Generic Modem or Hayes Compatible modem type.
Select your coms port. This will normally be either 1 or 2. If your
mouse locks up when you later try to connect, select a different com
Choose your connection speed. We generally recommend 19200 although some
games require a specific speed.
If you require a dial-out or other prefix, you can added this in the
"Telephone Number Prefix" box.
Press "SAVE" to return to the "Who Are You?" screen.
Connecting to Wireplay
Type a Nickname that you wish to be known as in the first box.
Press "NEW USER" and then return.
Wait for the modem to connect.
You should now get the "Your Details" screen, please fill this form out
in full and then register.
You should now be connected to Wireplay and presented with the "Welcome
to Wireplay" screen. If not check your modem is on and that the setup is
Press the "CONTINUE" button.
For further information on using the Wireplay system, please use the help
function or read the relevant page on the Wireplay internet site at the
following url:
Alternatively you can call the Wireplay Helpdesk on 0345 577 577.
The following binary file has been uuencoded to ensure successful
transmission. Use UUDECODE to extract.